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毕业英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟带翻译



毕业英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟带翻译毕业英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟带翻译

毕业英语演讲稿 毕业英语演讲稿3分钟带翻译


Dear teachers, dear clasates:

Good afternoon, ryone!

It is a great honor to be here today to speak on behalf of the graduates. Actually, at the very beginning, I was told to do this speech. I would like to decline it. Why? Just like yesterday's comic dialogue, my schoolmate damaged me: "do you still he a senior student, do you learn well or grow well?" I'm really sorry, it's just as good as the two. As is known to all, my great national affairs are full of men and women who he high points and good looks, so I must be embarrassed to represent the style of state affairs. But I want to say, "Gou Li's life and death will be a blessing in mind." So finally resoluy accepted this glorious and arduous task.

One, recollection

I beli that for all of you here, these four years are the most important words in our life before.

The friendship accumulated over the past four years is our greatest asset. We accompany each other, learn toger and grow toger. Toger with the course guidance, when choosing courses to check each other, resoluy oid "river lake, lake and sea, flowers and grass, two phoenix one treasure", at noon do not eat also must choose a good class, "but and". We brush early forging, forging and forging, and go to gym class on the empty stomach at eight o'clock in the morning, but many people still he "double harvest" of knowledge and weight. We ate three Bay and Wujiaochang toger, but we found that Kang was the true love, played all the way to the University and the people's road, but found the night talk in the bedroom was the best entertainment.

Four years of University, three schoolmates, we laugh toger, cry toger. When the class was just formed, we played happily toger in class activities. When we were just in professional class, we struggled toger in the classics. When we are sick, our roommates' warm greetings and care give us strength. When we are brokenhearted, our friends are patiently listening and comforting to bring us sunshine. Later, we thought about the way out for graduation and worked toger to experience the "nine night nine" life. Not long ago, we were toger in the e of our graduation thesis. When we met, we comforted each other and said, "he you finished your graduation thesis?" Then he iled meaningfully and said, "I feel relid."

Sometimes we are lazy, we may procrastinate, but we also he high spirited enthusia and aspirant. Many students he made excellent academic achiments, participated in academic topics, participated in academic conferences, as well as various competitions related to the major, and gained a lot of awards and honors. Students' associations and associations often appear in our class. In the sophomore year, more than a dozen ministers of our class accounted for 1/4 of our class, the first group of students' Association, and the five members of the campus. Our class accounted for two. We are the presidents of various student associations and journalists and editors of school journals. We do not relax professional learning, but the state of the state is the pursuit of comprehensive dlopment, is to pay attention to the cultivation of leadership and influence, from their leadership in a community, a department, we see the future, they lead a unit, an enterprise, and n lead the country's hope.

Two. Gratitude

Every aspect of our growth and progress is inseparable from the environment and opportunities provided by the State College, and we can not do without the guidance and assistance provided by our teachers.

Now we he to say goodbye to all this. The memories of the past really go through our minds like trains, and we will think of a lot of people and things to be thankful for. First of all, we would like to thank the instructor, Mr. Zhu Jia. When it was military training, Mr. Zhu, with a all national treasure, accompanied us with Yan Yanlie, and soaked our clothes with sweat, but the tears were soaked in our eyes. Thank you, Mr. Zhu. Thank you for your company and support. When you were sick with your students, you first appeared in the hospital. You took care of our time and left our little national treasure in the ning to join our branch activities. We feel sorry for the little national treasure because we he too much. It is you who use all resources to us to sponsor, do a good job in graduation activities, and let us lee campus with full memories. Because of you, we he no regrets. Thank you, Mr. Zhu!

And miss Zhang Ji, who accompanied us all on holiday. Mr. Zhang has led us to a good foundation for our class work. These years he also been concerned with our study and life, and he provided us with a lot of guidance in the field of professional and language learning. We will remember the phrase "elite consciousness and public feelings". Thank you, Mr. Zhang!

