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A. Looking after a baby is very tiring.


B. I'm afraid I can't

C. I'm sorry that I won't be able to attend the party.

A. What for

A. Yes, it was rich and colorful

A. characteristics

C. expectation

B. in

C. what his name is.

C. enhance

C. whether

B. consider / as

B. opening


1. At the _____ of the police, those people ran off in all direction.

A. view

B. watch

C. look

D. sight


2. He has oked for so many years that he can ___ give it up.

A. hardly

B. exactly

C. mostly

D. directly


3. I don’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly

____ to me.

A. emerged

B. occurred

C. happened

D. appeared


4. The accident was _____ to careless driving.

A. because

B. due

C. likely

D. for


5. I don’t know how to choose between the two-shirts and it’s really hard for me to make____.

A. stops

B. directions

C. sides

D. decisions


1. --How did Mark learn Spanish?



A. Very well.

B. By taking a course.

C. In the library

D. In the morning


马克是怎样学西班牙的?----通过选课学习的。”如需更多复习资料,可参考电大题酷 小程序。

正确答案是:By taking a course.


2. --You know, I he three kids now.



A. That's terrific!

B. Well, I've grown a mustache.

C. Say, you've really changed your mind.

D. Well, I ge up drinking.

【解析】此题可用排除法进行解题。上文说"你知道吗,我现在有3个孩子”,这属于好事情,所以答语用That's terrific.(太好了)表示积极回应。

正确答案是:That's terrific!

3. --John,回答?

--Oh, that's my father! And beside him, my mother.

A. which is that B. who's talking over there

C. what are they doing D. what is the person over there


【解析】根据下文回答"那是我爸爸”来判断,上文在问"某人是谁 (Who's...?)”。句意:"----约翰,谁在那里说话?----哦,那是我爸爸,他旁边是我妈妈。”






(Units 1~6)


辅导订前完成的学习内容:A、做教材中大部分练习 B、熟悉生词和词组

C、将不懂的地方记录下来 D、其他

辅导课上的学习任务:A、听辅导教师讲授 B、积极参与各项课堂教学话动

C、解决疑难问题 D、其他

3、辅导课后的学习内容:A、完成剩余的练习 B、复习主要语言点

C、自己找一些练习题进一步巩固所学内容 D、其他

4、希望辅导教师提供的帮助是:A、答疑解惑 B、系统归纳和讲解

C、有针对性地讲解重点、难点 D、其他学习内容:

1、Units 1~6 中主要学习了哪些重要的语法项目?一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、过去进行时、used to do sth、一般过去时被动词态、定语从句、过去完成时、形容词和介词的反革命配

2、这六个单元中我感觉难或还没有完全掌握的语言点是:如何谈论过去、如何谈论将来、如何描述趋势、always/forever/to keep doing用于描述行为、描述习惯、描述关系


An English man’s Home is His castle.




1~5 D A C B B


6~10 D B D A B 11~15 C D B A B 16~20 A A B A B


21~25 C B C D C 26~30 B C C D A


31~35 A C D A C 36~40 A C D C D

41~45 D B A D C 46~50 F T T N F


Dear Sirs,

My name is …born on July 6th,1965 in changchun ,jilin province ,China ,I am a journalist .and he already eleven .years of working experience . I can speak Japanese and Germany besides English and of course I’m good at operating computer.I graduated from .journali Department of Beijing university in 1990 and then worked as a journalist in Shenzhen Daily till December 1996,I studied in BBC from 1997 to 1998 and since . I came back in January 1999,I he been head of the news section I will be very luck if I can work in your newspaper ,And I think I he abilities to do the job well .

Yours sincerely,Wuhua.


