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大学英语精读4第二版杨立民 unit 10 the world house课后答案 急!求大神帮帮我!








①表示动作发生在过去,但与现在的情况有联系,有时无时间状语,有时和一些表示不确定的过去时间状语连用,如:many times,just,yet,ever,never,already,before,so far, by now等连用。

②表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在并还可能继续延续下去的动作,用于延续性动词,且句中常带有表示一段时间的时间状语,如:for two months, so far等。


因此现在完成时不能与表示明确的过去时间如:in1949,yesterday,last week等的状语连用,并且用when或where对这些时间和地点状语提问时,一般只用一般过去时。


1、 我确信这项所谓明智的决定,与期望相反,会带来极其严重的后果。

I am convinced that, contrary to expectations, the so-called informed decision will bring very grave consequences.

2、 诚然,他曾欺骗你,但他已经承认自己做错了,并道了歉。所以你不应该老是以怀疑的态度对待他。

It’s true that he once deceived you, but he has admitted he has done wrong and apologized. So you shouldn’t always treat him with suspicion.

3、 他在这个问题公开进行辩论之前就已表明了自己的立场。

He has taken a stand on the issue before it was openly debated.

4、 在调查过程中,他们发现了种种形式的政治腐败,并揭露了许多贪官污吏。

In the course of their investigation, they discovered various forms of political corruption and exposed a number of corrupt officials.

5、 玛丽的两难处境是:把真相告诉老板从而失信于她的同事,还是让老板蒙在鼓里从而辜负他的信任。

Mary’s dilemma was whether to betray her colleagues by telling him boss the truth or to betray his trust by keeping him in the dark about it.

6、 首先,是什么使你认为这项规划会促进改革?其次,你怎么知道这些改革会让全县得到好处?

Now, in the first place, what has made you think (led you to think) this program will promote reforms, and in the second, how do you know these reforms will benefit the whole country?


1. 从书中汲取知识的最有效办法之一,是在页边空白处作有见地的笔记。

One of the most efficient devices to absorb knowledge from books is to mark the books in the margin.

2. 热天很难保藏食品,使之保持新鲜与食用安全。很自然,许多人觉得在夏季还是不上饭店为好。

It’s hard to preserve food fresh and eatable in summer. Naturally many people feel it better not to eat out.

3. 阅读时在作者强调的论点底下划线,对我们会有所裨益。

It’ll do good to us to underline the point the author emphasizes.

4. 经过好几天侦查。警方终于弄清这起谋杀案和新近发生的越狱事件有关。

After several day’s investigation the police tied up that this murder was relevant to the recent prison break.

5. 我想劝说他们采纳我们的计划,首先因为这一计划所需资金较少,其次,不会造成环境污染。

I intend to persuade them to adopt our plan. First it needs little money, in second place it won’t lead to environment pollution.

6. 父亲用绳子吧芹菜扎在一起,放在河里浸了浸,然后拿到菜场去卖。

Father tied up the celery and dipped it into water, than took it to the market for sale.


1. 法庭的判决引起史密斯先生的朋友们的气愤,他们相信他是无辜的。

The court’s judgment aroused anger among Mr. Smith’s friends, who believed that he was innocent.

2. 当我们经过那家价格昂贵的餐馆时,父亲催我们快走,他说在这样高档的地方用餐是大大超过我们的经济能力的。

As we passed the expensive restaurant, father hurried us along saying that it was well beyond our means to have dinner at such a fancy place.

3. 老师在评价一篇文章并给它打分时,可能是根据总的印象而不是根据仔细的分析。

A teacher may evaluate and grade an essay on the basis of his general impression rather than on a detailed analysis.

4. 小狗将我的一张画搞坏了,我真想 对 它发火,可它那十分可爱的样子使我不禁笑着把它从地上抱了起来。

I was inclined to get angry at the puppy for ruining my painting but he was so cute that I could not help but laugh and pick him up.

