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英语试卷讲解教案英文版 英语试卷讲解的教案模板



英语试卷讲解教案英文版 英语试卷讲解的教案模板英语试卷讲解教案英文版 英语试卷讲解的教案模板



Good morning ,everyone .Today I‘ll talk about Unit 6 Oxford Primary English Boook 4: Let’s go by taxi. I‘ll finish this Unit in four lessons,today I’ll talk about the first period of the Unit .

This Unit is very important of this book……The Unit is the continuation of Unit 8 Oxford Primary English Book3. It provides the new words of places:station ,supermarket,library,theatre,hospital and airport.The new phrases: by train,by plane,by minibus and on foot.When learn the new words and new phrases, the Ss will come into contact with the new pattern: Shall we go to …by …? As we know there isn't a long histroy that the Ss he learnt English in the primary school,so the main instructional aims of teaching English is to cultivate the Ss‘ abilities of listening, speaking and the synthetic abilities of communication,co-operation and investigation.And to cultivate their good sense of English.

(本课是本册教材中较为重要的依棵,它是牛津小学英语3A第八单元知识的一个延伸。在本单元中提供了六个地点类的单词及四个交通工具类的单词和学生在学习单词的过程中将会遇到的一个新句型Shall we go to … by…? 我们知道小学生学习英语的时间不是很长,所以这一堂课的主要教学目标将一培养学生的听说读写能力及与人交流合作和初步调查研究的能力和较好的英语语感。)

ⅠTeaching contents:

1.The new words of the places: station, supermarket, library and so on.

2.The new words of vehicles: train, plane, minibus and foot.

3.The new pattern: Shall we go to … by …?

Ⅱ Teaching aims:

1.The aims to the knowledge

a. To enable the Ss to read and spell the new wordsand understand the meaning of the new words.

b.To help the Ss learn the new pattern: Shall we go to … by …?

c.To enable the Ss to communicate with the others using the new pattern.

2.The aims to the abilities

a.To improve the Ss ability of listening and speaking .

b.To encourage the Ss to communicate with the others actively.

3. The aims to the emotion

a.To educate the Ss to be polite and helpful to the others.

Ⅲ The key pionts:

1.To enable the Ss master the new words.

2.To enable the Ss study in groups and co-operate with the others.

3.To arouse the Ss‘ interest in English.

Ⅳ Teaching methods:

To cultivate the Ss‘ abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,to increase the Ss’ability of learning English by themselves and to arouse their interest ,in this peroid,I‘ll use the teaching methods below:


1.Communication method(交际法)

I‘ll set up a real situation,in this way ,the Ss can say in pairs or in groups,they can say freely and needn’t worring about making mistakes.

2.Task-based method (任务法)

That is to say I‘ll let the Ss finish a task by making a short dialogue and acting it out.To help the Ss get a better undersangding of the key structure.

Ⅴ Teaching aids:

In this lesson, the CAI,some pictures will be used.

Ⅵ Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1.Sing a song >.

2.Make a free talk between the T-S ,S-S.

Are you happy today?

Let‘s go to the park,OK?……

This step is to form a better situation for rhe students by singing and speaking.They will come into the real surrounding of English learning,And it can also review the learnt knowledge for the next step.(这一环节通过唱歌和自由对话为学生营造了较好的语言环境,他们会很快地进入英语学习的情境中来,在此同时也复习了旧知,为下一步的学习做好了充分的准备。)

Step 2 Presentation

I‘ll mainly talk about this period.

1.Learn the new words of places

a.CAI shows a big beautiful picture of a city.

b.A little cat go around the city and tell the Ss what place it is .

c.Write down the words on the blackboard.Ask them to read and spell ,pay attention to the pronunciation.

d.Show some pictures of the places,ask to say and put the pictures in the right places on the blackboard.

e.Practise the new words:

(1) Show some signs of the places and ask them to guess what place it is.For example show a red cross to guess that is a hospital.

(2) Guide them to make a short dialogue and practise with their partners.

Shall we go to …? All right.

