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feeling什么中文意思 feeling的中文意思是什么


feeling什么中文意思 feeling的中文意思是什么feeling什么中文意思 feeling的中文意思是什么

1、feeling的汉语意思英 [fi:l]美 [fil]第三人称复数:feelings基本解释名词 感情; 感觉,知觉,情绪; 气氛形容词 富有感情的,有感觉的; 有同情心的,仁慈的动词 感觉; 认为(feel的现在分词)相关例句名词1. It is my feeling that things are not so simple.我感觉事情并不那么简单。

2、2. I have a feeling that we are being followed.我觉得有人跟踪我们。

3、3. He played the piano with feeling.他弹钢琴时充满激情。

4、4. I have a feeling he'll come.我觉得他要来了。

5、feeling的词典解释1. 感情;情绪A feeling is an emotion, such as anger or happiness.e.g. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction...这给了我一种满足感。

6、e.g. Strong feelings of pride welled up in me...我心中涌起强烈的`自豪感。

7、2. 看法;感受;态度Your feelings about something are the things that you think and feel about it, or your attitude towards it.e.g. She has strong feelings about the alleged growth in violence against female officers...据称针对女警的暴力事件有所增加,她对此十分愤慨。

8、e.g. I have also begun to reassess my own feelings about being a woman...我也开始重新审视自己对身为女性的感受。

9、3. (可能造成困扰、伤害或难堪的)感情When you refer to someone's feelings, you are talking about the things that might embarrass, offend, or upset them. For example, if you hurt someone's feelings, you upset them by something that you say or do.e.g. He was afraid of hurting my feelings...他怕伤了我的心。

10、e.g. He has no respect, no regard for anyone's feelings...他不尊重,也不顾及别人的感受。

11、feeling的情景对话看病A:Are you feeling okay?你不舒服吗?B:I’m not feeling well.我觉得身体有点不对劲。

12、A:What are your symptoms?是什么症状?B:I feel like throwing up.我想吐。

13、A:Did you eat something unusual?吃了什么不对劲的东西没有?B:No.没有A:Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?B:No.没有A:Let me check your temperature.量一下体温吧。


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