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Abstract: With the popularization network step by step, the campus network to the school building is the inevitable development of information technology choice, Campus Network System is a very large and complex system, not only for teaching modern, comprehensive information management and office automation such as a Series applications to provide basic operating platform, but also provide a wide range of applications, so that information can be promptly and accurately tranitted to the various systems. The campus network construction in the main applications of network technology to the important branch LAN technology to the construction and management, so this will be the main topic graduate design to the construction of the campus local area network technologies may be used for the design and implementation of the programme direction, To the campus network and provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance.

开题报告怎么翻译 开题报告怎么翻译成中文开题报告怎么翻译 开题报告怎么翻译成中文

开题报告怎么翻译 开题报告怎么翻译成中文

Keyword: local area network, Internet, computer networks, network protocol, server, firewall

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如博士论文开题 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal



Body: the

1. English stress's rhythm characteristic and evolves

2. to lack the Chinese city English performance which the stress knowledge produces.how does

3. study the good English stress, rectifies the Chinese city English. Conclusion: the deep research stress's rhythm characteristic, enhances the stress effectively the study quality, thus rectifies the Chinese city English.

1English accent rhythm characteristics and evolution of

2Stress arising from a lack of knowledge in the performance of Chinese-accented English 3 How to learn English as well as stress, to correct the Han-accented English.


Stress-depth study of the rhythm of features to effectively improve the quality of learning stress, thereby correcting the Han-accented English


My topic for the design of multi-function mobile phone design, mobile phones as fashion, cutting-edge industries and gradually as a status symbol, so its style will not be able to stay in the functional design. Today, more and more consumers are using personal cell phones can self-expression. Nokia launched mobile phones in color, as a result of the unique choice of a variety of colors and fashion modeling, a listing immediately welcomed by young people. Communication with the rapid development of information technology, domestic brands and international brands of similar configuration and function on the basis of the appearance of mobile phones has become a major consumer purchase, therefore, shape the design of mobile phones in more and more important. That is why I chose the design of the phone. My idea of fashion design, personalized, humanized, and in a multi-function mobile phones to achieve harmony, so that holders feel that an alternative style, so that holders because he has a more eye-catching.

With the gradual in-depth communication technology and rich in the current configuration of mobile phone products and functions becoming more similar, but different levels of consumer differentiation is more and more obvious that the multi-level needs he become stronger, the shape of the cell phone models increasingly Consumers become the main factor in the purchase. It can be said that as mobile phone design industry for the most violent aspect of design has long been a foreign phone companies access to high value-added of the important areas.

Other than the most successful consumer touch-type cases is the rapid growth of China-made mobile phones. 2004 China-made mobile phones has exceeded 55% market share, to the fundamental consensus that China-made mobile phones he been able to sing songs, mainly due to the appearance of mobile phone credit. Due to lack of core technology chip, made phone calls in the quality of the hardware, such as the quality of performance there is obviously insufficient. A few years ago, China-made mobile phones to account for more than half of the almost unimaginable. While foreign demand for mobile phone users with Chinese consumers there is a big difference, but foreign manufacturers in China are copying foreign phone model, so that the changing shape and dazzling colors of Chinese mobile phone market, crowding out the consumption of the half.

China-made mobile phones had been brilliant in 2004, was at the peak of the market share reached 67%, accounted for more than Banbi land. However, this is not the reason the success of the domestic mobile phone strategy, but only through a price war, war, and other channels of the methods and tactics to achieve the short-term pleasure. Foreign mobile phone brands and we are fighting a protracted war, is the marathon. China-made mobile phones has come up with the speed of 100 meters sprint, an impulse for the game, but it left serious after-effects: the poor quality of products (Fan Xiushuai 20%), after-sales service can not keep up; consumers he been Deeply hurt and consumers through the cold heart of the entire domestic mobile phone market, from the second half of 2005, it entered a "cold winter" As has been panda cell phone, cell phone Kejian, Capitel, South Hi-Tech, DBTEL Such as the one in the running after falling one after another, and most of the other cell phone makers are still panting hard to make ends meet. The article reported that there are some second-line phone brand, has been Qiruoyousi, can not hold much longer.

Now, the state-owned companies such as Amoi, TCL, Lenovo, and so has been unable to account for the number of shares. Now the domestic mobile phone is already fully entered the stage of imitation, there is little awareness of independent innovation, blindly imitate the well-known foreign manufacturers Selling mobile phones. China-made mobile phones in poor situation, the multinational Nokia is singing songs. Nokia announced that the year 2007 in the Chinese market sales reached a record of 6,400,000,000 euros, an increase of nearly 20% of the volume of 70,700,000 also set a new high of Taiwan.

