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海龟乐队日光歌词 海龟乐队什么风格


因少家滴浅意-★- 雨后的屋檐象哭过般伤感 湿透的翅膀飞不上蓝天 好模糊的退路指向了天边 每一个脚印随海潮而淡 谁的掌纹绕在心间 冻结了我的视线 镜子背面 正对的脸 不能只讲 你好再见 无人的晚餐多么孤单 仍不想挂断你的声线 山的后面 阴霾的天 不能牵手 不说抱歉 街灯已断电多么难堪 黑暗很连绵泪水都要被风干 微弱的光线像孤独的琴弦 冰冷的双手抓不住永远 好坚决的瞬间定格了画面 每一步退路被彼此封断 我的身体是条航线 没有灯塔没有航班 不想困倦 不愿黯淡 就算成全 我的心愿 这夜的沙滩再走一遍 丢失了从前才知道珍惜明天

海龟乐队日光歌词 海龟乐队什么风格海龟乐队日光歌词 海龟乐队什么风格

海龟先生《Young People》歌词

Lyrics/Music Mack Gordon/Harry Warren

We're not little babies anymore, No!

We don't play with dollies on the floor, Nah!

We know how to act our age

We he passed the infant stage

That's why we are in a rage

We're not little babies anymore, More

Temple Shirley

We think children are an awful bore, Bore

You don't realize the fact that we are growing up

And we're not little babies anymore

We're young people, we are young people

Ready to he our fling

We're not old, yet, we're just in-between

We're nine and we're ten, well, that's almost six

We're young ladies and we're their boyfriends

And love is a wonderful thing

Please don't call me sonny, it makes me blush

The days of bibs and teddy bears and kiddie cars are gone

For time ta-ta-ta-ta marches on

Life's a stage and we are in the show

We know ev'rything there is to know.

When we're in the parlor and the lights are low

Don't bribe us with a nickel, we'll refuse to go

Sisters, better tell your romantic gents

We he a minimum number charge of fifty cents

We hate to hear a fairy tale before we go to bed

We'd rather he you telling us what Walter Winchell said

We know our table manners, when to use a knife and fork

And we know that the Stork is a nightclub in New York

现在摆渡越来越三八了 居然让我到了这里


The Turtles - Elenore

Verse 1:

You got a thing about you

I just can't live without you

I really want you, Elenore, near me

Your looks intoxicate me

Even though your folks hate me

There's no one like you, Elenore, really


Elenore, gee I think you're swell

And you really do me well

You're my pride and joy, et cetera

Elenore, can I take the time

To ask you to speak your mind

Tell me that you love me better

Verse 2:

I really think you're groovy

Let's go out to a movie

What do you say, now, Elenore, can we?

They'll turn the lights way down low

Maybe we won't watch the show

I think I love you, Elenore, love me

repeat chorus

Elenore, gee I think you're swell ah-hah [2X]


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