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雅思听力材料:Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest of the world's oceanic divisions. With a total area of about 106,400,000 square kilometres (41,100,000 sq mi), it covers approximately 20 percent of theEarth's surface and about 29 percent of its water surface area. The first part of its name refers toAtlas of Greek mythology, making the Atlantic the "Sea of Atlas".

The oldest known mention of "Atlantic" is in The Histories of Herodotus around 450 BC (Hdt. 1.202.4):Atlantis thalassa (Greek: ?τλαντ?? θ?λασσα; English: Sea of Atlas). The term Ethiopic Ocean, derived from Ethiopia, was applied to the southern Atlantic as late as the mid-19th century.Before Europeans discovered other oceans, the term "ocean" itself was synonymous with the waters beyond the Strait of Gibraltar that we now know as the Atlantic. The early Greeks believed this ocean to be a gigantic river encircling the world.

The Atlantic Ocean occupies an elongated, S-shaped basin extending longitudinally between Eurasia andAfrica to the east, and the Americas to the west. As one component of the interconnected global ocean, it is connected in the north to the Arctic Ocean (which is sometimes considered a sea of the Atlantic), to the Pacific Ocean in the southwest, the Indian Ocean in the southeast, and theSouthern Ocean in the south. (Other definitions describe the Atlantic as extending southward toAntarctica.) The equator subdivides it into the North Atlantic Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean.

雅思听力材料:The Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean - coastal waters

The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's oceanic divisions, covering approximately 20% of the water on the Earth's surface. It is bounded by Asia—including India, after which the ocean is named—on the north, on the west by Africa, on the east by Australia, and on the south by the Southern Ocean (or, depending on definition, by Antarctica.)

As one component of the World Ocean, the Indian Ocean is delineated from the Atlantic Ocean by the 20° east meridian running south from Cape Agulhas, and from the Pacific Ocean by the meridian of 146°55' east. The northernmost extent of the Indian Ocean is approximately 30° north in the Persian Gulf. The ocean is nearly 10,000 km (6,200 mi) wide at the southern tips of Africa and Australia, and its area is 73,556,000 km? (28,350,000 mi?), including the Red Seaand the Persian Gulf.

The ocean's volume is estimated to be 292,131,000 km? (70,086,000 mi?). Small islands dot the continental rims. Island nations within the ocean are Madagascar (the world's fourth largest island), Comoros, Seychelles, Maldives, Mauritius, and Sri Lanka. The archipelago of Indonesiaborders the ocean on the east.

雅思听力材料:Mediterranean Sea

Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is a sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by the Mediterranean region and almost completely enclosed by land: on the north by Europe and Anatolia, on the south by North Africa, and on the east by the Levant. The sea is sometimes considered a part of the Atlantic Ocean, although it is usually identified as a completely separate body of water.

The name Mediterranean is derived from the Latin mediterraneus, meaning "inland" or "in the middle of the land" (from medius, "middle" and terra, "land"). It covers an approximate area of 2.5 million km? (965,000 sq mi), but its connection to the Atlantic (the Strait of Gibraltar) is only 14 km (8.7 mi) wide. In oceanography, it is sometimes called the Eurafrican Mediterranean Sea or the European Mediterranean Seato distinguish it from mediterranean seas elsewhere.

The Mediterranean Sea has an average depth of 1,500 m (4,900 ft) and the deepest recorded point is 5,267 m (17,280 ft) in the Calypso Deep in the Ionian Sea.

It was an important route for merchants and travelers of ancient times that allowed for trade and cultural exchange between emergent peoples of the region. The history of the Mediterranean region is crucial to understanding the origins and development of many modern societies. "For the three quarters of the globe, the Mediterranean Sea is similarly the uniting element and the centre of World History."

雅思听力填写答案时,货币符号等需要写吗相关 文章 :


1、RoHs : 电子及汽车配件,Pb 0.1%以下(例外规定:铜合金Pb 4.0%以下)。

2、California AB 1953 : 洁具及各种阀门,Pb当量 0.25%以下。此无铅指的并非管道,管道装置和固定设备的材料含铅量,而是管道,管道装置和固定设备过水面的加权平均铅含量不超过0.25%,根据规定的公式判定。

3、CDA(美国铜行业协会):Pb 0.09%以下。

4、美国电子行业:Pb 0.01%以下。








1、RoHs : 电子及汽车配件,Pb 0.1%以下(例外规定:铜合金Pb 4.0%以下)。

2、California AB 1953 : 洁具及各种阀门,Pb当量 0.25%以下。此无铅指的并非管道,管道装置和固定设备的材料含铅量,而是管道,管道装置和固定设备过水面的加权平均铅含量不超过0.25%,根据规定的公式判定。

