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Robinson Crusoe is one of the world's most popular adventure novels. Daniel Defoe based his classic tale of shipwreck and survival on an uninhabited island, which is based on a true story. The real Robinson Crusoe was a Scotan named Alexander Selkirk Born in 1676, when Selkirk was 19 years old he was cited for indecent conduct in church. Then he ran off to sea. That was in 1695. By 1703 he was the sailing master of a galley. The following year he joined a pirate expedition to the Pacific Ocean that was led by Capt. William Dampier. Selkirk's ship had Thomas Straddling as its captain.


After spending some time in the Pacific, they were preparing to return to England with their booty. Their ship had suffered considerable damage in battle and Selkirk felt they needed to repair her before setting off around the Horn. The captain disagreed. After an argument, Selkirk refused to go any farther and demanded he be set ashore on the Island of Juan Fernandez, which was about 400 miles off the coast of Chile. The captain was glad to do this.

After about two years on the island he finally saw a ship and ran down to the shore to look it. He realized almost too late that it was a Spanish ship and the Spaniards opened fire on him. They were unable to find him and eventually left. He was much more cautious after that.

鲁滨逊漂流记 概括 (用英语) 150词

Lubin Sun was born businesan a decent family and for nigation, bent to some overseas experience. He Manzhe father of the sea, sailing on the first encountered big wes, the ship sank, he escaped hard to keep their lives. The second African business to the sea, earned a sum of money. Third Youzao Unfortunately, Moore was captured people, as a sle. He later designated the owner of the boat escaped, while one Portuguese vessel was rescued. Ship to Brazil, where he bought a manor, and done a Zhuangyuan Zhu. He can not be reconciled in this to become rich, the sea again, to the African sle trade.

Ship ran aground in the storm encountered on their way, the sailors on board, killing all passengers, only one survived Robinson, Yao alone Piaoliu to a no oke on the island. He used the boat to the mast of the raft, again and again to ship food, clothing, guns and ammunition, tools, etc. transported to the shore, and put up tents in the hills while to settle down. Then he used the wood piles Xiaojian in tents around the tube on the fence, after Wadong living in tents. He used simple tools produced tables and chairs and other furniture, hunting game for food, drink the water in the river, through the initial difficulties encountered.

He began in barley and rice cultivation on the island, home-made wooden acetabulum, Muchu, sieve, processing flour, baking bread from the rough. Ye Shanyang his capture and domestication, breeding them. He also produced pottery, etc., and ensure their daily needs. Nevertheless, Lubin Sun has not given up looking for a way to lee the island. He cut down a tree and spent five of the six-month period caused a canoe, but the boat is too hey, can not be dragged to sea, but wasted, another re-create a all.

Lubin Sun on the island live alone 18 years later, one day, he found on the coast of the island side are human bones, the Health and fire, the original group of Sage Island, has been held here in superb meat feast. Lubin Sun diay him. Since then he has to remain vigilant, more careful around things. Until the 26, a group of wild man on the island again, with preparations for killing, eating the prisoners. Lubin Sun found and rescued one of them. Lubin Sun to the natives rescued named "Friday." Since then, "Friday" has become Lubin Sun faithful servant and friend. Then, Lubin Sun with "Friday" was rescued by a Spanish and "Friday" the father. Of a British ship near the island near the park, found the sailors on board he taken place in the rebellion and kidnapped the captain, the captain of the ship, and other three vice abandoned on the island, Lubin Sun and "Friday" to help the captain subdued那帮Mariners And regain the vessel. He regarded the sailors to stay on the island, the captain with Lubin Sun "Friday" and left the island to return to Britain. Sun has been away from home at this time Lubin 35. He got married in the United Kingdom end, the Health and the three children. After the death of his wife, Lubin Sun agreed to sea again, he lived via the desert island, then stay on the island and the sailors home to the Spaniards he settled down and multiply. Lubin Sun also sent a new immigration, the island's land to them and left them all kinds of daily necessities, with satisfaction that left the island.