(Units 7~12)学习过程:

1、辅导订前完成的学习内容:A、做教材中大部分练习 B、熟悉生词和词组星魂论坛,免费

C、将不懂的地方记录下来 D、其他

2、辅导课上的学习任务:A、听辅导教师讲授 B、积极参与各项课堂教学话动 C、解决疑难问题 D、其他

3、辅导课后的学习内容:A、完成剩余的练习 B、复习主要语言点

C、自己找一些练习题进一步巩固所学内容 D、其他

4、希望辅导教师提供的帮助是:A、答疑解惑 B、系统归纳和讲解

C、有针对性地讲解重点、难点 D、其他学习内容:

1、Units 7~12 中主要学习了哪些重要的语法项目?现在进行时及被动语态、一般过去时的被动语态、祈使句、虚拟条件句、过去进行时句被动语态、间接引语


3、这六个单元中我喜欢的话题是:(略)印象深的Cultural Notes 是:(略)阶段性学习体会:(略)(一定要自己写)



1~5 C A D A D

6~10 D B B C B

11~15 A C B A D

16~20 B C D C D

21~25 B B A C D

26~30 B B C B A

31~35 B B A D D

36~40 A C B B B

41~45 D A B C C

46~50 T F F T T



There will be an English lecture on American lndians and American History by miss lycidro,an American professor from shenzhen TV university .

If will be given in the hall of the culture in our university on Saturday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 your friends from other schools to att.


(Units 13~18)学习过程:

1、辅导订前完成的学习内容:A、做教材中大部分练习 B、熟悉生词和词组C、将不懂的地方记录下来 D、其他

2、辅导课上的学习任务:A、听辅导教师讲授 B、积极参与各项课堂教学话动 C、解决疑难问题 D、其他

3、辅导课后的学习内容:A、完成剩余的练习 B、复习主要语言点

C、自己找一些练习题进一步巩固所学内容 D、其他

4、希望辅导教师提供的帮助是:A、答疑解惑 B、系统归纳和讲解

C、有针对性地讲解重点、难点 D、其他学习内容:

1、Units 13~18 中主要学习了哪些重要的语法项目?动名词与动词不定式、非限定性定语从句、将来完成时、现在进行时的被动语态、现在完成时的被动语态、间接引语和间接引语、反意疑问句2、这六个单元中我感觉难或还没有完全掌握的语言点是:(略)

3、这六个单元中我喜欢的话题是:(略)印象深的Cultural Notes 是:(略)阶段性学习体会:(略)(一定要自己写)





An Extraordinary Change of Direction

Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity.

As a child she had trained as a ballet dancer, but at 15 she had grown too tall for classical ballet, so she became a member of a pop dance team

She got married, and after she had chi ldren she retired from show business to bring them up. They grew up, and when they were 18 they left home.

She says,"When I decided to do the round-the-world race, my huand thought I was borerd because the children had left home. He was also worried because I had never sailed before I was not bored, but I had met some people who told me about the race. They had taken part in it, but they had only done one section, say, from New Zealand to Australia. I wanted to do the whole ten-month journey.

Before Molly left she did a lot of training, but it hadn' t prepared her for the worst weather which they experienced. She tells one story. "One night the sea was very rough and it was very cold. I had gone downstairs when a huge we ashed into the boat and injured two men on the deck. One of the men couldn' t move because he had broken his leg. They were taken to hospital by helicopter. That was the worst time.

By the end of October last year, she had raised more than $50, 000 for charity.

She says, "Sometimes I ask myself, what did I do? How did I do it? But then I think, it' s the same as being a dancer. Before I left on trip, I had trained hard. I had got very fit and had prepared myself completely. Then on the trip I was simply a good team member."

21. What does the word"extraordinary" mean in the title? ( B)

A. Very ordinary

B.Very unusual and surprising.

C. Not special

22. The sentence“…… my huand thought I was bored……” in Para. 4 meant that my huand thought I felt A

A. dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do at home

B. annoyed because I had to wait long for my children to come back home

C. happy because I could do something I was interested in instead of taking care of children

23. The word"section" in the fourth paragraph probably means C

A. group of people

B. part of the training

C. part of the route of sail

24. Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to “ rough” in the sentence“ One night the sea was very rough……” in Para. 5? ( C )

A. not exact

B. difficult

C. not ooth because of huge wes

25. The last paragraph suggests that A

A. the qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer.

B. many years of dancing had already prepared her for the sail completely, so she needn' t do any thing before the journey

C. she should be kind to other team members during the trip







get overall knowledge

get some professional skills

to learn how to be a human being


it costs too much for some families

students lack of personality

teaching style is rigid

turned to Langdon, who was still on the pho

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