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购物旅游与交通英语作文 购物在旅游中的重要性

I went shopping today at the supermarket.There were a lot of people there,buying their groceries.The main purpose today was to find my lunch for tomorrow,so I started with something simple,bread and butter.Then I searched for ham and cabbages.These are the basic ingredients for making a sandwich,which will be nice for a lunch especially if I cannot find a microwave.My shopping trip concluded with a strawberry shortcake from the bakery section,some delicious stuff I got to say.

购物旅游与交通英语作文 购物在旅游中的重要性购物旅游与交通英语作文 购物在旅游中的重要性

去购物:Go shopping




In the afternoon they went shopping.



All you ever want to do is go shopping!



We decided to write off the rest of the day and go shopping



I remarked that I would go shopping that afternoon



She lunched and shopped and went for fittings for clothes she didn't need.



She spent her free time shopping



Maybe they've just gone shopping



She bought packets of ketchup when she went shopping today.



Or head out to the mall, or Main Street, look and shop, and buy.



Sit at your computer, probably at home or at the office, search and browse, and buy.



Mrs . Stanley talked mo



Shopping on line has been more and more popular in the world. The advantage is that it is so convenience that you need not queue and you can shop 24 hours everyday.And it is very easy for you to find what you want. Besides , it is much cheaper than shopping outside.

In another way, if you go shopping on line, you will have no chance to see the things you want to buy and check it. And you will always be worries about the safety of the Believed Card and the shopping on line. I think the most unworth is that you will lose the joy of shopping with your friends.

above all, we still need learn to catch up with the modern life, but we also should be careful enough to not be cheated.

我妈妈经常去那里买为我们做饭需要的东西.但是我之前从来没去过那里. Yesterday I went to the market with my mother. There were so many people that we cou...

Go Shopping

Last Sunday, I had a good time. I went to shop with my friends Lily. We bought many delicious food and funny tools.


I went shopping with my mama yesterday,because she wanted to buy some daily necessities.We went to the nearest supermarket on foot.There're many kinds of goods in it,such as fruit,vegetables,meats, magazines,electrical equipment.We bought teeth-brushes,

towels,a basin,soaps and some foods.As May Day is coming,mama also bought a nice dress for me.After two-hour's shopping we got what we wanted and spent a happy afternoon.

A New Neighbourhood

I live in a new neighbourhood now.My family moved here a year ago.From then on more and more people became our neighbours.A big supermarket and more than twenty different shops have been set up since last year.An underground nearby is under construction.It seems that our life gets more and more convenient.It is said that many tall buildings around here will be put up.It is reported that a new park in the north of our neighbourhood will be built soon.What a green and nice neighbourhood ours will be!


In the morning,a grand flag-raising ceremony in Beijing's Tiananmen Square will attract many people.

National Day is memorated every year by special flag-raising ceremonies.Crowds gathere at Tian'anmen Sqaure in Beijing early morning for this event.It was part of the National Day celebrations for the birthday of the People's Republic of China.

The national flag was first raised over Tian'anmen Square in 1949,marking the birth of New China.And it has been repeated every day since then.The ceremony still attracts the interest of millions of people each year.Although the flag has meant different things to different people,it now rises over a more confident and prosperous country.

Along the Chang'an Avenue,the major street in downtown Beijing,lamps and colored lights illuminate the whole street.

At the Tiananmen Square,artificial flower parterres will be decorated with specially designed lighting facilities

【 #英语资源# 导语】购物对于很多人来说是一件很愉快的事情,以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。 1.有关购物的英语作文

Today, my father took my brother and me to "Wal Mart" to shop. There are many new and fresh things, such as daily necessities, furniture, computers, televisions, DVDs, influence, bowls, chopsticks, spoons and toys. There are a lot of things. Everything on the shelf is complete and neat.

