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马云上市演讲 马云ipo上市路演英文演讲视频




马云上市演讲 马云ipo上市路演英文演讲视频马云上市演讲 马云ipo上市路演英文演讲视频

问题二:马云为什么能够成功 马云的成功主要是表现为几点







问题一:马云的演讲口才是怎样炼成的? 1、读书时代的学生会经历。马云曾担任杭州师范学院的学生会,也担任过杭州市学联的。那么早就做了,一定发表过多次的演讲,很大程度上锻炼了他的演讲基本功。3、马云的文艺理想气息。虽是互联网业大佬,但马云不懂技术。他有着很强的文艺理想气息。马云酷爱金庸的,思维极度发散却又能收放自如。他演讲如同他的思维,不拘一格,却又句句经典。这是锻炼成他独特风格的很关键要素。不论是成功,还是曾经落魄,他的演讲谈吐都透露着很强的理想主义,对未来充满信心。4、马云的企业家智慧。这个是一般人学不了,能够一眼看到问题的本质。在《赢在》节目中,马云是选手最喜欢的评委,不仅是他说的话很漂亮,更是他说到关键点了。这个是多年创业磨练出来的,你深深有体会的原创的话,都是可以去演讲出来的。总之,马云一生上台演讲无数,敢于做真实的自己,同时带有文艺气息和企业家智慧,是他演讲成功的关键。




问题三:为什么马云的口才这么好 一、积极心态训练


























问题四:马云的口才怎么练成的 改变自己――敢说







1.每天至少 10 分钟深呼吸训练.


3.每天至少与 5 个人有意识地交流思想。

4.每天大声朗诵或大声讲至少 5 分钟。





5.紧张时,可以做放松练习,深呼吸,或尽力握紧拳头,又迅速放松,连续 10 次。


问题五:马云口才为什么那么好 不错的,实干的企业家,白手起家建立淘宝帝国 没有真才实学怎么可能,而且有想法,一个企业家口才不好如何创业和

问题六:为什么马云口才那么好 但我却只喜欢听刘强东讲话 个人喜好的问题

问题七:和马云口才不像上下的有 口才这个东西很模糊,而且口才好的人太多。有的是涉及自己专业性的,有的是涉及性的。比如马云,励志鼓舞很有一套,比如楼下说得的等,辩论分析不错。但其实,真正口才超凡的人未必是大家都能看得到的名人,我就替听说过一个的对外谈判专家,一个人面对国外谈下一个投资项目。因此,单纯的把口才对应为能说会道是不公平的,口才更该是实际而能创造价值的,比如电影编剧,律师,文学家等,单论说的能力可能未必马云一定可以超过他们,但马云的价值就在于他的口才创造了价值。昨天,看马云已经是首富了,因此,我认为以这个衡量,至少在老可以了解到的大环境里,马云暂时是无可超越的

问题八:马云的口才有多好?撒贝宁说 梁宏达是专业的时事评轮员,上知天文地理,下知至今,口才确实要胜于马云。

问题九:马云的口才到底有多强,马化腾,王健 马云的东西都是快递小哥儿寄来的看的见摸得着的,从 神器到山寨莆田鞋,都让我等逼格大大提高,反观花藤哥←_←←_←少年,你的DNF和穿越火线都神装了为何还是没对象呢?@x@

问题十:马云如何看待口才 马云有自己的条件:首先性格外向的人更擅长说话,其次教师的背景在语言表达方面有经验,再三企业高管经验会让演讲有高度有腔调。







因为马云本身的起点并不是很高,马I didn’t he a rich father.Tried 3 times for university.All failed.I applied for Harvard for 10 times.All failed.They don’t n want to see me. For the last time,I went to the teacher’s college which was considered the third or fourth class of my city.云他演讲的高明之处在于,他能够根据上的各种现实去讲一个让人听了大彻大悟的道理。所以他的演讲更容易引起人们的共鸣,让人们听完就充满了信心,他能带动大众就是他的高明之处。





