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nexus翻译 nexon翻译

一小段 史上巨难翻译 的英语短文---------------高手、有耐心者进

必要的越境迪迦奥特曼ultraman tiga,tiga印尼语意为圣数3,对应3种基础形态,后面光线没有特殊意思就不发了证明

nexus翻译 nexon翻译nexus翻译 nexon翻译

陆行 或 海行(包括People are not living for anything. The existence of life is not it a subjective decision, but in the randomly generated during the evolution of life. The evolution of life is driven by the forces of nature, mankind still can not compete with this power can only be controlled by genes in vivo proliferation of generations down, so in the future there will be more people by this "problem" of confusion.渡船)

可用的护照或护照号或 NEXUS卡(NEXUS卡是因为有预先批准和通过特殊途径的低风险旅游者而可以提供的短期旅行)





盖亚奥特曼ultraman gaia,gaia取自希腊的大地之神地母盖亚。光子冰刀(フォトンエッジ ),光子(Photon)+冰刀(Edge)

The meaning of life is to love and care

The meaning of life is my own, not ot这三个资料还没出来,不知道hers

The meaning of life is to sacrif is to make people happy

To live is to "continue to experience!" ! ! Wher you succeed or fail, if I enjoy and understand, when you do not take too many pictures, too much like ...... sorry

The meaning of life is to find the meaning of life

Everyone has their own meaning of life. People want to live your life. Meaning is for their own goals. Successful sweat to pay. Success, failure, laugh, cry, enjoy ry step in to experience and enjoy . On the contrary if a person is not the ideal, what is done to show people that he can understand what people alive n these are not their own to experience, enjoy, then what is the meaning of life? In fact I want to say The on sentence: people want to live for themselves. live out wonderful.

Life is an objective, but also short-lived. Who live for their own subjective and objective for others is a unity of self-interest and altrui. Who live to complete a nexus of responsibility, a the growth and dlopment, in the process Later, the best people are worth the value and meaning of Memorial. Of course, we must learn to cherish not he a second life, should strive to success in life, but also to learn to enjoy life.

Life is short, lives must die. Snty years of life, if only for the meaning of life is relatively long and wasteful, but compared with more than 100 million years of the universe is extremely short-lived.


爱迪奥特曼ultraman 80,因为在1980年开播,沙库修姆光线(サクシウム光线),取自success(成功,胜利),尤莉安yullian,无意义




奥特赛文ultra sn,意为奥特警备队的第七位成员,艾梅利姆光线(エメリウム光线)

杰克奥特曼ultraman jack,jack取自泰罗的废案名,斯派修姆光线

艾斯奥特曼ultraman ace,ace意为,梅塔利姆光线(メタリウム光线)口胡的,杂志编辑根据斯派修姆和艾梅利姆的语感口胡出来的

泰罗奥特曼ultraman taro,taro意为太郎,日语中长子的意思,斯特利姆光线(ストリウム光线)

雷欧奥特曼ultraman leo,leo意为狮子座,阿斯特拉astra,日语为鸟和虎两词的组合

葛雷奥特曼ultraman great,帕瓦特奥特曼ultraman powered,这俩名字就英文意思

戴拿奥特曼ultraman dyna,dyna取自电光超人古立特中的动力战龙,戴拿之龙(dyna dragon),意为dynamic(动力的,活力的)的缩写

阿古茹奥特曼ultraman agul,agul为自造词,包含有agressive(攻击性的)、agreement(同意·承诺·契约·协定)以及恶三种意思,光子粉碎机(フォトン クラッシャー/Photon Crusher),单词直译,盖亚中有大量物理学内容,所以必杀技名字也取自物理学中的光子和量子

奈欧斯奥特曼ultraman neos,neo意为新的,新世纪

奥特赛文21 ultra sn 21,意为21世注:15岁的孩子或者更小的孩子需要一个出生证明或副本。(证明的副本不是一定要有,不过有)纪的赛文

高斯奥特曼ultraman coos,coos意为宇宙,秩序,与卡欧斯chaos的混沌相对应

杰斯提斯奥特曼ultraman just,just意为正义,对应剧中宇宙正义的执行者这一角色

雷杰多奥特曼ultraman legend,legend意为传说

奈克斯特奥特曼ultraman the next,对应异生兽the one,由剧中人物所取的代号命名,意为紧接着the one,第二个来到地球的宇宙生命体

奈克瑟斯奥特曼ultraman nexus,意为纽带

诺亚奥特曼ultraman noa,取自noah,诺亚方舟的那个诺亚

麦克斯奥特曼ultraman max,max意为,极限,对应最快最强

杰诺奥特曼ultraman xenon,无意义

梦比优斯奥特曼ultraman mebius,mebius源于莫比乌斯环,意为无限

希卡利奥特曼ultraman hikari,hikari日语意为光

赛罗奥特曼ultraman zero,zero为数字0

银河奥特曼ultraman ginga,ginga日语意为银河

维克特利奥特曼ultraman victory,victory意为胜利

艾克斯奥特曼ultraman x,x意为未知数

欧布奥特曼ultraman orb,orb意为球,圆

捷德奥特曼ultraman geed,名字为gene(遗传因子)的ge+destiny(命运)的de,因为要逆转命运所以de反过来变成ed,组成geed

罗索奥特曼ultraman rosso,rosso意大利语意为红色,对应火属性的基础形态

布鲁奥特曼ultraman blu,blu意大利语意为蓝色,对应水属性的基础形态

格丽乔奥特曼ultrawoman grigio,grigio意大利语意为灰色,对应格鲁吉欧女王的体色,美剑沙姬本名同为格丽乔

泰迦奥特曼ultraman taiga,泰塔斯奥特曼ultraman titas,风马奥特曼ultraman fuma

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