At this time, my younger brother had gone to the "toy city" far away, where hundreds of toys dazzled my younger brother. My brother and I were picking up toys. My father called out, "Wait for me at the toll counter. Rongrong, take care of my brother. Don't make trouble. During this time, you can pick a toy at will and I will come back to pay for it." "Yes." I said to my father with a serious look. After Dad left. My brother and I were discussing what to buy. My brother said, "Shall we buy a four-wheel drive car, brother?" "Good idea." I chose a car named "White Spider", but others always think that the white spider is called the Spider King Zebra. I think the name people often say is not as good as my name. My brother's four-wheel drive car is called "Black Giant". The four-wheel drive car of my brother and I looks very fast. The appearance of my car and my brother's car is very strange. The tail wing of my car seems to be a "variable tail". My brother's car looks like a defensive car. Very special. When my brother and I were satisfied, we waited for Dad at the toll counter. When my father came back, my brother and I showed him the toys. Dad said, "You are really picky and have good taste." My brother and I said, "Where is where?"

Then we'll pay.

At last we went home.


With the development of Internet, more and more people tend to shop on the Internet. Online shopping has provided some benefits for us, but it also has some disadvantages at the same time.

For one thing, online shopping has brought some convenience for consumers. Instead of going one shop to another, people can choose and buy all kinds of commodities they like as long as they click the mouse gently. This is not only a better choice for the old who do not have enough energy to go outside but also a great convenience for those who have no time to go shopping in person.

In addition, consumers have more choices and can do some comparison when they are shopping on the Internet. They can glance over various commodities in all shapes, sizes and colors and decided to buy or not. Furthermore, online shopping has made a great contribution to the development of express delivery industry.


Today is a memorable day, because my parents took me to buy new summer clothes in the morning.

Early in the morning, I asked my mother, "When will you buy me new summer clothes?" Mother smiled and said, "After breakfast." I jumped and jumped with joy.

Finally, I arrived at the mall! I took their hands and ran to the store. We first went to the place where we sold shoes. Wow! There are so many sandals here! They are all so beautiful. I took a general look at it first. At the same time, I felt that my eyes were not enough. Suddenly I found a pair of flesh colored sandals. I thought they would look good on me. I begged my mother, and she said yes, and I began to try it on. Alas, my feet are too thin to wear. It's a pity! Only to see other sandals.

Suddenly, I saw a pair of leopard print sandals, and I fell in love with them. But my mother said the sandals were not bright at all. Mom means that the color of this pair of leopard print sandals should be changed to another color, which is not beautiful at all. Even his father, who had been silent for a long time, said, "Yes, you can go and see something else." This pair of shoes can only be waved away from me!

As I walked, my mother suddenly saw a pair of white sandals that were white, bright and beautiful, and said to me: "Dongdong, do you like those white sandals?" I said, "Generally, I prefer flesh colored sandals."

Mother said: "Only this pair of white leather sandals can be seen." So my mother bought it.

Then, we went to the third floor. I looked after a skirt. My mother said that we could buy it, but we had to wait until the exam was over. I nodded. After a while, I bought my coat and trousers. I looked carefully and found that they were all my favorites. So I hopped home again and again.

I'm so happy today!


Today, my mother gave me a problem. She asked me to complete the shopping list alone.

The sky is especially blue in autumn, and the carrier pigeon above my head seems to be cheering me on. I walked briskly and jumped. Suddenly, I stopped to read the list carefully: pork, soy sauce, ginger, and my favorite snacks. After reading, my mood fell to a low point and I thought: Hey! Mom! Don't you mean to embarrass me? Snacks are OK, I'm inexperienced in other things! The supermarket was crowded at the weekend, so I came to the meat and poultry area. I didn't hurry to open my mouth. First, I looked at the price tag. The more I looked at the meat of the front leg, the back leg, the loin, and the streaky pork, the worse I felt. I thought: pork is sold in such a variety! My heart was like a drum, so I got up the courage to ask the salesman uncle: "Uncle, half a kilo of pork." As expected, my uncle saw me and asked me strangely, "What meat do you want?" This confused me. I can't say anything. The uncle then said, "How can I eat it for lunch?" I suddenly remembered that my mother told me to cook braised pork with brown sauce in the morning, so I shouted out: "Braised pork with brown sauce." Uncle said: "Then use pork, good class, half a kilo of pork." I took the heavy meat and thought with one breath: Yeah, the first problem is solved.