This step is not to present the new words one by one,just with the help of the CAI and the pictures,it can provide a real situatian to underst and the meaning of the words and to arouse the Ss‘interest in English learning.A competition can encourage them to try by themselves and improve their ability of learning. (这一环节,并不是简单地逐个呈现要学的新单词,而是借助于多媒体和图片,为学生的学习提供了一个较真实的情境,让他们在情境中学会新知,对所学新单词的意思有比较好的理解,同时也大大激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。设置的竞赛的环节能够鼓励学生大胆尝试,提高他们英语学习的能力。)

2.Learn the new words of vehicles

a.CAI provide some sounds of the vehicles,and ask them to guess

b.Listen to the sound and learn the new words.

c.Read and spelll the words .He a competition:Who can recite the words quickly .

d.Practise the new words:

1. Look at part of the picture and guess.

2. Learn the new phrases

Act and say:(边表演边说)

Train,train,go by train

Plane,plane,go by plane

Minibus,minibus,go by minibus

Foot,foot,go on foot

This step I use the CAI to show the sounds and let them to guess,they will be happy to try and be interested in the procedure of the learning.And the acting will help them get a more better understanding of the phrases.(这一环节,我使用多媒体提供不同交通工具发出的声音,让学生去猜一猜,他们在学的过程中会很高兴地去尝试并会对学习的过程本身产生浓厚的兴趣。边说边演的环节,可以通过调动学生的所有感官,让他们对所学词组的意思有更好的理解,同时印象也更深刻了)

Step 3 Practise

1.A guesssing game

The CAI show a big picture.There are many places in the picture,and there are different vehicles in the way to the different places.Ask them to guess and give them a iling face or a crying face.There can be a competition between the groups.Using the structure: Shall we go to … by…?

2.Work in pairs

Ask them to make a dialogue with their partners.They can speak to several clasates who they want to co-operate with,so they can walk freely in the class.

This part is very important of the lesson.The Ss‘ abilities of speaking and communication will be well trained.Use the CAI to set a real surrounding and encourage the Ss to communicate with the others.They can say loudly and freely .They will feel happy and successful during this part.By way of communication ,the Ss will understanding the meaning of the structure better and master the knowledge firmly.(这部分在这一课中非常重要,因为在这一环节中学生说和与别人交流的能力将会得到很好的锻炼。用多媒体创设真实情境,鼓励学生与他人进行交流。他们可以大声自由的说英语。在这过程真他们会体验到快乐和成功。通过与别人的交流,真实的语言运用,学生对重点句型的意义用法也有了很好的理解,这将促使他们牢固地掌握所学的知识。)

Step 4 Consolidation

The CAI show two characterswho are fimilar to the Ss.Give them a task: Make a short dialogue between the two to talk about their weekends.

This part is the consolidation of the key structure,and also is an extensive activity for the Ss.During this part ,the Ss can think and say by themselves,they will be glad touse the knowledge they he learnt,and their creative power will be well trained. (这一环节是对重点句型的复习巩固,也是给学生设置的一项拓展延伸的学习活动。这部分,学生可以自己大胆的思考,大胆的说,非常乐意地去用所学的知识与他人对话,他们的创造能力也得到了很好的培养。)

Step 5 Homework

Do a survey

Investigate they can go to some place by which vehicle.



(1)知识目标:能够理解并朗读let’s read部分的对话;






1.本课时的教学重点是能够听、说、认读Let’s read 部分的对话。

2.本课时的难点是能够理解对话中出现的新时态和指点路线的新语言,如:What are you going to do after school? Get off at the cinema .Then walk straight for three minutes.


















首先我呈现一张街区地图,让学生熟悉各个地点之后,问学生excuse me ,where is the post office ?学生会回答:It’s near /next to…之后,我让学生来做一做小交警,以四人小组为单位,一个学生做小交警,另外三个问路。 S1:excuse me ,where is the …..?S2:It’s near /next to …..

