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They couldn’t afford expensive presents, and they didn’t want us to think we weren’t as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, found all sorts of fancy toys under the tree that were ,1226440515 left by Santa Claus.

他们买不起昂贵的礼物,也 ,1226440515 想让我们觉得我们比不上别的孩子在圣诞节早上,他们从圣诞树下找到各种各样的新奇玩具,据说是圣诞老人留下的。

I had a blanket wrapped around me, and when it was my turn, I offered to share it with Dad, but he said no thanks. The cold never bothered him.


Those shining stars, he liked to point out, were one of the special treats for people like us who lived out in the wilderness.


The longer you looked and the more your eyes adjusted to the dark, the more stars you’d see, layer after layer of them gradually becoming visible.


Venus didn’t have any moons or satellites or even a magnetic field, but it did have an atmosphere sort of similar to earth’s, except it was super-hot — about five hundred degrees or more.



小时候,我住的村庄四周是一片田野,但现在已不见当年的影子,原来的村庄已变成一座现代城镇。(nothing but; what-clause)

When I was a child, the village I lived in was surrounded by nothing but open fields. But now nothing remains of the village. A modern city is built on what used to be there.

我的童年是在乡下度过的,那时的天很蓝,晚上仰望夜空,能看到无数的星星。(look up to)

My childhood was spent in the countryside. At that time the skies were clear. Looking up to the sky at night, I could see countless stars.

他上小学时,家境贫寒,总担心同学们会看不起他。事实上,他的担心是多余的,同学们对他都很友好。(look down on sb)

His family was poor when he was an elementary school student, and he often worried that his classmates would look down on him. In fact his worry was unnecessary, for all his classmates were friendly to him.

每个人在成长的过程中都要经历很多事,大部分被遗忘了,但有些永远印在我们的脑海里。 (while)

Everyone is bound to experience a lot of things when growing up, most of which will be forgotten while some will remain in our mind forever.

童年是一个五彩斑斓的盒子,里面装着许多美丽的梦想和有趣的回忆。(in which) Childhood is a colourful box, in which are beautiful dreams and interesting memories.

第四单元 当被问到哪种现代科技对人们的生活影响最大时,很多人会说是互联网。(when + past participle)

When asked which modern science and technology has influenced people’s life most, most people will choose the Internet.


The office environment has a direct impact on work efficiency. Therefore it is vital to create a comfortable working environment for employees.

现在的年轻人发明了很多网络用语,有时我都听不懂他们在说什么。(have trouble doing something)

The young people today have invented quite a few “Net language”. Sometimes I have difficulty / trouble understanding what they are saying.

现代科技日新月异,很难估计明天会有什么样的新技术出现。(be about to)

Modern science and technology is developing with each passing day, and it is hard to predict what new science and technology is about to appear tomorrow.

电子产品更新换代太快了,现在流行的款式过一两年就会被淘汰了。(update; discard)

Electronic products are being upgraded too fast. The models popular today are discarded in one or two. 第五单元

大城市是他最不愿意居住的地方,因为他无法忍受那里的拥挤的喧闹。(the last place…that…;bustling)

The big city is the last place that he wishes to live in, for it is so bustling and crowded there that he finds it hard to bear.

现代生活的快节奏意味着人们没有更多的时间用于人际交往,因此人与人之间显得很淡漠。(not + present participle ; hence)

The fast pace of modern life means people not having enough time for personal communication; hence the indifference between people.

过去邻居们经常互相串门,但现在大家都习惯把自己关在各自的家里,没什么事几乎不来往。(used to ;stay connected)

Neighbors used to visit each other regularly. But now they are used to staying at home and rarely stay connected unless it is essential.

轻松和谐的环境会对人的身心健康产生积极的影响。(harmonious;have…effect on )

A light and harmonious environment has a positive effect on people’s physical and mental health.

我们应该把精力放在工作上,而不是复杂的人际关系上。(rather than)

We should focus our attention on work rather than complicated personal relationships.







1) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved

2) resist 6) budget 10) economic

3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting

4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about


1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through

5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up


1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy

2) often generate misleading thoughts

3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work

4) be suspected of doing everything for money

5) before he gets through life


1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in

2) device, the improvement, on a global scale

3) stacked, temptation, never dined out

II Confusable Words

1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household

2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspect

III. Word Formation

1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys

6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) search

Comprehensive Exercises

I. Cloze

1. Text-related

1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements

5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit

9) stacking

2. (Theme-related)

1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough

6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) ideal

II. Translation

1. We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.

2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.

3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to


4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.

5. When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.

A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/ set up a household device store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives.