Next, I came to the seasoning area and looked at all kinds of soy sauce brands. I carefully observed the introduction of the price tag. It turned out that soy sauce was divided into raw soy sauce and old soy sauce. I asked the salesperson aunt about the difference between them. After her brief introduction, I understood that raw soy sauce was used for cold dressing, and old soy sauce was used for cooking. I was so impressed that my mother should have old soy sauce for braised pork at noon. So I chose a promotional bottle.


There are many firsts in life, such as washing dishes for the first time, going to school for the first time, etc. Thinking about my first shopping is really a stressful and exciting thing.

Today, when my mother and I were going home, I was passing by the small supermarket in the yard. I suddenly wanted to buy some school supplies. So I asked my mother to buy them by myself. Mom thought about it and nodded.

I took the 50 yuan that my mother gave me and walked to the supermarket door. I was thinking about buying notebooks, pencils, erasers, rulers and pencil bags. Afraid of forgetting something, I was very nervous. When I opened the door curtain, I saw a wide variety of goods. I was dazzled by the delicious bread, beautiful Barbie dolls, red apples and so on. I came to the stationery section to find what I needed to buy. I selected five new Wenhai exercise books, pencils, erasers and rulers with princess designs, but there are many patterns of pencil bags and I like them very much. I don't know which one to choose. I thought it would be great if I could buy all of them! Then I can use one a day. Looking at the 50 yuan in my hand, I felt that I was really fantastic. So I chose a pencil case with bright color, beautiful design and fine workmanship. I took the selected things to pay. I saw a long queue at the cash register, just like a winding dragon. After waiting for about 10 minutes, it was my turn. I put all my things on the cash register. The aunt of the cashier scanned the yard one by one and said, "42 yuan in total." I gave my aunt 50 yuan, and she gave me 8 yuan. I figured it out and found 8 yuan, so she ran out excitedly with her purchase.

Mom saw the things in my bag and asked me excitedly, "Did you buy this?" I nodded proudly. Mom said, "You are so good that you can buy things by yourself." I am also very excited, because this is my first time shopping.


Today, I ran out of paper at home. My mother asked me to buy it by myself. I often go to the supermarket with my mother, but it's the first time to go shopping alone. It's really nervous and exciting.

My mother sent me to Carrefour Supermarket and said to me, "Here is 50 yuan. Except for three packs of paper, you can buy some useful things by yourself. Don't forget to settle the bill. If you buy too much, the supermarket won't let you go." I took my mother's advice and walked into the supermarket.

There are so many people in Carrefour today! A variety of goods dazzle me. I found the shelf selling paper reels very smoothly. I took three packs of paper reels. I calculated that one pack was 5.9 yuan, three packs was 17.7 yuan, and I still had 32.3 yuan left. Mom said that the rest of the money let me buy something useful. What should I buy? By the way, the weather is getting colder now. Mom has to wash the dishes every day. Buy her a pair of leather gloves so that she won't freeze when she washes. With the help of the supermarket aunt, I chose an eight yuan pair.

After buying gloves, I continued to walk around the supermarket, hoping to help my mother find the things she bought. What can I buy for my father? I saw a lot of goods along the way, either the price was too expensive, or I was afraid it would not suit my father's wishes. What would I buy? As soon as my father got home, he took his teapot in his arms and left it. He must like tea best. I walked quickly to the shelf selling tea. I was dumbfounded when I saw the price of tea. Why the bitter and astringent leaves are so expensive? I don't understand how adults like to drink this one. I picked a small bag and looked at the price above. It's OK. I'm not afraid of being left to work. I took the things I selected and went to the cash register to settle the bill. The paper price was 17.7 yuan, gloves 8 yuan, and tea 22 yuan. I was given 2.3 yuan, which was the same as what I calculated on the receipt.

I found my mother waiting for me at the door with the things I picked up. When my mother saw that none of the things I bought were for her, she hugged me happily and I felt that I had grown up.


On Saturday morning, my mother said to me, "Today, we are going to buy hairpins, thermos cups and small goldfish." I nodded and ran to the supermarket.

As soon as I entered the "Big Times" supermarket, I could see the counter selling cards. Let me take a closer look. Wow! There are so many cards in front of me. I asked my aunt to show me the hair card. I felt that all the hair cards I wore were beautiful. What should I do? At last, I selected my favorite hairpin by eliminating it, which is really great!