Robinson Crusoe is one of the world's most popular adventure novels. Daniel Defoe based his classic tale of shipwreck and survival on an uninhabited island, which is based on a true story. The real Robinson Crusoe was a Scotan named Alexander Selkirk Born in 1676, when Selkirk was 19 years old he was cited for indecent conduct in church. Then he ran off to sea. That was in 1695. By 1703 he was the sailing master of a galley. The following year he joined a pirate expedition to the Pacific Ocean that was led by Capt. William Dampier. Selkirk's ship had Thomas Straddling as its captain.

求 鲁滨逊漂流记 人物性格分析 英文版

Analysis of Major Characters

Robinson Crusoe

While he is no flashy hero or grand epic adventurer, Robinson Crusoe displays character traits that he won him the approval of generations of readers. His perseverance in spending months making a canoe, and in practicing pottery making until he gets it right, is praiseworthy. Additionally, his resourcefulness in building a home, dairy, grape arbor, country house, and goat stable from practically nothing is clearly remarkable. The Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau applauded Crusoe’s do-it-yourself independence, and in his book on education, Emile, he recommends that children be taught to imitate Crusoe’s hands-on approach to life. Crusoe’s business instincts are just as considerable as his survival instincts: he manages to make a fortune in Brazil despite a twenty-eight-year absence and even lees his island with a nice collection of gold. Moreover, Crusoe is never interested in portraying himself as a hero in his own narration. He does not boast of his courage in quelling the mutiny, and he is always ready to admit unheroic feelings of fear or panic, as when he finds the footprint on the beach. Crusoe prefers to depict himself as an ordinary sensible man, never as an exceptional hero.

But Crusoe’s admirable qualities must be weighed against the flaws in his character. Crusoe seems incapable of deep feelings, as shown by his cold account of leing his family—he worries about the religious consequences of disobeying his father, but never displays any emotion about leing. Though he is generous toward people, as when he gives gifts to his sisters and the captain, Crusoe reveals very little tender or sincere affection in his dealings with them. When Crusoe tells us that he has gotten married and that his wife has died all within the same sentence, his indifference to her seems almost cruel. Moreover, as an individual personality, Crusoe is rather dull. His precise and deadpan style of narration works well for recounting the process of canoe building, but it tends to drain the excitement from events that should be thrilling. Action-packed scenes like the conquest of the cannibals become quite humdrum when Crusoe narrates them, giving us a detailed inventory of the cannibals in list form, for example. His insistence on dating events makes sense to a point, but it ultimately ends up seeming obsessive and irrelevant when he tells us the date on which he grinds his tools but neglects to tell us the date of a very important event like meeting Friday. Perhaps his impulse to record facts carefully is not a survival skill, but an irritating sign of his neurosis.

Finally, while not boasting of heroi, Crusoe is nonetheless very interested in possessions, power, and prestige. When he first calls himself king of the island it seems jocund, but when he describes the Spaniard as his subject we must take his royal delusion seriously, since it seems he really does consider himself king. His teaching Friday to call him “Master,” even before teaching him the words for “yes” or “no,” seems obnoxious even under the racist standards of the day, as if Crusoe needs to hear the ego-boosting word spoken as soon as possible. Overall, Crusoe’s virtues tend to be private: his industry, resourcefulness, and solitary courage make him an exemplary individual. But his vices are social, and his urge to subjugate others is highly objectionable. In bringing both sides together into one complex character, Defoe gives us a fascinating glimpse into the successes, failures, and contradictions of modern man.


Probably the first nonwhite character to be given a realistic, individualized, and humane portrayal in the English novel, Friday has a huge literary and cultural importance. If Crusoe represents the first colonial mind in fiction, then Friday represents not just a Caribbean tribean, but all the natives of America, Asia, and Africa who would later be oppressed in the age of European imperiali. At the moment when Crusoe teaches Friday to call him “Master” Friday becomes an enduring political symbol of racial injustice in a modern world critical of imperialist expansion. Recent rewritings of the Crusoe story, like J. M. Coetzee’s Foe and Michel Tournier’s Friday, emphasize the sad consequences of Crusoe’s failure to understand Friday and suggest how the tale might be told very differently from the native’s perspective.

