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三段论经典例子 三段论经典例子名言


三段论经典例子 三段论经典例子名言三段论经典例子 三段论经典例子名言


2、all gold are flash things,all of these things are gold,so all of these things are flash things.2有些诗人是预言家,有些艺术家不是预言家,所以有些艺术家不是诗人Some poets are seers.Some artists are not seers.So some artists are not poets4凡是金子都闪光,这东西闪光,所以是金子all gold are flash things,all of these things are flash things, so all of these things are gold.5凡是金子都闪光,这是金子,所以闪光。

3、(这些东西不是金子)all gold are flash things,all of these things are gold, so all of these things are flash things.6多数金子闪光,这是金子,所以闪光。

4、some gold are flash things, all of these things are gold,so all of these things are flash things.7所有的诗人都是预言家,所有的艺术家都是诗人,所以所有的艺术家都是预言家All poets are seers.All artists are poets.So all artists are seers.8多数金子闪光,这是金子,所以不闪光。

5、some gold are flash things,all of these things are gold,so none of these things are flash things.上面这位的第3和5都违反了中项少周延一次的规则,所以论证不成立。



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