3、CDA(美国铜行业协会):Pb 0.09%以下。

4、美国电子行业:Pb 0.01%以下。







欧盟RoHS中对环保铜含铅规定的上限是1000mg/kg, 但是铜合金可以豁免。根据欧盟指令2011/65/EU豁免条款第6(c)条,铜合金中的铅不应超过4%(40000 mg/kg, 质量比)


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索尼(SONY) 三星(SAMSUNG) 松下(Panasonic) 东芝(TOSHIBA) 日立(HITACHI) 飞利浦(Philips) 三洋(SANYO) LG 夏普(SHARP) 雅佳(AKAI) 优派(ViewSonic) 赛普特(Sceptre) STARVF JVC 戴尔(DELL)

TCL 海信(Hisense) 海尔(Haier) 长虹(CHANGHONG) 康佳(KONKA)

创维(SKYWORTH) 厦华(XOCECO) 熊猫(PANDA) 上广电(SVA) 夏新(Amoi)

新科(Shinco) 明基(BENQ) 歌林(Kolin) 山水(SANSUI) 惠浦(HPC)

科诺(KENUO) 数源 易美逊(EPI) AOC 神舟(HASEE)

清华同方 尼索(NESO)

希捷(Seagate) 迈拓(Maxtor) 西部数据(WD) 三星(SAMSUNG) 日立(Hitachi) 富士通(Fujitsu) 易拓(Excelstor)

现代(Hy) 金士顿(Kingston) 三星金条 英飞凌(Infineon) 海盗船(CORSAIR)

NCP 必恩威(PNY) 世迈(SMART) 晶芯(GeeDom) 美商威特(Wintec)

杰迈(GEM) 博帝(Patriot Memory) 菲利浦名品(PHILIPMP)

黑金刚(KingBox) Kingmax 宇瞻(Apacer) 南亚(elixir) 麒仑

创见(Transcend) 超胜(Leadmax) 金邦(GEIL) 威刚 蓝魔(RAMOS)

富豪 勤茂(TwinMOS) 劲永(PQI) 星存(StarRam) 金士泰(KINGSTEK)

标星(BIAOXING) 力晶 金士刚(KINGXCON) 光电(GIGARAM) 金泰克(KingTiger)

迈威(MAKWAY) 芝奇(G.SKILL) KUK(上风) 金特尔(KINTELL) 晶士

亿能(AENEON) 宏连(Honnex) 锐马士 华东承启(APOGEE)

英特尔(Intel) 蓝宝石(SAPPHIRE)

华硕(ASUS) 技嘉(GIGABYTE) 精英(ECS) 微星(MSI)

升技(ABIT) 磐正超磐手(SUPOX) 双敏(UNIKA) 映泰(BIOSTAR)

华擎(ASRock) 硕泰克(SOLTEK) 梅捷(SOYO) 捷波(JETWAY)

钻石(DFI) 青云(Albatron) 承启(CHAINTECH) 建基(AOpen)

科迪亚(QDI) 浩鑫(Shuttle) 顶星(Topstar) 佰钰

昂达(ONDA) 七彩虹(colorful) 富士康(FOXCONN) 斯巴达克(SPARK)

小影霸 致铭(cthim) 天机 维博特

信步(seavo) 创能(CUANON) 顶神(ASMART) 硕菁(soking)

微升(MIMSUN) 数码通(PcDigicom) 倍嘉 冠盟

盈通(YESTON) 隽星 硕敏(SMIN) 翔升

联冠(Linking) 华杰 磐英(hasee) 先锋

钛硕 科盟 科脑 祺祥

众成 杰微(jwele) 万邦龙 搏鹰

技星(ST STAr) 昂迪(ONDI) 新华盛 建邦

天虹 杰灵(ZILLION) 奥美嘉(aomg) 枫叶

宏嘉 首通(SOTIME) 双捷 阳光

大众 讯崴 拓嘉 新泰(SYNTAX)

众星 白鲨王(SHARKING) 凌峰 双硕

鑫驰 华佳 宏迅 迪兰恒进

慧星 精威(PCCHIPS) 奔信 联强(Lemel)

华缔 佰利德 宏硕(ASIT) 风云

星云 丰威 冠通 影捷

华联 天启 微盛(NSI) 爱林莎(ALNSA)

