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1、2015--2016年英语周报高三新课标 book 4 units 4--5Book 4 Units 4-5参及部分解析参1-5 CBACC 6-10BBCAA11-15 CCBAC 16-20BACBC21-25 DBACB 26-30CDDBA31-35 CBAAA 36-40GBCFD 41-45 ADDAC 46-50 BDBAB51-55 CDCAA 56-60CBBAC61. when 62.education63. himself 64.out65. to see 66.in67. the 68.made69. called 70.amazing短文改错:71. ... today ‘Daily Paper’ ...today → today's72. ... some informations ...informations → information73. I am current ... current → currently74. ... I needed to ... needed → need75. ... to making my ...making→ make76. ... by using a ... 去掉by77. ... take up a ... take → takes78. Sometime, it is ...Sometime → Sometimes79. ... if you could ... if前加it80. ... something of your ...of→ aboutOne possible version:Dear Tom,How are you doing these days? I'm writingto tell you something about my English teacher Miss Liu.Miss Liu is a popular teacher who's alwayskind to us. Unfortunately, she was hurt badly when trying to se a studentfrom a car accident and has lain in bed for almost one year.Last Sunday afternoon my clasates and Iwent to Miss Liu's home to celebrate her birthday. She was moved to tears whenshe saw us. We first sang “Happy Birthday” and then ge her flowers and otherpresents we had made. Seated around her, we discussed our studies and lookedforward to our future together. We left around six.We had a great time and I'm happy that MissLiu is recovering well.Did you do some interesting things lastweek? Would you like to tell me about them?Best wishes,Li Hua部分解析阅读理解:A篇(现代技术)本文是应用文。


3、21. D。


5、根据第二段中的sense and give access to those with approved artphones. Approachthe entry while logged in to your account, and the door will automaticallyunlock. You can temporarily add a friend ... 可知答案。

6、22. B。


8、根据后一段中的A little device called the Fob — roughly the size of a stick of gum — easily fits on your key chain and operates with the lock可知,Fob大小跟口香糖不多,可以很容易地挂在钥匙链上,而且它需要跟门锁一起才能起作用。


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12、根据第一段中的you can unlock the door by texting your password可知,安装了Lockitron设备后,你只需要输入密码,门就会自动打开。


14、文章介绍了SB.TV的创始人Jamal Edwards。

15、24. C。


17、根据第一段中的watches a new music video ... on the website of SB.TV ... he needsto stay on top of the latest music videos if he's going to keep SB.TV a majorplayer in the digital world可知,Edwards需要知道新上传到SB.TV上的内容,因为他得保证自己网站上的视频非常受欢迎才能使SB.TV成为主要的电子播放平台。

18、25. B。


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