Aside from his importance to our culture, Friday is a key figure within the context of the novel. In many ways he is the most vibrant character in Robinson Crusoe, much more chariatic and colorful than his master. Indeed, Defoe at times underscores the contrast between Crusoe’s and Friday’s personalities, as when Friday, in his joyful reunion with his father, exhibits far more emotion toward his family than Crusoe. Whereas Crusoe never mentions missing his family or dreams about the happiness of seeing them again, Friday jumps and sings for joy when he meets his father, and this emotional display makes us see what is missing from Crusoe’s stodgy heart. Friday’s expression of loyalty in asking Crusoe to kill him rather than lee him is more heartfelt than anything Crusoe ever says or does. Friday’s sincere questions to Crusoe about the devil, which Crusoe answers only indirectly and hesitantly, lee us wondering whether Crusoe’s knowledge of Christianity is superficial and sketchy in contrast to Friday’s full understanding of his own god Benamuckee. In short, Friday’s exuberance and emotional directness often point out the wooden conventionality of Crusoe’s personality.

Despite Friday’s subjugation, however, Crusoe appreciates Friday much more than he would a mere servant. Crusoe does not seem to value intimacy with humans much, but he does say that he loves Friday, which is a remarkable disclosure. It is the only time Crusoe makes such an admission in the novel, since he never expresses love for his parents, brothers, sisters, or even his wife. The mere fact that an Englishman confesses more love for an illiterate Caribbean ex-cannibal than for his own family suggests the appeal of Friday’s personality. Crusoe may bring Friday Christianity and clothing, but Friday brings Crusoe emotional warmth and a vitality of spirit that Crusoe’s own European heart lacks.

The Portuguese Captain

The Portuguese captain is presented more fully than any other European in the novel besides Crusoe, more vividly portrayed than Crusoe’s widow friend or his family members. He appears in the narrative at two very important junctures in Crusoe’s life. First, it is the Portuguese captain who picks up Crusoe after the escape from the Moors and takes him to Brazil, where Crusoe establishes himself as a plantation owner. Twenty-eight years later, it is again the Portuguese captain who informs Crusoe that his Brazilian investments are secure, and who arranges the sale of the plantation and the forwarding of the proceeds to Crusoe. In both cases, the Portuguese captain is the agent of Crusoe’s extreme good fortune. In this sense, he represents the benefits of social connections. If the captain had not been located in Lion, Crusoe never would he cashed in on his Brazilian holdings. This assistance from social contacts contradicts the theme of solitary enterprise that the novel seems to endorse. Despite Crusoe’s hard individual labor on the island, it is actually another human being—and not his own resourcefulness—that makes Crusoe wealthy in the end. Yet it is doubtful whether this insight occurs to Crusoe, despite his obvious gratitude toward the captain.

Moreover, the Portuguese captain is associated with a wide array of virtues. He is honest, informing Crusoe of the money he has borrowed against Crusoe’s investments, and repaying a part of it immediately even though it is financially difficult for him to do so. He is loyal, honoring his duties toward Crusoe even after twenty-eight years. Finally, he is extremely generous, paying Crusoe more than market value for the animal skins and sle boy after picking Crusoe up at sea, and giving Crusoe handsome gifts when leing Brazil. All these virtues make the captain a paragon of human excellence, and they make us wonder why Defoe includes such a character in the novel. In some ways, the captain’s goodness makes him the moral counterpart of Friday, since the European seaman and the Caribbean cannibal mirror each other in benevolence and devotion to Crusoe. The captain’s goodness thus makes it impossible for us to make oversimplified oppositions between a morally bankrupt Europe on the one hand, and innocent noble sages on the other.




