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Among all of the America's symbols, the statue of liberty is the most famous statue around the world. It was a present from France in 1876 to celebrate the 100th


anniversary of American’s independence. The Statue of Liberty, the a symbol of the United States, is now located in the west of New York City, Manhattan,

The monument is designed for the US independence and the France-American

alliance.(联盟) At that time, a majority of people were fighting for freedom which is of extreme value. It's said that a bre woman with a torch in her right hand and sacrificed for the liberty. It shocked Batholdi巴特尔. Consequently, he signed the statue. And the body of the statue was as to the wife while the face was his mother’s. The Statue of Liberty was dressed in ancient Greek style of dress, and wearing a crown, the crown has seven sharps. They are the symbols of the world's seven

continents and four oceans. Statue of Liberty's right hand hold a torch, the torch up to 12 meters .The left hand hold "The Declaration of Independence". It was completed and opened in October 28, 1886.

The ue of Liberty is 46 meters high, with base plate’s seat for 93 meters and weighs 200 tons. It is made up of metal, and placed on a base made up of concrete. Joseph Pulitzer raised 100 thousand dollars to build the base of the Statue of Liberty, and now the base is an American Immigration History Museum.

In 1942 the U.S. government made a decision to the United States the Statue of Liberty as a national heritage. In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was named as a World Heritage.

Hundred of years now, whenever the ships or aircrafts in, out of or through the New York Harbor, the first witness is this magnificent statue. Today, the Statue of Liberty has become the symbol of New York and throughout the United States. 100th anniversary of its completion, it specifically for the U.S. government held a grand celebration

And now more than a century, the island stands the Statue of Liberty statue in a free American nation has become a symbol of friendship between the people of U.S. and France, always expressing the American people for democracy, longing for the noble ideals of freedom.

Statue of Liberty",bronze statues,47 meters high pedestal,like high 46 meters,93 meters high total,re-229 tons,the French sculptor Augustus escalator clause Pakistan Tao (Auguste Bartholdi ,1834 - 1904) Design,completed in 1886,is located in New York Port Menpang the freedom of the island.

“自由女神像”,青铜雕像,47米高的基座,像高46米,总高93米,重229吨,法国雕塑家奥古斯都自动扶梯条款巴基斯坦陶(Auguste Bartholdi,1834-1904)设计,于1886年完工 ,位于纽约Port Menang岛的自由之岛。
















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