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新视野大学英语3课后答案第二版 新视野大学英语3第二版课文原文


新视野大学英语3课后答案第二版 新视野大学英语3第二版课文原文新视野大学英语3课后答案第二版 新视野大学英语3第二版课文原文

1、1. 求新视野大学英语读写教程3(第二版)课后作文答案 The region has been seriously polluted by harmful *** og, which proves to be the cause of many illnesses and for the climbing death rate. As a result, people have started to move out of the area. In response to the problem, the local government has decided to fight against air pollution. It has closed down several factories, which were considered to be the major cause of the pollution. Many power plants have been modernized to give off less pollution and also moved further away from people's homes so as to decrease the damage. At the same time, the local government has decided to plant trees in and around the region because trees can absorb some of the pollution. People wele all the measures taken by the government. Consequently, more and more people have begun to move back to the region to take part in this battle for a clean environment。

2、2. 新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第三册1~6单元作文范文Love is a beautiful word. But, what is the real love, but I haven't sure. Until I saw it, I understand their true meanings.In 2006 the country touched of ten love characters, there was a YaoYiDe henan people, he and his wife SunQingRong 20 years ago to hainan has by JianPoLan, dry handyman responsible for a living. Old yao five children, but since 1988, the old couple since yao successively adopted 10 abortion. He said: "when facing is a great sin, oneself eat less a bit, a bit more bitter, save a life, this multi-valued ah!" By JianPoLan living of YaoYiDe with love, to rebuild a XianZao abandoned life. In the country's financial still cannot build perfect social security system, is YaoYiDe so of the hero, supporting the moral beliefs of our society. YaoYiDe occurrence, let countless well-fed life lost weight. YaoYiDe in his own way, showing the spirit of rich and personality of the underfoot.But in the civilization degree higher current society, do not speak social morality phenomenon, is still exist, we can easily meet these case, some people in public without courage to content, Some people always like to throw confetti rind in the sky row beautiful curve, Some people will sound to put flashy, importune nearby residents and weep; The bus from the old guy preempted disablement pregnant seat, see firsthand condole armrest, under each arm children were sway like wind-bell, still the same women feel at ease. These phenomena even more to let a person demise point. The real problem: where? Are these people who have received this aspect of education? There is no one to make model? Is this aspect of the propaganda enough? Is public morals in today's not necessary to speak? I did not. We all look to the elsewhere and to the material things, only to obtain the happiness, but ignore the ego by giving others own passion and gain happiness.Our love is the greatest happiness of others.Love is a beautiful word. But, what is the real love, but I haven't sure. Until I saw it, I understand their true meanings.In 2006 the country touched of ten love characters, there was a YaoYiDe henan people, he and his wife SunQingRong 20 years ago to hainan has by JianPoLan, dry handyman responsible for a living. Old yao five children, but since 1988, the old couple since yao successively adopted 10 abortion. He said: "when facing is a great sin, oneself eat less a bit, a bit more bitter, save a life, this multi-valued ah!" By JianPoLan living of YaoYiDe with love, to rebuild a XianZao abandoned life. In the country's financial still cannot build perfect social security system, is YaoYiDe so of the hero, supporting the moral beliefs of our society. YaoYiDe occurrence, let countless well-fed life lost weight. YaoYiDe in his own way, showing the spirit of rich and personality of the underfoot.But in the civilization degree higher current society, do not speak social morality phenomenon, is still exist, we can easily meet these case, some people in public without courage to content, Some people always like to throw confetti rind in the sky row beautiful curve, Some people will sound to put flashy, importune nearby residents and weep; The bus from the old guy preempted disablement pregnant seat, see firsthand condole armrest, under each arm children were sway like wind-bell, still the same women feel at ease. These phenomena even more to let a person demise point. The real problem: where? Are these people who have received this aspect of education? There is no one to make model? Is this aspect of the propaganda enough? Is public morals in today's not necessary to speak? I did not. We all look to the elsewhere and to the material things, only to obtain the happiness, but ignore the ego by giving others own passion and gain happiness.Our love is the greatest happiness of others.。

