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1、我们在英语的学习中,理解单词意思和记忆单词是非常重要的,因为只有理解单词才可以更好地运用它,知道review是什么意思吗?下面是我给大家带来的review是什么意思中文_review的英语例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧!review是什么意思作名词:回顾;复习作动词:评论;复习;复查;检验英语音标:英 [ri?vju:] 美 [r??vju]review的时态现在分词: reviewing过去式: reviewed过去分词: reviewedreview的英语例句1. The White House quickly announced that the policy is under review.白宫很快宣布该项政策正在审核中。

2、2. The president ordered a review of US economic aid to Jordan.总统下令对美国向约旦提供的经济援助进行审查。

3、3. We've never had a good review in the music press.我们从未在音乐媒体获得过好评。

4、4. The bill provides for the automatic review of all death sentences.该法案规定所有死刑判决都要自动接受审核。

5、5. The company should put its claims up for review by an arbitrator.公司应该将其要求交由仲裁者审核。

6、6. The review body has produced a truncated version of its annual report.该评论机构出版了其年报的删节版本。

7、7. You won't catch me giving him a bad review!我绝不会说他坏话的。

8、8. This review is being conducted as speedily as possible.本次审查正在尽可能快地进行。

9、9. The aid allocation for Pakistan was still under review.拨给巴基斯坦的援助物资仍在审核当中。

10、10. She's the literary editor of the "Sunday Review".她是《星期天评论》的文学编辑。

11、11. Chomsky's review is entitled "Psychology and Ideology".乔姆斯基的这篇评论题为《心理学与意识形态》。

12、12. The critic's review of the play was just a paragraph of bile.那位批评家对这部戏剧的评论不过是在发泄怒气。

13、13. the government's review of its education policy政府对其 教育 政策的检讨14. The soldiers were in full uniform for the review.士兵们身着全套军礼服准备接受检阅.15. The critic padded out the review with quotation from the author.这个评论家引用那个作家的话添凑了这篇评论.review过去式reviewed的英语例句1. The Prime Minister reviewed the situation with his Cabinet yesterday.昨天,首相和他的内阁对局势进行了审度。

14、2. His book about Afghanistan is reviewed here by Anthony Hyman.安东尼·海曼在此就他那本关于阿富汗的书写了书评。

15、3. We have reviewed the data that we hold for the area.我们已经审核过为该地区保存的数据了。


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