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speak实践 speak实践图片



speak实践 speak实践图片speak实践 speak实践图片



we practised speak English every morning.这句话为什么用 practised?谢谢,急需





论实践 On Practice

As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” It applies to everything we do in life. Take for example the learning of a language. With practice, we can read, write, listen and speak English.,俗语说熟能生巧。这话适用于我们生活中所做的一切。比如学习语言,通过练习英语,我们学会读、写、听、说。

It is no easy thing to learn a Ianguage. First. I he to overe the difficulties in pronunciation. I try hard to get every sound right, keep on doing the drills and memorize the new words. Then there are those grammar rules to remember and put to use. Also, to write I he to lead extensively and practise writing by keeping a diary or something.,学习语言决非易事,首先得克服发音上的困难。我努力发准每一个音,坚持练习记单词,记语法规则和运用语法。要学会写,我得博览羣书、记日记或练习写作。

Those who praetise most learn fast. In my class, some of the American students seize time in practising the little Chinese they he learned. For example, when the class is noisy someone will shout, “安静(Be quiet)!” When the lecture is too long, someone will say, “够了(enough)” or asks the teacher in phony concern, “你不累吗? (Aren’t you tired?)” It is funny and they make surprisingly good progress in speaking Chinese.,练得多学得快。在我们班一些美国学生抓紧时间练习已学得的一点汉语。比如,上课吵闹时,便有人喊:“安静!”上课时间太长时,便有人叫:“够了!”或假惺惺地问老师:“你不累吗?”有趣的是,他们的汉话口语进步得很快。

Practice makes perfect. There is no truer word than that. When there is anything you cannot do, do he afraid. Just try, try and try again, for practice makes perfect, but remember that we should practise what we preach.



关键词:jump in and get your feet wet 到实践中去学习;实践出真知

短语释义:Jump in表示“跳进去”。Get your feet wet字面意思是“把脚弄溼”,听起来不是什么好事情,毕竟俗语说“常在河边走,哪能不溼鞋”,比喻某些人不了环境的而做出不正当或者不正经的勾当。不过到了美语中,把脚弄溼却是一件好事儿。总有人说自己英语不好,所以不敢开口,那么我能给你的建议就是jump in and get your feet wet,到实践中去学习,去取得经验。比如说您可以去上上国外交友网站,多交一些外国朋友,和他们聊聊天儿,不要怕丢脸,jump in and get your feet wet,到实践中去学习吧。光说不练也不好,那我们下面我们来听一个句子:


I know most of you are afraid to embarrass yourselves by trying to speak English. But that's the best way to learn: when you meet an American, try a few words--jump in and get your feet wet.



为什么You can practise speaking English in the classroom 为什么是speaking不是speak?



miss失去, mind介意, enjoy喜欢, give up放弃, finish完成, oid避免, practise实践, escape逃跑, stop停止, excuse原谅, delay耽误, require要求, suggest建议, insist on坚持, can’t help禁不住, complete完成, deny否认, put off推迟, for赞成,支持, understand明白, risk冒险, keep保持, consider考虑,imagine想象、猜想,fear 害怕, include包括, suffer痛苦、遭受,report报告,celebrate庆祝prevent阻止。等。

practice doing sth.从语法上讲,是固定搭配。从语境上说,practice,是一个表示动作进行的时态,所以要用speaking。

有些动词是 接ing 的形式 比如 practice suggest enjoy 等等

有些动词是 接 to do 的形式 比如 want plan listen 等等



固定搭配practise doing

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