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国王的演讲生词 国王的演讲生词怎么写


国王的演讲生词 国王的演讲生词怎么写国王的演讲生词 国王的演讲生词怎么写

国王的演讲生词 国王的演讲生词怎么写

1、In this gre hour,perhaps the most fateful in our history。

2、I send to ry household of my peoples ,both at home and overseas this message,spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you ,as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself。

3、For the second time in the lives of most of us ,we are at war。

4、Over and over again,we he tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies。

5、But it has been in vain。

6、 We he been forced into a conflict,for we are called to meet the challenge of a principle,which ,if it were to prevail would be fatal to any civilized order in the world。

7、Such a principle,stripped of all disguise is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right。

8、For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear ,it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge。

9、It is to this high pure that I now call my people at home and my people across the seas who will make our cause their own。

10、I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial ,the task will be hard。

11、There may be dark days ahead and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield。

12、But we can only do the right as we see the right and rrently commit our cause to God。

13、If one and all we keep resoluy faithful to it ,then ,with God's we shall prevail。


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