The reason why we can make progress in knowledge and learning can not be separated from the professional teachers who teach us carefully, and you he led these ignorant young people into the palace of knowledge. In addition to giving us lessons in class, teachers can also open up their academic subjects, so that students can he more opportunities to learn and grow. At the time of our own social pract and research, teachers are sacrificing their precious holiday time, caring for our project process, and working toger with us to overcome the difficulties in the research process. Many teachers' teachings are deeply engred in our hearts, guiding us to be human and learn. Thank you, teachers. We won't let you down.

We also want to thank all the teachers of the college Party committee, the general Party branch, the academic and the educational department. They are all behind the scenes es. They give us a little bit of effort to facilitate our study and life. Thank you!


Many years later, you may he forgotten that the roommate had eaten your snack, forgot who snored in the class, and forgot the deadline to miss the assignment, but we won't forget the friendship here, teacher won't forget, the sweat, tears, and laughter here, we won't forget!

Graduation is a farewell to the injury and open, ryone is about to be different, but in the face of the unknown, we will not be afraid, because we are state affairs, here are our common home, the young dream has been rooted and sprouted here, each other company, we he all grown up!

We must work hard in the future, and hope that ryone will work hard and lead a itive and brilliant life.

Thank you all.


Dear leaders, teachers, dear students,

Good morning, ryone!

I am Ma Haidong of the 2 class of martial arts science. It is a great honor to stand here, representing the 2011 graduates of the Institute of animal science and technology, to say goodbye to our alma mater, to teach our teachers tirelessly, to say goodbye to the clasates at sunset, and to say goodbye to this unforgettable time. First of all, let me, on behalf of all the graduates, express our heartfelt thanks and respect to all the leaders and teachers who he worked hard.

Four years, more than 1400 days and nights, it sounds so long, and when we face today, we feel that it is so short. Some people say that time is a book that is too hasty. Now when it hastily passes, these more than 1400 nights carry too many memories. I can't forget the freshness and confusion when I entered the school. I can't forget the figure of my learning building in the teaching building. I can't forget the laughter and laughter of your bedroom, and I can't forget you and me on the sports field. The scene of the scene is like a gorgeous clippings, a movie that is coming to the curtain, playing our happiness and sadness, recording our youth and past, and witnessing our profound feelings. Beli that the university days of acid, sweet, bitter, spicy to ryone left a precious memory; four years of learning to beli that the university will become an inexhaustible driving force for each of our future dlopment; beli in sincerity, simplicity, courage and persrance will be the wealth of our life.

Four years ago, we dreamed of dreams and hoped to meet the farmers. Four years later, we will go to rywhere to cherish our love for our alma mater and create our own brand new tomorrow. In the four years of western agriculture, we he experienced the age of the first year of innocence. We he gone through the light dance and flying of the sophomore. We witnessed the rapid dlopment of alma mater and college, and also witnessed the continuous growth of ourselves. We learned to yze and think, to learn to cooperate and to compete, to learn to inherit and to innovate, and to further learn how to surpass and break through their own limits. Now we are graduating. All these warm memories will be engred on our hearts. It is the most memorable day of our lives.

Today is a happy day, an exciting day, and a thankful day. On this day, we finally put on the sacred bachelor's clothing, and successfully ended our four years of college life. After this day, our university life will draw a full end. We will say goodbye to the students who get along with each other, say goodbye to the teacher, bid farewell to the beautiful picturesque campus, and step on a new journey. But we will nr abandon the drip in the West Farm, nr forget the teacher's a in the confusion and hesitation, nr forget the sincere greetings of the students when they are sad and sad, because there are our most brilliant youth, because this beautiful youth is integrated into the selfless love and students of the teachers. Sincere feelings.

In the face of alma mater, I would like to say thank you, thank you for alma mater to provide us with learning environment, and build a solid platform for our growth and success.

Facing the college, I want to say thank you and thank the leadership of the college. The teacher's care and education for us over the past four years is your hard work. Let's make constant efforts in the family of kinetic Sciences, which is a united and vigorous family.

