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1、【 #英语资源# 导语】落日余辉映着彩霞,迎着微风,向着天际。

2、丝丝柔柔的微风,传去了节日的祝辞,飘向远方的你,愿你度过这美好的一切,父亲节快乐, 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。

3、 1.初中生父亲节英语日记The second Sunday of every year is mother's day. Do you know when it is father's day? The third Sunday in June is the great father's day. Father's Day is coming. How can I celebrate father's day? A greeting card, a gift, a blessing, orDad is a driver. When we were sleeping soundly in the morning, dad got up before dawn and went to work outside. Every night, we he already entered a sweet dream, but Dad hasn't come back yet. Dad works too long every day. Alas, dad is too tired and hard. In honor of my father, on father's day. I will bring my father a basin of warm water, bubble my father's feet, wash his feet, wash his father's tiredness, and make him relaxed and happy. Then he a good sleep and he a sweet dream.2.初中生父亲节英语日记Life is not as perfect as expected. We can't appreciate the hard work of our parents. Although we can't share the hardships of life and Entrepreneurship with our parents, we can let our parents worry less about ourselves in life. Should we take responsibility to take care of our parents when they are ill? You know, even a caring word, even a bowl of instant noodles made by yourself, will comfort the hearts of parents who he been worried about us.Life with a grateful heart is beautiful. Life is like a piece of white paper. With a grateful heart, pink will appear on the paper. All my life, I am grateful. The background color of the paper is pink, so I he a beautiful life.If today is the last day of my life, the first thing we should do is to repay the parents who raised me! "The kindness of dripping water should be reported by the spring." What's more, what our parents pay for us is not just a drop of water, but a vast ocean.Thanksgiving, although it is an action verb, needs not only action, but also sincerity. Simply put, gratitude is gratitude, gratitude from the heart.3.初中生父亲节英语日记Tomorrow is father's day. I want to give my father two presents.At noon, while everyone was taking a nap, I took out 50 yuan of pocket money to buy gifts. Once I arrived at the flower shop, I didn't know which kind to buy. I looked here and there, and finally found the right flowers and ge the money to the boss. I went to buy some bags of paper to fold the wishing stars. When I got home, I put the flowers in a vase, added some water in it, and hid the flowers where no one noticed. After the flowers were finished, I began to fold the wishing stars. In each star, I wrote a blessing, one star, two stars... A total of 179 stars were folded. Despite these all stars, each star contained my blessing to my father. After folding the wishing star, I put it in a beautiful all gift box, looking forward to tomorrow.At six o'clock the next morning, I quietly entered the room. I put the flowers and the wishing star on the table, and I went out of the room. Slowly, the fragrance filled the whole room. Dad was awakened by the fragrance and found that it also said: happy father's day, Dad. Dad's face showed a ile.4.初中生父亲节英语日记Father's love is like a mountain. The great Bank of the mountain is my warm harbor; Father's love is like fire. The warmth of fire can illuminate my whole heart; Father's love is like a pair of thick hands, which hold up a sky for me; Father's love is a look of approval, which can make me he the courage to stand up again after falling down.What a great and great love father love is!This year's father's Day is coming. What gift are you going to give your dear father? An ordinary greeting card, a warm word, a box of beautiful cards, a all item... All these can represent your love for your father.Did your father ask you to do anything on father's day? What did you do? Although it is said that this day is the holiday of all fathers in the world. But fathers are still fearless and do nothing to make money for you. They would rather waste every minute to make money.Did you see it on father's day? Father's white hair, how much more, don't you feel bad about it? My father's white hair is growing because of you! Let's study hard so that our father's white hair will not increase.5.初中生父亲节英语日记Father's Day is coming soon. I want to say to you in advance: "happy father's day, Dad!" Dad loves me very much and spoils me. No matter how late he comes home from work every day, I he already gone to bed. He has to go to see me before he goes to bed.I remember once my father took me to the park to play. When I arrived there, many parents and children were playing. My father asked me to take a bumper car. I drove one and my father drove the other to collide back and forth in the field. It was very exciting and fun. My eyes narrowed to a line. Later, my father took me to ride on the ferris wheel. I was scared to sit because it was so high. Later, my father ge me courage and was my umbrella, so I went on the ferris wheel with my father. I was the happiest on this day.Sometimes when I was disobedient, my father always patiently explained and educated me. Finally, I not only realized my mistakes, but also happily admitted that it would never happen again. Dad, I really like being with you. You can give me the courage and courage to be a man and teach me to be a man.6.初中生父亲节英语日记Open the calendar and find that today is father's day. Suddenly, I unconsciously looked for the ordinary father, but I didn't see him. The desk where he used to work was empty. He went back to his hometown.When a guest came home, my father would always let me sit next to him and tell the guest that this was my daughter. At this time, every action of my father and I was happy.Later, I grew up a little. Dad doesn't do that anymore. Only when the guest asked, did he give a faint answer. The love between my father and I is getting weaker and weaker as time goes by. Hardly say a word a day, occasionally a word or two urging words, but the two people who should be closest to each other are strangers. I always tell my mother everything. The river between me and my father is getting wider and wider.In recent years, my father began to ask me something about school. I will also answer his questions and tell him what activities I he.Today, it is June 17, the annual father's day, I understand that the love of the original hour has not gone far. Dad still loves me so much, and I love him silently in my heart. Love without words is our bridge of communication. Outside the window, a big bird followed a all bird, flying through the sky.Mother love is great, father love is deep. Father's love, like a stream, nourishes our dry hearts; Father's love is like a dream flower, beautiful and hazy; Father's love is like a cornerstone, which holds children to a higher level.Until one day, I found that silent love was always around me.7.