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neat历年真题 neat报名2021


1、这题出的也难了吧...1.The Nationalists emerged __triumphing___ from the political crisis. (triumph)2. __Human___ aid is being sent to the refugees. (human)3. They have been __theoreting___ about what may have caused the fire. (theory)4. The men worked __unceasing___ through the night. (cease) 5.The essays seek to _contextualise______ Mark Twain’s writings. (context)6. The booking will be made on _receiving__ of a deposit. (receive)7. The ability to give clear _explanation_____ is the most important quality of the ideal teacher. (explain)8.They were sentenced to 6 years’_prison___ after they confessed their guilt. (prison)9.The language difference proved a(n)__surmounted_____ barrier to a new-comer in a foreign nation. (surmount)个人认为国内的英语教育就是tmd操蛋!!!。


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