Facing the teacher, I want to say thank you, thank you for the hard work of sweat, unselfish dedication, countless days and nights of ploughing, giving us a sober mind, a pair of eyes and a hearty soul, which is the truth that you he given us professional knowledge and taught us to be a man.

In the face of my clasates, I want to say thank you, thank you for your mutual care and support in the past four years. I think you will always cherish this feeling just like me. On the occasion of the parting, I would like to speak to the alma mater and the college on behalf of the graduates. We will not forget that we are a proud West farmer, and will not forget that he is a proud moving person. Students are about to trel. Please allow me to represent all 20 graduates.

I wish our leaders and teachers good health and good work.

I wish our fathers and mothers eternal youth and good luck.

I wish our Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University and our animal science and Technology Institute ry success.

I wish our 20 Annual graduates a bright future!

Thank you.




英语的毕业典礼演讲稿1 Arrayed on the field, as you can see, are the members…many members of House College! And House Arts and Sciences! All of you…all of you to my left form the Northern Alliance.

We he two sides, and spoiler alert: we’re going to do battle. But instead of a battle with spears, this will be a Battle of Cheers.

Whoops! Who left a Starbucks cup here? Not suped to be here! Oh well, oh well…. We’ll figure that out later.

I’m…I’m going to call on each of your Alliances in turn. When I do, you need to make…I hate to ask, I know how hard it is, but you need to make the most noise you can. The side that cheers the loudest wins! Okay? Ready?

Okay, let’s hear it from the Southern Alliance!

Impressive! Impressive! Okay, now let’s hear it from the Northern Alliance! Alright! Also …also impressive!

Both sides ge it your very best shot. Now it falls to me….

But I will not call a winner. Instead, instead, I ask you to consider this a window into the human heart.

Listen up. Here we are, proud members of the Penn community – this beloved community. Yet, when called upon, how readily we pide to do battle for our side.

Game of Thrones became a global phenomenon for many reasons. We obsess over the characters. We love the dragons and the drama. But its deepest attraction is allegorical.

英语的`毕业典礼演讲稿2 Looking around me today, I think of the generations of Yale graduates who he come before you. Inpiduals who he been for soming.

There are many names we know and others that would be less familiar – presidents and world leaders, artists and business executives, scholars and scientists.

Like them, I know you will heed the call to leadership and serv and lee your mark on ry realm of human endeor.

That is Yale’s mission – that is what Yale is for.

As members of the Yale community, what do we beli?

We beli that facts and expertise, applied with creativity and wisdom, can transform the world.

We beli that education and research se lives and make life more meaningful.

We beli that persity of thought and persity indeed are essential to human progress.

We beli, most of all, in the boundless potential of human ingenuity; that toger, we can solve great challenges and bring light and truth to a world in great need of it.

英语的毕业典礼演讲稿3 Thank you. Thank you.

Good morning! Good morning, Class of 2022! You look fabulous!

Though many of you may…maybe you feel a little bit tired?

Last night, some of you were out to dinner with family. Some of you were up late packing. And some of you went out with clasates and friends.

And this is Penn, I he to ask: How many of you mad to do all three?

Okay, I thought so! But did anyone here last night find time to turn on the TV…maybe turn it on…to HBO?

Are yoeady? Are yoeady? It’s time for a special edition of Game of Thrones!

Graduates: All of you today sit on either side of a great pide.

To my right: Southern Alliance! Among you are sral Great Houses.

Arrayed on the field are members of House Engineering! House Nursing! House Wharton! Houses…Houses Medicine to Dental; Law to…Law to Design; SP2 to Education; and Annenberg to Vet! All…all of you to my right form the Southern Alliance!

Now, to my left: The Northern Alliance! Your Great…your Great Houses may be fewer…your Great Houses may be fewer, but man, are they big?

英语的毕业典礼演讲稿4 I am for the robust and free exchange of ideas, as essential to the mission of a great university as it is to the health of our democracy.

