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flexible hours是什么意思 flexible什么意思英语


flexible hours是什么意思 flexible什么意思英语flexible hours是什么意思 flexible什么意思英语







就是用able,able to do sth



Dialogue one

Can I ask you a question?

Sure, what is it?

Do you believe in God?

Yes, I do, but I don't go to church any more.

Why not?

I was raised catholic. But around the time I got confirmed I realized that I didn't believe there was a hell. or the pulpit could make decisions for Catholics.

So what religions do you follow now?

I guess I am not really religious anymore because I don't follow one particular faith. But I am spiritual, I believe a life after death. How about you?

I don't believe in God. I think that once we die, that's the end.

Why don't you believe in God?

I was raised Jewish, but I never really understood. I didn't see the point of going to a synagogue, and preying to God in a language that I did not understand.

Did you study Hebrew then?

Yes, everyone in my family speaks Hebrew. It's part of who we are.

So would you call yourself a heathenist?

Yes, but not in front of my parents. They would never forgive me for it.

I think that fewer people of our age are religiously as devout as our parents are.

I agree. I just tend to agree with scientific explanation, rather than theological ones. I need proof in order to understand things.

Dialogue two

Did you hear about the documentary that's going to be on TV this weekend?

Which one is that?

It's a documentary about Jesus' tomb. Apparently they found the tomb and his bones.

But I thought Jesus was resurrected after death.

That's what Christians' belief. They are quite upset about this documentary. They think that the discovery channel is plain to make them foolish.

When did they find his tomb?

Apprently they found it in 1980, so it's fairly reason.

That sounds like quite a scandal.

We should watch it. Did you know that other religions like Islam and Judai *** mentioned Jesus in their faith?

Really? So they are all connected.

Yes, they just don't think it's as powerful and important as Christian's belief.

That's fascinating.

Most religions have similar ideas. Many of them are mon sense. That's why I believe in God but not in one religion.

I've never thought about it like that before.

Nothing could shake my faith in God.

We are very different people, aren't we?

I've been an atheist over my *** life.

:Further Study

Dialogue 1

C: Are you looking for a course?

J: Yes, but I am not sure which one to sign up for?

C: What kind of programme are you looking for? Full-time or part-time?

J:I have to work during the day, so I want to find a part-time course that I can do in the evenings.

C: What kind of course are you looking for?

J: I need to improve my English.

C: Do you want a one-to-one private tutor or a group class.

J: I think a one-to-one course will be too expensive for me, so a group class would be fine.

C: Have you ever considered taking one of our online courses?

J: I think I perfer face to face instruction better.

C: That's fine. If you want, you can sign up for a pre-sessional interview.

J: What's that for?

C: One of our qualified teachers will interview you so that they can find a class that suits you best.

J; Do you have a brochure about the course that I can take home to read?

C: Sure. Here is a brochure about our English classes that meet in the evenings.

J: Thanks, I will read through it tonight and get back to you tomorrow to sign up for a course.

Dialogue 2

J: Do many *** s take part in *** education programs in your country?

C: Millions of Americans do every year.

J: When do they working *** s find time to take classes?

C: They attend classes gesigned especially for working people on weekends or at night.

J: What do most of those students study?

C: Some *** s are pleting high school, college or graduate work.

J: What about the majority of the *** students in your country?

C:Most of them are trying to learn new job skills or simply exploring new interests.

J: What kind of interests?

C: Many of the studens attend classes in the arts.

J:If you take a class at the munity college, can you get a certificate at the end to prove that you've done it?

C:Nearly all of the classes will provide you with a participation certificate, but there are some classes taht will also give you a

professional certificate.

J: What kind of classes are those?

C: Most language classes will give you a certificate based on your proficiency in the language. You can also get certificates for things

like fist aid training.

J: Have you ever taken a class for further study ?

C: I usually take a few classes a year.

J: What kind of classes do you take?

C: I usually just attend language and dance classes so that I can have fun.

:Ideal Job

Dialogue one

Abby: Hi, my name is Abby, What is your name?

Colin: I'm Colin. It's nice to meet you. What do you do?

A: I am a freelance English teacher. How about you?

C: I am in between jobs at the moment.

A: What kind of job are you looking for?

C: I'd like to find a job with flexible hours in the IT field.

A: Have you ever thought about being a freelance IT consultant?

C: No, Is it difficult to find such a job?

A: Not if you are good at net-working. Do you like to meet new people?

C:Yes, I am pretty out-going and friendly.

A: Do you have experience in the IT field?

C:I have some. I worked in the IT department at a language school for four years in Spain.

A: Do you sepeak Spanish?

C: Yes, but not fluently.

A: That's OK, Have you sent your CVCurriculum Vitae out to anyone yet?

C:I have sent my CV to dozens of panies but nobody has got back to me.

A: Did you write a clear objective in your resume?

C: No, because I didn't know what I wanted to do.

A: i think you need to update your CV. Bring it over to my office tomorrow and I will help you with it.

C:Thanks, I will. See you tomorrow then!

Dialogue two

C: I have good news!

A: What is that?

C: I have an interview with an IT pany on Wednesday!

A: That's fantastic! have you prepared for the interview?

C: Not really! I have just looked over my CV a few times.

A: Let's practice a few questions.

C: Ok, Ask away!

A: What kind of applicant do you think we are looking for at our pany?

C:The successful applicant must be hardworking, responsible, and honest.

A: Good. What makes you think you would be a success in this position?

C: I would do well in this position because I have four years of experience working in this field, I am good at what I do, and I am easy to work with.