I went to the place where I sold thermos cups again. I saw two cups at a glance. What can I do? I asked my aunt, and she said, "Each cup has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which do you want?" I thought it over, right! What aunt said was reasonable. I chose the most lovely cup from it. I was very happy!

The last task is to buy a small goldfish! The little goldfish is a very cute animal! I went to the place where small goldfish were sold, and I saw four of them. But a new problem has occurred. It is very, very difficult to bargain with my aunt. My aunt said one yuan for three items, and I said one yuan for four items. What can I do? But I still got up my courage and shouted, "That's it! It's settled!" My aunt really couldn't say anything about me, so she had to give me all four small goldfish at the price of one yuan and four. Ha ha, I can do it!

After buying these, I had nothing to do and walked around the supermarket like a caterpillar or a loach. In this huge crowd, in this bustling supermarket, I can't help walking forward with the crowd, as if I were in the midst of a noisy ocean.

Look! The commodities in the supermarket are all holding their chests and heads up. They are like soldiers guarding the supermarket. How beautiful!

Ah! It's time to go home! With this harvest in my arms, I hopped home. Although I only bought three things today, I am still very happy, because this is the first time that I shop by myself!


This weekend, the teacher gave us an assignment to go shopping in the supermarket alone. When I got home, I told my mother about it. My mother told me what I needed at home and asked me to make a shopping plan. After finishing the list quickly, I went to the supermarket with 100 yuan given by my mother.

As soon as I entered the supermarket, I saw a huge crowd of people in it. There were neat goods on the price, and they were classified according to their purposes. I was going to buy vegetables first, but I still couldn't find a place to sell vegetables. I went to ask my aunt, the waiter in the supermarket. She pointed to me, and I quickly ran by. I went directly to buy toothpaste, toothbrush and shower gel. I was familiar with the places where I bought these things, because then I picked up the vegetables I needed, put them in the shopping cart, and then stood in line at the weighing platform to weigh them. After I bought these things, my former mother took me here to buy them. I picked out the brands my mother needed. When I went to buy my shower gel, I saw many brands. I didn't know which one to buy, but I needed it very much, so I took one randomly and put it in the shopping cart. Next, I should go to buy stationery. How easy it is for me to shop while wandering around! When I arrived at the stationery store, I found everything I needed. Suddenly, I saw a beautiful rubber. I wanted to buy it, but it was not in my shopping plan, so I had to give up. After buying all the things, I pushed a full shopping cart to the checkout counter. After I paid for the toothpaste, I went home with a shopping bag in my hand. I think my mother will praise me on the way.

When I got home, my mother really praised me, saying that I really grew up and could help my mother buy things. After listening to my mother's words, I felt happy, just like eating honey.


The supermarket is one of my many good places to be alone. Wander around various areas, watch and play at will. When you think of the items you need, you put them into the basket, as if you were the "little boy picking mushrooms". You can broaden your horizons and feel life at the same time.

Touching the purse, a warm current poured into my heart. Mu Lan's birthday will be a few days later. She is quiet and beautiful. She likes reading. No matter in class or in PE class, she always sits at a desk or leans against a tree, reading quietly with a book in her hand. Sometimes a smile appears on her cheek, just like a breeze blowing the willows with the bright moon. I stopped at the book area, looked slowly from left to right, and understood the name of each book. After several times of thinking, I felt that the Full Score Composition for Primary School on the cabinet was suitable for her, so I took it down on tiptoe. Slowly came to the drink area, took three boxes of milk and left, intending to leave a box for Mulan. When I came to the fruit area, I remembered that my cousin loved bananas, apples, oranges... I weighed them accordingly. Come to the snack area, forget it. I'm not interested in them. When I came to the vegetable area, cucumber, yam, lotus root, cabbage... are all my favorites, and I also weighed them accordingly. The basket is getting heavier and heavier, and there are more and more things. I feel more and more satisfied.

The current period is the time when the number of people is the largest. There is a long line next to the weighing platform, and everyone is anxious. Next to the cash register, customers run through the supermarket one by one. Fortunately, everyone's quality is very high. They didn't push and shove to cut the queue and forcibly suppress the rising anger. The team moved slowly and orderly.