I am for a world where we welcome the immigrant, the poor, and the forgotten; we did [do] not shut them out or silence them; a world where showing empathy and understanding is considered the true hallmark of success, of a life well-lived.

That is what I am for.

Yale’s mission says, in part, that we are “committed to improving the world today and for future generations.” That commitment does not end at graduation.

Soon you will lee Yale and, as Robert Penn Warren, who studied and taught at Yale, wrote, “You will go into the convulsion of the world, out of history and into history.”

Indeed, you’ll go into history and make history.

英语的毕业典礼演讲稿5 Dear schoolmate.

As I am graduating. Looking back to the past three years, I find that I he bee more mature. I he been aware of the importance of learning knowledge, which is beneficial to my future. What impressed me a lot is the that my teachers and parents offered when I was in trouble, which supported me during the period. Moreover, I regretted that I didnt work harder. From time to time, facing the pressure, I quarreled with my parents, about which I feel sorry and regretful. To live up to my parents expectation, I will make my effort to work harder in university. It is no doubt that there will be many challenges waiting for me. Howr, no matter how difficult it is, I will spare no effort to overe it.

When it es to the suggestion that I can give to you, I hold the belief that in no case should you set aside the study. So far as Im concerned, it is the determination of working hard that makes you succeed. I wish all of you would realize your dreams.

Good luck to all of you!

英语的毕业典礼演讲稿6 Ivanka Trump Delivers Speech at Japans World Assembly for Women.

Thank you very much Prime Minister Abe, for that kind introduction. And thank you for your gracious hospitality to my family.

This is my first visit to Japan, and the warmth you he shown us, the beauty of your landscape, and the vibrancy of your culture are truly incredible gifts to all who come to this country. Yesterday ning, as I arrived in Tokyo, I was struck by the magnifnce of the skyline – and this morning I was awed by the ancient beauty of the Imperial Palace. The wonders of this land are a testament to the creativity and resilience of the Japanese people.

It is an honor to join you today at the World Assembly for Women. I am grateful to be with this exceptional and passionate group of leaders to discuss the economic empowerment of women, to celebrate the progress our societies he made, and to chart a bold course for the future.

The economic empowerment of women has been a focus of mine for many years – ensuring that 50% of our population can fully participate in the workforce is critical to strengthening our communities and growing our prosperity.

That is why after my father’s election, I decided to lee my businesses and work in government to aance policies and initiatives that empower women to fully participate in the economy, if they so choose. Policies that enable women to pursue their careers and care for their families, policies that focus on workforce dlopment and skills training, and policies that fuel entrepreneurship so that Americans can turn their aspirations into their incredible legacy.





英语演讲稿我们毕业了1 The sky is gray, and there are thousands of cranes outside the window. The summer wind blew away our childishness and scattered us. This is a dandelion with the same root. The wind blows all over the world. In the past, ry bit on campus was shown in my mind like a movie over and over again.

Six years ago, in the golden September, I entered the school with curiosity and excent. But now I can only cast a deep glance at my alma mater. What else can I do? The and unforgettable teaching buildings are full of farewell friendship and hidden in them bit by bit.

That year, I stammered to my teacher, "good teacher!" This place makes me feel that rything is so new. In the sentence after sentence of "good teacher", a few strands of silver also appeared at the temples of the teacher. In the past six years, I he been growing up in your Cc teachings, progress in your praise, and learning from your careful guidance... Now I can only say "thank you" to you, and I cant repay my teaching!

In the classroom, sral pieces of chalk were placed disorderly on the platform. The blackboard eraser was shining in the broken sunlight. The outline of the blackboard news was not very clear. What is left behind is memories. The students frolicking figure in the classroom appears between the desks and chairs, but there is no trace when they reach out to catch it. There are too many memories here. Six years of time are engred here.

Graduation may mean iling and crying. We grow up as we wish, but we lose. A lovely face, a warm call. Although there were quarrels and contradictions, they did not affect our friendship. Six years of schoolmates, how can I forget?

