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my vag中文歌词 myi中文版歌词

And now, the end is near; 而今,结局已近

my vag中文歌词 myi中文版歌词my vag中文歌词 myi中文版歌词

And so I face the final curtain. 帷幕就要落下

My friend, I’ll say it clear, 朋友,请听我细细讲

I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain. 那一切还铭记在心的事情

I’ve lived a life that’s full. 我曾过着充实的生活

I’ve traveled each and every highway; 曾经飞驰在高速公路上,四处旅行

And more, much more than this, 但比这更重要的是

I did it my way. 我走自己的路

Regrets, I’ve had a few; 遗憾,也曾有过一些

But then again, too few to mention. 但少的不足提起

I did what I had to do 我做了我应该做的

And saw it through without exemption. 即便一切重来,我也不会改变

I planned each charted course; 我曾计划好每一次行程

Each careful step along the byway, 还有偏僻小道的每一小步

Oh, and more, much more than this, 但比这更重要的是

I did it my way. 我走自己的路

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew 是的,有那么几次,你也清楚

When I bit off more than I could chew. 我有些贪多不嚼烂

But through it all, when there was doubt, 但每一次稍有犹豫

I ate it up and spit it out. 我都会毫不保留的将一切咽下

I faced it all and I stood tall; 我昂首面对

And did it my way. 走自己的路

I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried. 我曾爱过,曾大声的笑过,哭过

I’ve had my fill; my share of losing. 曾满足过,也曾失败过

And now, as tears subside, 现在,泪水已干

I find it all so amusing. 我发现一切如此的好笑

To think I did all that; 想想我曾做过的一切

And may I say - not in a shy way, 我可以说,毫无羞愧的

No, oh no not me, 这没有什么了不起的

I did it my way. 我只是,走了自己的路

For what is a man, what has he got? 人到底为何而活,活着又得到了些什么?

If not himself, then he has naught. 如果不是自己,那他便虚度此生

To say the things he truly feels; 说出自己的真实想法

And not the words of one who kneels. 永不屈就说不情愿的话

The record shows I took the blows - 这盒录音带记录我所走过的不平和坎坷

And did it my way 我走的,是自己的路

[Intro: J Pee]

J Pee baby, yup, yup

Yeah, you know what it is

Check this shit out man

Check it out, Check it out

Check it out, yeah

[Verse 1: J Pee]

Chillin' with my homies at the Home Depot

(Home Depot)

Buyin' screws and nails, manly shit you know?

(You know?)

My homie says to me "What kind of drill you want?"

(He asked me)

So I said I wanted one right in the ass


[Hook 1: J Pee]

I'm not gay

I'm not gay

It was a joke guys, come on

I'm not gay

I like vag more than a pornstar scandal

But can I get the drill with the bright pink handle?

[Verse 2: J Pee]

Playin' tackle football with my homies in the park

Had to wrap it up cause it was gettin' dark

(Gettin' dark)

The other team was looking straight scary as shit


But my quarterback, he ain't having none of it

(He ain't scared)

He looked at me and told me no matter where I was at

My priority job was to protect the sack


So fourth down, he bends over and yells "Hike!"

So I went and grabbed his balls!


[Hook 2: J Pee]

I'm not gay

I'm not gay

I'm just doing my job, step off

I'm not gay

It's not like I was purposefully tryin' to feel them

(I wasn't)

I just care about the safety of your future children


I'm not gay, I'm not gay

Quit telling me that, man

I'm not gay

Next time I'll just let your balls get mangled, son

P.S. I didn't know that you were so well hung

[Verse 3: J Pee]

Strollin& #39; with my homies in West Hollywood


Wasn't my idea because I'm not gay

Dude walks by me with his shirt off, and I was like

"Damn bitch, you fine!"


[Hook 3: J Pee]

I'm not gay guys

That ain't me

I'm just comfortable with my sexuality

So I can admit when I see a guy

Who has a handsome face, and pretty eyes

And a rock hard chest, and rippling abs

And the tightest ass, and those sculpted calves

And those bulging quads, and the perfect bod

And ohh my god, take your pants off


Fuck it

[Hook 4: J Pee]

I'm gay

I'm fucking gay

I'm the dude wearing nail polish yelling "Hey!"

I'm the dude at the party who'll grab your butt

(That's me)

And when you turn around and look at me I'll be like "What?"


I'm gay

(I'm gay)

I'm hella gay

I watch Zac Efron movies every Saturday

And normal self expression doesn't suit me either

That's why my degree is in musical theater

I'm so gay man... <收起

[Intro: J Pee]

J Pee baby, yup, yup

Yeah, you know what it is

Check this shit out man

Check it out, Check it out

Check it out, yeah

[Verse 1: J Pee]

Chillin' with my homies at the Home Depot

(Home Depot)

Buyin' screws and nails, manly shit you know?