设计意图:这个环节设计,我主要是让学生学会看地图,并巩固询问和指点方向的句型where is the …..?以及回答 It’s near /next to …..把枯燥的句型问答放入一个合适的情境中,学生的兴趣就会增大。同时小组活动,培养学生的合作能力与团结有爱的精神。时间安排在5分钟左右.


教师在学生全面了解了地图中各个地点的位置之后,问学生 I want to see animals. Where can I go? How can I get to the bookstore?在教学短语want to的同时,为学生输入语言see animals。学生会用 You can go to the bookstore. You can go on foot.回答。接着同样问学生 I want to see a film. Where can I go? How can I get to the cinema?引出短语 by No.3 bus.学生体会乘坐几路车的说法。同样用 I want to post a letter.. Where can I go? How can I get to the post office? 引出get off at the cinema.教学短语get off,同时教学它的反义词get on。

后教师问:I want to by a pair of shoes after school. Where can I go? How can I get to the shoestore? 引出walk straight for three minutes教学。这个句型应该重点进行操练。因此我设计了一个chant来巩固。在这个环节的教学中,把我们课文的另一个难点也设计进去,即 What are you going to do after school? I want to…..因为我上面已经说了很多可以做的事情,I want to…学生在这里就会聪明地运用进来了。

设计意图:这个环节是逐步击破新授课重难点的一个环节,教师通过想做的事情,问学生应该上哪里去,一步一步引出乘坐公交车、上下车、笔直走的英语说法。 “Be going to “句型是个新内容,因此要让学生有所感知,我设计的是一个采访任务,学生在采访中互相了解,增加友谊,完成学习目标。小学生的接受能力很强,但是也不能一下子习得多有的东西,因此我从易到难,听说结合,让学生学会思考、观察,循序渐进,符合小学生身心发展的规律。时间安排15分钟。



What is Mike going to do?

Where is he going?

Where is the shoe store?

Which bus can he take?

Is the hospital on the left ?




这一环节我这样设计:课件显示海盐镇区域图,其中有我们的学校以及一医院,电影院,图书馆等公共场所,师生就这些地点进行问答练习:Where is the ….?How can I get to the …? You can take the No…. bus. You can get off at the …. . You can walk straight for minutes. 在问答完成之后教师出示打乱顺序的句子,让学生根据我们镇的地图进行排序。







Unit 6 Meet my family

Can you spell these words?

Nurse doctor driver farmer


1、Listen to the tape

2、Finish the sentences


教学内容:Unit 6 Meet my family(7)


1、Try to understand Part C: story time

2、To know the culture:

3、Let’s check

教学重点:Let’s check. The song

教学难点:Story time



Step1: Revision

1、The words

2、The sentences

Step2:Finish ‘Let’s check”

1、Listen and chose the right answer.

2、Check your answers.

Step3: Story time

1、Look at the pictures

2、Try to understand the story

3、Listen to the tape

4、Say after the tape

Step4: Culture

Step5: Let’s sing: Read the song

1、Listen to the tape

2、Sing together

Step6:Summary and homework


Unit 6 Meet my family (7)

Good to know. Mom mother


1、Listen to the tape

2、Sing the song.



【 #小学英语# 导语】你聪颖,你善良,你活泼。有时你也幻想,有时你也默然,在默然中沉思,在幻想中寻觅。小小的你会长大,小小的你会成熟,愿你更坚强!以下是 无 为大家整理的《一年级小学英语教案英文版【三篇】》供您查阅。




1. Master the new words : jump, walk, swim, dance, run

2. Can you jump/ swim? Yes, I can.

3. I can dance?

教学目标的检测途径 1.老师说,学生做动作。或者学生说,另一学生做动作进行检验。2.打乱新单词、图片顺序,学生自由认读。


Teaching importance: New words learning.

Teaching difficulty : use the structures to ask and answer

突破教学难点的方法 1.用动作单词的记忆。2.通过歌谣,边说边做。





1. Oral English

---Good morning! / afternoon!

---Good morning! / afternoon!

---How are you?

---I’m find.

--- What day is it today? -

-- It’s Monday.