I walked out of the supermarket and touched my purse again. It was shrunken. I looked at the large bag of "crystals" in my hand and smiled. Although there are few things I buy for myself, I can participate in many of them. It is worthwhile to imagine the happy expressions of Mu Lan, my cousin and family when my small vault is gone.

On the way home, the sky was particularly blue. The floating clouds were like a leaf canoe rippling in the lake. The gentle sunshine nestled on my shoulder to dispel the cold in late autumn, and the camphor tree became more and more energetic. The road is getting farther and farther, and my arms are getting sour, but I don't feel tired.


I came home from school today, hungry! My mother gave me fifty yuan, told me to go shopping and eat, and asked me to buy eggs.

I clenched my fifty yuan in the street, fearing it would disappear. Walking into a supermarket, I looked at the shelves filled with all kinds of fresh milk. Do you want full fat or low fat? After thinking about it, I found the whole fat one was better, so I chose one bottle. Then I walked to the bread, I also hesitated to buy cakes, "super soft" bread or "small steamed buns"? I thought milk was better with super soft bread, so I picked up the super soft bread, walked to the egg shelf, and took a box of eggs to pay the bill.

On the way home, I walked slowly with my bag in my hand, afraid of breaking the egg. When I got home, I kicked the ditch cover because I was too excited, and fell down. After the laying, the egg was broken. There was only one good egg left. When I got up and picked up the egg, one of the eggs was broken because of too much force. My tears almost fell out!

When I got home, my mother comforted me and said it was OK to ask me to eat bread! When I tore open the bread bag, I found it was one day overdue. I dared not eat it, so I had to drink milk. Alas! I've tasted the consequences of being careless!


Last Saturday, Yang Ping went to the supermarket. She wanted to buy something for her sister because that day was her sister's birthday. She walked around the supermarket and saw a very beautiful dress. She thought her sister would like it. The dress cost fifty yuan, but Yang Ping decided to buy it. When her sister got this present, she was very happy.

【 #英语资源# 导语】在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关购物的英语作文范文

Girls like to go shopping. I like to go shopping, too, and I like it very much.

When I was a remember, every weekend, I will go to pedestrian street shopping with my roommate, a stroll is one morning, back bags every time to buy a lot of things come back, don't know can use, went to college, is the first time I have to leave their parents, independent control of money, big, we are also very not how do you spend money, don't know frugal, not to the end of the month, Money spent almost, so every month, there are a few days to eat instant noodles. Through my freshman year's experience, I have a new feeling about shopping. In my opinion, shopping should also be selective. You should not buy what you like as soon as you see it.

I remember once, I went shopping alone. At most, didn't buy anything that is not something not appropriate, is the price is too high, when I was going to came back empty-handed, inadvertently found that there is a small articles of daily use shop not far ahead, stepped forward and store are hung some very delicate and beautiful bag, then not to go back empty-handed, I always wanted to do with some things, After some bargaining, they agreed on the price, after paid the money, I'm ready to pick up my backpack left in phase, inadvertently found a backpack with a zipper is broken, so I've chosen a again, and was just about to turn and walk away, I haven't pay, said the owner should play to depend on hard pull want me to pay, who also said that what can prove that you paid the money? I couldn't help it. I went alone, and there were no other customers nearby. Who can prove it? Who knows. I argued but she had to go home angry and empty-handed. From then on, I learned a lot. When I buy something, I never rush to pay first. I only pay when it's time to leave.

Through the daily life of all kinds of shopping, I think, shopping is also a skill, but also need to learn, only learn to shop, can reasonable use of money, can avoid being cheated in the process of shopping, also can buy cheap and good things, this is my deepest shopping experience.


I can only say that I am a person without the tendency of shopaholism, and I have to describe it sporadically when talking about shopping.

Where we go to market, there is a long street. I was a real country girl before I was in town. I like going to the market, I have no savings, I go to the market empty-handed just to wander the streets, I can buy nothing is to join in the fun. At that time, I did not just like the market, but admired it.

