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mind control=精神控制

body swap=身体交换





XXX Girl=依XXX而定

XXX monster=依XXX而定


vore 丸吞(丸不丸不太确定,不过角色一般会吃掉)

inflation 膨胀(丸吞后肚子胀大属于此类)

unbirth 从B里钻进去

skinsuit 皮类(链蔽悉一个男棚乎的穿女人的皮成了女人)

absorb/possession 融合、占据(皮类常用标签)

birth 出产,出现频率较pregnant少

eggs 生蛋

guro 让人反胃的(一般是暴力血腥,秀色向常用)

furry 毛皮(主角身上长毛带皮,或是动物X动物)

worm 虫子(monster Tag下分离)

amputee 残肢(四肢切断的人棍)



A possible version:

Dear Mr. Li,

My favorite class is an open and free class where I can learn by myself and discuss in groups, which is good for my development, I think.

I still remember an unfettable experience in my maths class. Several days ago I spent a long time working on three maths problems in class, but they were too hard for me to work them out.So I had to ask my clas *** ates for help. After a considerable discussion,we solved the

problems in our group. How excited I was!

Having such a great experience, I want to give o suggestions.Firstly,please don't teach us too much in class. We need about 30 minutes to learn by ourselves and work in groups every class.Secondly,please provide us with some laps if possible,so we can surf the Inter easily. No doubt, we need an open and free class,you see.

That's all. Thank you.

Best wishes,

Zhang Hua 写一封关于玩具展的电子邮件。英肆喊亏语作文






醒来后,我感悟到:任何生命的成长都不是一帆风顺的。小树只有经过风吹雨打,才能成长为参天的大树。人生又何尝不是如此?孟子说的好:“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。" 以电子邮件的形式写一篇英语作文

"Dear XXX,

How are you? It has been a long time since we last contacted each other.

How are you doing in University? Is it stressful? Mine is great. I feel more relaxed and we have more freedom now.

Next month, we will be holding a New Year celebration, which will also be our class reunion. I really hope that you will be able to attend. It will be a great chance for us to catch up with one another and I believe we will have a great time.

I will be anticipating you reply! Hope to see you soon.

Yours sincerely,

XXX" 英语作文 关于wanglei招聘的 以电子邮件的形式 80词


Hello Wang Bing,

How are you?

I'm writing to let you know that there is recruiment advertising for the position of sale manager in an electronic manufacture pany. I think you are qualified for the position.

Please call 12345678900 for Ms Zhang if you are interested.

All the best,

Li Hua. 英语作文写一封电子邮件

Dear Mike

I'm glad to tell you that i will have a long holiday this winter , And i want to share my plans with you ,The following is my arrangement

As you know ,the Spring Festival is ing So i will spend some days staying wite my family we will have a big dinner together in the eve of the new year

Then i will visit my relations during the first week .If possible ,my family will go on a trip to DaLian .Ibelieve it will be very intreseting

That's all .How do you find it ?wish you ahappy year too

Waiting for your return


Sincerely 英语作文一封电子邮件关于我昨天干了什么的英语作文电子邮件

Last year I have been to the Sanya to travel.I was seen the beautiful beach,and I was skined in the sea.the sea is very

large and it looked blue and green.But I am not good at swi

mming,so I hadn't to swim for a long time.Then Iwent to Wuzhi

mountain.There was a forest,so beautiful.I was bought some presons for my uncle and aunt.

At the last,I had to take furry to get to Zhanjiang and took 怎样学好数学的方法英语作文一百字电子邮件给朋友写一封电子邮件的形式


一到爷爷奶奶家我就直奔小堂弟那逗他开心,我对他说:“我是你姐!”他听完以后就不假思索地说了一声:“恩!”我听完以后大吃一惊,马上“登出了这条暴大新闻”,家人们听了以后都很吃惊,马上叫我重试一遍,我重试了一遍没想到真灵验!事后我脑里还在想着:小堂弟到底听没听懂?小孩真是让人捉摸不透,虽然我也是小孩。接着小堂弟要换尿片了,我从来没见过这样的事,于是就跑过去凑热闹,没想到小孩竟然这么麻烦让每位父母都操透了心。换尿片看起来很简单做起来却难上加难,可是小堂弟未必怎么想过。时间一眨眼就过去了我以对小堂弟有了深厚的感情。总而言之有了他我就能增添乐趣。这个寒假真开心! 英语作文以ho,tom写一封电子邮件

Dear tom:

I heard that you especially love apple ice cream, produce their own convenience and health, I took my way to share with you the following. First Wash apples, peeled dig core, cut into thin slices, Jiaocheng paste, add sugar and 1000 grams of water. Then add the boiling milk, stir, pour into a receptacle placed in the refrigerator to cool freeze branding. I hope you can be suessful.

Wang Jing 写一封关于我去农村度假的英语作文

Last weekend, my friends and I spent a meaningful holiday.