5. 如今人们理所当然地认为家里总是有自来水的,然而就在不久前,几乎人人都是从井里或小溪里向家里提水。

Nowadays people take it for granted that their homes have running water, but only a short time ago almost everyone had to carry water from a well or a stream to their home.

6. 安东尼彻夜未眠,因为他对于是否得插手此事举棋不定。

Anthony stayed up all night because he just could not make up his mind whether or not to take a hand in the matter.


1、 上个周末,我们开车外出度假,希望避开城市的喧嚣(noise)和污染,可是汽车途中抛锚我们只好乘出租车回家.

Last weekend we drove out on vacation hoping to get away from the noise and pollution of the city, but the car broke down on the way and we had to return home by taxi.

2、 请你注意并非所有的学生都愿意出席毕业典礼,所以学校才要求凡是想领取毕业证的毕业生都得出席。

Not all of the students, mind you ,are willing to attend the graduation ceremony so the school has to require that all graduating students attend the ceremony if they want to receive a diploma.

3、 对于妇女在社会中的地位问题,我们的许多看法来自封建时代,与今天的社会是格格不入的。

Many of the ideas we have about the role of women in society are derived from feudal times and are not relevant in today’s society.

4、 如今人们的流动性比以往任何时候都大,这也许就是为什么移动电话十分普及的原因。

People today are more mobile than ever before; perhaps this is why mobile phones have become so common.














3)at least





8)in the past


10)turn off




4)at first glance




8)come up with







1) come up with some good

2) are prohibited from

3) growing up

4) to bring together people

5) in its birth rate

6) in part

1) honestly

2) dishonest

3) honesty

4) honest

5) honest

1) childish

2) childishly

3) child

4) Childhood

5) Childhood

1) activities

2) act

3) active

4) act

5) actively

6) Actions

7) activity

1) emotional

2) unemotional

3) emotion

4) Emotionally

5) emotional

1) acceptable acceptably

2) accept

3) acceptance

4) accept

1) distraction

2) distracted

3) distracts

4) distracting

5) distractions

1) We're going into town to see a film.

2) I learned the news over the radio.

3) Because he's able to tell at a glance if it is genuine.

4) I'm afraid he's not here at the moment – he's at work.

5) Well, at a distance he does look a bit like Tom.

6) There were one or two unsatisfactory moments, but on the whole it was very enjoyable.

1) The Johnsons decided to take a ride to the seaside for the weekend.

2) Our manager will pay a visit to France this winter.

3) He had/took a rest after walking ten miles.

4) I had a talk with her yesterday afternoon.

5) This morning the technicians had a discussion on/about the question of improving the design of the machine.

6) Nathan Hale took a last look at his beautiful country and said that he only regretted he had but one life to lose for his country.

1) With your support, we might succeed in performing our task.

2) Even with air and water, plants still couldn't grow on the moon.

3) Without hard work / Without working hard, you will accomplish nothing.

4) Without their assistance, he would have found himself in trouble.

5) It has been (is) about four and a half years since the Wangs settled down in this country.

6) It has been (is) less than three months since she joined the Youth League.

7) It has been (is) 20 years since I got to know her in Beijing.

8) It has been (is) over a century since the railway was completed.

1) He proposed that we (should) put on a short play at the English evening.

2) I suggest that he (should) visit the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, etc.

3) He proposed that the novel (should) be made into a film.

4) My proposal is that the dispute (should) be settled by peaceful means.

1) proposed

2) prohibited

3) social

4) actually

5) rate

6) bringing together

7) proposal

8) worthwhile

9) involve
































1) gathered

2) in the habit of

3) on the radio

4) on television

5) comfortably

6) trouble

7) art

8) more and more

9) problems

10) however perfectly


1) 接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班,但约翰并不在意。

To take this job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didn't mind.

2) 众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。

It is well known that lung cancer is caused at least in part by smoking too much.

3) 我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。

My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lived in their neighborhood.

4) 我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史密斯教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。

I propose that we go to find Prof. Smith in his office right after the meeting and invite him to our English evening.

