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function and application of descriptive translation studies

1 introduction

the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation ysis.

since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought he kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).

dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity hing significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.

my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.

the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.

a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.

the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and did hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.

2 outline

2.1 development and major concepts of dts

in this part i will describe holms’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.

2.2 methodolgy

i will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.

2.3 dts in contrast to other theories

a contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.

2.4 case study

in this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be

under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.

2.5 conclusion

based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.

(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)

it is therefore pointless to try to make tc more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and ailable methods. translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.”

in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.

论文开题报告用英语怎么表达?“opening report ”地道吗?

Proposal 更正式点

opening speech;opening report;Thesis Proposal 也都可以


如博士论文开题 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal




Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies

1 Introduction

The intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation ysis.

Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. From then on, schools of thought he kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS).

DTS approaches translation from an empirical perspective. Translation is viewed to be a social activity hing significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. Therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.

My attention was first directed to DTS by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. The subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.

The method of DTS is basically descriptive. The prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. Translation phenomena are noted down. With accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. I will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.

A convenient tool has been set up to conduct DTS. “Norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. Function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. Translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.

The case taken in this thesis is the Chinese classic The Dream of Red Mansions. Two English versions translated respectively by Yang Hsien-yi and Did Hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.

In this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, I hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of DTS.

2 Outline

2.1 Development and major concepts of DTS

In this part I will describe Holms’ basic map of DTS and the relationship between function, process and product. I will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.

2.2 Methodolgy

I will in this part discuss the methodology of DTS before I apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.

2.3 DTS in contrast to other theories

A contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of DTS from other theories such as equivalence theory and the Chinese Xin Da Ya criteria. Some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.

2.4 Case study

In this part, translation of The Dream of Red Mansions (also translated as The Story of The Stone) will be under investigation in light of DTS. Translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.

2.5 Conclusion

Based on the above elaboration of DTS and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of DTS in specific study of translation. Suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.

(Note: While the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)

附录1- 引文范例

“It is therefore pointless to try to make TC more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and ailable methods. Translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.”(Wilss, 1982: 217)


附录2- 参考文献范例

Wilss, Wolfram. The Science of Translation – Problems and Methods. Gunter Narr Verlag Tubingen,1982.

Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice Hall, 1988.

Delabastita, Dirk. Translating Puns: A false Opposition in Translation Studies. Target, 1991(3:2):137-152.




可写 Introduction 或 Background 介绍写论文的目的 或 研究的目标




英语开题报告 篇1 一、论文题目:

classroom interaction and oral english teaching






英语开题报告 篇2 提纲:


chapter one definition and theoretical basis of interaction

1.1 definition of interaction

1.3 some main interactive modes in the present classroom

chapter two the necessity and the principles of following interaction-teaching mode

2.1 the disadvantage of traditional oral english teaching mode

2.2 the necessity and merit of taking interaction-teaching mode

2.3 oral english interaction-teaching mode should follow the principles

chapter three personal interaction in the oral english teaching

3.1 the relationship between the teacher and students

3.2 two types of personal interaction

3.3 classroom climate

3.4 classroom size

chapter four the evaluation of the interactive oral english teaching mode

4.1 some principles should follow when evaluating

4.2 the concept of evaluating

4.3 the technology of evaluating



jonssen, dh..thinking technology: toward a constructivist design model [j].educational technolgy. 3 (1994): 34-35.

littlewood, william. communicative language teaching [m].cambridge: cambridge university press .1981.

卢艳春, 路雅琴.“构建主义与大学英语口语教学.” 前沿杂志. 11 (xx):98-100.

司洪海.“构建主义理论与英语口语教学.” 基础英语教育. 4 (xx):8-9.

吴蕾.“构建主义在英语口语教学中的应用.” 东华大学学报(社科版).7 (xx年):23-24.

英语开题报告 篇3 function and application of descriptive translation studies

1 introduction

the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation ysis.

since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought he kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).

dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity hing significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.

my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.

the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.

a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.

the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and did hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.

in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.