But, to run a small business on a small scale is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expense. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premium for the various kinds of insurance she needed.

Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.





1) decades 5) slender 9) on the side

2) historic 6) web 10) authorized

3) imposed 7) bade 11) terminal

4) religious 8) site 12) make the best of


1) went through 2) stood up for 3) laid down 4) take on

5) let (us) down 6) draw on 7) fall into 8) pass for


1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry.

2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling.

3) There's not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs.

4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life.

5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run.


1) As for, do not compel, capture of, have forged

2) At huge risk, the mission, shelter

3) who abolished, In the eyes of, racial

II. Words with Multiple Meanings

1. I'll tell you in a minute how I have attained the genuine sense of belonging in America, but first let me hear about your French trip.

2. Most McDonald's look almost the same on the outside, but actually there are about 16 different basic designs.

3. Loaning money from the banks is but one of the methods we can use to get through a financial crisis.

4. This second-hand car has been nothing but trouble; it's always breaking down.

5. In your resume you've mentioned everything but one vital point.

6. Our technicians have discovered a simple but effective solution to the problem.

7. I am sorry, but I think you shouldn't have lingered on over coffee and missed the last bus..

8. The bankruptcy of the company was not caused by evil, but by simple ignorance

III. Usage

1) lonely 2)friendly 3) weekly, monthly 4)lovely

5) cowardly 6)kindly/ saintly 7) lively 8)motherly

Comprehensive Exercises

I. Cloze

1. Text-related

1)forged 2) stand up 3) compelled 4)convictions 5)mission

6)abolish 7) intent on 8) risk 9)in the eyes of 10)threats

2. (Theme-related)

1) assistance 2) involved 3) estimated 4)coincidence 5)emerged

6) referred 7) numerous 8) stationed 9)concern 10)capture

II. Translation

1. Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.

2. Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.

3. According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.

4. Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.

5. Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.

Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisting fugitive slaves. He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom. Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run. He disguised them and successfully avoided capture. Later he built a small settlement in Dresden in Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school. He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.




1.1) threatens 2) by a small margin 3)civilize 4)closed up 5)wandered 6) paste 7) without so much as 8) sideways

9) hook up to 10) universal 11) chart 12) Bathed in

2. 1)narrowed down 2)looked back on 3)cut off 4)fit into

5)wear(the other) down 6)lies in 7)put up 8)stand for

3. 1)...which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found by researchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford.

2)...with mirrored doors had to be built in so as to make their small bedroom look larger.

3)...feature the space shuttle Challenger blowing up in January 1986---killing all seven crew.

4)...threatened to keep the pupils in after school, they were quieted at once.

5)... are a major barrier to the country's economic growth due to the fact that/because imported oil has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange.

4. 1) looked back on/ atmosphere/urban life

2)era/ hooked up to the / the electronic

3) the suburb / a sophisticated / system / analyze / make errors

II. 1) away 2)inside/in 3)forward/through 4)back

5)off 6)home 7) back down 8)in...out

III. 1) Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be

2) Most men do not look unattractive in them

3) Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment

4) The claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city's violent crimes.

5)His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.

Comprehensive Exercises

1. Cloze

1. 1) Statistics 2)rural 3)era 4)stood for 5)on the latch

6)vulnerable 7)barrier 8)electronic 9)reflection 10)civilized

2. 1) together 2)liable 3)shift 4)electric 5)cautious

6)sophisticated 7)thieves 8)break 9)chances 10)signs

II. Translation

1.1) The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.

2)Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.

3) With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development.

4)It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.

5) Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.

2. It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes. Thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/Assure yourself that you don't leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.




1.1) accordingly 2) loose 3) concentration 4)stimulating 5) fabric 6)if anything 7) reality 8) intuition

9) trifle 10) at the turn of the century 11) mess

12) undermine

2. 1) approve of 2) slow down 3) taken in 4) sucked into

5) set apart 6) dozed off 7)call forth 8)stretch into

9) keep up with 10)believe in

3. 1)...provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.

2)...is credited to his powers of imagination


Translation------ unit 1

1. 她似乎与新同学相处不好。(get along with)

She doesn’t seem to get along with her new classmates.

2. 我与玛丽失去联系多年,但昨天我与她在电话里联系上了。(out of touch, reach)

I’d been out of touch with Mary for years, but I managed to reach her by phone yesterday.

3. 那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章。(show off)

The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him.

4. 她丈夫似乎非常反对她出国。(opposed to)

Her husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad.

5. 因为托马斯不安心工作,他的父母非常担忧。(settle down)

As Thomas couldn’t settle down in his job, his parents were very worried.

