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新视野大学英语3读写教程课后答案 大学新视野读写3第三版答案


1、最新新视野大学英语3(第二版)课后答案(section B)包含Comprehension of the Text答案 最新新视野大学英语 3(第二版)课后答案(section B) (第二版)课后答案( ) Key to exercises in Book 3 (unit1-unit10) Unit 1 Section B Ⅰ 1 “It was an autumn night in my native Nova Scotia.” 2. They “ were vacationing in (it) for the night.” 3. “ It took me years, thought, to learn that the love in our family didn't just happen.” 4. “ First, love needs time.”(Para. 3) “Love needs another, harder to find quality as well, the ability to let go.”(Para. 7) “ Finally, love needs words to make it real.” (Para. 11) 5. “ It can only be achieved through patience and understanding.” Ⅱ 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C Ⅲ 1. hollow 2. considerate 3. rival 4. elastic   5. paralleling    6. inspire 7. manipulate   8. acknowledged 9. soaring 10 respective 更多可以参考 。


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