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人事管理系统源码 人事管理系统源码分享

我有这3个系统的源代码. 但我不会给你源代码,我可以提供些文档和数据库结构资料

人事管理系统源码 人事管理系统源码分享人事管理系统源码 人事管理系统源码分享

加我百度hi群: 1231298 (易学网C#论坛)



好像是有这个源码下载的 你去下载个参考下吧


在text1里输入数值 text2返回中文金额

Private Sub Form_click()

text2.text= DaXie(val(text1.text))

End Sub

Public Function DaXie(txtJE As Double) As String

On Error GoTo err1

Dim I As Long '循环变量

Dim K As Long '记录整数位循环位置

Dim NC As String '输入金额 '

Dim chrNum As String '保存从字串中取出的数字

Dim c1 As String '中文大写单位

Dim c2 As String '中文角分

Dim c3 As String '中文大写数字

Dim Zheng As String '整数部分

Dim Xiao As String '小数部分

NC = Trim(Format(txtJE, "##0.00"))

c1 = "仟佰拾万仟佰拾亿仟佰拾万仟佰拾元"

c2 = "角分"

c3 = "玖捌柒陆伍肆叁贰壹"

If NC = 0 Then

DaXie = "零元整"

Exit Function

End If

DaXie = ""

Zheng = Mid(NC, 1, (Len(NC) - 3))

Xiao = Mid(NC, (Len(Zheng) + 2), 2)

If Val(Xiao) <> 0 Then

For I = Len(Xiao) To 1 Step -1

chrNum = Mid(Xiao, I, 1)

If chrNum <> 0 Then

DaXie = Mid(c2, I, 1) & DaXie

DaXie = Mid(c3, (Len(c3) - chrNum + 1), 1) & DaXie


If I = 1 Then

DaXie = "零" & DaXie

End If

End If

Next I

End If

K = 0

If Val(Zheng) <> 0 Then

DaXie = "元" & DaXie

For I = Len(Zheng) To 1 Step -1

If (Len(Zheng) - I) = 4 Then

If Val(Mid(Zheng, Len(Zheng) - 4, 1)) = 0 And _

Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "零" And _

Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "元" Then

DaXie = "零" & DaXie

End If

If Len(Zheng) >= 9 Then

If Val(Mid(Zheng, Len(Zheng) - 7, 4)) = 0 Then

DaXie = DaXie


DaXie = "万" & DaXie

End If


DaXie = "万" & DaXie

End If

ElseIf (Len(Zheng) - I) = 8 Then

If Val(Mid(Zheng, Len(Zheng) - 8, 1)) = 0 And _

Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "零" And _

Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "元" Then

DaXie = "零" & DaXie

End If

DaXie = "亿" & DaXie

ElseIf (Len(Zheng) - I) = 12 Then

If Val(Mid(Zheng, Len(Zheng) - 12, 1)) = 0 And _

Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "零" And _

Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "元" Then

DaXie = "零" & DaXie

End If

DaXie = "万" & DaXie

End If

chrNum = Mid(Zheng, I, 1)

If chrNum <> 0 Then

If I = Len(Zheng) Then

DaXie = Mid(c3, (Len(c3) - chrNum + 1), 1) & DaXie


If (Len(Zheng) - I) <> 4 And _

(Len(Zheng) - I) <> 8 And _

(Len(Zheng) - I) <> 12 Then

DaXie = Mid(c1, (Len(c1) - K), 1) & DaXie

End If

DaXie = Mid(c3, (Len(c3) - chrNum + 1), 1) & DaXie

End If


If Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "元" And _

Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "万" And _

Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "亿" Then

If Mid(DaXie, 1, 1) <> "零" Then

DaXie = "零" & DaXie

End If

End If

End If

K = K + 1

Next I

End If

If Right(Trim(DaXie), 1) <> "分" Then

DaXie = DaXie & "整"

End If

Exit Function


MsgBox "你输入的数字太长或者格式错误.", , "提示:"

End Function


Private Sub Command1_Click()

MMControl1.Command = "play"

Command4.Enabled = True

Command1.Enabled = False

Command5.Enabled = True

Command2.Enabled = True

Command3.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

MMControl1.Command = "prev"

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

MMControl1.Command = "next"

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

MMControl1.Command = "pause"

Command1.Enabled = True

Command4.Enabled = False

Command5.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

MMControl1.Command = "stop"

Command5.Enabled = False

Command4.Enabled = False

Command1.Enabled = True

Command2.Enabled = False

Command3.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

MMControl1.Command = "stop"

MMControl1.Command = "eject"

Command1.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

MMControl1.Visible = False

MMControl1.Notify = True

MMControl1.Shareable = False

MMControl1.TimeFormat = 0

MMControl1.DeviceType = "cdaudio"

MMControl1.Command = "open"

MMControl1.UpdateInterval = 1000

End Sub

Private Sub MMControl1_StatusUpdate()

Label2.Caption = "曲目总数:" & MMControl1.Tracks

Label3.Caption = "曲目播放的总时间:" & Trim(Str(Int(MMControl1.Length / 60000))) + "分"

Label4.Caption = "正在播放曲目:" & Str$(MMControl1.Track)

End Sub




1个MMControl1控件(Microsoft multimedia control 6.0)

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