It’s my great honor and the, I was invited about months ago. I did not expect,people said this is very sensitive time for me to talk,because about yahoo ,about alibaba about this ,that, so I promise promise,I come,Today any question you he,I will answer any question you he.All right,so I’ve been here for fif day and I planed to spend one year here. Nobody know,my company did not know that,I am gonna spend one year here. Cause people asked why you are here?Are you here for getting yahoo? “NO” Everybody was very sensitive when I said “,I am gonna spend one year here” ,and the I just come here I am tired ,too tired in the past six year,I start my business ,when I started 1994 internet ,I got crazy about the internet,,ge up my job in the teaching, I called myself like blind man riding on the back of a blind tiger, jumping around,and still KIKI ,still surviving,and then join the govement organization for six months, not successful ,started alibaba 1999. and we built up the alibaba,we are luck enough,we he the ,we he the alipay we he ali cloud computing,and the so many things,after 12years,I say:”I need some time to rest” , especially,this year,so difficult for me , I did not expect. Per 12 years was china call the “本命年“. This is our 12 year for alibaba.At the beginning of the year,,we he the,you know ,moving for alibaba b2b CEO,because the customer cheating thing,and then we he the alipay about the VIE.I still don’t know what the VIE is,”right”, and then we he the , separate into 4 parts,so many things ,It really make me fell tired,and I said:”well, why not give up 1 year ,because next year is my personal “本命年”,which could be much more difficult ,so this year is very tough and difficult,,I beli,next year,it’s gonna be tough ,more difficult, more “听不清“, So I got ready for that, and I need think,need rest,so in order to for any another 3,,4year hard work,because this 3year,it’s not my job,if soming wrong,criticize the president of ,CEO of the alibaba and alicloud,it’s their fault,3 year later ,soming wrong,my fault.so I come here and I will spend most of time in United States,and then thingking relaxing.2 days ago,I picked up my golf,just relax ,nothing about ,the things people think about. So we are very luck company,and there is no chance that we survive, I don’t he any sort of the background ,richfather,strong uncle, and the,I remember 1999,I came to Silicon Valley ,loking for venture capital. I talked to lots of venture capital,and I remember a few days ,I drop by Menlo park,I was rejected by so many venture capital, when talked about alibaba startup,they looked at the stranger,”what” ,”what are you talking about?I went back to china,with nothing,no money, nobody invested me,but I’m full of confident,I saw America dream.At that time ,1999,I walked on the high “没听清”,ry ning full of cars in the park of company,Sunday full of car,people work day and night,This is soming ,I beli it’s gonna happen in china,without getting any venture capital,but I think ,I went back china with America dream and we started the business there,and after 12 years,you know, a lot of things happen,we built up the B2B,nobody belid the B2B will work ,because the B2B at that time with aliba ,I don’t know still there. “ariba ”,”broaision”,”commerce one” this is very famous B2B company. People said :”how can you do B2B in china. Because B2B in USA focus on big company ,they focus on buyer,and we beli that three is no big company in china,and I don’t see, in the short term, china will he lots of big company,because big company is only SOE,SOE ,they do not the ecommerce, they need govement policy.so we focus on all business,we beli china,the all business ,the private sector are the future.so we focus on that, and the B2B in usa ,they focus. They want to the buyer se the cost ,se the time.we beli:”don’t don’t teach the SME,don’t teach the all business how to se the cost.because know much better than you do. You shound them how to make money.so we focus on ing all business,we focus on ing them make money ,sell things abroad.Very difficult to do business,at that time,but after 12 years,we got more than 58 millions all business around the world using our serv.that model is not very successful,compare to “tencent “”baidu”,.we did not make that much money,like online gaming,but we can sleep well in the ning, because the money we made not online gaming, the money we made is ing all business survive, get business opportunity which I fell very proud of that, and today , as always,I nr fell proud of how much money we made,I fell proud of how much impact we can others,especially all business,before the history of internet,no company can over 50 millions SME,today we are trying.andf I fell proud of that this is the first company,and people said :”jack,if you make alibaba successful,that means :”you are pulling a million ton sheep on the top of the Himalayas and I said :”yes,we will carry that thing down” and we did. The second company call ,and rybody said :”oh my god ,you are competing with ebay. I said :”why not,”, china need ecommerce site and building up china market take effort ,take time and take great “没听清“ really want to build up soming, so at that time people said :”there is no chance “ well !, if you nr try ,how do you know that there is no chance. So we try . And I said :” if ebay is the sharp in the ocean, we are crocodile in the yangzi river. Nr fight in the ocean, let’s fight in the Yangzi river. it was difficult, it was lots of fun,and we survive . they got 90%market share at that time, today for C2C,we own 90%market share. And luck ,just luck,thre are lots of can be disscuss in the future. Today ,people always write about the successful story about alibaba. And I really don’t think we are so art.we made so many mistake.we were so stupid at that time.so I think someday the book I personnally really want to write about is alibaba 1001 mistakes. That’s the things people should remember ,should learn. If you want to learn “how the other people succeed,it’svery difficult.thre arelots of luck things at there. But if you want to learn “ how people fail “,you will benefit a lot,and I always like to read those book talking about “how people fail”,because,if you look into it any company theiy fail,the reason why they fail almost the same,and that really matters, so succeed,and then we he the alipay,because rybody said:”china oh ,no credit , banking is terrible, logistics is terrible. How