3、3. 【求新视野大学英语读写教程2UNIT3课后练习答案不是第二版的】作Unit3II. Listening Skills1. M: Will you love and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?W: I will.Q: Who is the woman?2. W: Mike, wake up1 It is time to go to school. Hurry up or you're going to be late!M: Don't worry. I can sleep all day long. Did you fet today is Martin Luther King's birthday?Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?3. M: Could I see your driver's license and registration, please? W: What's the matter, officer? Q: Who is the man?4. M: I'd like to ask you about the research paper you assigned that we have to do by the end of the semester. W: ok. What would you like to know? Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?5. W: I've cleaned the windows, mopped the floors, and folded the laundry. Is there anything else that you would like me to do before I cal lit a day? M: Did you do the living room yet? Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Don't be a chicken!Gilbert: Hey, Henry, is Sarah ing with us?Henry: Yes. Why?Gilbert: Nothing. I'm just asking.Henry: Just asking? But why is your face flaming red? Ah-huh, someone has a crush on Sarah, doesn't he?Gilbert: Who has a crush?!Henry: Come on, Gilbert, don't be such a chicken. If you like her, just go and tell her. Maybe she likes you.Gilbert: But I don't have the guts to ask her out.Henry: What are you so afraid of?Gilbert: I'd totally die if she turned me down.Henry: But that's better than keeping everything to yourself. You've got to let her know. Come on! You've got to take a chance!Gilbert: I don't know… Well, maybe you're right, but how am I going to tell her I like her?1. go out 2. flaming red 3. has a crush on 4. a chicken 5. likes 6. the guts 7. turn him down 8. know 9. keeping everything to himself10. how to tell herTask 2: Problem of Meeting PeopleBefore the wedding, the groom went up the minister with an unusual offer. “Look, I'll give you $100 if you'll change the wedding vows. When you get to the part where I'm expected to promise to 'love, respect and obey her,' 'giving up all others,' and 'be true to her forever,' I'd be happy if you'd just leave that part out.” He gave the minister the cash and walked away with a light heart. The wedding day arrived, and the bride and groom reached that part of the ceremony where they would make vows to each other. When it was time for the groom's vows, the minister looked the young man in the eye and said, “Will you promise to kneel before her, obey her every mand and wish, serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and make a vow before God and your lovely wife that you will never even look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?” The groom was shocked, but in spite of himself, he said in a low voice, “Yes, I will.” Then the groom whispered to the minister, “I thought we had a deal.” The minister put the $100 into his hand and whispered back, “She made me a much better offer.”1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FTask 3: Long Distance FriendshipsAmerican weddings are not always the same. I'd like to show you pictures of my wedding. When we got engaged, an announcement was published in the newspaper. The announcement typically includes the names of the bride, the bridegroom and their parents and the wedding is expected to be held. About a month before the wedding, we sent out wedding invitations to relatives and friends. This is the church where we had the wedding. My father gave me to my future hu *** and. Then the minister started the wedding ceremony. He greeted the guests, and talked about the meaning of marriage. Next, we exchanged vows and gave each other rings. This is the main part of the wedding. After the vows, the minister prayed for us. Then the minister declared us hu *** and and wife, and we kissed each other. Here is my sister, who was a bride *** aid. This is the bouquet I carried. Traditionally, the unmarried women gather after the wedding, and the bride throws her bouquet to them. The one who catches it will, according to tradition, be the next one to get married. At the reception, we cut the wedding cake and fed each other bites of the cake. Then we toasted each other with champagne. Finally the reception was over, and the minister signed the marriage certificate and we were legally married.1. A 2.B 3.C 4.D1-3-7-5-4-2-6IV. Speaking OutModel 1 I just broke up with Alice!John: Hey, Se-Jin, what's wrong with you? You look so down!Se-Jin: Nothing.John: I know it's not your studies, so it must be girl trouble. You must have a broken heart.Se-Jin: Well, you're right. I just broke up with Alice.John: Oh, I'm sorry. 。