Later, I went to the city to go to high school, the body also has a relatively large pocket money. I was born as a girl, is like wandering around, a weekend holiday, in groups to go shopping. Our usual hangouts are the big supermarkets, snack bars, boutiques, barber shops and, of course, Internet cafes. There is a dongsheng Trading city in our county town, where we students like to buy clothes, trousers, bags, shoes and so on. The goods there are affordable and fashionable, so if you go shopping, it is a must pass. At this time, I regard shopping as a kind of enjoyment.

Read a university at the moment, it is self program basically on the life. For shopping, I realized that its essence is nothing more than an economic consumption behavior, there is nothing to be happy or unhappy. I no longer love shopping, a semester too lazy to go out once. In school, daily necessities, sweets, fruits and snacks can be bought at the school gate. Unless I have to go shopping, I usually go to the clothing market by car. Shopping has become a chore in my opinion.

But for many women, shopping is a good thing. People who love shopping can understand a lot of market conditions, can walk in front of The Times with an appreciation of the vision, and at the same time, the things they buy are often gratified and affordable. In my eyes love shopping women, their life is relatively very moist and tasteful. Of course, relatively speaking, shopping can be a huge waste of time and money, and regular shoppers need the necessary financial foundation. On the contrary, for people who hate shopping, they may regard shopping as labor, a task, a chore. They would rather stay at home watching their computers and televisions than breathe gasoline fumes on crowded streets. :

Shopping feelings vary from person to person, in a word, is a personal attitude and interest to choose it!


As the network economy by a bubble in the steel and cement instead of nothing ethereal, finally saw the real Internet shopping mall, after the ebb tide understand its goods variety, cheap, settlement means diversity, flexible distribution types, attracted me this expectation pursue fashion of science and technology and people who want to "earn advantage", experience housebound shopping fun.

It was by accident that I got to know Joo online shopping. I was trying to buy a birthday gift for my friend, but I couldn't find it in the market. I happened to find it in Joo and its price was cheaper than that in the market, so I started to fall in love with Joo. In the area of excellence in film and television "gold" became my first choice. At that time, excellence not only had low DVD, and full 200 yuan free distribution activities, but also free gifts after shopping, can say that I was a kind of discovery of treasure excited feeling, imperceptibly three drawers were filled with DVDS from excellence, especially a few PIECES of D9, included in my collection, fun born from this.

Half a year passed quickly. With the increase of shopping times, I suddenly found that I had become an outstanding VIP member. For the first time, I experienced the feeling of VIP and looked at the privilege of VIP and felt vaguely that excellence had become an indispensable part of my life.

With the success of excellent financing, it launched a massive promotional activities, which made the network shopping malls, which originally seemed to be a pool of stagnant water, stir up waves. Under the guidance of competition mechanism, online shopping malls launched a competition from commodity prices to pre-sale and after-sales services. With the deepening of competition, the excellent supply of goods is more sufficient, more abundant commodities, more active preferential activities; The whole mall is earth-shaking new changes, between the lines of the web page is full of humanized breath. In particular, the recent hot animated transformers, Tintin adventures DVD, triggered my desire to shop. Experience what it feels like to be a part of this online family.

With the fierce competition between online shopping malls, there is no gap in commodity price competition, pre-sale and after-sales service quality will be the key to success or failure, customers' eyes are always bright, to excellent shopping people, are with the perfect desire to support care and look forward to the healthy development of excellence. We hope that excellence can become a friend of customers, think what customers think, raise the flag of humanity to create a perfect tomorrow, so that all customers in excellence experience the fun of online shopping.


Through all kinds of shopping in daily life, I think, shopping is also a skill, but also need to learn, only learn to shop, can avoid being cheated in the process of shopping, also can buy cheap and good things, this is my deepest shopping experience.

What is shopping? Shopping is buying things. Food, rice, oil, salt, clothing, food, housing and transportation, which do not need shopping, as a member of the shopping army, we have a lot to pay attention to. If you buy food, pay attention to the quality of the product, see whether it is expired, whether it is added with chemicals, preferably with the green food logo. However, the milk powder incident before, printed with green logo also has problems, so I have to pay more attention to food safety. Also, I feel at this moment the price of something more expensive, and the quality is no corresponding increase, this had to make our customers to find other ways of shopping, online shopping this is how it should appear, but online cheating things too much, you don't understand what you buy is really about the quality of the sample, sometimes also can produce the goods didn't arrive, Or not the one I want to buy. There is a lot of clothes are at a discount at the moment, and sellers are often in the original price on the basis of a little discount, for these, we must be clear, otherwise self loss is still there proud that self accounted for cheap.