A: Ok, What are your salary expectations?

C: Oh, I haven't thought about that before. I guess I should. Well, to be honest, I don't mind if I start with a low salary because I am rather desperate for work right now!

A; that might not be the best thing to say to an interviewer. You should not ask for too much or too little.

C:but I have no idea how much freelance IT consultants earn!

A: That is something you should research before you go to the interview.








每当举例说我的朋友,不要忘记带上朋友的名字;每当谈到做运动,不要忘记加上运动的时间和时长,这就是数字和时间的体现,多么的detailed, 不是吗?总之谨记,我们的扩展原则是:As specific as possible! 越具体越棒!


一谈到举例,我们脑中便会冒出for example, for instance等字样,没错!这就是秘籍中的传统举例法,既可以举身边人的例子,也可以谈名人的故事,所谓事实胜于雄辩,就是这个道理;但除此之外,不要忘记,还有一种厉害的招式,那就是列举,一旦答案中谈到many这个词,后面一定要紧跟such as/like,并列举具体项目,使答案充分扩展,例如谈到周末可以做哪些活动,我们可以说We have many ways to relax on weekends, such as reading books, seeing movies or doing sports, like basketball, badminton and so on.

让我们用今年8月26日Task 1的考试真题作为范例,来见识以下第一式和第二式的厉害吧!

例题:University students encounter many difficult challenges in their study. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you deal with it? (2017.8.26)

高分范文:Well, when I was 具体时间 in my second year of university, my algebra 代数 teacher 人名 Lisa was so boring that every time I was having her class, I would fall asleep. Since I lost my interest,I couldn't do well in it. Definitely that's the hardship I’ve ever met. To solve this problem, I came to my ladybro 闺蜜人名 Jessie for help. She helped me cope with the problems in a much easier and more efficient way.举例 For example,when I came across a confusing calculus 微积分 problem,she would teach me how to solve it in a smart way and nailed everything down within 具体时间和数字 10 minutes which (必备从句) saved me a lot of time. Later on, I made some progress and achieved higher marks in algebra exams. Finally, I regained confidence in it. That’s how I dealt with this problem. (总结部分不是必须的,有时间说,没时间可以不说)





例题:Which of the following three do you think is the most important for a great working environment?

1)Friendly co-workers

2)Flexible hours

3)A helpful boss

高分范文:Personally, I'd like to say that friendly co-workers are the most important factor for the working environment. Firstly, nice colleagues will help a lot to improve work efficiency. For instance, when my cousin Bob first came to his company Microsoft, he even didn’t know how to use the printer there. Fortunately, his colleague Jasmine helped him out in no time. 有无对比By contrast, if some of the co-workers are not so easy-going, we may feel really embarrassed and have less motivation to work. Besides, good relationship between colleagues will give us a good mood. We can hang out to go shopping or have coffee,chat for fun like gossiping about the movie stars,such as Tom Cruise and so on. In a word, friendly co-workers play a very important role in our career.

flexible adj. 灵活的;易弯曲的;柔韧的;易被说服的 例句: 1.The working hours here are flexible. 这里的工作时间很灵活。 2.I am converted to flexible work. 我现在转变为弹性工作。 3.Flexible displays are so 2013. 可弯曲式显示屏是2013





A piece of rubber hose is flexible.


2. 柔顺的,温顺的

3. 可变通的;灵活的;易适应的

We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.


flexible conduit挠性管双语对照词典结果:flexible conduit[英][?fleks?bl ?k?ndit][美][?fl?ks?b?l ?kɑndu?t]软管; 软性导线管; 挠性导管; 蛇皮管; .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


1 Regular hours 正常工作时间

2 Flexible hours弹性工作时间

3 Freelance n.自由职业

4 Tele working n.电子办公

5 Job-share vi./n.分担工作(制)

6 Job-sharing n.分担工作

7 Shift work 轮班工作

8 Part-time n.兼职

9 Temping n.临时工

10 Consultancy n.咨询公司

11 Specialist advice n.专业咨询

12 Flextime n.弹性工作时间

13 Hotdesking n.办公桌轮用

14 Office gossip n.办公室小道消息

15 Office news n.办公室新闻

16 Credit n.赞扬,功劳

17 Managing director 总裁

18 Brainpower n.智能

19 Worst-case adj.做最坏的打算

20 Scenario n.事态

21 Full-time adj.全日制的

22 Delegate vt.分派工作,授权

23 Availability n.利用可能性

24 Job-sharer n.与人分担工作的人

25 Parental leave adj.父母假,育儿假

26 Distraction n.让人分心的事

27 Contact n.人脉

28 Case-load n.工作量

29 Daily log 日志

30 Voice mail 语音信箱(邮件)

31 Self-organization n.自我组织能力

32 Disruptive n.造成混乱的

1.2 Making Contacts

Trade fair event 商品交易会

34 Coffee break 工间咖啡休息时间

35 Drinks evening 晚间酒会

36 Coaching event 专项体验训练活动

37 Network vt/vi. 建立关系网络

38 Networking n.建立人际网,关系网

39 Maximize vt.最大限度的使用,发挥

40 Socializing n.参与社交交际

41 Corporate world 商界

42 Useful contacts 有用的人际关系

43 Co-chair联合总裁

44 Networking event 牵线搭桥的联谊活动

45 Locals n.当地人

46 Be spread out 分散在各地

47 Internal communication 内部交流

48 Post-it note 便条

49 Temp n.临时工

50 Local newspaper 当地报纸


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