2 outline

2.1 development and major concepts of dts

in this part i will describe holms’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.

2.2 methodolgy

i will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.

2.3 dts in contrast to other theories

a contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.

2.4 case study

in this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be

under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.

2.5 conclusion

based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.

(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)

it is therefore pointless to try to make tc more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and ailable methods. translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.”



Renminbi revaluation impact on foreign trade

On the open economic condition, exchange rate changes has a crucial importance on a country's economic development . Since the People's Bank announced the RMB exchange rate reform on July 21, 2005 , the RMB exchange rate against the U.S. dollar has been in a slow upward trend. This paper discusses the background and the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate changes and the relationship between export and import growth, combined with the economic status of China's foreign trade and current economic trends, yzing the future impact made by RMB revaluation on foreign trade&economy .

I The Background and Reasons of RMB Appreciation

Since the People's Bank announced the RMB exchange rate reform on July 21, 2005 , the RMB exchange rate against the U.S. dollar has been in a slow upward trend. On January 4, 2006,the RMB Central parity rate started as 8.0702 ,then the RMB exchange rate has gone up from a slow to the sprints, then again to a "buildup" process. According to the RMB Central parity rate 7.8087 on December 29,renminbi has appreciated 2615 basis points during the year .

The reason of the existance in RMB exchange rate revaluation pressure is complex,which is conbined of international social, political and economic interests . The global voice of demands for RMB appreciation is growing louder and louder,which is mainly based on China's trade surplus and huge foreign exchange reserves,etc.

II the ysis of impact on China import and export trade made by RMB appreciation

The currency appreciation holds high proportion of import,which are long-term positive for industries who he large-scale foreign currency debt .However, companies with high foreign currency assets and export-oriented businesses will be impacted a lot, especially negative impact on low value-added, low-margin export sectorsuch as textiles, garments, agricultural products processing ones.

(A) The beneficial effects of RMB revaluation on China's import and export trade

1. To the benifit of reducing the cost of imported goods. 2. To the benifit of promoting trade structure optimization and upgrading. 3. To the benifit oing improve national well-being

(b) The adverse effects of the RMB appreciation on China's import and export trade

1 Undermine the international competitiveness of China's exports,to the disadvantage of China's foreign trade export growth.

2. The renminbi appreciation will increase imports of foreign products and aggrate competition in the domestic market. 3. Cause a serious impact on China's export industries and traditional industries .

RMB appreciation for export

In open economy, changes in the exchange rate under the condition of a country's economic development has a very important significance. Since July 21, 2005, the people's bank of China announced the RMB exchange rate reform since then, the yuan against the dollar has been slow in the ascendant trend. This paper currency exchange rate and the background and the relationship with import and export growth in China, foreign economic situation and the current economic situation, yses of China's foreign trade after the renminbi appreciation,

A revaluation of the renminbi. Background and reasons

The background of RMB appreciation

Since July 21, 2005, the people's bank of China announced the RMB exchange rate reform since then, the yuan against the dollar has been slow in the ascendant trend. January 4, 2006 8.0702 price to RMB exchange rate, the RMB exchange rate inching upward from experience to run, run to accelerate the process of ". On December 29, according to the rate 7.8087 calculation, RMB a year in which the 2615 p.p. appreciation.

RMB appreciation

RMB exchange rate appreciation pressure on the existence of reason and the international is a complicated social, political, and economic benefit of the mixture. International appreciation of the renminbi, the main basis lies in rising China's trade surplus, massive foreign exchange reserves.

Second, the RMB appreciation for import and export trade influence ysis

Currency appreciation for the import business people, high proportion of foreign currency debt large industry is long-term benefit of export business, but with high priority, foreign currency assets of enterprises, especially the impact textile, agricultural product processing, etc, and low value-added export industry low profits, the negative effects.

(a) renminbi appreciation of the beneficial effects in import and export trade

1 to reduce the cost of imports.

2 to promote trade structure optimization.

3. To improve the welfare of the nation

(2) for our import and export trade revaluation of adverse effects

Weakening the international competitiveness of Chinese export commodity export growth in China, unforable.