In addition, I think we are all regular shoppers, but not many of us are really good shoppers. Many of us buy brands and blindly follow the mainstream. Some of us just buy when we see a bargain, regardless of whether it is applicable or not. We should learn to shop scientifically. Put your money to good use, do the most with the least, shop with a plan, don't follow, don't be blind. For example, when you see an item on sale, you must check whether it is what you need. If not, you should not buy it no matter how cheap it is. According to the actual needs of the self moderate consumption, do not blindly follow the crowd and compare. Act according to one's ability. What the ego needs is reasonable. Blindly following the crowd is to look at what everyone else buys and buy what you don't need. Even if these things are better, they do not have to meet your own needs. Therefore, when buying things, you should have your own ideas and plans, keep a cool head and avoid blindness.

In a word, we should sharpen our eyes and learn to be a rational consumer.


One cannot live in the world without food, clothing, shelter and transportation. And clothes are obviously very important to people. People have different requirements for buying clothes. I'm a casual dresser. As for buying clothes, I have no requirements, as long as they are comfortable to wear.

I remember that when I was in middle school, my parents didn't give me much pocket money, so I always waited until the clothing store had a sale before BUYING clothes. Every season, it is also the time for me to buy clothes crazily, because the clothes bought at this time are very cheap. When clothing stores hold promotions or when the season is changing, the quality of clothes is not bad even though the price is very low.

In addition to buying clothes during sales or seasonal changes, I occasionally shop at designer stores. In the past, I was always against people buying brand-name clothes. At that time, I thought, just to buy a dress, why to go to such an expensive brand shop to buy it? How unrealistic! But then, once, my classmate gave me a dress from a famous brand shop, I changed my mind. The reason why I changed my mind was not because I was proud of wearing the clothes from the famous brand shop, but because the quality of the clothes from the famous brand shop was very good. A piece of clothing bought in a brand-name store will last much longer than one bought in an ordinary store. So, when SHOPPING for clothes, I occasionally shop for clothes in brand-name stores.

Shopping brings me happy feelings! I love shopping!

【 #英语资源# 导语】在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.有关购物的英语作文范文

I experienced shopping today.

In the afternoon, my mother gave me 100 yuan to go shopping in the supermarket. I held the money my mother gave me tightly in my hand and went to the supermarket.

The scenery on the roadside is very beautiful. The straight pine tree is like a sword stuck in the land. There are various leaves on the roadside, like palms and flames... I walked to the overpass, and a brother ran quickly and accidentally knocked me down, and the money in his hand was also knocked off. I felt my hand hurt. I thought: Today is my first shopping trip, and I can't lose my money. I stood up to pick up the money and ran to the supermarket. When I got to the supermarket, I would look for things to buy. I found sausage and eggs, but I still had one thing to find. I kindly said to an aunt who served me, "Where did you buy bread, ginger and celery?" The waitress said kindly, "You can only buy bread, ginger and celery on the second floor." I've been looking for it for a long time, but I can't find it because it's on the second floor! I took the things I selected to the cashier and started to pay. I gave the cashier aunt 100 yuan, and the cashier aunt gave me 66 yuan and 80 cents. I saw that he missed me by two cents, so I carefully looked at my small invoice. It turned out that it was a medium bag that cost two cents, and finally I got it. Then I ran home. I saw my mother standing at the door, waving to me.

I am very happy today, because I learned to shop.


Whenever I think of my first shopping experience, I can't help laughing.