5) 她因那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。

Having been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weakened that she could barely stand up.

6) 教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。

Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study.

7) 我真希望你能拿出一个比这更好的解决办法 (solution) 来。

I do hope that you can come up with a better solution than this one.

8) 乍一看,这幅画并不好,但经过仔细观察,我们才发现它的确是一幅杰作 (masterpiece)。

At first glance the picture didn't look very good, but after examining it carefully, we found that it was indeed a masterpiece.

附: Reading Activity及 Guided Writing

1) docile obedient 听话的

2) wretched very unhappy 很不开心

3) inconsolable not to be comforted 没法安慰的

4) antenna a wire put up on top of a house to receive television broadcasts 天线

5) old-fashioned thinking too much of old ways and ideas; keeping to old ways or ideas 守旧的

6) enormous very powerful; very, very large 巨大的

7) unanswerable that can not be answered 没法回答的

1) T.

2) F. The author thought it was very expensive, but that didn't matter – it was wonderful.

3) F. The author didn't argue with his parents because he was a good, docile son.

4) T.

5) F. The parents bought a TV finally because they didn't want their daughters to be too unhappy.

6) F. Her eyes were shiny with excitement.

7) T.

8) T.

9) F. Americans watch TV 30 hours a week, so they are still interested in it; but they take it for granted.

10) T.

11) T.

12) T.

1) 她说她决不再去学校了,还说生活中没有 电视机活着不值得。

2) 我认为好就好在很多人都很关心电视的影 响,而且对我们不喜欢的东西也有能力加以改变。

3) 他们认为电这玩意儿会使很多事情变得太 容易,并会破坏他们的生活方式。

4) 也许他们更乐于守在家里看电视。

1) Tom is a newcomer to our class.

2) The fact is, I never liked him.

3) I began to feel sick when we went into the classroom.

4) It was his habit to sit at the table by the window.

5) At one time extinction threatened the panda.

6) He was frightened by the mysterious sound behind him.

7) In this modern world, people never walk when they can ride.

8) Without a doubt, this month has been the coldest January on record. / This month has certainly been the coldest January on record.

9) It was the most interesting book I had ever read.

10) We asked Mr. Wilson for advice because he is such a wise man.

11) Many children like collecting stamps.

12) After studying history in the afternoon and English in the evening, I treated myself to a movie.

大学英语精读 第三版(上海外语教育出版社 董亚芬主编) 第一册 Book1 Unit4 答案

Test Yourself 1 Section D Compound Dictation

Proper telephone use can do a great deal to make the physician's life easier while helping the patient to receive better service.Before calling the office,take a moment to organize your thoughts.What is the problem ? When did it begin ? If there is a pain,does it come and go or is it steady ? Does anything bring it on or relieve it ? If there is an infection or any other reason to suspect a fever,the temperature should be taken.Try to decide whether the problem is urgent.Before calling,write down a one-sentence description of your problem,your reason for calling,a symptom list,and no more than three questions that you may have.

Busy physicians often receive many more calls than they could possibly handle alone.So when you call,don't start by asking to speak with the doctor. In a well-run office,the receptionists and nurses are trained to assemble the information needed for a preliminary evaluation of the situation.These people usually know which matters to handle alone and which ones the physician must handle personally.After talking to a receptionist or nurse,if you still believe it is necessary to must handle personally.After talking to a receptionist or nurse,if you still believe it necessary to speak with the physician,that is the time to ask.

when you telephone,have a pad and pencil handy to write down any instructions.Human memory is notoriously faulty.Call early in the workday when the physician'assistants are on duty and hospitals and laboratories are able to give their best services.That way the problem can be handled most efficiently.

Remember,good medical care should be a partnership between patient and physician.

Test Yourself 2 Section D Compound Dictation

Majestic,serene.Just two words to describe the scenic regions of Utah in the Mountain West of the United States.Now,our office offers fabulous,five-day outdoor packages of the state for the adventurous.

