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5、一、详尽释义点此查看leaves的详细内容n.(名词)树叶花瓣_null.名词leaf的复数形式动词leave的第三人称单数形式二、英英释义名词 leave:the period of time during which you are absent from work or dutypermission to do somethingthe act of departing politely动词 leave:go away from a placego and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulnessact or be so as to become in a specified stateleave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from takingmove out of or depart frommake a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remainhave as a result or residueremove oneself from an association with or participation input into the care or protection of someoneleave or give by will after one's deathhave left or have as a remainderbe survived by after one's deathtransmit (knowledge or skills)leave behind unintentionally三、网络解释1. leaves的反义词1. 叶:喜欢(love)秋天(fall)的落(falling)叶(leaves)?最佳答案: 猪水肿病(Edema disease of pigs)是断奶前后仔猪的一种急性散发性肠毒血症疾病,又名猪胃肠水肿. 一般认为本病是由溶血性大肠杆菌引起的,其血清型常见的是O139:K82(B),2. leaves在线翻译2. 树叶:详细分析下,发现它一棵树分三部分绘制:树干和大树枝(branches),小树枝(fronds),树叶(leaves)树干的自阴影(self shadow)是预先生成的,至于生成的算法,可能是可以根据可穿透的光线跟踪,也可能是结合shadow map的逐象素地生成光照贴图(把树干的面都展开后,3. 树叶, 花瓣:moon phase corrector 月相盘校正器 |leaves 树叶, 花瓣 | put a child in the corner 罚小孩站在角落里四、例句Sand and leaves trapped the water in the stream.沙子和树叶堵住了小河的水流。

6、They find the body bur beneath a pile of leaves.他们在一堆树叶下面发现了那具尸体。

7、五、词汇搭配Chinese leaves大白菜Chinese cabbage大白菜(也作cele...leaf页leave委托filiform leaves线叶病enation leaves延生叶primary leaves初生叶rough leaves糙叶fascicled leaves簇生叶detached leaves离脱叶strawberry leaves公爵的头衔或身份(公...leaves without figs空谈六、情景对话接、送机场A:Excuse me! I’m looking for the airport bus?对不起!我在找机场的巴士.leaves的反义词B:I think it’s on the side of the road.我想应该在路的另一边。

8、A:Oh, thanks. But the next busleaves at 9:00.Can you tell me the best way to get to the airport?哦,谢谢。


10、可否请你告诉我到飞机场的最好走法?B:If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, you’d better take a taxi to the airport.如果你想保证赶上那班飞机,你最好乘出租车去机场.在公共汽车上A:Excuse me. What time does the next bus for Boston leave?打搅一下,请问下一班到波士顿的公共汽车是几点开?B:Itleaves at 8:30.在8 点半开车。

11、A:I see. Are there any seats available?我明白了,还有空位吗?leaves的翻译B:Just s moment, please. Yes, you can have a seat.请稍等,有的,有一个空位。

12、A:Good. How much is a one-way ticket?很好。

13、一张单程车票多少钱?B:It’s 38 dollars.38 美元。

14、A:All right. Here’s 40 dollars.好的,这是40 美元。

15、B:Here’s your ticket and change.这是您的车票和找回的零钱。


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