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bill中文 bill中文意思人名


bill中文 bill中文意思人名bill中文 bill中文意思人名

1、The mp moved an amendment to the bill .那位下院议员动员修订该法案。

2、I asked your father to put his name to a bill .我要求你父亲作了保。

3、His bill should have been forty-five dollars .他的帐应是四十五美元。

4、I paid my bill and have several pounds over ..我付了账还剩了好几镑。

5、The bill was read without a division .该法案未经分组表决即进行宣读。

6、I paid the bill and have three pounds over .我付完帐,还剩下三英镑。

7、The bill was drawn on an american bank .票据是一家美国银行支付的。

8、I was just having lunch when bill rang .比尔来电话时我正在吃午饭。

9、Bill finally rolled up o hours late .比尔终于来了,迟到了两个小时。

10、The bill passed with one dissentient vote .议案以一票反对被通过。

11、Bill laid down the egg he was peepng .比尔放下手里正在剥的鸡蛋。

12、Please settle your bill before leaving the hotel .离开旅馆前请先结帐。

13、For the love of god , not another bill !看在上帝的份上,别再来账单了。

14、You are supposed to pay the bill by friday .你最晚在星期五结清这笔帐。


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