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nobody免费完整版 nobody国语版


1、Everybody makes mistakes...每个人都会犯错...Everybody has those days...每个人都有过那样的时光...{1,2,3,4}Everybody makes mistakes...每个人都会犯错Everybody has those days...每个人都有过那样的时光Everybody knows what what I\'m talkin\' \'bout你们都知道我说的是什么Everybody get\'s that way..每个人都走过那样的路Everybody makes mistakes...Everybody has those days...Everybody knows what what I\'m talkin\' \'bout... Everybody get\'s that way..Sometimes I\'m in a jam有时候,我会陷入困境I\'ve gotta make a plan但我已经决定了It might be crazy我要疯狂的去做I do it anyway无论用什么方法我一定要做到No way to know for sure没有任何方法是的我也不会受到限制,I\'ll figure out a cure我会找到一种方法I\'m patchin\' up the holes来把这个缺口给填补好But then it overflows If I\'m not doin\' to well如果不好好做的话,这个缺口仍会破裂Why be so hard on my self?为什么我对自己总是这么苛刻?Nobody\'s Perfect!没有认识完美的I gotta work it!我终于了解到这一点Again and again till I get it right一次又一次的尝试,直到我明白了这一点Nobody\'s Perfect!没有认识完美的You live and you learn it!只要你在生活你就会懂得And if I mess it up sometimes.有时候我会越弄越乱Nobody\'s perfect.......Sometimes I work a scheme有时候我会去做一个But then it flips on me但这个总是被弄得一团糟Dosen\'t turn out how I planned事情总是出乎意料gets stuck in quick sand卷进快速流动的时间的沙里,流走了No problem, can be solved没问题,可以解决得了的Once I get involved一旦我被卷入混乱I try to be delicate我努力将这个变好Then crash right into it而正在这时会有许多人质疑它But my intentions are good但你知道我的想法很好{yeah yeah yeah}Sometimes just mis-understood只是有时候它不为人们所理解罢了Nobody\'s Perfect!I gotta work it!Again and again till I get it rightNobody\'s Perfect!You live and you\'ll learn it!And if I mess it up sometimes...Nobody\'s perfectI gotta work it!I know that i\'ll find a way.Nobody\'s perfect!Sometimes I fix things up有时候我把事情好不容拼凑在一起And they fall apart again.他们却一下子又散掉Nobody\'s perfectI know I mix things up我知道我老把事情浑成一团But I always get it right in the end.但在后,我总是能使他们变好{you know I do}Next time you feel like its just one of those days下一次,你还会感受到这些日子的感觉when you just can\'t seem to win当你看上去将要失败的时候If things don\'t turn out the way you planned,如果事情看上去出乎预料,解决不了FIGURE SOMETHING ELSE OUT!去找找其他的方法!Don\'t stay down! Try again!{yeah}永远不要放弃不要停止!再努力一次~~~~。


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