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我在昆西的生活 贝蒂 · 里克森我出生于昆西——美国东海岸 的一个小镇。在昆西有很多事情可以做,那里有许多商店和两家电影院,还有足球队和棒球队。美国的两位——约翰 · 亚当斯和他的儿子约翰 · 昆西 · 亚当斯出生在昆西。你可以去参观他们的故居。我们的房子很大。有一间很大的起居室,里面有一台电视机,此外还有一间厨房、一个卫生间和三间卧室。在我卧室的墙壁上贴有我喜欢的影星的海报。有一个有很多树的大花园,还有一个养有许多鱼的池塘。在哪里玩耍很开心。那里有很多孩子,所以我也就有了很多朋友。当时我们盼望着来到,于是那儿便成了我们在美国的一个家。我一次在那里是2003年。总有一天我会回去。



贝蒂 · 里克森 十二年前我出生于昆西——美国东海岸 的一个小镇。在昆西有很多事情可以做,有许多商店和两家电影院,还有足球队和棒球队。我在昆西并不无聊,在那里我很开心。

美国的两位——约翰 · 亚当斯和他的儿子约翰 · 昆西 · 亚当斯出生在昆西。你可以去参观他们的故居。










七下外研社版英语书 7.2的课文

My life in Quincy

--- By Betty King

I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America, twelve years ago.There were lots of things to do in Quincy, with many stores, two movie theaters, football clubs and basketball teams too. I wasn't bored in Quincy. I was very happy there.

Two presidents of the US, John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams, were born in Quincy. You can visit their old family houses.

Our house was big and comfortable. There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms. On my bedroom walls there were pictures of my fourite movie stars.

Behind the house, there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a all lake with fish in it. It was great to play there.

There were lots of children in Quincy. Many of them were my friends. This was our last home in the US and I was there for the last time in 2010. One day I'll go back, and I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again.









急求外研版七年级下英语module4 life in the future课文电子版,拜托拜托啊

Life in the Future

APlanes will be very large so flying will be very cheap. Fuel will be expensive. Everyone will he a all car.

BIt will be hot all year so the winter will be very short. It will get warm at the North Pole so the seas will be very rough. The summer will be hot and the winter will be warm. But there will be bad weather in spring and autumn. There will be hey rain and strong winds.

CHomes will be warm in winter and cool in summer, so they'll be very comfortable. We'll use the sun to heat our homes. No one will be cold and there'll be lots of hot water.

DComputers will be very all so they'll be very light. People will do many things on the Internet.

EMachines will do the dull jobs on farms and in factories and offices, so no one will do hey work. People will work three days a week. They'll he long holidays and lots of free time.

应该是这个吧 如果对的可以和我联系

跪求初一下M6U2英语课文原文 外研社版的(不是对话的,是介绍形式的那篇)

English for the Olympic Games

It’s Saturday morning, and Zhang Xiuyun from Dongsi Neighbourhood Committee in Beijing is leing for school. “ I he an English class,” says Zhang, “ It starts at 9:30am every Saturday, but at 8:30 there are usually lots of people in the classroom.”

Zhu Guoming , 79, says , “ I get here early and sit in front of the blackboard, so I can see and hear the teacher. I don’t arrive late because I don’t like sitting behind the other students . It’s difficult to see and hear at the back. However, the teacher speaks slowly and loudly to the older students so I can always hear clearly.

More than 200 people from Dongsi are learning English. Lots of visitors to the Olympic Games will speak English , so the people from Dongsi need to learn English quickly. They want to speak it well. No one wants to speak it badly or carelessly.

Wang Xiuqin, 65,says, “ It’s more difficult for old people to learn English, but I want to learn it better than young people.” She works hard. The Olympic visitors are going to do some sightseeing and she’s going to take them around a Beijing siheyuan.

Wang always carries her book and her cassette player in her bag. She checks her vocabulary carefully at home and listens quietly to her lessons.

These popular lessons will continue until 2008.


七年级下册英语书( 外研版 )后边附页 有 动词过去式和原型 我想要 原型的 中文意思 要快

我不知道这本是不是外研版 但是真的希望可以帮到你

am/is=was 是 are=were 是 become=became 变得 begin=began 开始 bring=brought 带来

buy=bought 买 catch=caught 抓 come=came 来 do=did 做 eat=ate 吃

feel=felt 感到 find=found 发现 get=got 获得 give=ge 给 go=went 走

grow=grew 成长 he/has=had 有 hear=heard 听见 know=knew 知道;了解

make=made 制作 put=put 放下 run=ran 跑 say=said 说 see=saw看见 sit=sat 看见

stand=stood 站立 take=took 带走 teach=taught 教 tell=told 告诉 write=wrote 写


很多的。怎么打。 【虽然我是初一的。但是太多了。我有点无能为力。=A=】


初一下册外研英语Moudle11 Unit2课文及翻译

几天前他是杨利伟,一位飞行员,有妻子和一个年幼的儿子。但是上周四,当他完成太空旅行返回地球时,杨利伟被称为“的位宇航员。”上周三,神舟五号宇宙飞船围绕地球飞行了14圈,达到了海拔343公里的高度。这次太空飞行持续了21个小时,38岁的宇航员于第二天早晨六点二十三分在内蒙古安全着陆。现在成为继、美国之后的第三个把人送入太空的。杨利伟出生在辽宁省,1987年,他加入空军成为一名飞行员。11年后,他和另外13名飞行员加入了太空。他训练了五年。 “我一直都想成为一名宇航员,”他说。地球上的人们通过电视观看了杨利伟的太空飞行,他向地球上的每个人挥手并展示了国旗。他吃了鸡肉和米饭,同时还休息了三个小时。杨利伟是一位丈夫和父亲,可是在今天他也是的位宇航员,同时也是一位民族英雄。

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