Goodbye, my dear alma mater, my beloved teacher and my lovely clasate!

英语演讲稿我们毕业了2 I firmly beli that youth will not die, it will only hide in a green shade, slowly heal. Years he become a pearl, but they cant he it. Its cold on the ground and hot in your hands. I wanted to hug it, but I threw myself into the air. It turned into a piece of debris and scattered on the table.

I was about to graduate. At the thought of these five words, the thought of leing the beautiful campus, and the thought of losing this prless time in primary school, I felt a pain in my heart. Tears flowed down involuntarily, confusing my eyes and wetting my face.

I cant bear to part with the campus. I still remember when we were cleaning the public place, the lees fell on the ground in piles. Uncle Feng n fought against us. It seemed that he didnt want us to clean the campus quickly. We could only stubbornly fight against the wind until we cleaned the road, but after a while, the naughty fallen lees fell again in the most beautiful ture. We iled at each other, crossed the lees in the most handsome ture, and returned to the classroom.

I cant part with the big family of class five. We experienced a lot of things and had a lot of good times. I will nr forget that day. I will nr forget what Mr. Jin said to us. I will nr forget the iles on the students faces. That day - teacher Jins 30th birthday, we prepared a surprise for the teacher with our love. On that day, we ate cake, talked a lot, were excited and wept, as if the four words "sour, sweet, bitter and spicy" had appeared on this day. I beg time to pass slowly, n if it is just a minute, so that I can stay in this warm family for a while, n for a moment. Although I know I cant stop the passage of time... Because we really graduated.

Life is a happy reunion, mixed with a sad parting. I didnt meet you at the best time, but I met you and ge me the best time.

英语演讲稿我们毕业了3 Six years passed in a flash, but what remained were endless memories and graduation that I didnt want to face

- inscription

I used to want to graduate, but when I left school after graduation, I found that I did not belong to my alma mater! Before my eyes, I saw the students playing toger carefree. When I wanted to hold it, it had disappeared without a trace

The night before graduation, the students cried! But I was laughing. My clasates said that I had no conscience, but I said plausibly that there was nothing to cry about. Today may make our last night toger, cant we spend happily? Isnt it good to lee a happy you in other peoples memory? Can we only say goodbye with crying after graduation? The students looked at me lessly after listening, but I laughed and said, you he been fooled by me! The students all say that I am in a good mood. I am still in the mood to joke at this time!

At night, I went to cry secretly. My clasates who slept with me asked me what was wrong. I cried and said I didnt want to graduate. I wanted to be with you forr. Students said that we can not be toger forr, but our hearts can be toger forr! I nodded with a ile.

At noon the next day, we officially graduated. The students say goodbye to each other, and some people write their clasates records at this time, which should be regarded as a souvenir after graduation! I looked at my school and thought: goodbye to the naughty boys and quiet and lovely girls. Thank you for letting me feel the collective warmth! oh I would also like to thank my teachers and alma mater for their hard education!


英语演讲稿我们毕业了4 Time is in a hurry. In a twinkling of an eye, we will graduate from primary school. In these six years, I he gained a lot and learned a lot.

One day six years ago, we all entered this beautiful campus for the first time with a childish spirit. Although we didnt know each other, the innocence and extroversion of children made us fight toger at once, and we were very happy ry day.

Three years ago, we gradually moved towards the senior grade of primary school, and the pressure on our study became heier and heier. But Mr. Lu always told us that no matter how many things there were in a day, as long as we did one by one, we would always finish them. At that time, we would he a full sense of pride.

Today, six years later, thanks to the and company of teachers and clasates, I he not only gained knowledge, but also gained a lot in my life and work.

In the first grade, I was happy ry day and had no hope for time; When I was in grade two, I began to hope that time would become faster; When I was in the third grade, I hoped the time would be faster; When I was in the fourth grade, I said to myself, there are still two years left, so I will continue to insist; When I was in grade five, it was great. One year later, when I was in grade six, I suddenly felt that the time was too fast. Could I slow it down a bit

Although I hope that these six years will nr end, that they will nr say goodbye, that they will nr end, and that they will always be with their alma mater, teachers and students.

