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英语作文try ro be honest



It is always good for you to be honest and kind. When you are friendly to others, they are friendly to you too. If you like to help others, they will lend a hand to you when you are in need. Honesty and kindness bring good to other and to yourself too.


急!!!求高手帮忙!以Honesty is the policy为题写一篇英语作文,字数150,高中水平就可以了!

One biggest issue China faces is the lost of trusty. We should make it clear, honesty is the policy. Everyone should respect each others' credibility. There are couple reasons why honesty makes the society better as a whole. First overall, in business circumstance, being honest just makes everything very easy. People don't he to fake in front of each other and just make trading very efficient. Also, in school, if all students can be honest, there will be no cheating and everyone get credit for what they've done. It is more fair for everyone.

主要讲,在失信在是一个很大的问题.很诚实的做人好处两点,一,在商场,诚实面对对方,这样交易就不会那么假,交易很.第二点,在学校,很诚实让大家知道自己做事可以拿到应有的奖赏.这样大家都公平. 大概这样...有什么其他的可以追问继续问.

一篇通用的关于honesty英语作文带翻译 通用的!


..how are you nice to meet you to do fast as my Tuesday buddies.Wayne, me, how do I need to say?

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