2 revaluation would increase imports of foreign products, domestic market competition.

3 for our export trade and traditional advantage industry caused serious impact.

Yuan revaluation impact on foreign trade in an open economic conditions, exchange rate changes on a country's economic development has a crucial importance. Since July 21, 2005 Since the People's Bank announced that the RMB exchange rate reform, the RMB exchange rate against the U.S. dollar has been in a slow upward trend. This paper discusses the background and the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate changes and the relationship between export and import growth, combined with the economic status of China's foreign trade and current economic trends, yzing the future revaluation of the yuan's foreign trade and economic impact of one. RMB appreciation of the background and the reasons for the appreciation of the RMB Background Since July 21, 2005 Since the People's Bank announced that the RMB exchange rate reform, the RMB exchange rate against the U.S. dollar has been in a slow upward trend. January 4, 2006 to 8.0702 yuan central parity rate started the RMB exchange rate has gone up from a slow to the sprints, then to "buildup" process. Accordance with the December 29 exchange rate of 7.8087 U.S. Dollar terms, the renminbi has appreciated during the year 2615 basis points. The reasons for appreciation of the RMB revaluation pressure on RMB exchange rate because there is a complex international social, political and economic interests combines issues. Of international demands for yuan appreciation growing louder and louder, mainly based on lies in China's trade surplus and huge foreign exchange reserves. Second, the RMB appreciation on China import and export trade impact ysis of currency appreciation on the import of high proportion of foreign currency debt in terms of large-scale industries are long-term positive, but the export-oriented businesses, companies with high foreign currency assets, a greater impact, especially in textiles, garments, agricultural products processing, low value-added, low-margin export sector a greater negative impact. (A) The yuan revaluation on China's import and export trade beneficial effects of one. Is conducive to reducing the cost of imported goods. 2. Conducive to the promotion of trade structure optimization and upgrading. 3. Will help improve the national well-being (b) of the RMB appreciation on China's import and export trade, the adverse effects of one. Undermine the international competitiveness of China's exports is not conducive to China's foreign trade export growth. 2. Renminbi appreciation will increase imports of foreign products, increased competition in the domestic market. 3. For China's export industries and traditional industries can cause a serious impact.









但在我们日常英语写作教学中,学生对英语写作的态度却并不积极。提到写作学生就充满了焦虑和恐慌。传统英语写作教学往往是教师给出题目或写作范围,让学生在固定的时间内完成一篇文章。其特点是教师强调的是语言运用的准确性, 重视的是学生的写作结果。教师和学生的主要精力主要耗费在词汇和语法等细节上, 至于学生运用英语思维的能力、篇章结构组织、分析能力和措辞用句等写作能力的培养往往被教师所忽视。因此, 在平时的教学中, 对话教学是培养学生的听说能力, 阅读教学便是培养学生的听、说、读的能力, 至于写作能力的培养仅仅是通过一堂作文讲座课或练习课, 蜻蜓点水式的一掠而过。学生的写作往往是闭门造车, 写作时词句的运用、文章的形成不会像行云流水般自然。因此, 学生一写作便有种所学不能致用的感觉。觉得用英语写作非常困难。由此可见, 学生的写作障碍源于没有形成运用英语思维的能力, 而教师平时的课堂教学中也缺乏写作能力的培养目标以及相应的教学策略。新目标英语又缺乏这样的阅读文章。因此,收集各种话题广泛, 体裁多样, 表达形式活泼的阅读文章,这为英语写作的教与学提供了的范文材料。因此, 在阅读课教学中, 教师只要能够活用阅读文章 在培养学生阅读能力的同时, 同样能够培养学生英语写作能力, 提高其写作水平。






1.在阅读课教学中, 教师从学生“ 学”的角度来设计教学内容, 使得学生的活动具有明确的目标。在各种活动中, 学生为获取知识或为得出结论而进行积极的探索和主动的认知体验, 因而他们能够获得运用语言的能力, 而不仅仅是现成的知识点, 整个教学过程都是一个交际的过程。它需要学生思考、分析、归纳和表述, 因此说是一个培养学生语言组织能力和运用英语思维的能力的过程, 而这两种能力正是学生英语写作时所具备的基本能力。


