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大国崛起之英国迅雷 大国崛起之英国视频


大国崛起之英国迅雷 大国崛起之英国视频大国崛起之英国迅雷 大国崛起之英国视频


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简介:本片由中央电视台委托制作,三多堂传媒承制了其中六集以及全片的音乐编辑工作。该片全面展示了葡萄牙、西班牙、 荷兰、英国、法国、德国、日本、 俄罗斯和美国等九个大国兴衰更替的故事。该片力求以历史的眼光和全球的视野,在风云四起的时代变迁中, 寻找推动 国家发展的根本力量,寻找各国在强国过程中创造的属于全人类的文明成果。该片播出后,在海内外获得强烈反响,成为改革开放以来国内外影响力最大的纪录片之一。



大国崛起英国观后感1 近期带领学生观看了《大国崛起》,学生们感触颇深。德国可以算是欧洲中部最大的国家,世界现代大学和科技发明闻名于世,在历史上发挥着重要的作用。这里曾经是第二次工业革命的发祥地,而步入近代的步伐又远远晚于英法美等国;也曾是两次世界大战的策源地,也是两次世界大战的战败国。德国是如何快速地追上,并且超越了曾经称霸19世纪的英国?这是我们值得探讨的问题。德国又是如何从两次战后一片废墟中崛起的?这又是一个值得探讨的问题。




大国崛起英国观后感2 坐落于欧洲大陆西北部海岸的英国,一个小小的岛国,是什么让她拥有今天如此崇高的世界地位?是名族精神的凝聚,是名族力量的苏醒,同样也离不开统治者的管理。


在看了这个之后,我初步的了解了管理的重要性。从国家到企业、工厂、学校再到家家户户,管理都扮演这一个不容忽视的角色。真确的管理方针,可以使家庭和美,事业有成,国家昌盛,而管理上的任何一个疏忽都可能成为堤坝上的蚁穴。拉丁美洲有这样一种说法:所谓发展中国家,并非是指其他方面落后,而是指管理上的落后。 在英国崛起之时,中国人仍在实行着封建君主制度,落后的制度,落后的管理方针,直接导致了近代中国的屈辱史,影响了现在中国与发达国家的差距。


大国崛起英国观后感3 《大国崛起》试图通过讲述世界性大国的崛起过程来告诉其他国家,一个国家的崛起要靠自身的力量,它的发展壮大要符合自己的国情。如荷兰,地处西北欧,在海潮出没的湿地和湖泊上,以捕捞鲱鱼起家从事转口贸易,依靠有力的地理位置和良好的商业信誉,荷兰逐渐从中间商变成远洋航行的斗士。日渐富有的荷兰市民从贵族手里买下了城市的自治权,并建立起保障商人权利的联省共和国。他们成立了世界上最早的`联合股份公司——东印度公司,垄断了当时全球的一半股份;他们建立起了世界上第一个股票交易所,资本市场就此诞生;他们率先创办现代银行,发明了沿用至今的信用体系。直到今天,荷兰人的生活依然富足,荷兰人开创的商业规则依然在影响着世界。荷兰的崛起与壮大主要是依靠自己的地理优势,寻找到一条符合自己发展的道路,当今世界的一些发展中国家可以借鉴荷兰的崛起经验,找出自己国家的独特之处和优势,探索出符合自己的发展道路。就拿中国来说,中国是农业大国,农民占中国人的绝大多数,这是中国有别于其他国家的地方,同时,这也可以成为中的一个优势,中国可以提高农民的文化水平,加强农业科技化,生产出更多更好的农业产品,向其他国家出口。


大国崛起英国观后感4 上党课的时候,老师给我们播放了《大国崛起》英国那一集。





大国崛起英国观后感5 纵观世界历史的发展轨迹,你是否会和我有同样的思考:为什么不断会有一个又一个国家骤然兴盛,成为所向无敌的霸主?为什么历史上的强国却只能维持一个世纪左右的霸权?而其中到底有着怎样的规律和共性,我国从中究竟应领悟到什么经验或教训?