4、4. 新视野大学英语第三册第三单元课后作文范文There are some key steps in career planning. The first one is to study yourself. Understanding what you are like, what you value, and what you bee is the foundation for career planning. In studying yourself, you examine your strengths, your weaknesses and your goals. The second step is to write your career goals down. Write something down may lead to new ideas and may help you see your possibilities. Another step is to review your plans and progress periodically. This may help you see how you have done so far and help you realize what steps to take next. Planning further steps can help you face new changes. Talking with your friends helps you improve your career plans and make them work。

5、5. 新视野大学英语3 读写教程第二版课文原文Unit1_passage :My brother, Jimmy, did not get enough oxygen during a difficult delivery, leaving him with brain damage, and o years later I was born. Since then, my life revolved around my brother's. Acpanying my growing up was always "go out and play and take your brother with you". I couldn't go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhood kids to e to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.My mother taught Jimmy practical things like how to brush his teeth or put on a belt. My father, a saint, simply held the house together with his patience and understanding. I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling on them.My father and Jimmy were inseparable. They ate breakfast together and on weekdays drove off to the navy shipping center every morning where they both worked—Jimmy unloaded color-coded boxes. At night after dinner, they would talk and play games late into the evening. They even whistled the same tunes.So when my father died of a heart attack in 1991, Jimmy was a wreck, beneath his careful disguise. He was simply in di *** elief. Usually very agreeable, he now quit speaking altogether and no amount of words could perate the vacant expression he wore on his face. I hired someone to live with him and drive him to work, but no matter how much I tried to make things stay the same, even Jimmy grasped that the world he'd known was gone. One day I asked, "You miss Dad, don't you?" His lips quivered and then he asked, "What do you think, Margaret? He was my best friend." Our tears began to flow.My mother died of lung cancer six months later and I alone was left to look after Jimmy.He didn't adjust to going to work without my father right away, so he came and lived with me in New York City for a while. He went wherever I went and seemed to adjust pretty well. Still, Jimmy longed to live in my parents' house and work at his old job and I pledged to help him return. Eventually, I was able to work it out. He has lived there for 11 years now with many different caretakers and blossomed on his own. He has bee essential to the neighborhood. When you have any mail to be picked up or your dog needs walking, he is your man.My mother was right, of course: It was possible to have a home with room for both his limitations and my ambitions. In fact, caring for someone who loves as deeply and appreciates my efforts as much as Jimmy does has enriched my life more than anything else ever could have.This hit home a few days after the September 11th disaster on Jimmy's 57th birthday. I had a party for him in my home in New York, but none of our family could join us because travel was difficult and they were still reckoning with the sheer terror the disaster had brought. I called on my faithful friends to help make it a merry and festive occasion, ignoring the fact that most of them were emotionally drained and exhausted. Instead of the customary "No gifts, please", I shouted, "Gifts! Please!"My friends—people Jimmy had e to know over the years—brought the ideal presents: country music CDs, a sweatshirt, one leather belt with "J-I-M-M-Y" on it, a knitted wool hat and a cowboy costume. The evening led up to the gifts and then the chocolate cake from his favorite bakery, and of course the ceremony wasn't plete without the singing.A thousand times Jimmy asked, "Is it time for the cake yet?" After dinner and the gifts Jimmy could no longer be restrained. He anxiously waited for the candles to be lit and then blew them out with one long breath as we all sang "Happy Birthday". Jimmy wasn't satisfied with our effort, though. He jumped up on the chair and stood erect pointing both index fingers into the air to conduct us and yelled, "One。


7、 time!" We sang with all of the energy left in our souls and when we were finished he put both his thumbs up and shouted, "That was super!"We had wanted to let him know that no matter how difficult things got in the world, there would always be people who cared about him. We ended up reminding ourselves instead. For Jimmy, the love with which we sang was a wele bonus, but mostly he had just wanted to see everyone else happy again.Just as my father's death had changed Jimmy's world overnight, September 11th changed our lives; the world we'd known was gone. But, as we sang for Jimmy and held each other tight afterward praying for peace around the world, we were reminded that the constant love and support of our friends and family would get us through whatever life might 。

8、6. 新视野大学英语第三单元作文What a tragic ending. Hope that the government is not just for this bustling city, at the same time make it more secure. What a tragic ending. Hope that the government is not just for this bustling city, at the same time make it more secure。


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