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ought怎么读 英语thought怎么读

The technology , which is developed on the basis of perfora ting techniques for oil wells and cement injection techniques , can not shoot thr ough the frozen pipe wall at predetermined ground location using energy - gatheri ng - blasting techniques , but also consolidate shaft wall rock by cement injectio n and filling along the frozen pipe and perforated hole s trajectories , achievi ng leakageproof of shaft walls and reducing vertically - added force 它利用聚能射孔爆破技术,在预定地层位置将冻结管射穿,同时在地面利用冻结管及射孔弹道对特定地层进行注浆充填加固,既可实现井壁堵漏,又能减少由于地层沉降对井壁的垂直附加力。 他极想读琼瑶的小说。 275.look up 看望,拜访;好转,改善(熟义:向上看,查阅) Look me up next time you are in Beiing. 下次到北京时,来看我。 276.look up to 尊敬(勿望文生义) S... ...是什么意思_ ought的 中文解释和发音_ought 的


ought to do sth应该;应该做某事 ought to know better应该懂 些 英语例句库 1.I don't know to whom Ioughtto address the request. 不知道该向谁提出此项请求。 2.Ioughtto... ought regularly 怎么读


下面围绕“oughtregularly怎么读”主题解决网友的困惑 how can we keep healthy英语作文5话小学? As we all know ,It's important that we ought to keep healthy .We should take... ought的 用法_是什么意思_ 怎么读

_例句 _考研英语词汇资讯-...

词汇是学习英语的基石,考研词汇大纲来来去去,基本都是那5500个。新东方在线考研特别整理各个单词的用法、例句以及怎么读?方便同学们快速掌握! ought的解释 conj... oUGht roUGh 各是甚麽意思 怎么读


oughttoworkharder!。rough(r^f)粗糙的,粗略的,大致的。Roughtheminwithapencil。 查看全部 赞(4) 回复 采纳答案 没有帮助,搜视频看看>>UG10.0中文版零基础入...

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