---What’s the weather like today?

---It’s rain.

2.Say the rhyme : An elephant can walk, walk, walk, walk?


1.T: What can elephant do?

S: Elephant.

T: Yes, the elephant can walk. Today, Miss Liu will take you to the zoo, to see some animals and learn what can they do?

2.Show out a picture of elephant

T : What’s this? S: ?

T: What can it do?

T: It’s can walk. Elicit : walk Walk, walk, an elephant can walk. ( do action)

T: Can you walk?

S: Yes, I can. Repeat:walk Say the rhyme again : An elephant can walk, walk, walk, walk?A frog can jump, jump, jump, jump,?

3.Practice A: Can you walk? ( one ask the next, little train)

4. Elicit: Jump Repeat:jump

5. the same way to learn swim, run.

6. ask a student to sing a song and do action

One two, one, two, It’s a fish。

To sing a song and do action

One two, one, two, It’s a fish

T: ( when the student do action) Look, she can dance. Elicit: Dance,ask some students come to the board to dance.

7. play a game touching game

8. play an acting game teacher say teacher act ---- ---- they act

三、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

Come to the board to ask their friends: Can you ?? Yes, I can. No.----

they say Play a game like this

I can jump. I can jump, I can swim. I can jump, I can swim, I can walk. ? ?

T:Let’s listen to the tape and read after it.Ss listen to the tape and read after it


Listen to the tape and read after it.

Teach parents to do actions with you.


jump, walk, swim, dance, run

Can you jump/ swim?

Yes, I can. I can dance?(图片)



Unit 12 I can swim Lesson Two


1.Review the words: can, walk, jump, swim, run, dance.

2、Listen and , please.

教学目标的检测途径 1.老师读看学生做动作。2.学生做动作,学生读单词。3.练习


Understand saying the words in the vocabulary.

突破教学难点的方法 1、Sing the song 活跃课堂气氛. 2、2.Touch and say. Listen and act,动手动脑结合.


recorder, tape , pictures, slide show, computer, poster




T: Hello. Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello. Good morning ,Miss Liu.

T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

2.T: Play, Please! It is a Simon says-style game. Explain to the children that they are only to follow your directions if you first say. “please.”

Simon says, “Please jump / walk /run /dance /swim. Simon says, “Please stand up .”

二、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

1、Look at my mouth. Guess and say the words. Repeat the step above for dance , walk, run, swim and jump. Repeat dance , walk, run, swim and jump Say these sentences

I can dance / jump / walk /run /swim.

2、Touch and say. Explain to the children that they are going to look at some photographs of what animals can do. Say these sentences.

3、Sing the song. Sing after the tape and do the actions. Pair Work. Divide the class into five groups. Give each group a verb flashcard. He each group “perform” a verse for the rest of the class.

4、Listen and act. Jump/Dance/Run/Swim, please.


1.Understand the words , the sentences and song.Check up on every group.



1 Sing the song to your families


I can ??. can, walk, jump, swim, run, dance.



Unit 12 I can swim Lesson Three


1、Vocabulary: Understand listening and saying the words :x-ray , yo-yo, zebra, zoo.

2、Structures. What is it? It’s a (yo-yo,)。

教学目标的检测途径 1.根据老师的提示,指出相应的图片2.阅读看图认单词反馈。


1、Learn the words and say the rhyme.

2、Make the dialogue.

突破教学难点的方法 个别学生混淆可能会net与 nest读音和意思,加强两者在因、形、意上的比较。结合他们的观察进行提问。


图片 PPT



1、Sing the Animal song together.

2、Greetings. T: Hello, good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, good morning, Miss Liu. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you.

3、Review the names of animals. Respond to with the correct animal movement or imitation. What’s this? Ss:It’s dog, fish, cat, bird, lion, tiger, panda, rabbit, monkey.


1、Listen and practice. Look at the pictures of computers. 1.呈现圆形的建筑物“动物园”,The animals are in the zoo.Let’s go to the zoo.Repeat:zoo.