阅读课教学传统上教师只注重文章大意重点词句及语篇结构的讲解。讲解也只单纯的服务于学生的阅读理解和语法知识点的输入。新课程所要求培养学生的创造能力和创新精神这一目标, 使得阅读课的篇章分析不但要强调语法知识点, 分析语篇意义及结构, 还得学生思考、学习阅读材料的文体特点、写作手法, 要求教师学生体会作者怎样表达自己的情感, 并让学生在理解的基础上进行模仿, 然后灵活运用。分析语篇结构有利于学生摆脱母语思维方式, 学会用英语思维, 有利于学生写作中的篇章组织能力, 获得写作技巧, 从而可以克服学生在英语作文语篇水平上存在的内容重点不突出和行文缺乏连贯性两大缺陷。


英语写作主要是指书面表达, 讨论用于写作教学主要是指学生写前的口头表达, 即口头作文。口头作文是书面作文的基础, 写与说都具有相似的心理语言过程, 即都需要先形成要表达的思想和信息, 再根据一定的规则将信息编码,产生有意义的句子和语段。从培养学生书面表达能力的角度来看, 通过讨论和交流信息, 能使学生对所写的题材和内容产生立体思维与记忆构架, 即让学生知道该写什么和怎样写作。因此, 阅读课堂的讨论活动有助于拓宽学生的知识面, 活动要与生活实际相联系, 要与学生的兴趣爱好相符,讨论问题的设计应由浅入深, 循序渐进。

四、 课题研究的方法和途径


2. 口头语言表达能力的训练


3. 优化教师的教学方法,从语言讲解转化为学了就用。























韩 雪:(英语教师,英语写作教学方面的研究)


刘惠: (英语教师,英语写作教学方面的研究)









一. 课题提出的背景

在日常英语教学过程中常听到老师们这样抱怨: 某某学生作业,考试都不错,就是上课不举手,不喜欢发言。 我们也常看到这样的现象,有的学生笔试成绩好,口语却很糟;在交际活动中,有的学生心里想得挺不错,但要口头表达时表达不清;有的紧张得结结巴巴等等。

二. 理论基础和研究意义

教育部在2015年发布的《小学英语课程教学基本要求(试行) 》中,提出了明确建议:教学重点是培养学生用语言进行交流的能力。小学英语教学不讲解语法概念,要充分利用教学资源,采用听、做、说、唱、玩、演的方式,鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达,侧重提高小学生对语言的感受和初步用英语进行听、说、唱、演的能力,在进一步加强学生听说能力的同时,发展初步的读写能力,创设良好语言环境和充分的语言实践机会。

《义务教育英语新课程标准》明确指出: 英语课程的学习,是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程。 由此可见,使学生具备口语表达的基本能力,是我们当前英语教学中不可缺少的内容。在英语教学中重视对学生口语表达能力的培养,是学生英语素养形成与发展之必需。

在传统的英语教学中,我们曾十分注重学生口语表达能力的训练,但仅停留在 听话、说话 的层次上,忽略了语言的交际功能,弱化了口头语言表情达意、交流信息、相互沟通的工具性。
























① 制定课题实验方案;


实施阶段(20XX年3月中旬 20XX年12月)

① 完成学生口语现状调查;(20XX年3月)


樊娅 通过课本剧表演,培养学生英语口语表达能力的实践研究

郭瑞 通过说唱儿歌培养小学生开口说英语的能力的实践研究

李燕 运用故事教学法培养小学生英语口语能力的实践研究

刘红燕 毛菲 通过诵读课文有效提高小学生英语口语表达能力的实践研究

王娜 创设情境,营造氛围,培养小学生开口说英语的能力的实践研究

卫鸣娟 巧用课前热身,提高小学生英语口语能力的实践研究

杨瑞丽 通过对小学低段孩子日常用语的训练,培养口语表达能力的实践研究。




② 整理教学设计、教学反思、教学案例等,做好成果汇编;

③ 撰写实验报告和研究论文。





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