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做外贸 给客户写开发信 客户回复的几率会有多大


领英about 领英linkedin国际版领英about 领英linkedin国际版

Paragraph One:

Attracting Attention

The first sentence must get the reader's attention. Asking a question in which the answer is guaranteed to be "yes" is a good way to start. "Would you like to improve your life?" The opening paragraph, in fact the first sentence, should excite curiosity or attract the attention in some way that will make the reader continue to read the letter.

The most difficult paragraph to write in a sales letter is the first one. You have just a few seconds to get the reader's attention.Would you like to see your factory's production increase by 15% or more?Wouldn't you prefer to have your wedding pictures taken by the leader in the field?

Another way to start a sales letter is to write a sentence that will surprise or shock the reader.

In 1996 we helped over 250 all businesses like yours to increase their productivity.Since 1991 we have grown from a all printing company to one of the largest publishing houses in the city.If you are contacting the customer for the first time or if your company is unknown, you might start with a general introduction of yourself.

Example A:Alfred's Textile Marketing Co. Ltd. is a leading Russian manufacturer and exporter of socks and hosiery. The range of our product line, good quality, and competitive prices have made us one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in Russia.

Example B:Floppy Textile Buying Agency, established in 1987, is one of the fastest growing agents in India. We currently represent a number of major European importers, such as Fe Fe LaMew Mail Order of France and others.

Other Examples:The ABC Trading Company was founded in 1986 to serve the construction industry in New York state. Since then we have expanded our market year by year to where we now have customers in 12 countries around the world.

Paragraph Two: Building Interest and DesireThe second paragraph must convince the reader of the value of the product. When you have succeeded in getting the reader's attention, you must hold that attention. The best way to hold it is to build interest by describing your product so that the reader can virtually experience it. Use colorful, descriptive words.

In paragraph two you must show the reader that he/she either- needs your product (a car)- could use your product (an easier inventory system)- should not be without your product (insurance)OR - would benefit from your product (a new line of clothes he/she could sell)Sentence by sentence you lead the reader through your sales pitch. If he closes his eyes he can see that new car, going home earlier because of his new inventory system, the comfort of having insurance, and increased sells because of the new line of clothes.

Example A: located in Moscow, we produce a wide variety of socks and hosiery items in a cotton-woolen-nylon blend for men, women, and children. These socks are of good quality, are popular with customers, and sell well. Our total production averages 10 million pairs per year, 70% for export and 30% for the domestic market.

Example B:We are happy to announce that we are now offering this same service to American import companies like yours. From our office in New Deli, the heart of low cost and good quality ready- to-wear garments, we can supply your company with whatever kind of apparel you would like.

Paragraph Three: Convincing the Reader If you have done your work well to this point, the reader is already interested and is partially convinced. You must convince readers that it is to their advantage to buy your product or use your service.If the reader has read your letter to this point then he/she is interested in your product. Paragraph three convinces him/her to buy it. It is here that you show what buying your product would mean to the reader.

Example A:The wide range of Indian export companies that we work with insure you of getting just the items that you are looking for. Whether it be baby wear, children's wear, ladies and men's outer and underwear, leather wear, socks, belts, bags, shoes, or household items such as bed linen, towels, bathrobes, or table clothes we can make sure that you get the quantity you need at the best possible price. And our staff of quality controllers insure that the garments are well made.

Other Examples:The machine that we sell is called the Safehouse. It turns the lights on at your house at night when you're coming home. And you can reverse the process when you leave, turning off the lights when you have locked the door, gone down the steps, and left the yard. Amazingly, the Safehouse weighs only 150 grams and fits easily in your pocket or purse.

Paragraph Four: Directing Favorable ActionYou have now reached the point where if your letter was successful, you must move the reader to act. The fourth paragraph must tell the reader what to do to get the product. Tell the reader exactly what you what him/her to do and make it easy to do. The desired action is go to your web site to get more information and, hopefully contact you for specifics or to place an order. Even the most highly motivated and excited customer will not act if the action you are requesting is too difficult.

Example A:Our company is expanding its market to include the United States and we would like very much to do business with your company. Enclosed is our price list (brochure) describing our wide range of products. I would welcome the opportunity to introduce you to our line socks and hosiery. For more information or to place an order, please visit our web site at

B:If you would like to take advantage of the services that Floppy Textile Buying Agency has to offer your company, please log on to our web site at or contact us by fax at (56/324) 785 48 96. Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.

