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smells是什么意思 smells是什么意思怎么读


smells是什么意思 smells是什么意思怎么读smells是什么意思 smells是什么意思怎么读

1、smell:英 [smel] 美 [smel]n.气味;嗅觉;臭味;嗅v.有(或发出)…气味;闻到;嗅到(气味);嗅(气味);有难闻的气味;觉察出第三人称单数: smells 复数: smells 现在分词: smelling过去式: smelt smelled 过去分词: smelt例句:1.The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell.我首先注意到的是这屋子里的气味。

2、2.The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood.大海的气味使他回想起孩提时代。

3、3.He took one smell of the liquid and his eyes began to water.他闻了一下那种液体,就流起泪来了。

4、4.The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood.大海的气息勾起了她童年的回忆。

5、5.The smell made me want to throw up.这味道使得我想呕吐。

6、6.Dogs have a very good sense of smell.狗的嗅觉非常灵敏。

7、7.There was a smell of burning in the air.空气中有一股烧东西的焦煳味。

8、8.The museum uses smells and smoke generators to create atmosphere.博物馆利用气味和烟雾发生器制造气氛。

9、9.The smell of burning rubber filled the air.空气中弥漫着橡胶燃烧的气味。


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