(You know?)

My homie says to me "What kind of drill you want?"

(He asked me)

So I said I wanted one right in the ass


[Hook 1: J Pee]

I'm not gay

I'm not gay

It was a joke guys, come on

I'm not gay

I like vag more than a pornstar scandal

But can I get the drill with the bright pink handle?

[Verse 2: J Pee]

Playin' tackle football with my homies in the park

Had to wrap it up cause it was gettin' dark

(Gettin' dark)

The other team was looking straight scary as shit


But my quarterback, he ain't having none of it

(He ain't scared)

He looked at me and told me no matter where I was at

My priority job was to protect the sack


So fourth down, he bends over and yells "Hike!"

So I went and grabbed his balls!


[Hook 2: J Pee]

I'm not gay

I'm not gay

I'm just doing my job, step off

I'm not gay

It's not like I was purposefully tryin' to feel them

(I wasn't)

I just care about the safety of your future children


I'm not gay, I'm not gay

Quit telling me that, man

I'm not gay

Next time I'll just let your balls get mangled, son

P.S. I didn't know that you were so well hung

[Verse 3: J Pee]

Strollin' with my homies in West Hollywood


Wasn't my idea because I'm not gay

Dude walks by me with his shirt off, and I was like

"Damn bitch, you fine!"


[Hook 3: J Pee]

I'm not gay guys

That ain't me

I'm just comfortable with my sexuality

So I can admit when I see a guy

Who has a handsome face, and pretty eyes

And a rock hard chest, and rippling abs

And the tightest ass, and those sculpted calves

And those bulging quads, and the perfect bod

And ohh my god, take your pants off


Fuck it

[Hook 4: J Pee]

I'm gay

I'm fucking gay

I'm the dude wearing nail polish yelling "Hey!"

I'm the dude at the party who'll grab your butt

(That's me)

And when you turn around and look at me I'll be like "What?"


I'm gay

(I'm gay)

I'm hella gay

I watch Zac Efron movies every Saturday

And normal self expression doesn't suit me either

That's why my degree is in musical theater

I'm so gay man...




谁听过My love 中文版,内附歌词



开车窗 让阳光















大方的曝光 恋人们都一样




就让我们 相爱吧






原来,又到九月, 巩皇登上《嘉人》九月封面的时间到了!

这次大片的主题是致敬电影,以多个电影造型为灵感,穿运动服,戴棒球帽, 女王怎么穿都是...女王!


说起来, 九月刊 对于 时尚 杂志来说,绝对是全年最重要的一期,没有之一。


所以,九月刊一般都特别厚,因为里面全是广告页。以前我做甲方时,经常和同事打趣说,九月刊绝对可以用 来当「凶器」 。

也正因为此, 九月刊封面一直是「兵家必争之地」 。能登国际大刊封面的,都说明了其江湖地位。

今天,我们就来一起来盘点下 今年九月的封面 ,不仅能提高审美,还能顺便了解当地的文化和热点新闻呢。




01、英国版 VOGUE

位列四大版本之一的 英国版 VOGUE 九月刊 出炉,封面正是 38岁英国华裔演员 Gemma Chan ,而且是单人封。 (有一些杂志会出两个封面,端水大师哈哈,后面会说到)

这位 牛津大学毕业的学霸 ,成为英国版 VOGUE 历史 上第一位登上九月刊封面的亚裔女星。

Gemma 穿华裔设计师 Huishan Zhang 的裙子,又一次为华裔设计师打call。

02、美国版 Cosmopolitan

美国版Cosmopolitan 封面也是一名亚裔明星 —— 今年31岁的中韩混血女演员、歌手、主持人、制片人奥卡菲娜 Awkwafina (林家珍) 。

她和 Gemma 一起出演过《摘星奇缘 》,饰演女主的好闺蜜——来自新加坡的毒舌富二代林佩,超级 搞笑 。

这位妹子是真有才华。她24岁那年,有位美国男嘻哈歌手发了一首叫《My Dxxk》的很黄、很暴力的歌曲;

为了回击他,还在做社畜的奥卡菲娜上传了一个女性版本的《My Vag》,歌名和歌词更加黄暴。妹子横空出世,结果...被老板开除了。

有才华的人总会发光。去年她凭借《别告诉她The Farewell》,喜提金球奖音乐/喜剧类最佳女主角,成为 历史 上第一位电影类亚裔影后 !



