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2、下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!大学英语四级考试听力材料及答案听力真题:15.A. In the classroom.B. At he post office.C. In the bank.D. In a park.16.A. The woman is excited to have lunch with the man.B. The woman has appointment with someone else.C. The woman thinks the man did wrong in the morning.D. The woman is afraid that the man has lunch alone.答案解析:15.W: I want to send this package by first class mail. I'dalso like some stamps.M: Do you want the mail insured?Q: Where are the two speakers?正确答案:B解析:女士说:“我想以第一类邮件的方式寄这个包裹,另外我还想买几张邮票。




6、本对话中,第一个说话人说的send this package byfirst class mail, stamps以及第二个说话人说的mail, insure,都是邮寄东西时常用的词汇。

7、16.M: I thought that maybe we could go there for lunch today. That is, if you haven't promised togo with someone else.W: That'd be wonderful, Joe. But I hope you're in a better mood than you were this morning.Q: What does the woman mean?正确答案:C解析:男士提议说,女士如果没有约会的话,中午一起吃饭;女士表示赞同,说:“太好了。




11、女士的话That'd bewonderful... 是随口赞同说的客气话,并不表示女士很兴奋excited,据此排除A。


13、大学英语四级考试听力素材及答案听力真题:Section Cpound DictationCorporations as a group offer a variety of jobs. Most large panies send people to colleges to 36 ______ graduating students with the 37 ______ academic training. A large university may have more than 500 panies a year knocking on its doors. Big firms are your best 38 ______ for a job because their normal growth, employee 39 ______ , and turnover create thousands of job 40 ______ nationwide each year.Corporations, however, 41 ______ the rule that the biggest isn't always the best. Many *** all firms with a few hundred employees have positions that may 42 ______ with your professional goals, too. Such firms may not have the time, money, or need to send people around to your college; you will probably have to 43 ______ them yourself either directly or through an employment agency. Don't ignore these little panies. 44 _____________________________________________________________ . You could bee a big fish in a pond, reaching a high-level position more quickly than you would 45 _____________________________________________________ .For example, a *** all pany may need a bright engineering, accounting or management graduate who report directly to the senior vice-president of engineering, the pany controller, or the general manager. 46 ___________________________________________________________________ . In addition, responsibilities may e faster in a *** all firm with less specialization and fewer lower-level employees to receive delegated authority.答案解析:36. interview解析:不定式to后面加原形动词。


15、37. required解析:此处是动词的过去分词作定语,修饰后面的名词,不要漏写结尾的ed。

16、38. place解析:此处是名词位于形容词后,作表语。

17、39. retirements解析:与前面的growth和后面的turnover属于并列关系,此处也需要名词,拼写时记得最后还有个表复数形式的s。


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