初中生父亲节英语日记The next two days will be father's day. People always like to use "father's love is like a mountain" to describe the father's selfless love for his children. I always think that even using the word "sea embraces all rivers" can not describe the breadth and depth of father's love.The mention of my father always reminds me of the great mountains, the trees in the wilderness, the boundless sea and the umbrella of Zhitian. Even if his father's back is no longer straight, he is still the most powerful support for the family.My father is 75 years old this year. He is very lucky that his son wants to raise him but his parents are still there. Since he always said that his back was aching and his eyes (suffering from severe glaucoma) often hurt, I really realized that my father was really old. A sand bag of one and a half meters could conquer him. I couldn't see who was calling, let alone the text messages. So when I called my father, I called my father first. I was the second. Every time I heard my father's voice on the phone, I couldn't help crying. I felt that my father's voice was so lonely and desolate. It has been 8 years since my mother died. Since my hard-working mother died, our family has been fragmented. My father followed my eldest brother and third brother back to his hometown in Henan, leing me and my second brother here. I long for the warmth of my family, the love of my father, and the embrace of my father.8.初中生父亲节英语日记"The thread in the mother's hand, the wandering son's coat. Before leing..." this is the wandering son's chant written by the famous poet Meng Jiao. There are many poems to thank the mother, but few to thank the father. Is it because the father doesn't love his children? Of course not. Can't we feel this kind of love? Maybe so.Maybe you will say that my father loves me very much, but maybe I don't even know what my father has done for us, let alone say. In the past, I was the same, but I found that the sound of "pay attention to safety" when I was carrying my schoolbag to school, when my father asked me about my school situation when I came home, and when I was ill, my anxious look condensed my father's deep love.If I am a all fish, my father is the vast sea, caring for my happy growth; If I am a passer-by groping for directions in the dark, my father is the beacon that guides me to work hard and struggle in the right direction; If I am a all sapling, my father is a gardener who prunes me more perfectly, better and more vigorous!9.初中生父亲节英语日记When father's day came, my heart was filled with mixed feelings. Because I think of my father. At the same time, I think of a song "grateful heart". I believe everyone has heard it‘ A grateful heart is with you. The grateful heart reminds me of my father '. This song expresses my father's love for us. He brought us up. We must understand love. I will repay him for his upbringing.The word "father" has two words. It is so familiar and kind to us.My father gets up early and goes to bed late every day, so that our two sisters and brothers can live a happy life. Once, I was ill. It was midnight. I had a high fever. My body was hot and my hands and feet were cold. It was very uncomfortable. At this time, my father seemed to find my abnormality. So he asked me, "son, what's the matter with you?" I said, "I'm very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable." Dad touched my forehead and said, "son, you he a fever, but now... It's midnight." After a while.Dad carries a basin of water. Then, put the wet towel on my forehead. My forehead was suddenly cool. In this way, my father has been changing my towel. It's not as hot as before, but it's still hot.When I woke up, I was lying on the hospital bed with a drip. I found grandma beside me. I asked, "grandma, where's dad?" Grandma said to me kindly, "your father has just gone out. Your father has been taking care of you in the middle of the night. You should know how to be grateful!" I nodded.I know my father is very busy these years, but he still takes time to take care of me and care about me no matter how busy he is. These are very impressive in my memory.Finally, I would like to wish my father and all the fathers in the world a happy father's day.10.初中生父亲节英语日记Today is father's day. I want to give my father a special father's Day gift. What is special? After thinking about it, I thought I could cook a dish for my father.What do you cook? After thinking for a long time, I decided to fry a delicious shredded potato! I picked four big potatoes from the bag under the cabinet, peeled them carefully, washed them under the faucet, and then I took a few chili peppers to clean them. It's time to cut the vegetables. I cut the chillies into all pieces and soon finished cutting them. I can't help thinking: cutting vegetables is very easy. But soon, I was baffled by the potato cutting. Everything slipped and it was very hard. Fortunately, I almost cut my finger several times. Finally, I put down my kitchen knife and breathed a long sigh of relief.When I looked down, I saw that what I had cut was shredded potato. It was obviously a bench leg, long, short, thick, thin... Alas.When I was ready, I beat the fire and poured the oil. I eagerly poured the vegetables and peppers in. I took the shovel and flipped them like my mother used to cook. The shredded potatoes and peppers turned bright yellow after a few rounds. I thought that the fried food must be delicious. I sang happily as I flipped the vegetables. Unexpectedly, a drop of oil suddenly jumped into my mouth and made me show my teeth. I quickly dropped my shovel and went outside to drink several mouthfuls of cold water. This is better. All of a sudden, I elled a strange ell. I was hurt! My cup of tea. I hurried to the kitchen, turned the dishes over twice with a shovel, and found that some of them were already dark. I hurried to put all kinds of spices in a hurry, and then took chopsticks to taste one. It was too weak. I added a spoonful of salt, turned it over twice, turned off the fire, and carefully put the dishes on the plate.In the evening, when my father came back, he saw the dishes I cooked for him and asked him what day it was today. I said to my father, "today is father's day. This is a special father's Day gift I ge you." Dad was very happy and ate all my fried dishes.。


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