Summing up the success or failure of the decision continued ability to innovate in the performance of today are becoming more similar cases, the continuous innovation of mobile phone design has increasingly become a major factor in consumer purchase, the China-made mobile phones to really pause to study Nokia, Samsung, iPhone, such as mobile phones The brand's success. At present, there are 100 mobile phone manufacturers, which first and foremost task is to strengthen the integration of acquisitions, emerged in several of the more powerful mobile phone maker, on this basis in appearance to create their own personality in the technological innovation to build on their core competitiveness For example, Nokia, Samsung, etc. In addition to the mobile phone giant in the software systems to enhance ease of use and intelligence in order to usher in the spring of China-made mobile phones.

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题目来源及意义:Sources and significance

内容提要或实施方案:Summary or plan

主要观点Main points


题目来源及意义:Sources and significance of the subject

内容提要或实施方案:Summary or the implementation of the program

主要观点Main points

指导老师The guidance of teachers

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In recent years, the leisure touri wide suffer people for. Especially in today's world has entered into the information age, the third industry has become the dominant industry. Touri is an important part of the tertiary industry in social life, one plays more and more important role. Along with the touri development, more and more people are constantly seeking feature touri. China, as one of the four ancient civilizations, its long history, a distinct nation characteristic, significant differences all show our geographical features. This article mainly from historical monuments in the Chinese touri characteristics are yzed, and the Great Wall, for example, from the historical development of its repair, and how to protect about sustainable development of touri characteristics.

Men came from history, has the historical regression of a kind of instinct requirements. Find ancient find old, not as a step backward, more than is a reversal. This ancient with old's comeback, become a kind of fashion, contains two value: as object, he cultural value, As a way of life, has folk value. This is a social and cultural phenomenon: every life more modern, find ancient find old hot more can curtailing. This kind of social cultural phenomenon applies to trel in the field of material civilization, is highly modern today, look for the ancients historic sites became the new trend in contemporary touri: all kinds of "meditate" feature touri. This kind of social cultural phenomenon applies to trel in the field of material civilization, is highly modern today, look for the ancients historic sites became the new trend in contemporary touri. Variety "meditate" feature touri, double the visitor welcome.

China is a country with 5,000 years of history culture and ancient civilization. Historical monuments in the world, is second to none. Many domestic tourists from all over the world and even foreign visitors to trel around China in order to visit Chinese historical sites, feel the history breath. World-famous Great Wall in ancient China an extremely great defense project. The Great Wall wall erage high 7.8 meters, QiangJi erage wide 6.5 meters, wall erage high 5.8 meters. It from the bohai bay of shanhaiguan, west to gansu province as far as the jiayu pass, roll about twelve, YuHuaLi in history has played a very important role. First is the Great Wall in the military field plays a step-by-step effects for step troops provides various supply gains. Economically, promote the economic development of the frontier area. Not only such, it still promoting national fusion of the link. The Great Wall is not only our country ancient history of civilization, but also the Chinese nation great testimony spirit embodiment. But with the wheel of history rolling line, bid farewell to those troubled history, the Great Wall is no longer as foot military architecture, but the patrioti education propaganda, for tourists sightseeing spots. For years because of natural weathering, the rains washed out, wild animals nesting ce and individual tourists visit the Great Wall offending other reason, main body appear subsidence, soil loose, ground brick defect and so on many kinds of danger. Facing such a grandiose structure, how to repair and protection is worth to delve into the problem.

China is a vast land, although history there he been a number of interracial army, but ancient Chinese civilization is not only is not fall, on the contrary, because of alien culture fusion and get everbright, enrich and updates. This is our country development history and culture of the special touri resources is a kind of special advantage. It is the national wisdom and traditional culture accumulation and crystallization, is the national unity, national spirit of solidarity pillar.


Difficulties that may be encountered in the study (A) the number of survey large areas span a wide. Close personal power acquisition difficult. (B) the level of individual effort and research is limited, teachers need professional guidance to build the theoretical structure. (C) As Viewed license restrictions of foreign literature, reference information, mostly from China. (D) For the confirmatory factor ysis, the theory still learning stage, no specific implementation experience.

There might be some difficulties during the reserach

1) the huge numbers of survey subjects, large locallities. depending on an individual to collect is difficult.

2) the Individual reserach level, energy is limited, building of the theoretical structures needs Teacher professional guidance.

3) for Verification factor ysis, it is still in the theoretical learning stage and do not he actual implementation experience.

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