6. 我口袋里总装着各种各样的小东西。(bits and pieces)

I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets.

7. 她母亲通过一些私人关系使她进入商界。(pull strings)

Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle.

8. 我希望这些菜和你的胃口。(to somebody’s liking)

I hope the food is to your liking.

9. 那些男孩太吵闹,我把他们骂了一顿。(tell off)

I told the boys off for making so much noise.

Translation------ unit 2

1. 他决定立即着手这项复杂的工程。(resolve, work on)

He resolved to work on the complicated project immediately.

2. 他们看见一位老人被对面驶来的汽车撞倒。(knock over)

They saw an old man knocked over by a car coming from the opposite direction.

3. 他在黑暗中摇摇晃晃,摸索着寻找电灯开关。(grope)

He walked unsteadily/ stumbled along in the dark, groping for the light-switch.

4. 病了3个月之后,他几乎站也站不稳了。(rise to one’s feet)

After three months’ illness, he found it difficult to rise to his feet again.

5. 由于人手不足,无法按期完成任务。(a shortage of)

Owing to a shortage of staff, the task couldn’t be fulfilled on schedule/ time.

6. 在经济萧条期间,公司遭遇到财政困难。(run into)

During the period of depression, the company was running into financial difficulties.

7. 那盲女上了拥挤的公共汽车,乘客们给她让出了地方。(make room for)

When the blind girl got on the crowded bus, the passengers made room for her.

8. 他终于抓住了悬崖上的岩石,止住了下滑。(hold on to)

He at last managed to hold on to the rock on the cliff and stopped himself from slipping.

Translation------ unit 3


Mother sent Tom for the doctor immediately.

2.由于糖用完了,她没做成蛋糕。(run out of)

She failed to make the cake because of she had run out of sugar.


I know how desperately busy you are now.

4汤姆说错了话,惹得全班同学哄堂大笑。(roar with)

The whole class roared with laughter at Tom’s slip of the tongue.

5.针、剪刀这类东西必须放在小孩子够不着的地方。(out of...reach)

Such things as needles and scissors should be kept out of reach of children.


6. The soldiers stood under the burning scorching sun, drenched with sweat.

7他最后终于回到了他的祖国。(in the end)

He returned to his motherland in the end.

Translation------ unit 4

1. 我显然是高估了自己的方向感,下次我一定记住带地图。(overestimate)

Obviously I have overestimated my sense of direction. Next time, I’ll remember to bring along a map with me.

2. 母亲对她那个自私不孝的儿子彻底失望了。(be disillusioned)

The mother is now thoroughly disillusioned with her selfish son.

3. 她很不善于见什么人说什么话。(have no knack for)

She has no knack for saying the right thing at the right time.

4. 从一开始他就和足球结下了不解之缘。(be meant for)

He and football were meant for each other from the start.

5. 老板指派我在第一个月里做秘书工作。(assign)

My boss assigned me the secretarial work for the first month.

6. 驾驶员违反交通规则,除了罚款之外,还有别的处罚办法吗?(alternative to)

If a driver breaks traffic rules, are there any alternative to a fine?

7. 他老是苯手苯脚,因而常常遭人嘲笑。(subject to)

Being a clumsy person, he ofen subjects himself to ridicule.

Translation------ unit 5

1.那天晚上詹姆斯和你一起吃晚饭了吗?(in question)

Did James have supper with you on the night in question?


The coach was satisfied with the ultimate victory of the match.

3.为了排除各国人民交往中的语言障碍,许多语言学家都在研究新的世界语。(embark on)

To remove the linguisitic barriers in communication among the people of the world, linguists have embarked on the study of a new universal language.

4.合资企业的出现使我们有了更多接触外国人的机会。(contact with)

The emergence of joint-venture enterprises have increased our opportunities to have contact with foreigners.

5.妈妈嘱咐他收拾起桌上的零碎东西,把它们放进抽屉里。(bits and pieces)

Mother asked him to gather up the bits and pieces of his belongings from the desk and put them in the drawer.

6.因为一句小小的玩笑,他们之间发生了一场争吵。(arise out of)

Their argument arose out of a small joke.


The picture is too blurred for me to identify the girl in it.


If someone claims to have a ability to communicate with ghosts, would you believe it?

Translation------ unit 6

1.毕业后,他先是做工程师,然后当了厂长。(to start with)

After graduation, he became an engineer to start with, then director of a plant.

2.我想我还是接受他的邀请为好,因为你不能老是拒绝别人。(may as well)

I think I may as well accept his invitation, for you can’t keep saying no to people.

