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1、Most of America has fallen back to Standard Time.大部分美国地区已经回到了标准时间。

2、That's what we call it when we're not on Daylight Sing Time but when you think about the fact that we spend most of the year on Daylight Sing Time, Standard is hardly the standard.不使用夏令时的时候,我们就会这么说。


4、Still, our current standard was set on Sunday morning.不过,我们目前的标准定于周日早上。

5、It will last until March 8th and despite what my colleague Jennifer Gray is about to tell you,you only get the extra hour of sleep if you go to bed on time the night of the switch.它将持续到3月8日,不管我的同事珍妮弗.格雷将告诉你什么,如果你在标准转换之夜按时上床,你都只能得到额外的一小时睡眠。

6、Those who stay up an hour later on Saturday may still seem sleepy on Sunday.那些在周六晚睡一个小时的人到了周日可能仍然会觉得困倦。

7、So why do we change the clocks ahead one hour in the spring and back one hour in the fall?那么,为什么在春天我们把时钟调快一小时,在秋天调慢一小时呢?Well it's actually to reduce the electricity consumption by extending the daylight hours.这实际上是通过延长白天时间来减少电力消耗。

8、In the U.S. we change our clocks at 2 a.m. onthe second Sunday in March, that begins Daylight Sing Time.在美国3月的第二个星期天,也就是夏令时开始的时候,我们把时钟调到凌晨2点。

9、That's when we spring ahead.那就是我们向前调时钟的时候。

10、On the first Sunday in November, we change our clocks at 2 a.m. again.在11月的第一个星期天,我们又把时钟调到凌晨2点。

11、That's actually just going back to Standard Time.这实际上是回到了标准时间。

12、Believe it or not, this started with an idea from Benjamin Franklin.信不信由你,这个想法由本杰明.提出。

13、Franklin did write an essay suggesting that people could use less candles if they got up early and made better use of daylight.确实写过一篇文章,建议人们如果早起并更好地利用日光,就可以少用蜡烛。

14、In 1918 the Standard Time Act established time zones and Daylight Sing Time but not all states participate.1918年,《标准时间法案》 确立了时区和夏令时,但并非所有的州都执行。


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