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小学英语怎么说 第八小学英语怎么说


小学英语怎么说 第八小学英语怎么说小学英语怎么说 第八小学英语怎么说


2、下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!primary schoolprimary school的英语例句1. Mrs Steele was head of Didcot's C of E primary school.斯蒂尔夫人曾是英国迪德科特圣公会小学的校长。

3、2. She jumped the fourth grade in primary school.她跳过了小学四年级.3. Although his formal education stopped after primary school, he was an avid reader.尽管小学毕业后就再没有受过正规的教育,他却十分爱读书。

4、4. Tests were carried out by teachers on the entire cohort of eight to nine year-olds in their third year at primary school.测试是由老师在小学三年级所有八岁到九岁的学生中进行的。

5、5. How long have you studied in primary school?你们在小学学习多长时间?6. Children enter primary school at the age of 7.孩子们7岁进小学.7. I started primary school when I was 5 years old.我五岁时开始读小学.8. Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids.小学教师使用大量的视觉教具.9. Attendance at primary school is obligatory.上小学是义务的.10. We were class - mates at primary school.我们在小学是同班同学.11. She finished primary school in 1972.她一九七二年 小学 毕业.12. Now she still remembers clearly the summer of 1937 when she finished primary school.在此之前,她曾在天津度过了学生时代.13. The year I was to graduate from primary school, Mama sent me to the pawnshop again.当我要在小学毕业那年, 妈又叫我去当当了.14. Sure. We are friends since primary school.当然, 我们从小学就是朋友了.15. Our and primary school, most the evaluation system of core is achievement.我们的中小学, 最核心的评价体系就是成绩.primary schools的双语例句1. Truanting is a *** all but growing problem in primary schools.逃学是小学里一个虽小却日趋严重的问题。

6、2. Intake in state primary schools is down by 10 %.公立小学入学人数下降了10%.3. A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in primary schools with a typical spread of ability.因为学生的能力通常差异很大,基于话题的教学方法在小学里评估起来可能很难。

7、4. What school do you go to after leaving primary schools?小学毕业后,你们去什么学校?5. The rate of graduates of primary schools entering junior middle schools is 92.62 percent.升入初中的为92.62%.6. In 1995 alone , 2,504 primary schools and 587 clinics were built in these areas.仅1995年, 贫困地区就新建小学2504所、卫生院587所.7. Then, would you consider teaching pupils at primary schools?那么, 你能不能考虑教小学生 呢 ?8. English in primary schools, the vocabulary of memory is an important content.在小学英语里, 词汇的记忆是重要的内容.9. So far, two aided primary schools have joined the DSS.迄今, 有两所资助小学获准加入直资计划.10. Some Hope Primary Schools don't even have decent tables and chairs.有些希望小学里面连像样的桌椅都没有.11. A debate over introducing the birds and the bees in primary schools.关于将初步性教育引入小学课堂的争论.12. The government allocated funds for the setting up of 100 primary schools. *** 拨款兴建了100所小学.13. For example, we should visit primary schools and help teach young students.举例来说, 我们应该去小学,帮助他们教导小学生.14. The two *** all primary schools have amalgamated because both the *** all mumble.两所学校由于学生人数少,合并了.15. Fee - charging aided primary schools. For details, please contact the school direct.就读此等资助小学, 须缴交堂费,有关详情请直接向学校查询.看过的人还:。


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