3.为了安全起见,车上每个人都必须系上安全带。(for the sake of)

Everyone in the car must wear a seat belt for the sake of safety.

4.把温度降到摄氏零度,水就会变成冰。(reduce to)

Reduce the temperature to zero digrees centigrade and water will freeze turn into ice.

5.他被指控犯盗窃罪。事实上,他是无辜的。(be accused of)

He was accused of theft, but actually he was innocent.


The heroine’s performance is a little exaggerated, but otherwise it is an excellent movie.

7.有时大人也会上小孩的当。(fall for)

Sometimes even adults will fall for children’s tricks.

8. 如果她和你分手,那是你活该,谁让你老是对她撒谎?(serve somebody right)

You lied to her again and again.So if she leaves you, it serves you right.

Translation------ unit 7

1. 我没按父亲的意思去学做生意,他非常生气。(cross)

My father was very cross at my not learning budiness from him.

2. 这些孩子虽然现在很调皮,但他们长大后会明白,做坏事是逃不了惩罚的(with impunity)

Although these kids are very naughty now, they will grow up one day understanding that creating trouble for others would not get away with impunity.

3. 她请人把东西用一块蓝布包好,装进箱子。(have...wrapped)

She had her things wrapped in a piece of blue cloth and put into the suitcase.

4. 我下个月回家度假。(on leave)

I’ll be home on leave next month.

5. 我们费了九牛二虎之力将门打开。(have...job to do)

We had a terrible job to open the door.

6. 他们不知道,其实她就在附近。(unknown)

Unknown to them, she was nearby.

7. 这个罪犯被剥夺了一切政治权利。(deprive)

The criminal was deprived of all political rights.

8. 对不起,是我错了。(in the wrong)

I’m sorry, I’m in the wrong.

Translation------ unit 8

1. 春天和秋天我都喜欢,但是我更喜欢春天。(perfer over)

I like both spring and autumn, but I perfer over autumn.


I believe that the electrical cars will supplant the petrol cars one day.

3.他们提醒他攀登喜玛拉雅山很危险,可他偏不听。(warn of)

They warned him of the danger of climbing the Himlayas, but he didn’t listen to.

4.老师告诉学生,他们的前途取决于教育。(hing on)

The teacher told the students that their future prospects hinged on their education.


Everybody thinks that she deserved the award Best Actress of the year.

6.这个孩子每次碰到困难都去找妈妈,而不是自己处理。(turn to)

Every time the girl came across a problem, she would turn to her mother for a solution rather than trying to solve it herself.


After her husband died, she continued to nurture her three daughters.


It seems that a lot of people learn English less as a practical language than for its grammer.

Translation------ unit 9

1. 这个公司的业务有商用电器和家用电器两种。(fall into)

The business of this company fall into two categories commercial electric appliances and household.

2. 这个农场出产的粮食能够满足我们的需要。(yield)

The farm yields enough crops to meet our needs.

3. 通过生物技术,人们培育出了一种抗病的西红柿。(dreeb)

Through biotechnology,a new type of tomate has been bred which is resistant to disease.

4. 他设法使老板明白了他现在所做的工作对公司很重要。(relevance)

He managed to make the boss see the relevance of what he was doing to the company’s business.

5. 我非常喜欢海明威的作品,尤其是他的小说《永别了,武器》。(in particular)

I’m very fond of Hemingway’s novels Farewell to Arms in particular.

6. 这个沙发一拉开,就可变成床。(convert into)

The sofa can be converted into a bed when unfolded.

7. 因为尚在摸索阶段,我不得不严格按计划来做。(feel one’s way)

I have to strick to the plan as I’m still feeling my way.

8.他终于抵挡不住诱惑,又喝了一杯酒。(succumb to)

He finally succumbed to temptation and had another drink.

Translation------ unit 10

1. 在传统戏剧《白蛇传》里,白蛇以美女化身来到人间,爱上了许仙,与之结为夫妻。(in the shape of)

In Chinese traditional opera, the White Snake who comes down to the earth in the shape of a beautiful girl and falls in love with Xu Xian to whom she gets married later.

2. 她一看到血就会头晕。(at the sight of)

She feels dizzy at the sight of blood.

3. 他今天上课是不停的打盹。(drowse)

He kept drowsing in class this morning.

4. 他全盘道出了两家不和的事实。(relate)

He related the whole story of the long-standing dispute between the two families.

5.她一想起她那死于车祸的孩子就泪水涟涟。(at the thought of)

She would burst into tears at the thought of her child killed in a traffic accident.

6.我突然明白他他原来是想帮助我。(dawn on)

It dawned on me that he was actully trying to help me.