微宣(NIS) 建嘉 威盛(VIA) 科嘉

盈星(VStAr) 丹丁(DAMTIN) 讯景(XFX) 磐众



艾尔莎(ELSA) 七彩虹(Colorful) 华硕(ASUS) 丽台(WinFast)

微星(MSI) 升技(ABIT) 迪兰恒进(PowerColor) 磐正(EPOX)

映泰(Biostar) 双敏(Unika) 技嘉(GIGABYTE) 盈通(YESTON)

翔升(ASL) 斯巴达克(SPARK) 铭瑄(MAXSUN) 耕升(Gainward)

讯景(XFX) 万丽(MANLI) 小影霸(HASEE) 硕泰克(Soltek)

旌宇(SPARKLE) 影驰(GALAXY) 昂达(onda) 富彩(FORSA)

冠盟 捷波(JETWAY) 天扬(GRANDMARS) 联冠(LK)

映众(Inno3D) 祺祥(M-ONE) 万邦龙 太阳花(TAIYANFA)

承启(Chaintech) 奥美嘉(aomg) 天虹 科盟

帝龙 维硕 屠龙 大白鲨

启亨 迈创(MATROX) 铭鑫 拓嘉

盛元 双捷(VWIN) 建基(AOpen) 海创

新泰 恩雅 枫叶 七点

金鹰(EAGLE) 幻彩 精英 丽源

慧星 维博特 宝联(PROLINK) 99°半

迅影 赢嘉(HOWIN) 皇蜂 蓝天鹰(SKYING)

华佳磐英(hdtpy) 微升(MIMSUN) 维升 精星(Gecube)

微硕 富士康(FOXCONN) 正扬 晶创

鑫益嘉(A&G) 丹丁(DAMTIN) 东翎(Zero) 阳光

微盛(NSI) 华联 杰微(jwele) 科嘉

超图 丽美嘉 世盟 捷技


Intel(英特尔) AMD(超微) VIA(威盛)


希望能够帮到你 :D

IDLW -1200 International Date Line West

NT -1100 Nome

HST -1000 Hawaii Standard

CAT -1000 Central Alaska

AHST -1000 Alaska-Hawaii Standard

AKST -0900 Alaska Standard

YST -0900 Yukon Standard

HDT -0900 Hawaii Daylight

AKDT -0800 Alaska Daylight

YDT -0800 Yukon Daylight

PST -0800 Pacific Standard

PDT -0700 Pacific Daylight

MST -0700 Mountain Standard

MDT -0600 Mountain Daylight

CST -0600 Central Standard

CDT -0500 Central Daylight

EST -0500 Eastern Standard

ACT -0500 Brazil, Acre

SAT -0400 Chile

BOT -0400 Bolivia

EDT -0400 Eastern Daylight

AST -0400 Atlantic Standard

AMT -0400 Brazil, Amazon

ACST -0400 Brazil, Acre Daylight

NST -0330 Newfoundland Standard (also: North Sumatra +0630)

NFT -0330 Newfoundland

GST -0300 Greenland Standard (also: Guam Standard +1000)

BST -0300 Brazil Standard (also: British Summer +0100)

BRST -0300 Brazil Standard

BRT -0300 Brazil Standard

AMST -0300 Brazil, Amazon Daylight

ADT -0300 Atlantic Daylight

ART -0300 Argentina

NDT -0230 Newfoundland Daylight

AT -0200 Azores

BRST -0200 Brazil Daylight (official time)

FNT -0200 Brazil, Fernando de Noronha

WAT -0100 West Africa

FNST -0100 Brazil, Fernando de Noronha Daylight

GMT +0000 Greenwich Mean

UT +0000 Universal (Coordinated)

UTC +0000 Universal (Coordinated)

WET +0000 Western European

CET +0100 Central European

FWT +0100 French Winter

MET +0100 Middle European

MEZ +0100 Middle European

MEWT +0100 Middle European Winter

SWT +0100 Swedish Winter

BST +0100 British Summer (also: Brazil standard -0300)

GB +0100 GMT with daylight savings

WEST +0000 Western European Daylight

CEST +0200 Central European Summer

EET +0200 Eastern Europe, USSR Zone 1

FST +0200 French Summer

MEST +0200 Middle European Summer

MESZ +0200 Middle European Summer

METDST +0200 An alias for MEST used by HP-UX

SAST +0200 South African Standard

SST +0200 Swedish Summer (also: South Sumatra +0700)

