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repeating是什么意思 repeating意思


repeating是什么意思 repeating意思repeating是什么意思 repeating意思

1、by listening to a tape and repeating out loud通过听磁带和重复大声by listening to a tape and repeating out loud通过听磁带和重复大声通过听录音/磁带并大声读出来。

2、by listening to a tape and repeating out loud.通过听磁带和重复大声。

3、by listening 通过听例句:1.The party bubbled about them, and she sat listening, supremely content to beby his side.周围人声鼎沸,而她坐在那儿,安静地听他倾诉衷肠。

4、2.I can only urge you to seek truth by listening to the voice within.我只能敦促你们通过倾听内在的声音来寻求真理。

5、3.Listen. One of my favorite ways to get ideas is by listening to other people talk.倾听别人的谈话是我最喜欢的获取想法的途径之一。

6、4.By listening to many English CDs, i made a great progress on english .通过聼大量英语磁带,我的英语成绩取得了较大的进步。

7、5.Guess what I just learnt by listening to a phone conversation?猜猜我刚才听别人打电话知道了什么?。


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