8. 他们三人藏身的岩洞仅有两米高。(no more than)

The cave for the three of them to hide in was no more than two meters high.






1.1) threatens

2) by a small margin


4)closed up


6) paste

7) without so much as

8) sideways

9) hook up to

10) universal

11) chart

12) Bathed in


1)narrowed down

2)looked back on

3)cut off

4)fit into

5)wear(the other) down

6)lies in

7)put up

8)stand for


1)...which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found by researchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford.

2)...with mirrored doors had to be built in so as to make their small bedroom look larger.

3)...feature the space shuttle Challenger blowing up in January 1986---killing all seven crew.

4)...threatened to keep the pupils in after school, they were quieted at once.

5)... are a major barrier to the country's economic growth due to the fact that/because imported oil has absorbed 40% of its foreign exchange.


1) looked back on/ atmosphere/urban life

2)era/ hooked up to the / the electronic

3) the suburb / a sophisticated / system / analyze / make errors


1) away






7) back down



1) Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be

2) Most men do not look unattractive in them

3) Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment

4) The claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in the city's violent crimes.

5)His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.

Comprehensive Exercises

1. Cloze

1) Statistics



4)stood for

5)on the latch







1) together






7)thieves 8)break



II. Translation


1) The Internet is changing the way people live, (no matter) whether they are in urban or rural areas.

2)Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.

3) With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development.

4)It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.

5) Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attribute my success to patience, talent, and the con

stant pursuit of knowledge.

2. It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes. Thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night. Make sure/Assure yourself that you don't leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. In addition you may have it hooked up to a police station.

扩展: 大学英语词汇学习方法总结
































Unit 1(reference answers)

2.Language Work

A. in other words

unapproachable incredibly humble vain rehearsed autograph challenging ideal

B. work with sentences

Above all/ Showing off /settle down in revision/break up/let me down/getting well on/out of touch with/an easy-going

3. grammar work



4.vocabulary work



1,It seems that she doesn’t get along with the new classmate. 2, I was out of touch with Mary for few years,but I reached her through the phone yesterday.

3,That old soldier feels like showing off his medals to every visitor.

4,Her husband seems very opposed to her going abroad.

5,Because Thomas didn’t settle down in his work so that his parents were worried.

6,My pocket is always filled with various bits and pieces. 7,Her mother pull strings to let her into commercial world. 8,I hope these dishes to your liking.

9,Those boys are so noisy that I tell them off.

一、1.This is my head. ( B ) 2. What are you doing? ( A ) 3. There is a cat on the bed. ( B ) 4. In spring, the leaves are green. ( A ) 5. Thank you very much. ( C ) 6. I usually wash clothes on the weekend. ( A ) 7.I usually write an e-mail to my grandma on Sunday . ( B ) 8. My birthday is Oct.12th. ( C ) 9. Where are Amy and ChenJie ? They are running to us . ( C ) 10. Look, her come two tigers . ( B ) 二、1. Today is April 3rd. ( × ) 2. I like spring best . ( √ ) 3. My mother is writing an e-mail to my uncle. (√ ) 4. I usually eat dinner at 7:30 in the evening . ( × ) 5. Amy is catching buterflies . (× ) 6. What do you do in the evening? I often read books. ( × ) 7. What is Zoom doing ? He’s counting insects . ( √ ) 8. Look , the mother panda is sleeping . ( × ) 9. Can tigers climb trees ? No, they can’t . ( × ) 10. What’s the date today? It’s March 12th. ( √ ) 三.1. Are you from China? ( B ) 2. What’s the weather like in spring? ( C ) 3. What’s your aunt doing ? ( A ) 4. Happy birthday. ( C ) 5. What is the bird doing ? ( B ) 8 四.1. I usually get up at 7:15. 2. What’s your favourite season? I like fall best. 3. Why do you like fall? Because it’s always cool. 4. When is your birthday? It’s in May. 5. Sarah is watching insects . 五.A: Hello, Amy. What’s the weather like today? B: It’s cold . A: What is the date today? B: It’s December 2nd. It’s my birthday. A: Oh, really? What do you usually do on your birthday? B: I usually get up early . Then I take candy to my class. In the evening, we have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake. A: Happy birthday to you. B: Thanks. (× , √ , × , √ , × ) 六、G D B F C 七、( A.) √×√√× (B) 1.B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 八、hot , swim , rains , plant , apples , Winter , cold, Sometimes , ski , snowman 九、1.What do you do on the weekend? 2. Are you listening to music? 3. What are the bears doing ? 4. What’s the weather like today ? 5. What is the date today?

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