EEST +0300 Eastern Europe Summer

BT +0300 Baghdad, USSR Zone 2

MSK +0300 Moscow

EAT +0300 East Africa

IT +0330 Iran

ZP4 +0400 USSR Zone 3

MSD +0300 Moscow Daylight

ZP5 +0500 USSR Zone 4

IST +0530 Indian Standard

ZP6 +0600 USSR Zone 5

NOVST +0600 Novosibirsk time zone, Russia

NST +0630 North Sumatra (also Newfoundland Std -0330)

SST +0700 South Sumatra, USSR Zone 6 (also: Swedish Summer +0200)

JAVT +0700 Java

CCT +0800 China Coast, USSR Zone 7

AWST +0800 Australian Western Standard

WST +0800 West Australian Standard

PHT +0800 Asia Manila

JST +0900 Japan Standard, USSR Zone 8

ROK +0900 Republic of Korea

ACST +0930 Australian Central Standard

CAST +0930 Central Australian Standard

AEST +1000 Australian Eastern Standard

EAST +1000 Eastern Australian Standard

GST +1000 Guam Standard, USSR Zone 9 (also: Greenland Std -0300)

ACDT +1030 Australian Central Daylight

CADT +1030 Central Australian Daylight

AEDT +1100 Australian Eastern Daylight

EADT +1100 Eastern Australian Daylight

IDLE +1200 International Date Line East

NZST +1200 New Zealand Standard

NZT +1200 New Zealand

NZDT +1300 New Zealand Daylight

You are forcing an electron into an already negative ion. It's not going to go in willingly!

1st EA = -142 kJ mol-1

2nd EA = +844 kJ mol-1










花荣听说宋江杀了阎婆惜后便屡屡寄书希望宋江前来清风山暂住。宋江在前往清风山路上救了被王英掳上山的清风寨知寨刘高之妻。[3] 不料刘高妻恩将仇报,在元夜观灯时唆使其夫将宋江抓住拷打;花荣大怒,抢回宋江并显神箭风威吓跑刘高军士;刘高告上青州,知府派都监“镇三山”黄信来假做调解,将花荣擒拿,与宋江一并押解青州,[4] 路上为清风山好汉燕顺、王英、郑天寿救下,并杀了刘高。黄信逃回清风寨写信求救,知府命本州兵马总管“霹雳火”秦明带兵征剿清风山,花荣出阵与秦明大战,箭射秦明盔缨,后宋江设计收降秦明,花荣、黄信与清风山人马一同投奔梁山。[5] 梁山射雁


之后又随梁山众人江州劫法场,[7] 智取无为军[8] ,三打祝家庄中射掉指路红灯,[9] 攻打高唐州中射死薛元辉,[10] 攻打大名府射杀李成副将,[11] 攻打曾头市时射中曾涂,救了即将中枪的吕方,曾涂中箭落马后被吕方、郭盛杀死。[12]



征辽中,在檀州密云县和林冲、秦明、索超生擒了被张清用飞石打下马的阿里奇,被阿里奇打败的徐宁平安归阵。后花荣一箭射中琼妖纳延,史进再一刀将琼妖纳延砍死。[14] 战兀颜光时,花荣放箭协助关胜砍死兀颜光。[15]

征田虎时,花荣一箭射死董澄。[16] 打盖州时,花荣见张翔用箭射中孙立的马,花荣便一箭射中方琼,再一箭射张翔以振军威。杨端想要报仇,射出的箭却被花荣接住反被射死。[17] 伏击卞祥军的时候,花荣一箭射死冯翊。[18]


征方腊时,花荣一箭射死王仁。[20] 宋江为夺回解珍、解宝的尸体,在乌龙岭中伏。幸好花荣一连射死王绩、晁中让敌军不能向前,为援军到来争取了时间才让宋江脱险。后又在乌龙岭一箭射中江南方腊国国师邓元觉,邓元觉落马后被众军杀死。[21] 在清溪帮源洞的最后一战中,和关胜、李应、朱仝围攻江南方腊国最后一员大将方杰,方杰归阵途中受到潜入江南方腊国做内应的柴进、燕青攻击,被杀。


征方腊后,花荣为存活并回京的12员正将之一,被封应天府兵马都统制。[22] 在应天府一日梦见了宋江说自己已被奸臣害死,葬在蓼儿洼,希望花荣来探望他,花荣到了蓼儿洼后看见吴用,原来吴用昨夜与花荣作了相同的梦,二人为了义气,双双吊死在蓼儿洼上。人们深感其义气,便将宋江、李逵、花荣、吴用四人合葬于蓼儿洼。






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