2.T:I want to ride a horse in the zoo!Wow ,Is it a horse? No, it's a zebra. Elicit: zebra,ask some students come to the board to ride a horse. Repeat:zebra. Chant and Do:zebra in the zoo.ride a zebra in the zoo.

3.由骑马过程中不注意安全摔下马,受伤送院。医生建议拍片引出x-ray。 T: What’s this? This is an x-ray.

Replay the procedure as they listen。 Pairwork:看x-ray的图猜说什么动物的x-ray。 Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words “net and zebra.”

4、由于受伤不能再玩别的游戏例如。...(学生提出I can't..... walk, jump, swim, run, dance),引出 Playing yo-yo.

5、Replay the procedure : I like ......|I don't like。

三、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)


2.Play a game.

3、Say the rhyme. Play the tape, the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it. Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.

4. Do the anctions.Act out the rhyme.

Match and draw.(Page 46) Check up on the answers. Extension. Touch and say.


Read page46五次。


Lesson Three

What’s this? It’s a x-ray , yo-yo, zebra, zoo.




Module 5 Weekend jobs

Unit 1 I’m watering the new trees.


1简要提示Module 4所学内容。


1.Look and listen. Then repeat.

1 告诉学生说,有一位小记者采访了几位学生。他们说了些什么呢?请大家带着下面几个问题听对话录音两遍,然后回答这些问题。

What are the teachers and students doing?

What is Li Jie doing?

What is Li Qing doing?

What is Bai Feifei doing?




2.What are the children doing? ...


3. Work in groups.


4. Homework.


Unit 2 I’m making some flowers for my mother.


简要提示Unit 1所学的内容。


1.Look and listen. Then repeat.

1告诉学生:Ms Brown正在和几位学生谈话。他们谈了些什么呢?请大家带着下面几个问题,听对话录音两遍,然后回答这些问题:

What are Ms Brown and the students talking about?

What is Sarah doing for her mother?

What is Robert doing for his mother?

What is Diana doing for her mother?

What is Jane cooking?




2. Continue the dialogue.



3. Homework.


Unit 3 He is making tea.


简要提示Unit 2所学内容。


1. Read and plete.


2. Listen to someone describing...


3. Listen and sing.


4. Homework.





Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉它吗?Judy can speak a little Chinese. 朱蒂会说一点中文。I can dance and sing. 我能唱歌又能跳舞。


Can the students run in the hallways? 学生们可以在走廊上跑吗?We can eat outside. 我们可以在外面吃东西。Can I e in? 我能进来吗?

注意 同样是情态动词,can 和he to 的用法是有区别的,和大部分情态动词一样,can在否定句中,直接在can后加上not,在疑问句中,把can放到主语前面,并且没有人称和数的变化。





4.外研版七年级英语下册Module 6单元随堂练习题




Unit 8 I’d like some noodles

( period 1 1a to grammar focus)

一、The ysis of the textbook.

Different people he different tasts and habits of the food.

Unit 8 focuses on the chinese food and it specialities.

The main languge targets are “ What kind of noodles would youhe she like ? I’d He’dShe’d like …… noodles.

What size bowl of noodles would you he she like?” I’d He’d She’d like a all mediumlarge bowl of noodles.

It is an interesting topic related to the students’ daily lives.

So it is easy to arouse the interests of the students.

二.The ysis of the students.

The students show a lot enthusiams and passions to the lesson .

Because the topic is useful and necessary in their daily lives.

They show great curiosity and inquiry.

Most names of the food are familiar to them.

However some students are not familiar with some new words of the food such as beef, mutton, cabbage and so on.

Besides the words of bowl , large, special are hard for them to pronouce.

Some students he never seen or eaten the food in the lesson.

So I will help them to overcome these obstacles.

I will help them enjoy the fun of English .

三.The ysis of the teaching methods.

1.The students are always the masters of the class.

The teachers are only the guides and organizers of the class activities.

In English teaching, we should make the lessons close to their daily lives ,and complish the teaching goals in the activites.