鲁滨逊漂流记英文版读后感 篇1 robinson was the hero of the book。 in a voyage, robinson treled on the ship struck a reef near a deserted island, the crew and passengers were all drowned, and only one lucky enough to robinson survived。 he wes to the beach on the volume。

in overing the initial pessimi and despair, he with his indomitable perseverance, and extraordinary nature of the struggle launched a heroic by his own hands and wisdom, the use of guns and simple tools, self-reliance, self-reliant in the wild over the island from the desolate life。

through unremitting efforts, he not only had their own homes and furniture, as well as pastures, plantations, and even a pet。 in such difficult circumstances, able to live such a life is not easy, this is his by virtue of his perseverance and wisdom to create a miracle。

robinson is good at helping others,he sed from the hands of a gang of cannibals, the next prisoner, the day friday, so give him and named "friday。" since then, the "friday" to bee his partner and faithful servant。 robinson also taught he learned to speak english。 soon, he rescued several cannibals and from prisoners, and they work together, live together。later, a british ship after a desert island, robinson helped the rebel uniform, sailor captain, left the island by boat, return to england, and lived a happy life。 robinson to return to britain from the island in trouble, this time even exceeding twenty years。

after reading this book, i am deeply moved。 a man desperate, can escape such a life full of confidence, the courage to face life, create life, it is mendable。 made me realize that no matter when and where people, no matter what the difficulties, not to be intimidated by the difficulties, is to face difficulties and overe the difficulties, and always maintain a positive, calm and optimistic attitude, to face and challenge fate。 the only way to do like robinson, is always a winner。

鲁滨逊漂流记英文版读后感 篇2 Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe. It tells the story of a young explorer who becomes marooned on a deserted island. His experiences of the island change his outlook on life. The story takes place in the 1700’s on a deserted island somewhere off the coast of Brazil. The island is fairly large in size and has a all shore. The interior of the island has many trees, wild pigs and other all animals and a all ce in which Crusoe stores food. “I walked about the shore lifting up my hands. Look around, I see nothing but water, a forest, and the remains of my ship. At first, I was afraid of wild animals but after some exploration of the land, the only animals I had seen were wild pigs.

squirrels, and some all birds.” The only possessions that Crusoe retrieved from the remains of his ship were a all knife, a box of tobacco, a pipe, and a all book that would later become his journal. Robinson Crusoe was a young and stubborn explorer. He was extremely tall and strong. His stay on the island changed him from a mean, stubborn man to an open-minded person. “Standing at six feet, two inches and hing my long, thick brown hair back in a ponytail, I felt as if I was eight feet tall. Without the permissi.

鲁滨逊漂流记英文版读后感 篇3 Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe. It tells the story of a young explorer who becomes marooned on a deserted island. His experiences of the island change his outlook on life. The story takes place in the 1700’s on a deserted island somewhere off the coast of Brazil. The island is fairly large in size and has a all shore. The interior of the island has many trees, wild pigs and other all animals and a all ce in which Crusoe stores food.

I walked about the shore lifting up my hands. Look around, I see nothing but water, a forest, and the remains of my ship. At first, I was afraid of wild animals but after some exploration of the land, the only animals I had seen were wild pigs, squirrels, and some all birds. The only possessions that Crusoe retrieved from the remains of his ship were a all knife, a box of tobacco, a pipe, and a all book that would later become his journal. Robinson Crusoe was a young and stubborn explorer. He was extremely tall and b. His stay on the island changed him from a mean, stubborn man to an open-minded person.

Standing at six feet, two inches and hing my long, thick brown hair back in a ponytail, I felt as if I was eight feet tall. Without the permissi.




Robinson Crusoe written by Daniel Defoe depicts a story happened in the middle of 17th century.

Robinson Crusoe reflects human being’s greediness manifestly.Crusoe goes to venture for the purpose of getting more money.During his adventuring life on the island,he claims his possessions of the island and master of Friday.

Robinson Crusoe presents the tremendous power of human being and their wits and courage.The hero Robinson Crusoe lives on the deserted island for 28 years.The perseverance in his character is the crucial factor for him to achieve success.He makes his own huts and clothes,domesticates wild goats and okes and salts meat.He conquers nature in the modern way of life.On the contrary,civilization and industrialization are more powerful than nature.



























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