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从上次龟兔赛跑后,兔子就决定再次挑战乌龟 。







Children's Day celebrates childhood and promotes education and well-being for all children. It's a time for fun and laughter, but also raises awareness of challenges faced by many children. Let's cherish and protect their innocence and potential, and work towards a brighter future for them.








The earth is our common home.On the one hand,it is very important for us to protect the environment,On the other hand,all of us want to live in abetter place,So it is our duty to protect the environment.AS a junior high school student,we should do something.At first,we should nver throw rubbish,we must keep this rule,Second,we should buy things that can be used more than once.Third,we should recycle rubbish and make them into useful things.Finally,we should repair things and try to use the old thing as long as possible There're many things we can do.Let's work together to protect our common homeland--The EarthHow's everything going I am now in FuYang because my father found a job in Fuyang.We moved here last year.Now I am studying in No.9

S:Morning mom.

M:moruing dear.

M:Why don't you sit down and eat your breakfast?


M:Did you finish your homework dear?


M:Did you brush your teeth?

S:mom,I hen't finished eating breakfast yet.I'll brush my teeth when I'm down.

M:Sandy,What's wrong with you arm?


M:Come here.Let me see.Sandy,you he tattoos?

S:No!this is a picture I was draw.Look!Clean!not really tattoos.

M:Sandy,I'm sure it's not good for you.I've seen other agers walking around town with tattoos and prercings

all over their bodies.they are not good students.I can't believe you he same with them.

S:mom,it's so cool in our school.My peers say the tattoos is very beautiful,and I think it's art.

M:Tattoos is art?my god...Now,I don't he time to talk with you.I'm late,I've got to go.Tonight we must he

family meeting to discuss your mind,it's the biggest problem with you.

S:What's wrong with my mind?You don't understand me!

How's everything going I am now in FuYang because my father found a job in Fuyang.We moved here last year.Now I am studying in No.9


1. 关于篮球比赛的英语作文 我喜欢打篮球 我的课外生活,是那么的丰富多彩:读书、上网、听音乐、打篮球……可我喜欢的是打篮球。








对于我来说,打篮球不仅能锻炼身体,能磨炼坚强的意志,能明白合作的重要,更让我体会到许多道理。 篮球这项运动,她像是一盘深奥难解的棋局,高手之间的对弈,不仅仅是棋技上的比拼,而是意志和心理上的比拼。



我喜欢打篮球,因为打篮球不仅强壮身体,还让人从中明白人生道理,让人收益匪浅。 I like playing basketball My extra-curricular life, is so rich and varied: reading, Inter, listen to music, playing basketball…… may be my forite is playing basketball. Winter vacation day, and several students came to school on the playground playing basketball. We divided into o teams, each team starting five, with o bench. Game started, our team of the basketball center Chenheng Sen fought over, I grabbed the basketball, immediately dribble a midfielder. Wang Hao as a result of the cover to me, I speed up the pace, like a wild horse, like the Tuojiang Zhidao Huanglong, immediately attracted a pincer attack from the siege of three opponents. They leaping high, I tried to cover the ball. I Linweibuju, with the eyes of Yuguang glance around to see the all Wang Hao, then a pass behind, passed the ball a little space身处Wang Hao, after his catcher, jumped the sky and the ball went Into the basket. Into a ball, everyone cheered, the extra cash on hand to celebrate. We did not expect a rival Zhuizhe, immediately issued Jiewai Qiu, when we do not prepare and prevent a fast break. "Quick, quick-back!" I-back defense, then the shouting. We immediately back to defense, opponents he rushed to the basket. Suddenly, a surprise Wang Hao from behind Tiaoqi opponent, to give him the blocks. Said at the late, then fast, I grabbed the basketball, like Pegasus meteor into the market before. At this time our opponents formed a "three strikes and the" advantage, followed by a beautiful, "one or o" after a three-step layup Chenheng Sen, also caused a foul opponents. Stadium sounded on our cheers, we Xiangyong celebration, and opponents he Chuitousangqi…… ultimately, by virtue of our superb skill and team unity, cooperation, we made a score of 24:6 final victory. For me, playing basketball can not only exercise, to temper their strong will, can understand the importance of cooperation led me to understand many principles. Basketball of the campaign, she like an esoteric difficult the game, beeen the top matches, not just on the technical chess petition, but will and psychological petition. Who said that often the oute is not only the skills of higher-chao, but who will be any stronger. For example: NBA first round of the playoffs last year, the League regular season champion Dallas has been ranked eighth victory over the Warriors, the Warriors success of the "black eight miracle." Is the so-called Jiaobingbibai and Mericks in the case of o Lianshu not on the will of the defeated his opponent, swallow the failure of the fruit also e as no surprise. Dallas is the pride of their victims. I like playing basketball, playing basketball not only because of strong physically, but also people understand life from the truth, people gains a great de。