On the first day of your tour,visit the capital of histoic Salt lake City,Temple Square,home to the world-famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir,and other local historical sites.

Then,your tour will take you on a four-day adventure of a lifetime to central and southern Utah where you will hike and backpack through Arches National Park,Goblin Valley,and Bryce National Park.You'll also explore the magical world of Little Wild Horse Canyon. This very narrow,winding chasm,with its steep walls on either side of you,will leave you in amazement knowing that it was formed from rushing water and erosion over millions of years.

You'll also hike and climb up to remote Indian ruins,study their history along the way,and learn how to respect and preserve the sites and widlife you encounter.You also learn the basics in rappelling-techniques designed specifically for the novice climber to descend a steep slope using a rope.

The price of your tour package includes local transportation in Utah,one-night'lodging in a four-star hotel in salt Lake City,hiking and camping gear,two meals a day,and your professional tour guide.Transportation from your point of origin is not included.Contact our office between 8 and 5:30 p.m.for more information and current availability on this wilderness trek,for which reservations must be made thirteen days in advance.Let us show Utah like no one else can.



Key to the Exercises

II. Vocabulary

I. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the compound nouns from the text are formed Work out their meanings. Add more words that are formed in the same way.

These compound nouns are formed by noun+noun.

2) Examine how the word "sincerity" is formed. Find out the meaning of the noun suffix "-ty" with the help of a dictionary.

sincerity; sincere + -ity

The suffix "-ty", from French, is used to form abstract nouns that refer to the state of having a particular quality or sth. that has that quality.

e. g. certain + -ty —? certainty

Note: "-ity" is a variant form of "-ty".

3)Turn the following adjectives into nouns ending with "-ty" or "-ity" and then vice versa. Add more words to the list.

Adjective Noun Adjective Noun

able ability stupid stupidity

active activity capable capability

available availability creative creativity

certain certainty human humanity

cruel cruelty responsible responsibility

curious curiosity original originality

relative relativity possible possibility

probable probability

special specialty

visible visibility

4) Complete the sentence with the words in the brackets in their noun forms.

(1) construction (8) humanity

(2) Creativity (9) Poverty

(3) motivation (10) ignorance

(4) difference (11) sincerity

(5) investment (12) Politeness

(6) capabilities (13) Curiosity

(7) activity (14) shortness

2. Give words or expressions with similar meanings.

1) to freeze 10) to pick/to pull off

2) precious 11) exactly

3) soft 12) true/genuine/actual

4) low/soft/weak 13) foolish/stupid/unwise/dumb/brainless

5) to throw/to toss/to cast 14) to watch over/to look after/to control/to

6) big/gigantic/huge/large preside over/to manage/to direct/to guide

7) to cut/to cut short/to cut off/to destroy 15) to shake/to shiver/to quiver

8) ache/pain 16) to sob/to cry

9)area/field/patch/space/section/lot 17) miserable/unhappy/pitiful/unfortunate/

sorrowful/ broken-hearted

3. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms .

1) blind with 2) pressed, against 3) For want of

4) in return 5) lingered on 6) compared to

7) was fond of, something of 8) Compared to 9) For want of

10) compared to 11) was blue with

4. Put the following into English.

1) to give/hold/have a ball 8) to press the doorbell

2) to give/hold/have/throw a party 9) to sacrifice/give/lay down one's life'

3) to give a press conference 10) to nip the buds

4) to bury the treasures 11) to pierce the heart

5) to bury/cover one's face in one's hands 12) to deny the fact

6) to pluck/pick the flowers 13) to deny the charge

7) to pay the price 14) to fill up the bottle

5. Complete the sentences with the following phrasal verbs of "go" in their proper


1) go ahead 2) go by 3) went off 4) going up

5) going on 6) went on with 7) gone over 8) going through

9) go into 10) go with, go together

6. Give the meanings of the underlined parts in the sentences below. Note how the meanings are different in different contexts.