can you do ecommerce .I nr l, just like today I come here without PPT without my business,I not come here sell you business ,sell my business. Because I don’t stock to sell to you guys. But I think because china is not good at logistics,not good at credit ,not goog at banking , that’s why we need entrepreneurship, that’s why we go ,we should go, build them up. So I beli ,if there is no, you build it up,later that’s become the standard of china and I beli china need that. I remember ,6 years ago,I came to the states,I told the USA audience. I beli 5 years later, china will he more internet users than USA. people said “No” , I said :”well ,you he 300 millions population,china 1.3 billions ,right! If you guys he 400 millions internet users,without any people die, keep on hing baby ,, it take 50 years , we need 5 years. it’s just time issue, right !. let’s wait and see, today we he more users ,today people say :”why your buy capability is low, let’s see about 5 years later. 5 year later,today,people only spend 200 RMB per month,5 years later,this guy will spend 2000. and we he patients, we are young,you know, my people only 26 erage age, they are young. let’s wait for the future. So ,alipay,was just like very ,at that time people said :”it’s stupid “没听清“ serv. John wants to buy things from Stns, John just not want to “没听清”the money . Stns don’t want to send the poducts. So we open account, “没听清“,ifyou happy ,” “没听清“the money ,not happy,return poduct,return money. People said :” how stupid the model is”, well! We don’t care wher stupid or not stupid. we care wher the customer wanted or not,wher really meet the need of customer,, if it’s stupid, but after 7years ,we he more than 600 millions users, registered users in china using that. So stupid thing , if you improve it ry day,it ‘s gonna be very art. And we beli that,and today , it ‘s good ,and it’s growing, just like paypal,we are bigger than paypal right now , on transaction volume. And the last , most important is alicloud computing,and not like the other company ,they talk about cloud computing,they want to sell you the,hardware, software. We he nothing to sell you .we just want to com our own datas. Because the datas we he from the SME,because the datas we he from consumer of ,datas from alipay. We beli in the future the world is going to data process in the world. How can we share the datas with others in a great way. Right! That’s the business about, it’s not that good yet, but it’s very profitable,the whole com pany look health,we are very appreciate, we are the company from “没听清“,there is no chances we can win ,now we survive. I think we always ask our own question:” why we are still working so hard. I talked to my colleague one day ,and he said :” I nr know that in my life, I can do that much”, second” I nr know that the thing I doing that meaningful to the society, third ,I nr know that life is that “没听清”hard。We worked day and night,n now. I guess so thiner ,so stranger. I understand life is not easy. We fell proud because we are changing china. It ‘s not how much money you made. 10 years ago,when I walked on the street, people thank me because alibaba B2B ed them get orders across ocean. Today ,when I walk on the steet ,the young people said:”thank you very much,my wife and I opened a all shop on ,we made the surviving, we had grear incoming . I know ,this is meaningful thing. We made the credit means money. Years ago , if you he a great record,or credit trust,you are not rich. Today if you he a good record on , you get rich, because people do business with those people who he good record. We are teaching consumer to be art. People said :’”jack ,I bought soming so cheap from ,is that a fake product. Yes we do. Fake product at rywhere. We spent most of effort in china, 50% people on , they focus on checking the internet property issue, but there is bottle of wine, the cost is only 9 dollars, the people buy on the street is 300dollars,why is that? the channel, the aertisement, the TV show, 5,人缘广,菜鸟网络,是内行人看都明白是大家卖个面子给马云。why consumer should pay that much. So we cut that, and we made things change,so l the consumer ,say :”this T-shirt , you buy on ,maybe 15 dollars, you buy on the shop,150 dollars. Not because sell too cheap,because the shop sell too expensive.we should teach the consumer to be art. And the third .very important, we saw so many factory in china ,especially in Canton,they are not company,they are not n a factory,they just OEM, they just manufacture,they don’t know who ar selling for them,they don’t know who are their customer,so anything come ,they all in trouble. So we just l that manufacturing, you he to contact consumer youself, you he to sell youself, serve youself, then this real business,otherwise, you just a workshop. We are changing that, and I feel proud, we are honor, it’s not about money. We beli ,if you he 1 million dollars , you are the richman,when you he 10 million dollars,you are in trouble,you worry about the inflation,you start to invest, you get into trouble, when you he 1 billion, that ‘s not you money,it’s the society’s trust,the shar5、学会检讨,每天总结得与失,写心得体会。每周要全面总结成效及不足,并确定下周的目标。eholder ,the people beli you can spend this money art than the government,you can spend the money better than others, so they give you the trust, how can you do this trust? How can you treat ,you know ,creat this trusr well. And I think we facing this challenge.And the product of alibaba, it’s not the serv,,it’s the people,employee,the colleague,the erage age of our company is 26 years old,we are facing so many challenge,I nr realize that on of the key government official





So I applied jobs for 30 times.Got rejected.It was so difficult at that time,I was so frustrated,because I taught in the university.My pay was 10 dollars a month.Because I could not find a good job.

In 1994,discussed that I’m going to do soming called Internet and 23 of them against it,they said “This is a stupid idea,we he nr heard about the Internet,and you know nothing about comr.”

And I nr thoughtJack Ma I was art.Nobody belid that I could be successful.Because rybody said. ”This guy think differently,think crazily.

You know,they think about soming that nr work.” I tried to borrow 3 thousands US dollars from the banks.It took me three month but I still can not get it. We talk to over 30 or 40 venture capitalists. Everybody said no,forget it.

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