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1 London St.Paul's Cathedral ( St.Paul s Cathedral )Located in London, on behalf of the Baroque architecture, with its spectacular dome is known, is the world's second largest dome of the church, the church was Latin plane figure ten, the longitudinal axis of the 156.9 meters, 69.3 meters of horizontal axis. It mimics the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome, is a British classical architecture is represented. St.Paul's Cathedral first in 604 years to build, this gothic cathedral after repeated destruction, reconstruction, by the famous British designers and architects Ketuo Fu. Sir Christopher Wren ( Sir Christopher Wren ) at the end of seventeenth Century to complete the London's greatest church design, spent 45 years of painstaking efforts. The present church is also a Wren's tombstone, the book " If you seek hisMonument, just look around ( if you want to find his monument, please look around" ) . 1981 Diane and Charles's wedding ceremony was held here. St.Paul's Cathedral is the British people's spiritual prop, is regarded as the flame flying phoenix rising again.2 British Museum British MuseumBritish Museum also known as the British Museum, Oxford street in London to the north of the great Russell square, is the world's oldest, most magnificent scale of one of the museum. The huge ancient Rome architecture, artifacts and collections of books and reference materials are in the world any museum can not be compared. British Museum was established in 1753, 1759 opening to the outside world. Existing houses for the middle of the nineteenth Century was built, a total of more than 100 showrooms, area 6, 70000 square meters. Originally the main book collection, subsequently and historical relics and other ancient works of art, so far in possession of 4000000 pieces of exhibits. British Museum free opening day..The British Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Le Louvre Museum in Paris with the listed as the world's three largest museum.British Museum consists of Egyptian Antiquities Museum, Museum of Greece and Rome, West Museum, Museum of medieval European and Oriental Art museum. The Egyptian Museum, Rome Museum of Greek and Oriental Art Museum collection of the most attract sb.'s attention, collection of ancient Rome, ancient Greek statues and the Egyptian mummy is well known in the world.British Museum of the 33 exhibition is devoted to display Chinese artifacts in the permanent exhibition hall, and ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome and India exhibition hall is the only one of several National Gallery museum. The Museum of Chinese cultural relics in China include the arts category, to sum up in a word, the ancient stone, bronze, the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Ming and Qing Dynasties Stone scroll, calligraphy and painting porcelain marking China the history of various culture reach the peak of perfection treasures here can be seen, and has wide range, beautiful.However, this is just the British Museum's collection of 20000 3000 pieces of Chinese ancient treasures in a part of, another very nine deposited in the 10 reservoir chamber, unless given special permission, tourists are not seen.The treasure of the Museum : the first book of the dead, Luo plug the Rosetta Stone3 Buckingham Palace Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace is the highest palace in London, England, the right location ---- the Westminster zone. East St. James Park, West Linhai Park, the British royal family living and working places. The palace was built in the early 1703, the Duke of Buckingham, if the man at the end of Duke and John Sheffield. Here built a mansion, and the Duke of Buckingham 's name. The earliest known as Buckingham, meaning "the other people's homes". Buckingham Palace after repeated construction and expansion, has now become a scale of majestic three rectangular buildings. Foreign heads of state and government officials to visit England, the queen in the palace courtyard accompanied the guests review the guard of honour.Buckingham Palace square before the towers over the center of Elizabeth II's great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria gilded statue monument.Buckingham Palace has three open to the outside world: the praetorians ritual, in the palace on the south side of the Queen's gallery, the Royal Stables4 houses of Parliament and Big Ben Capitol and Big BenAccording to the Thames River and built houses of Parliament is a British political center. Is located in downtown London Thames River River, is the middle of nineteenth Century UK's Gothic architecture. The whole building in the southwest corner of the Vitoria tower high, high 103 meters, in addition, 97 meters high tower is also attract sb.'s attention, with the famous " Big Ben". This building is located was originally a palace, the palace was built in 1060, has since had built. Until 1512 Henry VIII moved from before, here is the king. The middle of the sixteenth Century, it became the seat of parliament.London famous bell or Big Ben, the palace of Westminster clock ( coordinates: 51 degrees 30 ' 2.2 "N, 00 degrees 07' 28.6 " W ) the British Parliament meeting hall, bell tower, built in 1859. Installed in Westminster Bridge North Capitol building on the eastern side of the clock tower 95 meters high, clock tower surrounded by a circular clock disc, a diameter of 6.7 meters, is a traditional London landmarks. Bell weighs 13.5 tons, bell wheel diameter of 6.7 meters, of hour hand and minute hand length of 2.75 meters and 4.27 meters, the pendulum weight 305 kg. Take a subway to be able in the Westminster Bridge station. The bell from that year is responsible for public works Commissioner Sir Benjamin producer, named " ben".5 Tower of London bridge Tower Bridge of LondonTower Bridge of London ( 51 degrees 30 '18 ' N, 0 degrees 04 '32 ' W ) is from the London Thames estuary is the first bridge ( Thames River to build a bridge 15 ), is also a symbol of London, "London, called the front gate .". The bridge was built in 1886, is open to the public on June 30, 1894, will be connected into a whole London north. Looking from a distance of tower bridge, the Twin Towers tower, splendid. Tower equipped with stairs, located within the museum, exhibition halls, shops, bars etc. The tower overlooking the Thames River, can enjoy the scenery on the downstream in ten. If meets the mist lock bridge, the landscape more skill, tower bridge is one of the London fog.6 Agile Temple of West WestminsterThe Twin Towers is located in Westminster, the facade looks very spectacular. " Westminster" one from 970 ad, a group of the Benedictine monks in the church at that time, city of London, built the abbey church, now named date. The king's coronation ceremony, wedding banquet and national ceremony and other activities are held here, even the royal tombs are located almost here, in addition, many famous historical figures tombstone or monument is located in the church.In addition, the Eiffel Tower is the French Paris's famous buildings



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