In order to understand the rural life style,and to feel the beauty of nature. Saturday morning, we get up early, after breakfast, We are riding a bicycle,to the countryside. Along the way, we appreciate the different scenery. The air is very fresh, the birds are singing, and not so noisy as city. Because it is summer now, the flowers are everywhere, the leaves are very lush, the river is very clear, it is nice and cool . The mountain is green. We are like the environment here.

We enjoyed ourselves,it is very tired, but we felt very value, there's a chance we 'll e back.



我们玩得很开心,很累,但我们觉得很值,这是一个机会,我们会回来的。 给大学校长写一封关于晨跑的英语作文

I am writing this letter to you to express my concern about the sports facilities on campus. I have noticed that our university has very limited resources in terms of opportunities to participate in sports, especially given that the number of students on campus is increasing every year.

As we both know, sports are very important for the sound growth of young people. If they have aess to quality sports facilities, young people are able to choose a healthier lifestyle, to boost self-esteem and confidence, and to build a positive outlook and sense of achievement.

My proposal is to build a new sports area. It should be designed with soer players, basketball players, and ping-pong players in mind. It should have a different section for each activity and be available to students all year round. I believe such facilities will meet our sporting needs.

Thank you for your reading this letter.

几米 的全部作品 要书名



几米作品01 出版日期 2003-10《森林里的秘密》

《Secrets in the Woods》

几米作品02 出版日期 2003-10《微笑的鱼》

《a fish that smiled at me》

几米作品03 出版日期 2006-12 2008-02《向左走·向右走》

《Turn Left,Turn Right》

几米作品04 出版日期 2008-06《听几米唱歌》

《Singing Jimmy》

几米作品05 出版日期 2007-10《月亮忘记了》

《The Moon Forgets》

几米作品06 出版日期 2008-06《森郑磨盯林唱游》

《Singing in the Forest》

几米作品07 出版日期 2000-03《黑白异境》(非大块文化出版社)


几米作品08 出版日期 2000-11 2006-10《我的心中每天开出一朵花》

《A Garden In My Heart》

几米作品09 出版日期 2001-01《地下铁》

《Sound of Colors》

几米作品10 出版日期 2001-06《照相本子》

《The Moments》

几米作品11 出版日期 2001-10《1.2.3.木头人》

《Blinking Seconds》

几米作品12 出版日期 2002-02《我只能为你画一张小卡片》

《Love in the Cards》

几米作品13 出版日期 2002-04《我梦游你梦游》(单一发行已经绝版)

《Metro Sleepwalking》

几米作品14 出版日期 2002-09《布瓜的世界》


几米作品15 出版日期 2003-01《幸运儿》


几米作品16 出版日期 2003-06《你们我们他们》

《Something about Love》

几米作品17 出版日期 2003-12《又寂寞又美好》

《Beautiful Solitude》

几米作品18 出版日期 2004-01《开始》


几米作品19 出版日期 2004-06《履历表》

《The Private Me》

几米作品20 出版日期 2004-10《遗失了一只猫》

《When I Missed My Cat》

几米作品21 出版日期 2005-01《小蝴蝶小披风》

《Shiny and Moony》

几米作品22 出版日期 2005-11《失乐园》Ⅰ 寂寞上场了

《Paradise LostⅠ》

几米作品23 出版日期 2005-11《失乐园》Ⅱ 童年下雪了

《Paradise LostⅡ》

几米作品24 出版日期 2005-11《失乐园》Ⅲ 秘密花开了

《Paradise LostⅢ》

几米作品25 出版日期 2005-11《失乐园》Ⅳ 魔法失灵了

《Paradise LostⅣ》

几米作品26 出版日喊和期 2005-11《失乐园》Ⅴ 奇迹迷路了

《Paradise LostⅤ》

几米作品27 出版日期 2006-04《蓝石头》

《The Blue Stone》

几米作品28 出版日期 2006-07《谢谢你毛毛兔·这个下午真好玩》

《Thank you,FurryBunny,for a wonderful afternoon》

几米作品29 出版日期 2007-02《恋之风景》

《Meeting You in Dreamscape》

几米作品30 出版日期 2007-08《我的错都是大人的错》

《Don't blame me, it's not my fault》

几米作品31 出版日期 2008-02《几米故事的开始》

《The Beginning of The Story of Jimmy Liao 》

几米作品32 出版日期 2008-02《几米创作10年精选》

《Best of Jimmy Liao Collection》

几米作品33 出版日期 2008-09《躲进世界的角落》

《How to Own a Corner》

几米作品34 出版日期 2009-05《星空》

《The Starry Starry Night》

几米作品35 出版日期 2009-12《几米画册·创作精选》

《Jimmy Liao,A Collection》

几米作品36 出版日期 2010-01《走向春天的下午》

《One More Day with You》

几米作品37 出版日期 2010-07《我不是完美小孩》

《My little Perfect World》

几米作品38 出版日期 2010-07《小完美》

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