We should make the students master the ways to study in the activities.

So the teachers and students can show their initiatives and creativities at their best.

2.I adopt the task-based teaching method.

I mix the main words and main language targets into the pratical activities.

The students complish the goals through the experance of the class activities.

3.Groupwork is the main teaching method in the English class.

The teacher should give the students more freedom to show and express themselves.

We should provide a stage for the students to mix the knowledge , exchange the information and share the resources .

The teachers had better give them more praise and affirmation.

So the relations between the teachers and students are natural and democratic.

四.The teaching goals.

1.Knowlege object:

words: would, I’d, noodle, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, special, juice, drink, bowl, he’d, he would, size

language goals:

What kind of noodles would youhe she like ? I’d He’dShe’d like …… noodles.

What size bowl of noodles would you he she like?

2.Ability object:

The students are able to make the new conversations using the target languages.

They foster the ability to speak ,listen, read, and study by themselves.

3.Emotion object:

Let the students enjoy the English and learn by using , learn by doing.

4.learning strategy object:

Self study and cooperation in groups.

五.Teaching important and difficult points.

Important points:

1 The words of the food.

2 The target language.

Difficult points:

Teach the students to put the knowledge into use.

六.Teaching aids :

The pictures of the food; a radio;a computer; a paper;

七.Teaching procedure:

Before ---task:

( Let’s begin the lesson with the English song “ A mouse likes rice”)

1 Warm up:

Play a game using the target language “ Can you ? Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.”

T: My boys and girls, do you like games ? (The students may answer “ Yes, I do” )

T: Good ! now please take out a paper ( No matter how large the paper is .

Any paper is ok!) and fold it like me ! First fold it into a square and cut the unnecessary part.

If you can fold it easily , you can say loudly “ Yes, I can” If you can’t go on to fold it , you can say loudly “ No, I can’t”

T: Are you ready?

S: Yes!

T: Ok! Let’s go ! First fold it “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can !

T: Go on! “can you?”

S: Yes, I can !

T: Go on ! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T:Go on! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T: Go on! “can you?”

S: Yes, I can !

T: Go on ! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T:Go on! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T: Go on again! “ can you ?”

S: No, I can’t!

T: Go on again! “ can you ?”

S: No, I can’t!

T: Ok! Now unfold the paper and count how many times he you folded?

S:Seven !

T: Yes ! it is impossible for us to fold more than that, no matter how large the paper is! If you don’t believe it, you can try after class! Yeah! A very intersting game!

(Until now the students are warm.

They he prepared themselves for the coming lessons.)

2.Check the prevision of the new words.

The teacher prepares the cards of the food ahead of time.

The teacher presents the pictures to the students and the students say English together.

The teacher shows the pictures twice.

Then the teacher shows the pictures to the individual students and they are expected to say English according to the given pictures.

If they can say them correctly, the teacher will send them the pictures! ( The students are eager to get them, they need the teacher’s encouragement, so they will answer them actively!).


(1)Present the words of the food and the pictures of the food on the screen.

( the student he been familiar with them)

T: Do you know these food?

S: Yes!

T: Perfect! Now I will ask a girl and a boy to lead the other students to read them.

Then I will present the names of the drinks in the same way.

Until now all of the new words of the food he been presented to the students.

T: Look at these words please ! My students , can you find the differnces between these words?( The teacher says so while she is pointing to the “s” added to the words.


S: A student may stand up and give his answers!

Present a collection of pictures of food and ask the students to category .

T: Look at these pictures ! Which are uncountable words and which are countable words? Volunteers!!!!????

S: A student may stand up to show him.

(2) Lead into the class using “ What kind of vegetables would like ? ---I’d like …….

Present the pictures of the vegetables like : carrots, cabbages, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, and so on!

T: “ What kind of vegetables would you like?”

S: I’d like tomatoes.

( They say it together)

T: What about you ? (point to a student)

S: I’d like ……

The teacher leads the students to read the target languages and makes the students to practice the conversations in pairs.

The teacher asks several pairs to show them .

