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lucy是什么意思 是

Juan(胡安)-Juana(胡安娜) Emilio(埃米利奥)-Emilia(艾米莉亚) Dario(达里奥)-Daria(达丽雅) Mario(马里奥)-María(玛利亚) 西班牙语里大部分的名字都是来自圣经或者的圣人的,那男圣人的名字就是男名,女圣人的就是女名,男的比如Enrique、Joaquín、Jorge等等,女的比如Ema、Sofía、Sonia等等。 还有就是一些传统上的或者宗教寓意上的名字,我知道的比如Dolor作为一个女名,本意是“痛苦”,引申出来的还有Dolores(好像哈利波特里面乌姆里奇的名字就是这个)。还有就是Pilar这个女名,本意是“柱子”,好像是因为曾在柱子上显圣,所以就以此作为女名了。 双语例句 Lucy has been whaling away on the typewriter for two hours.露西不停地打字,已有两个小时了。 Don't gabble, Lucy, I can't understand when youn your words toger.不要说得那么急,露西,你说话象连珠炮似的,我听不懂。 He demanded to know what Lucy had done that morning, but she palmed him off with some story or other.他要求知道露西那天早上干了些什么,可是她用一套话把他瞒过去了。 Kate is in bad with Lucy for some unknown reason.因为某些不为人知的原因,凯特和露西关系不好。 权威例句 The reproduction of mothering :Control of Organ Asymmetry in Flowers of AntirrhinumA comitional context sensitive multi-document summarizer: exploring the factors that influence summarizationA numerical approach to the testing of the fission hypothesisAn iterative technique for the rectification of observed distributionsQuantification of latent tissue reservoirs and total body viral load in HIV-1 infectionRandomised controlled trial of calcium and supplementation with cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) for prntion of fractures in primary ...Randomized Trial of Folic Acid Supplementation and Serum Homocysteine LlsThe zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genomeTeam effectiveness 1997-2007: A review of recent aancements and a glimpse into the future. 2010-2030 巴士英语网 版权所有 | 蜀ICP备11003036号 | : [QQ]747689961巴士英语网是一个非盈利性个人网站,英语学习/教学辅助平台! 电脑版 | 手机版 | 自适应

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