Time flies. The six years of primary school he entered the countdown. We he two days left. Even if we lee our alma mater, the vos and iles of teachers and students will be deeply imprinted in my mind and often emerge. After graduation, no matter where I go, I will always remember you, my beloved teacher and my clasates of six years!

英语演讲稿我们毕业了5 When the cicadas in June are approaching, when the boring campus life is passing away, when the noise in the classroom turns into the Shua of turning pages of books, I am tired and look up from the endless homework, but I am surprised that I am about to graduate.

Time flies. In a few months, we will run to our own future. Everything in the past six years seems to be yesterday, but it is so far away. We all know that this separation is not permanent. One day we will meet again; But we all know that there will be no more dribs and drabs in the past six years. Just thinking like this, my heart, which was oppressed and numb by learning, was wrapped with a touch of sadness, which made peoples eyes unconsciously burst into tears.

I still remember that in the afternoon on the campus, ryone got toger in twos and threes in the sun to gossip; I still remember that at the podium of the classroom, ryone looked at the teacher nervously and expectantly to correct the s; I still remember that during the winter recess, ryone was frozen in the playground with skipping rope... I remember ryones ry move and hide it in the warmest place. I wonder if you are the same as me?

Six years of primary school life is coming to an end, but I he too many memories to forget.

The teachers who used to be so annoying are all for our good. The tit for tat between the two girls now wants to make people laugh. The boys who used to be crazy with their friends he become the motivation for us to run for better. Those who used to be so fond of, so annoying, and so inseparable he been forgotten, leing only infinite memories. Everything will be relid. The students next to me, the friends next to me, the teachers at the lectern, and the relatives at home are all my motivation and goals. I just want to keep the good memories in my heart forr and scatter the bad ones in my heart.

From the age of sn to the age of thir; The whole primary school stage is the most beautiful nutmeg years in life.

A thousand words in my heart can only be summed up into one sentence: dear you, take care!



毕业,是我们夜半梦醒,触碰不到而无限感伤的虚词。若干年后,假如我们还能够想起那段时光,也许这不属于难忘,也不属于永远,而仅仅是一段记录了成长经历的回忆。 下面我们来看看毕业演讲稿英文带翻译,欢迎阅读借鉴。


Dear schoolmates,


As I'm graduating, I'd like to write this letter to express my feelings before leing school.Looking back at the last three years of my high school life, I am very proud that I he gained a lot. Apart from learning much knowledge in different subjects, I also learnt how to be a qualified student or a real person. Due to the of my teachers, I know the significance of being honest, confident and warm-hearted. I really appreciate the devotion that my teachers paid.


Despite the achiments I he made, I he pities during my high school life. I think I should he exercised more rather than study all the time. After all, healthy is vital to us all.


After graduating from high school, I'll enter college, a place where I may meet many challenges. I'll live in college instead of living at home, which requires me to be independent. How to communicate with students who come from different cities is also a challenge.


I suggest you studying hard and building a strong body during your high school lives. Only in this way can you achi more and he a better future.



Dear schoolmates,


As I'm graduating, I'd like to write this letter to express my feelings before leing school. Looking back to the past three years, I find that I he become more mature. I he been aware of the importance of learning knowledge, which is beneficial to my future. What impressed me a lot is the that my teachers and parents offered when I was in trouble, which supported me during the period. Moreover, I regretted that I didn't work harder. From time to time, facing the pressure, I quarreled with my parents, about which I feel sorry and regretful. To live up to my parents' expectation, I'll make my effort to work harder in university. It's no doubt that there'll be many challenges waiting for me. Howr, no matter how difficult it is, I will spare no effort to overcome it.


When it comes to the suggestion that I can give to you, I hold the belief that in no case should you set aside the study. So far as I'm concerned, it is the determination of working hard that makes you succeed. I wish all of you would realize your dreams.