Other Examples:To order, please go to our web site at, or fill out the enclosed order form and send it by fax or post to our office in Washington. Before you know it, you will be wearing this beautiful men's business swim suit - and feeling like royalty.


A Typical Well Written Letter for An AgentStar Textile Exports, established in 1987, is one of the fastest growing agents in Turkey. We currently represent a number of major European importers, such as Blue Cloud Mail Order of France and others.We are happy to announce that we are now offering this same service to American import companies like yours. From our office in Istanbul, the heart of low cost and good quality ready-to-wear garments, we can supply your company with whatever kind of apparel you would like.The wide range of Turkish export companies that we work with insure you of getting just the items that you are looking for. Whether it be baby wear, children's wear, ladies and men's outer and underwear, leather wear, socks, belts, bags, shoes, or household items such as bed linen, towels, bathrobes, or table clothes we can make sure that you get the quantity you need at the best possible price. And our staff of quality controllers insure that the garments are well made.If you would like to take advantage of the services that Star Textile Buying Agency has to offer your company, please go to our web site at, or contact us by fax at (90/212) 123 45 67.Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.


A Very Simple Sales LetterDear Sirs,We are a Polish company that specializes in making men's shirts and would like to tell you about our line of products.Our products are special because they are made of good quality cloth . In the 15 years that we have been selling our products we have made a good name for ourselves in countries around the world.Enclosed is a price list and brochure. If you would like to place an order or receive more information, please log onto our web site ator contact us by telephone.Sincerely yours.


A Simple Proposal LetterDear Mr Customer:Thank you for your interest in our company. Enclosed is the proposal that you requested.The Model XR 17 is designed to help those companies who want to sell the latest model on the market, at the best possible price. This low-cost machine is made in Germany - the land of good quality machines.This model sells well because:the price is competitivethe technology is state-of-the-artthere is a great demand for such a machine.We hope that you will soon join the growing list of companies that are selling our model XR 17. If you would like more information, please visit our web site at or contact us directly.Sincerely yours.