I remember that it was a sunny day at that time. My mother and I went to the street. Walking along, I said to my mother: I want to drink water. My mother gave me 10 yuan to buy water for myself, and she told me again and again that I should pay for the things I bought before I could eat. I happily walked into the supermarket, wow! The supermarket is crowded with people, and I am dazzled by all kinds of food. I saw my favorite snack and ran quickly like an arrow without blinking. I was glad to forget my mother's advice. I picked it up and wanted to open it. An aunt said to me, "Children, you can only eat after you pay for it.". I blushed with shame. I went to the water store again. There were all kinds of water. I took a bottle of Nutritional Express and left without even looking at the price. I saw all kinds of ice cream in front of the ice cream cabinet. It was really tempting! My mouth is watering. I really want to take a box! But what if my mother scolded me? But the ice cream was so tempting that I couldn't help taking a box. When I came to the cash register, the line was like a long dragon. When I paid, my aunt told me that I needed 13 yuan, but what if I only had 10 yuan? I took money out of my bag and gave it to my aunt. Little friend, you just need to return a lot of fish. I had to reluctantly take out a lot of fish.

This was my first interesting shopping. I also gained a lot of knowledge from it and left me happy memories.


One Saturday evening, when I was doing my homework at home, I found that the automatic pen was broken. So I asked my mother to accompany me to buy a pen. We came to the "Meisui World" not far from home.

We first came to the underground supermarket. I saw rows of neat goods, including green vegetables, red tomatoes, live Boston lobsters, and giant king crabs. After looking, there was nothing I wanted to buy, so I went to the snack counter and took a bag of peanuts and a box of pistachios; Mom also chose the goods she wanted.

Then we came to Muji store on the third floor. Walking into the shop, a fragrance came to my nose. It was the spray from an ultrasonic incense machine. There are so many goods here! I learned to look like an adult, took the shopping basket, found the stationery counter, and selected the automatic pen and refill that I was satisfied with.

Then my mother gave me a hundred yuan bill and asked me to pay the bill. My heart was so nervous that my uncle at the cash register asked, "Is this what you want to buy?" I whispered, "Yes!" It was so easy to pay.

Finally, I gave the change back to my mother. She praised my ability and we went home happily.


At noon, I was doing my homework. When I found that the notebook was not enough, I asked my mother if she could buy it with her money. "Yes." Mom smiled and said. I happily took five yuan to buy the book.

Just getting on the bus, an old lady smiled and asked me, "How old are you, little friend?" "Seven and a half years old." I said at once. The old lady said, "Then I will test you! I bought eight bags of apples, eight in each bag. How many apples did I buy altogether?" "Eighty eight sixty-four!" I blurted out. The old lady praised me: "You are really skilled in mathematics!" My heart is very happy, just like eating my favorite orange.

When I got to the stationery store, I found a problem - the service desk was in the middle. "What do you buy, little friend?" The aunt asked kindly. I said, "I'll buy one." "If you want to buy a notebook, you have to answer a question." "Ah? Why?" I asked without understanding. The aunt said, "This is a stationery shop. As long as you answer the questions correctly, you can get a notebook or pen." "Good!" I said with confidence. The aunt asked, "There are eight houses on the first floor, and two more on the second floor than on the first floor. How many houses are there on the second floor?" "There are ten rooms on the second floor." "Correct answer!" My aunt announced that I had won, and I went home with my booty in my arms.

If you study hard, you may have a chance of "free shopping"!


After learning Cambridge English this morning, my mother said, "It's almost June 1, let's go to Children's World to pick out some clothes!" "Great!" I readily agreed.

When I arrived at the Children's World, I found that the clothes here are all kinds of beautiful. As soon as my mother walked in, she was busy picking here and there. She soon picked out several clothes that were suitable for me, including green, blue, white, pink and black T-shirts, as well as shorts and skirts for suits... The saleswoman aunt enthusiastically helped me change clothes while introducing me that I was like a "model", changing clothes in turn, and came on the stage. I felt happy when I was a "little star". I liked several of them very much, but I didn't want my mother to spend more money, so I said, "Don't buy them." But my mother seemed to see my mind, and bought me six beautiful clothes as my children's day gift at one go. When I got home, I couldn't wait to take them out for cleaning, and sighed that I had a "shopping maniac" mother.

Although I call my mother a "shopping maniac", my mother seldom buys clothes for herself. When I grow up, I will make more money to buy my mother many beautiful clothes and dress her up beautifully.

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