03、中国版 VOGUE

中国版 VOGUE 这回也挺令人惊喜的,这也是 史上最年轻的主编、年仅27岁的华裔博主章凝 正式接管后的首封。

先放两张 VOGUE 前几个月的封面吧,就知道这回九月封的审美有多好了。

早在七月时,VOGUE 就在微博大张旗鼓招募素人。最后登封的其实不是真正素人,而是 新人模特、19岁的范靖涵。

她身穿 Johannes Warnke 披风,立于 张掖丹霞的群山之巅 ,金色的阳光洒满全身,寓意旭日初升,和主题「新篇章 New Beginnings」吻合。

内页质量也很高,很有国际范儿。期待下一期的 VOGUE!



01、英国版 Happer's Bazzar

39岁的水果姐 Natalia Vodianova 给英国版 Happer's Bazzar。穿的是 Louis Vuitton连衣裙。

内页也依然不太行。我就想问: 这是要花多大力气,才能把水果姐拍得那么丑?

来自战斗民族的水果姐虽然生了五个娃了,但是状态依然超级好。从卖水果到成为国际超模,和英国贵族离婚后,刚刚和 LVMH 太子爷举办了婚礼 。

人家给自己家的 Loro Piana 刚拍的大片 是这样的 最普通的白毛衣和白背景,都挡不住的高级。

亲姐姐 随手拍的日常 是这样的 和老公在一起如同 小女生一样娇羞 。

在家吃吃喝喝 是这样的 笑容比 fa fa 更好看

和自己儿子合影 ,是这样的 说姐弟也不过分

02、美版 Happer's Bazzar

碧昂斯 Beyoncé 登上美版 Happer's Bazzar封面,而且三封全是她的。

重点是,三个封面 共用一个背景 是几个意思?

而且,布景也太简陋了吧?就一 块白布、一根枯枝 ,就完了???难道Happer's Bazzar 要破产了吗?




没错,正是她脖子上那根 硕大的项链 !来自 Tiffany。

就在前几天,Tiffany正式官宣, 乐坛第一夫妻 Beyoncé和 JAY Z 担任 Tiffany 全球代言人 。在新鲜出炉的广告大片里, 碧昂斯穿小黑裙,神还原赫本在《蒂芙尼早餐》里的经典造型。


碧昂斯脖子上重达 128.54克拉的黄钻项链 了解一下,也被称为「镇店之宝」;她也成为全球第四位佩戴该项链的女星。

而这幅蓝色画作来自著名黑人艺术家 Jean-Michel Basquiat ,是第一次公开亮相;之后,碧昂斯还会翻唱《Moon river》。看起来,LVMH 收购后,要重塑品牌的决心很大。

这里插一句题外话, 二公子 Alexandre Arnault 今年被派往纽约接手这个品牌。不过,万万没想到, 执掌后第一个大改动就 引起了众怒 。

为了讨好年轻人,七月份 Tiffany 在网络和街头发布了名为 「不是你妈妈的蒂芙尼 not your mother's tiffany」 的新品广告。

年轻模特戴T家银饰,穿休闲单品,头发乱蓬蓬的一脸不屑,旨在告诉大家:我们已经不再是妈妈辈喜欢的精致首饰啦!我们 变年轻、变酷、变潮 了。

结果,许多「妈妈们」都气坏了:「这是啥意思?说明 我们妈妈不配拥有你们的首饰? 」

反正第一波不仅没有让年轻消费者buy in,也伤害了老顾客的心。至于这一波是不是会成功,我觉得请黑人明星,至少在美国 ,销量一定能大涨特涨。

如果去过纽约 LV 店就知道了,门口排队的、店里买买买的,一大半都是黑人。 (没有种族歧视的意思,纯粹是记录在纽约亲眼所见)




01、美国版 VOGUE

美国版 VOGUE 的封面比较另类。 八名超模和一位 VOGUE 编辑 一起登上封面, 在 VOGUE 办公室里实拍,展示「真实的生活 In Real Life」。

超模们各个都喜笑颜开,仿佛在暗示:在 VOUGE 上班的 社畜们工作是多么阔乐,同事之间关系是多和谐 哈哈哈。 (缺啥补啥哈哈。在VOGUE 上班是出了名的人际关系复杂,参考《穿普拉达的女魔头》就知道了)

八位模特中,只有一半是白人,还包括了黑人、跨性别者、拉丁裔、华人、大码模特等,反正雨露均沾, 保证多样性 。


1. 美国模特 Kaia Gerber ,正是超模辛迪·克劳馥的女儿,有「腿精」的称号。

2. 曾是 南苏丹难民的超模 Anok Yai ,她是继黑珍珠 Naomi Campbell 后第二位为 Prada 担任开场模特的模特。

3. 美国首位登上VOGUE封面的大码黑人女模特 Precious Lee ,既是黑人,又是大码。

4. Bella Hadid ,这也是Bella 首次登上美国版 VOGUE 封面,注意,她 被认为是少数族裔、巴勒斯坦 人,由于她爹 Mohamed Hadid 的关系。

5. 美 籍华裔新人模特 Sherry Shi ,她在2021年才进入了超模排行榜榜单,属于横空出世。 华人 也有了。

6. 美国变性跨性别超模 Ariel Nicholson。

7. 美国首位大码亚裔女模特、音乐人 Yumi Nu 。这位妹子是妥妥的名媛,是知名DJ、日本音乐大师 Steve Aoki 的侄女,姑姑是九十年的香奈儿御用超模、日本混血电影明星 Devon Aoki,出生就赢了的那种。