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1. At 8 a.m. Monday morning, walking into the office1. 周一早上8点,走进办公室 Don’t say: “Before you settle in, I need to talk to you about the presentation.” 不能这样说:“在你坐下来前,我想跟你谈谈会议展示的事情。” Why it’s a problem: Is the presentation an actual fire that needs to be put out or just something that’s on your mind at that moment? People are still transitioning from the weekend. You may be catching someone unprepared, or she may have other critical deadlines that need her immediate attention.问题出现在哪里:会议展示真的那么重要得马上讨论出方案吗,还是只是你当时心里有一些想法?人们还在周末假期调整过来。也许你发现有的同事没有做好准备,或者她有其他关键的最后时期事情需要她当即关注。 Say instead: “Hope you had a great weekend! Let me know when you have time today to talk about the presentation.”应该这样说:“希望过了一个愉快的周末哦!请让我知道今天你何时有空能一起聊聊会议展示的事情。” 2. During a major meeting2.重要会议的过程中 Don’t say: “I don’t have the numbers today because the intern didn’t give them to me.”不能这样说:“今天我没拿到数据因为那个实习生没有把数据递交给我。” Why it’s a problem: It doesn’t matter if the intern really did screw up—it looks like you’re throwing the blame on someone else. Which makes you seem like you’re not accountable, and it makes your colleagues wonder if they’ll be looking at the undercarriage of the bus next.问题出现在哪里:实习生是否搞砸了并不重要——这样看起来像是你在把责任推卸到别人的身上。这样会让你看起来不可靠,还会让你的同事思考他们是否就会看到拖后腿的人了。 Say instead: “I don’t have the numbers right now, but I’m working with the intern to get them as soon as possible.”应该这样说:“当前我的手头上没有数据,不过我正跟实习生沟通尽快拿到数据。” 3. Meeting your new boss3.与老板会面 Don’t say: “I’m available anytime you need me. Here’s my home number, my personal email, my cell, and I’ll be on vacation next week, so here’s how you can reach me at the cabin.” 不能这样说:“只要你需要我,我随时都有空。这是我的家庭电话,我的个人电子邮箱地址,我的手机号码,并且下周我会度假,所以这里有小屋子的,你也可以找到我。” Why it’s a problem: It seems like the right thing to do—to be helpful and available. But studies show that an “always on” mentality isn’t conducive to better productivity. Harvard Business School professor Leslie Perlow, in fact, asserts in her TED Talk that the practice can even ultimately damage an organization. 问题出现在哪:这看起来是一件正确的事情——既能提供帮助也能腾出时间。但有许多研究表明,那种‘随时待命’的心理状态无法有助于创造力的提升。同时实际上,哈佛商业学院的教授Leslie Perlow在TED演讲中声称这种实践方法实际上最终还会损害一家机构的利益。 Say instead: “Let’s figure out the best ways for us to communicate if we need to reach each other during an emergency.”应该这样说:“我们来看看有什么好的方法能让我们在紧急情况下取得良好的沟通联系。” 4. During a review period4.考核阶段 Don’t say: “Diversity is such a priority right now. You’ll have no problem getting promoted.” 不能这样说:“人与人之间的差异是当前优先考虑的因素。所以你被擢升是完全没有问题的。” Why it’s a problem: You’re asserting that someone’s accomplishments are less important than their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion or other marker of identity.问题出现在哪里:你在宣称着有的人的成就不如他们本身的种族,性别,性取向,宗教或其他身份的象征。 Say instead: “Do you want to go over any of your goals together before your official review? Last year I wished I’d prepared better.”应该这么说:“你要不要在正式考核前首先过一遍你的目标呢?去年我希望我能准备得更好。” 5. During a work crisis that corresponds with a personal emergency5.陷于与个人紧急状况同时发生的工作危机当中 Don’t say: “I know this project is a beast, but be grateful you don’t have kids. I was up all last night cleaning up vomit, and I’m on my way back there right now.” 不能这样说:“我知道这项任务非常重大,但你该庆幸你还没有小孩。昨晚我整晚没睡都在清理呕吐物,现在我就在回家的路上了。” Why it’s a problem: This is insensitive on so many levels. For one, if someone is trying to conceive, or is unhappily child-free, then baby puke would actually be a triumph. It implies that non-parents don’t have anything going on outside of work. Finally, it makes it sound like you don’t like being a parent—and that’s awkward for everyone.问题出现在哪里:这样会显示你在很多方面都表现得不够敏感。首先,如果对方正打算备孕,或者不愉快地没有孩子,然后宝宝的呕吐实际上是一件显示胜利的壮举呀。这会暗示非父母的人们在工作以外就没有任何事情发生了。最终,你这么说会让你看起来并不喜欢当家长,这样对于任何人来说都是尴尬的。 Say instead: “I’m so sorry I have to leave right now. I’ll be available again at 7:30, and I’ll call to check in. Please, keep me posted, and I’ll catch up as soon as I can.” 应该这样说:“对不起我现在必须离开了,7点30分的时候我能腾出时间然后再打电话回来报告。若有任何消息请通知我,我会尽快赶上进度的。” 6. When referring to colleagues6.当提到同事的时候 Don’t say: “My boyfriend Pedro in IT just fixed my email, it’s working great now!” 不能这样说:“我的IT部门男朋友Pedro刚刚帮我解决了电子邮件的问题,现在运行得非常顺畅!” Why it’s a problem: Of course it’s not a Don Draper–level offense: You, Pedro and everyone else knows that he’s not actually your boyfriend, but when you refer to him like that, you’re downgrading his professionali, and your own.问题出现在哪里:当然这不是唐·德雷柏级别的冒犯。你,Pedro还有其他人都知道他并不是你的男朋友,但当你这么称呼他的时候,你正在降低他的专业性,还有你自己的专业性。 Say instead: “Pedro did such an amazing job fixing my email that I’m letting his boss know he’s a rock star.”应该这么说:“Pedro工作真出色,他把我的电子邮件问题解决了,我要告诉他的老板他真的很棒!” 7. In your farewell announcement on the last day on the job7.离职前的最后宣告 Don’t say: “I’ll miss you all. Here’s how you can link up with me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and SnapChat!” 不能这样说:“我会想念你们的。这是我在各社交网站的,你们能随时找到我哦。” Why it’s a problem: Chances are, you’ll run into people you know for the rest of your career if you’re in the same city or the same industry. Do you really want anyone you’ll encounter in a professional capacity to have an image of you half-naked taking a polar swim for charity?问题出现在哪里:有可能出现这样的情况,如果你仍在同一城市或同一行业里继续工作,你会遇见职业生涯后半段的熟人。你真的希望你将遇见的任何专业人士人对你产生一种为了慈善不惜半游泳的印象吗? Say instead: “I’ll miss you all. Please connect with me on LinkedIn so we can stay in touch.”应该这么说:“我会想念你们的。我们通过领英就能保持联系了。”








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