1) 清了清(嗓子) 7)细胞

2) 放晴了 8)登机

3)清醒清醒(头脑) 9)董事(委员)会

4)还清(债务) 10)伙食

5)清楚地 11)木板


7. Give the sentence patterns of the underlined parts in the sentences below, and then using the patterns, rewrite the sentences that follow.

Sentence patterns: imperative + and + clause

imperative + or + clause

One possibility of the sentences;

1) Read Lu Xun and your mind will include a piece of his.

2) Drink tomato juice for some time and you will not be afraid of seeing blood.

3) Rest for a while and your headache will be gone.

4) Give Jimmy less money, or he will develop some bad habit.

5) Improve the quality of your product, or you will lose your market.

6) Punish these people severely, or illegal trade in wild life will never stop.

7) Take this opportunity, or you will live to regret it.

8) Stop polluting our rivers and lakes immediately, or we will be in deep trouble.

8. Put in the missing words.

(1) lives (2) noticed (3) but (4) or (5) heard

(6) to (7) plant (8) by (9) calmed (10) used

(11) dollars (12) seems (13) slower (14) shopping (15) weekends

(16) be (17) create (18) to

III. Grammar

1. Combine each pair of the sentences as shown in the example.

1) Xiao Fang is the smartest girl I've ever known.

2) This is the most fantastic story I've ever heard.

3) 15,000 yuan is the lowest price we can offer for this laptop.

4) Pearl Harbor is the best American film I've seen for quite a while.

5) Lin is the most easy-going professor I've ever met.

6) The storm last night was the worst I can remember.

7) I think Dialogue is the most thought-provoking talk show CCTV offers.

8) I think Mr. Cui is the wittiest talk show host you can find at the moment.

9) In the 1930s, nursing and teaching were the best jobs capable women could dream of.

10) These are the most delicious noodles we've had since a long time ago.

2. Complete the sentences by translating the -Chinese in the brackets Into English, using "all/everything etc. +a relative clause".

1) The doctors did all they could

2) I don't always agree with everything he says

3) anything they ask for

4) All he got from a week of hard work

5) All that is written in his wife's letter

6) Nothing the doctors said

7) anything you suggest

8) Something he read in a popular magazine

9) All that can be done is done

10) Anything the artist painted

11) something that never existed before

3. Put in the blanks proper modals listed below.

(1) can't (ability)

(2) must (obligation)

(3) mustn't (obligation)

(4) must (obligation) , had to (necessity)

(5) cannot (possibility), can (possibility)

(6) May (permission), can't (permission), might (possibility)

(7) can (possibility), must (obligation)

(8) can/may (possibility), must (subject certainty)

(9) might (possibility), have to (necessity), can't (possibility)

(10) could (possibility), could (possibility), might (possibility)

(11) must (necessity), can't (possibility), have to (necessity)

Note: According to the Ox ford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, the 2000 edition, there

isn't much difference between "must" and "have to" in American English. The latter is more common, especially in speech. In British English there is a difference between them. "Must" is used to talk about what the speaker or listener wants, and "have (got) to" about rules, laws and other people's wishes. There are no past or future forms of "must".

4. Put in proper prepositions.

1) through 2) over 3) like 4) As, like

5) through 6) Over/In/During, into 7) through 8) over

9) As, from, without, around. As, with, with, to

10) with, for, Besides/Apart from, at, at, between, of, on round/around

5. Identify and correct the mistake in each of the sentences.

1) Something (that) a witness said during the trial has been bothering me.

2) Many parents mistakenly believe that the more toys children have, the more creative they will be.

3) A house without a book is like a room without a window.

4) He was 50 glad to see his old friend that tears ran down his cheeks.

5) People believe that tomorrow's car will be bigger, faster, and more comfortable than before.

6) Both on land and at sea, helicopters have rescued many people.

7) Jim is intelligent, but not as hard-working as his sister.

8) The most humorous person (that) I've ever met is my teacher of Chinese.

9) I don't believe an old man of 80 could be so strong as to knock down a door.

10) All that the people want are lasting peace and social progress.

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