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商务英语口语900句是谁编写 商务英语口语900句是谁编写的


商务英语口语900句是谁编写 商务英语口语900句是谁编写的商务英语口语900句是谁编写 商务英语口语900句是谁编写的

1、此系列为 商务英语口语900句 ,一次一个单元,中英文对照,让你轻轻松松学会商务英语。

2、下面是整理的 商务英语口语900句 (十四) ,欢迎阅读。

3、 >>>点击下载音频 Unit Sixteen 合同 Part One441.We are satisfied with the terms of this contract for the most part, but we feel that your terms of payment are too severe.对合同的条款,我方大致上满意,但是贵方的支付条款似乎太苛刻了442.We would like to have another discussion of these conditions in the afternoon before there are finally included in the contract.在最后列入合同前,我方想下午再议一下这几条条款443. Before signing the contract this afternoon, I think we better go over few final details.下午签合同前,我想我们最好再过一遍最后几个细节444.We’d better draw up a rough draft to the contract then talk it over in detail at our next meeting.我们最好先草拟一份契约草案,等下次见面时再讨论细节445.This is a copy of our specimen contract in which the general sales terms and conditions are contained.这是一份合同样本,里面有一般的销售条件446.We hope that you won’t object to our inserting such a clause in the agreement.希望贵方不会反对我方在协议中加进这一条款447.If any other clause in this contract is in conflict with the supplementary conditions the supplementary conditions should be taken as final and binding.本合同其它任何条款如与本附加条款有抵触时,以本附加条款为准448.We think it is necessary to include a force majeure clause in this contract.我方认为合同中加进不可抗力这一条款很有必要449. After studying your draft contract we found it necessary to make a few changes.在研究了贵方草拟的合同之后,我方发现有几处有必要更改450.Since both of us are in agreement on all the terms shall we sign the contract now?既然我们双方一致同意所有的条款,那我们现在就签约好吗?451.We think your draw contract needs some modification. 我方认为贵方草拟的合同需要做一些修改452.Any modification alteration to the contract shall be made with the consent of both parties.必须事先经双方同意,合同方可修改453.No changes can be made on this contract without mutual consent.未经双方同意,不可对合同做任何修改454.We must make it clear in the contract that you are obliged to complete the delivery of the good within the contractual time of shipment.我们必须在合同中明确,贵方必须在合同规定的交货期内完成交货455.If the shipment can not be made within three month as stipulated, the contract will become void.如不能按原规定在3个月内交货,合同则作废456.This agreement is made both in Chinese and English. The two versions of agreement shall have equal status in law.本协议用中、英文两种文字写就,协议的两种文本具有同等法律效力457.This agreement is drawn up separately in Chinese and in English. Each part hold one original and one duplicate of each language. The two languages are of the same effect.本协议分别用中、英文两种文字写就,各方持有每种文字的一份原件和一份复印件,两种文字具有同等效力458. Both versions of this contract are equally authentic.本合同的两种版本具有同等效力459. Any amendment of the contract shall come to force only after the written agreement is signed by both of us.合同的任何修改都应该经过我们双方书面同意以后方可生效460.The contract shall become effective as soon as it signed by both parties.本合同经双方签字后立即生效461.This agreement will remain valid for one year and shall become effective on the date of signing.本协议有效期为一年,签署日起生效462.We’d like to make the contract to be valid for two year at the beginning .刚开始,我们先签两年的合同463.I think we better make some changes in the wording of this sentence.我想我们最好修改一下这句话的措辞464.Isn’t it better to word it in this way?这样说是不是会好一些呢?465.I’d like to replace this phrase with “after the date of delivery”.我想把这个短语换成“在交货日之后”466.If neither party considers it is necessary to extend the contract the proposing party may take the initiative to conduct negotiation with the other party one month prior to its expiration.如果双方都认为没有必要展延本合同,建议方应在合同到期日前一个月主动安排双方的谈判467.In case of breach of any of the provisions of this agreement by one party, the other party shall have the right to terminate this agreement by giving notice in writing to its opposite party.如果一方违反本协议的任何一项条款,另一方有权以书面形式通知对方终止本协议468.If you fail to make the delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the contract, we shall have the right to cancel the contract.如果贵方延期交货超过合同规定的10周时,我方有权取消合同469.If both parties do not agree to renew the contract at its expiration, it will automatically become void.如果合同期到,双方不再续约,合同将自动失效470.If you want to terminate the contract before its terms is up, you should notify us of its cancellation six month before.如果贵方想在期满之前终止合同,必须在6个月之前通知我方。


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