Then the teacher presents the pictures of the meat like : beef, mutton, chicken, fish ……

The teacher asks the students using the target languages “ What kind of meat would you like? I’d like …….”

The teacher calls several students to answer and then let them practice in pairs.

Later, the teacher names several pairs to show them.

The teacher presents the pictures of the noodles.

The teacher leads the students to express the kinds of noodles according to the pictures on the screen.

Then the teacher asks the students to use the target languages “ What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like …….


The teacher gives them minutes to practice and then asks them to present their conversations.

Cheer for them at the duly time.

3.While --- task.

(1)T: Please turn to P47 and match the words with the pictures and let them check with their partners.

Then the teacher presents the answers on the screen.

(2) Let’s move on to activity 1b on Page47.

The students will listen to the radio twice and then check the answers.

(3) Present different sizes bowls of noodles.

( all, medium, large)

T:Boys and girls, do you want to eat noodles?

S: Yes!

T: What size bowl of noodles would you like ?

S: I’d like all mediumlarge bowl of noodles.

Teacher asks the students to answer the questions and then let them practice in pairs.

Three minutes later, the teacher asks the pairs to show their conversations.

(4) Guessing game!

The teacher shows the picture of a strong boy on the screen.

Let the students guess what size bowl of noodles would he like? He’d like a ________ bowl of noodles.

Then the teacher asks several pairs to present their guesses.

Then the teacher shows the answer “ all”

Let the students who guesses right put up their hands and cheer for them.

(5) Let the students turn to p48 .

Listen to the tape and do 2a .

Then one student gives his answer and the teacher shows the right answers on the screen.

Let us go on activity 2b .

The students will listen to the tape twice and fill the blanks.

Then the seated students check the answers with their partners and the teacher presents the correct answers on the screen.


(1) Role play.

T: My boys and girls, do you want to he noodles?

S: Yes!

T: Good! Let us go to the noodle house to he noodles!

One is a waiter, the other is a customer.

Just act it out!

Three minutes later, the teacher calls three pairs to act it!

(2) Make a survey!

Make a survey in the groups using the language goals :

They may do it like this :

A: Hello Peter! What kind of noodles would you like ?

B: I’d like beef and cabbage noodles.

A: What size bowl of noodles would you like?

B: I’d like medium bowl of noodles.

A: Hello Sally!.

Then the teacher asks the students to report the survey like this :

I’d like egg and tomato noodles.

I’d like a all bowl of noodles.

Peter would like beef and cabbage noodles.

Peter would like a mediun bowl of noodles.

And Sally.

5 Check themselves!

Do the exercise on the paper.

The exercise includes two parts: check yourselves and challenge yourselves!

6 Summary!

The teacher asks a student to sum it up , then the teacher help him add

7 Let us end the lesson with the english song “ A mouse likes rice”


〖模版 仅供参考〗

Unit Two My days of the week






Unit Two My days of the week


Part A Let’s learn



1. Can listen and answer “What day is it today? What do we he on Mondays?

2. Can listen say read write “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday”

3. Can sing the song “My days of the week”


To memory the words:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

教 具

A hanging picture, pictures of people, word cards, tape recorder

教 学 过 程

1. T take the students to go over the words about teaching subjects.

2. Show the hanging picture , introduce it “It’s a time schedule .Let’s he a look. It’s 8:00. It’s time for music, It’s time for English. It’s 9:50 , It’s time for math, It’s 10:40. It’s time for music. What day is it?” Show Monday and We he…on Mondays. T asks What day is it today? What day do you like?

Unit Two My days of theweek

What day is it today? It’s…

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday Sunday


本课时主要学习星期一至星期五的单词,学生对于Tuesday与Thursday两个单词比较容易搞乱.学生能初步的听懂What day is it today? It’s ---之间的问与答

Happy halloween英语教案及教学设计

小学英语教案是小学英语老师做好教学的关键,为帮助各位老师做好上课前的准备,下面我为大家带来Happy halloween英语教案,供你参考!

