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英文原版名著 英文原版名著阅读英文原版名著 英文原版名著阅读

It is a choice to choose what kind of book to read,different books represent different views.For some classic books,maybe we have seen their film version,but did not read the original books in our life.The following links are some world famous works in English version,let's reread and see what is classic work.

1 老人与海·

The Old Man and the Sea


由海明威写的简洁对话形式的。 主人公是一位名叫圣地亚哥的老渔夫,配角是一个叫马诺林的小孩。风烛残年的老渔夫一连八十四天都没有钓到一条鱼,但他仍不肯认输,而是充满着奋斗的精神,终于在第八十五天钓到一条身长十八尺,体重一千五百磅的大马林鱼...

It is a novel in a simple dialogue form written by Hemingway.The title character is an old fisherman named Santiago,the supporting role is a child called Manolin.The frail old fisherman spent eighty-four days without taking a fish, he's still unwilling to admit defeat,instead he's full of spirit in fighting, and finally in the eighty-fifth day he catched a length of 18 feet, 100 pounds of large marlin fish...


In the heart of the old man,marlin is a symbol of dream,it is a beautiful ideal and pursuit of the goal.This symbolizes that human suffers a lot in the long journey,no matter how much suffering we don't know still they are full of hope for the future.It is by virtue of this belief and ideals,guiding human to creat numerous miracles and beautiful life through the long years.

2 傲慢与偏见·

Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen


Jane Austen 's masterpiece tells us Elizabeth Bennett' s love story.


The gentleman Bennett in a all countryside,had five unmarried daughters at home,his wife Mrs.Bennet had been worried and kept looking for her daughters'huand with their hearty consent all day long.


The new neighborhood Bingley was a rich bachelor,he immediately became the goal for Mrs.Bennet.At a party,Bingley was imppressed with the eldest daughter of Bennett at first sight,and Mrs. Bennet was great joy.


There was a friend of Bingley named Darcy.He was very dignified,very rich,but he was very proud and thought that the girls were unworthy of his companions,including Elizabeth the sister of Jane.Elizabeth had a strong self-esteem and decided to ignore the arrogant guy....

3 简爱·

Jane Eyre

Charlotte Bronte


Charlotte Bronte,British writer,she and her two sisters,Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte,were called "Bronte Three Sisters"in the history of British literature,.


Charlotte Bronte wrote four novels in her life: "Teacher","Jane Eyre","Shelley"and"Villette";her sister Emily and Anne wrote novels"Wuthering Heights"and"Agnes Gray"in each.


"Jane Eyre" mainly tells us the story of an English woman in pursuit of freedom and dignity,she persists in herself,and finally get her own happiness.

4 爱玛·


Jane Austen

《爱玛》也是简.奥斯汀的。 喜欢奥斯汀现实主义,读起来有一股清新的气息。

"Emma"is also Jane Austen's novel.I like Austin's novel very much in its reali style,reading the novel like breathing the fresh.

主人公爱玛是个美丽、聪慧而富有的姑娘 ,同时也是一位不折不扣的幻想家。她热心关注身边的浪漫故事,却又固执地认为自己永远不会陷入其中。她自作主张为孤女哈丽埃特导演了一次又一次的恋爱。当哈丽埃特误以为自己爱上了地方官奈特利先生时,爱玛才惊觉原来自己也在爱着奈特利先生。这虽与她一开始就宣布的终身不嫁的誓言有悖,但坠入情网的她不得不放弃自己天真的誓言。

The title character Emma is a beautiful,clever and rich girl,but she is also a visionary.She was enthusiastic about the romantic story around her,and stubbornly thought she would never fall into it.She directed love stories for the orphan Harriet again and again.When Harriet mistakenly thought she fell in love with the local officer Mr. Knightley, Emma was shocked she was also in love with Mr.Knightley.This is contrary to the proclaimed vows of no marriage of her,so she has to give up her naive oath.

5 飘·

Gone with the wind

Margaret Mitchell


"Gone with the Wind"is one of the most classic masterpiece of love story in history,the novel is mainly about Miss Scarlett's love and hate story who is a strong,self-willed manor master under the background of the United States and the North-South war.


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我有本原版的《圣经》,但读了一半就实在读不下去了。 还读过Harry Potter系列,很有意思,对英语阅读能力也有很大提高。


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比如《乱世佳人》也就是《gone with the wind》或者是罗素的《罗素—爱因斯坦宣言》(短篇),还有一些英文文章,如《假如今天是我生命中的最后一天》。。。


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