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题目:The basketball player I like best The basketball player I like best is Yi Jianlian. Yi played power forward for the Guangdong Southern Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) in 2002 and subsequently won the Rookie of the Year Award. In his five-year career with the Tigers, he won three CBA titles, as well as playing with the Chinese national basketball team in the 2004 Summer Olympics and the 2006 FIBA World Championships. In the 2007 NBA Draft, he was selected by the Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association as the 6th overall pick. Yi refused to sign with the Bucks for several months before agreeing to a contract with them on August 29, 2007. Although there are so many great players in Chinese national basketball team, I like Yi better.

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2009年艺考各艺术院校播音主持专业考试内容 吉林艺术学院本科 播音主持初试:朗诵(自备散文)、形体(集体、根据主考要求进行)复试:即兴播音、即兴评述录取方式:按文化课成绩投档后,以文化课与专业课成绩按5:5的比例核算后的总分择优录取。录取时,外语单科成绩需达到学院规定的录取线。北华大学本科 播音与主持艺术考试内容:I、面试:考察考生的仪表、体态、言谈举止。2、朗读:指定稿件(现场抽题);自备文学作品(诗歌、片断、散文等任选一项,限3分钟以内)。3、即兴主持:依据指定材料,可做适当的改编,设计成广播、电视小栏目,用口语主持播出(限3分钟以内),4、才艺表演:展示个人才华,自备设施、材料(限5分钟以内)。录取原则:报考艺术类专业的考生,必须取得我校艺术专业考试合格证。录取时艺术考试成绩和文化课成绩兼顾。英语成绩须达到一定标准。东北师范大学本科 播音与节目主持考试内容:现场提供参考文稿,准备10分钟串联词,主持2分钟指定的电视栏目;现场提供播音文稿,准备10分钟,测试播音基本能力。录取办法:按文化课成绩由高到低录取,文化课须达到本省普通本科控制线。吉林大学本科40 全国 播音与节目主持考试现场将全程录像初试:1、面测身体自然条件;2、朗读指定稿件(现场抽题)和自备文学作品(诗歌、散文、片断、寓言等任选一项,限3分钟以内)。复试:1、演唱歌曲一首(清唱);2、主持小栏目(依据指定材料,可做适当的改编,设计成广播、电视小栏目,用口语主持播出,限3分钟以内),3、即兴评述(当场抽题,准备5分钟,不得写成提纲或文稿,评述限3分钟以内)。录取办法:专业考试合格且第一志愿报考我校,高考文化课成绩须达到我校及户口所在省(自治区、直辖市)规定的分数线,按专业考试成绩从高分到低分择优录取;专业考试总排名前10名者,高考文化课成绩可放宽到我校规定的分数线下20分且不低于户口所在省(自治区、直辖市)规定的分数线录取;吉林艺术学院动画学院本科 播音主持考试科目:播音与朗诵录取方法:按文化课排名录取。延边大学本科10(全国)播音主持(限朝鲜族)考试内容:初试:表演素质测试(即兴表演)、诗、散文朗诵、形体表演(舞蹈)、演唱复试:命题小品考试、诗、、散文朗诵、形体组合表演、口试录取方法:在进人投档分数线的考生中按专业加试成绩排序,择优录取。传媒大学南广学院本科 播音主持初试内容:1、朗读指定稿件;2、朗诵自备文学作品(诗歌、散文、片段、寓言等任选一项,限2一3分钟)复试内容:面试录像:1,朗读自备文学作品;2、主持小栏目(依据指定材料,可作适当改编,设计成广播电视小栏目,用口语主持播出,限3分钟以内),3、即兴评述(当场抽题,准备5分钟,不得写成提纲或文稿,评述限3分钟以内);4、回答主考提问录取原则:在考生思想品德考核和体检合格、高考总成绩(文科考生含数学成绩)达到学院确定的录取分数线的情况下,一般按专业考试成绩从高分到低分择优录取。南京师范大学本科 播音与主持艺术方向初试内容:1,测试身体自然条件;2、朗读自备稿件(体裁不限,限时2分钟);3、回答主考老师提问复试内容:1、朗读指定稿件;2、话题评述(当场随机抽题,准备3分钟后评述,限四分钟内完成。评述不得写成提纲。);3、在下列两种考试形式中任选一种:(1)表演舞蹈、小品、曲艺、声乐等(不含器乐,伴奏带自备)(2)朗诵自备文学作品(诗歌、散文、童话、寓言、片段等任选一种。限时2-3分钟)复试分值:总分300分,其中1项、2项、3项满分各100分。录取原则:将其高考文化总分与专业考试总分相加成综合分(数学分100%计人综合分),按综合分从高到低的顺序,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取南京艺术学院本科40 全国 播音与主持一试:1、朗诵自备文学作品(诗歌、散文、片段、寓言等任选一项,限3分钟);2、回答主考提问二试:1、看图说话(依据指定材料,可适当改编,限3分钟);2、指定稿件朗读3、才艺展示(非语言类)三试:1、自我介绍(限一分钟);2、主持小栏目(依据指定材料,可适当改编,设计成广播电视栏目,用口语主持,限3分钟);3、稿朗读本科(高职)20 播音与主持考试科目:1、普通话语音;2、语言表达南昌大学本科40(全国)播音主持考试内容:自备朗诵、自我介绍;即兴


Time To Say Goodbye

We talked all night about the rest of our lives

Where we're gonna be when we turn 25

I keep thinking times will never change

Keep on thinking things will always be the same

But when we lee this year we won't be coming back

No more hanging out cause we're on a different track

And if you got something that you need to say

You better say it right now cause you don't he another day

Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down

These memories are playing like a film without sound

And I keep thinking of that night in June

I didn't know much of love

But it came too soon

And there was me and you

And then we got real cool

Stay at home talking on the telephone with me

We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared

Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair

And this is how it feels

As we go on

We remember

All the times we

Had together

And as our lives change

Come whatever

We will still be

Friends Forever

If we get the big jobs

And we make the big money

When we look back now

Will our jokes still be funny?

Will we still remember everything we learned in school?

Still be trying to break every single rule

Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?

Can we ever find a job that won't interfere with a tan?

I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye

Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

And this is how it feels

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?

Can we survive it out there?

Can we make it somehow?

I guess I thought that this would never end

And suddenly it's like we're women and men

Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?

Will these memories fade when I lee this town

I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye

Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

极力这首诗,尽管很长,但是韵脚完美,而且巨真实~! =]

When I was young, I’m looking forward to going to the college. College is the heen. College can make our life different. This consideration goes with my most hard time when I prepared for the entrance exam. In those times, I worked very hard day and day, and it makes me who had been a people with no exercise much fatter and fatter which finally causes my inferiority in getting along with my clasates.

Frankly speaking, I he always cherished my college life. When I was a freshman, I was an active student that would always take part in all kinds of league activities. As some people he said, there are two things the most important in the college, one is study, and the other is company. Yes, some things I still feel hard to talk about are my company with other people. Maybe it is the appearance reason that although I spared no effort on the company, I feel passive in getting along with my clasates. I was rather confused by it. So I began to take care of the philosophy, especially the Chinese traditional philosophy, such as si shu wu jing. I read in the library, I listened to the teacher in elective course, and then I got strength and courage to face my life.

I don’t tell many stories about my college life as I think the most important thing in your college life is the consideration of your life. The most perfect thing I think is the fact that I can change myself.

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