2. 一场篮球赛的英语作文100字




他们真正体现了“友谊第一,比赛第二”的体育精神。 There was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was beeen Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade 5. They are the best teams in our school. When the game started, both of them played actively. I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to another. It was really a wonderful game. At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, petition second"。

3. 英语作文 篮球比赛100字

basketball is a collective movement against it in personal technology, but its soul is the overall co-ordination and co-operation with individuals, each with an individual technical expertise in the overall co-ordination in order to be fully exploited. therefore, basketball and gymnastics other personal items is different, any individual advantages can only play and show it in a group with the operation of the order being made. in basketball, whether offensive or defensive embodies the importance of teamwork. important offensive needs five mutual cooperation, then the defense will be more able to reflect teamwork; conduct field five offensive players pass to each other cut, cover, coordinate, sudden grading, together, arranged according to the coach's tactics to plete an attack sex, whether it is five collective defense, or o or three people in the attack, closed, takeover, defense, and so the need for mutual cooperation up against beeen teammates. in addition, the basketball technical and tactical also around collective cooperation to achieve, exciting dunk accurate pass from teammate, selfless running without the ball for his teammates to create a breakthrough in space, precisely because of these mutual convergence of individual technologies that constitute the changing tactics on the pitch.。

4. 求关于学校篮球赛的英语作文``急``


The Basketball Game


The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium. By seven-thirty the seats were almost filled. The school band was there; they wore yellow and black uniforms. They started to play at about a quarter to eight. Everybody stood up, and the people sang. The game was about to start. Two teams ran out to the floor. The referee blew his whistle, and the game started. A basketball game is divided into o halves, and each half is divided into o quarters. There is a rest period beeen the halves. During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was tied. From then on, the game was very exciting. First one team made a basket, then the other. The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to win. The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the basket. The whistle blew and the game was over. Home team won, 70 to 68.


There was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was beeen Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade 5. They are the best teams in our school. When the game started, both of them played actively. I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to another. It was really a wonderful game. At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, petition second".

5. 写一篇关于篮球赛的英语作文


as one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among agers.why is basketall so weling?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super weekend.they transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall,give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with it.secondly ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both phisicaly can mentally. nowadays ,almost all the agers are under great pressure ,from schooling ,our parents ,the sociaty ,you name it .under this condition ,the basketall serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time .just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry again.so that's one of the charming of the basketall

6. 用英语写一篇篮球比赛(40词)

Thers was a basketball match held on the playground yesterday. There were o teams, red team and blue team. Although the red was weaker than the blue team, but i still like it because the members in red team were always struggling for the match, they never give up! I he learnt that we need always try our best no matter in match or daily life.。

7. 用英语来介绍一场篮球赛

The Basketball Game


The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium. By seven-thirty the seats were almost filled. The school band was there; they wore yellow and black uniforms. They started to play at about a quarter to eight. Everybody stood up, and the people sang. The game was about to start. Two teams ran out to the floor. The referee blew his whistle, and the game started. A basketball game is divided into o halves, and each half is divided into o quarters. There is a rest period beeen the halves. During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was tied. From then on, the game was very exciting. First one team made a basket, then the other. The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to win. The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the basket. The whistle blew and the game was over. Home team won, 70 to 68.

8. 跪求一篇关于篮球比赛通知的英语作文

Dear Students:We will he a basketball season from the next Monday, which is 1st April to 1st May, the duration is about 1 month. Everyone could be involved to join to this game, just submit your personal details or your team details to the reception, they will register you or your team to this game. Its a 3v3 game, so you maxxium team numbers is 4, and we provide professor. The first round is at 4pm on 1st April. Hope all you guys will enjoy it.The High School Head Office亲爱学生:我们将一个篮球赛季从下星期一,——1四月1可能,为期大约1个月。



高中总公司 还有一篇:Dear students I'm ZhangMing,the couch of school's basketball team. we will he a fiendship basketball basketball matches.And it will be hosted on basketball court on September,16th.Please arrive at there in 1:30pm. Players are of WuZhong school and our school.Everyone should arrive in time and take on your sneakers.If angone he quetions,please contact with me before Thursday. ZhangMing望采纳。

9. 用英语写一段关于体育比赛

激烈、艰苦的比赛 tough game

他们状态很好。They are in good form/shape.

他个人技术很好。He has good individual skill.

他们配合默契。They he good teamwork..

他们防守很严密。They've got a good defence.

他们的表现时好时坏。Their performance is mixed.

两队的实力相太悬殊。There's a great disparity in strength beeen the o teams.

裁判偏袒客队。The referee is partial to the guest team../ The referee is biasing for the guest team.

比赛的结果是三平/零比零/五比零。The score of the game is three all / love all / five nil.

公平竞赛 fair play

不服输的精神 “never-give-up” spirit

体育精神 sport anship

发扬奥林匹克精神,创造优良运动成绩 carry forward the Olympic spirit and strive for the best

冲出,走向世界 Top Asia, challenge the world.

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