Good luck to all of you!





That is an astonishing statement and yet proven a thousand times ry day of our lives. It expresses, in part, our inescapable connection with the outside world, the fact that we touch other people’s lives simply by existing.

But how much more are you, Harvard graduates of 2008, likely to touch other people’s lives? Your ince, your capacity for hard work, the education you he earned and received, give you unique status, and unique responsibilities. Even your nationality sets you apart. The great majority of you belong to the world’s only remaining superpower. The way you vote, the way you live, the way you protest, the pressure you bring to bear on your government, has an impact way beyond your borders. That is your privilege, and your burden.

If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your vo on behalf of those who he no vo; if you choose to identify not only with the powerful, but with the powerless; if yoetain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not he your aantages, then it will not only be your proud families who celebrate your existence, but thousands and millions of people whose reality you he ed change. We do not need magic to change the world.


we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we he the power to imagine better.

I am nearly finished. I he one last hope for you, which is soming that I already had at 21. The friends with whom I sat on graduation day he been my friends for life. They are my children’s godparents, the people to whom I’ve been able to turn in times of trouble, people who he been kind enough not to sue me when I took their names for Death Eaters. At our graduation we were bound by enormous affection, by our shared experience of a time that could nr come again, and, of course, by the knowledge that we held certain photographic evidence that would be exceptionally valuable if any of us ran for Prime Minister.

So today, I wish you nothing better than similar friendships. And tomorrow, I hope that n if yoemember not a single word of mine, yoemember those of Seneca, another of those old Romans I met when I fled down the Classics corridor, in retreat from career ladders, in search of ancient wisdom:

As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.

I wish you all very good lives.


Thank you very much.I’m so honored. I nr expect there are so many people coming here to listen to my talk.Well, 20 years ago I came to America. My first trip to America, to Seattle. Before that I learned so much about America, from my books, from my teachers, from my school, and my parents. And I think I know enough about America. But when I came to America I thought totally wrong. America is not what I learned from the books. And in Seattle I found the Internet.

nd then I came back and l my friends that I’m going to open a company called Internet. I invited 24 of my friends, had a two-hour discussion. And finally we had a vote. 23 of them against me. “Forget about it. There’s no such kind of network called Internet. Don’t do it.” There’s only one person who said “Jack, I trust you. I don’t know what that is, but if you want to try it, go ahead, try it. Because you’re still young.” At that time I was 30 years old.


I started my business, without knowing anything about comr, without knowing anything about business. I started my first company, my wife and I and a school mate. We borrowed [start] from US $1,000 we start the business. It was so difficult. I called myself like a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers. Jumping around for the past 20 years I survive today. For the first three years life was really bad. I remember I tried to borrow US $3,000 from the banks. It took me three months asking any friends I know to borrow the money.Still failed, coz verybody said “Jack is ling a lie, because there’s no such network called Internet in 1996.”

So one day, later 1996, China was connected to the Internet. I invited ten media friends to my apartment. I want to l them I’m not ling a lie. There is a network called Internet. We waited three hours and a half to see the first – to download the first picture.


And people said “Is that thing going to work?” And I say “Yeah, it’ll work, but not today. In ten years it’ll work.” But at least it proved that I was not ling a lie.I remember when we tried to our all business to sell online. Nobody want to sell because nobody come to buy. So first week we he sn employees, we buy and sell ourselves. The second week somebody start to sell on a website. We buy rything they sell. We he two rooms full of things we bought for New Year’s, all garbage] for the first two weeks. In order to l people that it works. It was not easy. Since 1995 to 1999 we failed. We go nowhere, our business, because nothing was ready.In 1999 I invited 18 friends of mine who came to my apartment. We decided to do it again. We call the name And people say why Alibaba? We beli Internet is a treasure island which opens sesame for all business. And we used Alibaba because it’s easy to spell, easy to remember. And we want to focus on ing all business.

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