Happy halloween英语教案:


本单元的核心内容是 万圣节 晚会的准备工作,重点学习万圣节所需要的一些物品、 动物类 单词以及Do you like…?Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like…等 句子 。


四年级学生的年龄,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、特别感兴趣。而且他们接触英语已经有一年的时间,已具有初步的听说能力。在学习单词的时候,应提醒学生注意名词的复数形式在词形和读音上的变化。句子的教学教师可以采用以旧带新的 方法 ,用已经学过的句型引出新句型。本单元所出现的动物类单词,紧密结合的是商店里的购物用语,在教学中教师要注意创设购物情景,让学生熟练自如地运用这些购物的交际用语。我相信必能很好的调动学生学习积极性。


1、认知目标:能够听懂会说本单元的新单词today、Halloween 、Come in、of course.并能灵活运用。

2、能力目标:通过模仿、操练、表演等活动,学生能够运用所学的语言知识进行对话,提高 英语口语 交际能力。

3、情感目标:了解万圣节的 文化 背景,感受异国文化,促进中西方文化的交流。


句型 Can I he some…? 及其回答Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.的运用。




一、Warming up and revision



3、Sing “Happy New Year”


When the Ss are practicing the sentences , a student who wears monster’s clothes knocks at the door and act the dialogue with the Teacher.

Say the sentences “Can I come in ? Of course !” slowly . Help the Ss understand the news .

1.Tell the Ss some details about “Halloween”

2. When the Ss look at the pictures , a student who wears monster’s clothes knocks at the door and acts the dialogue with the teacher. Say the sentences“Can I come in ? Of course” Help the Ss understand the meaning of Halloween..


1、Show the word cards to the Ss and get them to say the words together.

soup 、sweets、bread、biscuits、fruit、rice…

2、Review the sentence:

T: Can I he some…?

If you he, you should say “Yes , please.” If you don’t he, you should say “ Sorry, you can’t”。

Listen to the tape , then repeat . Say the chant together . lastly get the Ss to say in their groups —— which group is the best ?


1、Say the chant .


2、Show the copy.

收集有关Halloween的知识,了解西方的 其它 节日。



Happy halloween教学 反思 :

本单元的教学内容是关于西方的万圣,Halloween对于学生来说并不是很了解,甚至有些同学还不知道有这样的一个节日,因此我在教学导入时利用课件播放许多关于万圣节的图片及音像资料,图文并茂的引入万圣节的知识,让学生了解异域风情。并且在教学过程中渗透万圣节色彩,让学生了解其特色。通过这样的方式,既能调动学生的学习兴趣,又把知识带入到本课的学习场景中来,在真实的语言交际情境中学习,这充分符合小学 英语学习 的兴趣性原则和情境性原则。在本课中我创设了两个情景,一个是利用课前准备好的“食物牌”购物的情景,让学生在情景中复习旧知,学习新知。另一个是万圣节聚会的情景,让学生在情景表演中运用积累到的语言尽情的交流,从知识的体验上升到情感上的体验。

新课标提倡小组合作的学习方式,培养学生自主、合作、探究的能力。因此,在巩固与操练环节我以小组竞赛的形式进行,不仅巩固了所学语言,而且活跃了课堂气氛。后,设计的 才艺展示 ,把抄写得好作品通过投影,给学生搭建了一个展示自我的舞台,帮助学生树立学习的自信心。


小学英语 教育 课堂氛围是关键。教师的才能激发出学生的,继而引发课堂教学的活力,这一点我还存在很大的学习空间。作为一个小学英语教师,我必须不断的发掘自己,发掘学生,争取更大的进步。

Happy halloween英语教案相关 文章 :

1. 初三英语Happy Halloween教案

2. 初三英语连词语法教案

3. 初三英语全册Unit 13单元检测题和答案

4. 初三英语上第八单元复习题

5. 七年级上册英语期末教学调研试卷




首先是教案设计(Instructional design)的标题部分(如下图),包括标题,课型,授课阶段以及时常等,这些是在开头就要标明的。

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