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1、关于旅游的英语手抄报资料篇五 旅游安排 Travel ArrangementsI am so excited now, because I will go travel with friends. We plan to go to visit Guangzhou, for it is very near our place. This is the first time for us to go travel together, we want to make sure everything goes on well and save more time to play, so we make some arrangements. The first thing is about searching the route. Going to the strange place, we will have no idea about the road, so we need to figure out the main roads, in case that we will be lost. Second, we also search the famous sites. Guangzhou is such a big place, we can’t go to every concern in the short time, but we can visit the hot sites and get to know something about this place. I believe that this trip will be fun, because we are so free and can enjoy the new scenery.我现在很兴奋,因为我将要和朋友们去旅游。






7、广州是一个很大的地方,我们无法在短时间内走遍每一个角落,但是我们可以 拜访 热门的景点,对广州进行了解。


9、关于旅游的英语手抄报资料篇六开心的日子Happy DaysWhen the summer holiday comes, I will be very happy, because my family and I will go to travel. I like travel so much, I can not only see the beautiful scenery, but also can spend the time with my parents. I feel so easy and don’t have to study, I just play and enjoy my moment. This is my most happy days.当暑假来临时,我会非常高兴,因为我和我的家人要去旅游。




13、关于旅游的英语手抄报资料篇七旅友 A Travel FriendLast year, I went to Guilin for travel. It was a nice trip. I not only saw the beautiful scenery, but also made a good friend. She was from England and she was also a middle school student. We met in the tourist site, and she asked me to help her translate what she said. Though my English was not that good, I still could understand what she said. Then we talked a lot on the road. We shared our opinions about the different culture, and she told me about her trip in China. I listened to her carefully and I was attracted by her experience. Now we still keep in each other by email.去年,我去了桂林旅游。




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