8. 麦当娜的宝贝女儿 Lourdes Leo n。注意,她被认为是少数族裔,因为她爹有 古巴血统 。 (好吧 )

总之,所有应该考虑的人种全部考虑到了, 政治正确 妥妥的。大家觉得如何?反正,我觉得八个超模都比不上一个巩俐嘻嘻。

02、 斯堪的那维亚版本VOGUE

VOGUE 斯堪的纳维亚版本月创刊,这本杂志比较特别,工作人员分散在各国的首都哥本哈根、赫尔辛基和奥斯陆等地。

其创刊号封面正是 今年才18岁的「环保女孩」格蕾塔·桑伯格 (Greta Thunberg) 。

Greta 在瑞典的某荒野丛中,穿驼色风衣和花裙子,一头长发,温柔又娴静地抚摸着,真是充满了 Peace & Love。


众所周知, 时尚 界是出了名的不环保,这回邀请 Grenta 来做创刊号首封,政治太正确了,话题度也是拉满。

在内页中,Grenta 当然不会忘了继续 Lecture 我们。她说:「 时尚 界应该为气候恶化负责,而且 时尚 工作者也正在被资本家剥削和利用。很多人打着绿色、可持续的口号,其实只是为了赚钱。」

好吧好吧,您高贵;我就想说: 登上 时尚 杂志就是最不环保的事情好吧!以及,拍得真好!




01、《 时尚 芭莎》




03、 时尚 COSMO

李宇春 两张。Again,发出天问:这是要花多大力气,才能把李宇春拍成这样?!

还有 周冬雨 两张封,这里就不放了,怕被告。


复旦毕业,在欧莱雅、Dior、娇韵诗等工作15年 +。中年叛逆,做DJ,开舞蹈学校,独身勇闯美国和澳洲,目前坐标纽约。我没啥优点,就是有点努力。

[Intro: J Pee]

J Pee baby, yup, yup

Yeah, you know what it is

Check this shit out man

Check it out, Check it out

Check it out, yeah

[Verse 1: J Pee]

Chillin' with my homies at the Home Depot

(Home Depot)

Buyin' screws and nails, manly shit you know?

(You know?)

My homie says to me "What kind of drill you want?"

(He asked me)

So I said I wanted one right in the ass


[Hook 1: J Pee]

I'm not gay

I'm not gay

It was a joke guys, come on

I'm not gay

I like vag more than a pornstar scandal

But can I get the drill with the bright pink handle?

[Verse 2: J Pee]

Playin' tackle football with my homies in the park

Had to wrap it up cause it was gettin' dark

(Gettin' dark)

The other team was looking straight scary as shit


But my quarterback, he ain't having none of it

(He ain't scared)

He looked at me and told me no matter where I was at

My priority job was to protect the sack


So fourth down, he bends over and yells "Hike!"

So I went and grabbed his balls!


[Hook 2: J Pee]

I'm not gay

I'm not gay

I'm just doing my job, step off

I'm not gay

It's not like I was purposefully tryin' to feel them

(I wasn't)

I just care about the safety of your future children


I'm not gay, I'm not gay

Quit telling me that, man

I'm not gay

Next time I'll just let your balls get mangled, son

P.S. I didn't know that you were so well hung

[Verse 3: J Pee]

Strollin' with my homies in West Hollywood


Wasn't my idea because I'm not gay

Dude walks by me with his shirt off, and I was like

"Damn bitch, you fine!"


[Hook 3: J Pee]

I'm not gay guys

That ain't me

I'm just comfortable with my sexuality

So I can admit when I see a guy

Who has a handsome face, and pretty eyes

And a rock hard chest, and rippling abs

And the tightest ass, and those sculpted calves

And those bulging quads, and the perfect bod

And ohh my god, take your pants off


Fuck it

[Hook 4: J Pee]

I'm gay

I'm fucking gay

I'm the dude wearing nail polish yelling "Hey!"

I'm the dude at the party who'll grab your butt

(That's me)

And when you turn around and look at me I'll be like "What?"


I'm gay

(I'm gay)

I'm hella gay

I watch Zac Efron movies every Saturday

And normal self expression doesn't suit me either

That's why my degree is in musical theater

I'm so gay man...

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