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九年级英语第七单元重点句型 九上英语第七单元重点短语和句子

一、 She used to be a history teacher.

九年级英语第七单元重点句型 九上英语第七单元重点短语和句子九年级英语第七单元重点句型 九上英语第七单元重点短语和句子

【句型介绍】该句句意为她过去是一名历史老师。 used to do sth. 表过去经常做某事,暗示现在已不再如此,句中to后接动词原形。只能用于过去时态,并且可用于所有人称。其否定形式为used not to ... 疑问形式为Used you to ... ? Used he to ... ? 等。而在口语中或不太正式的书面语中,否定形式为didn't use to ...,疑问形式为Did you use to ... ? Did he use to ... ? 等。

He doesn't smoke these days, but he used to (somke). 他现在不抽烟,但是他以前抽。

【句式比较】 1. be used to do sth.,被动语态结构,意为被用来做某事,句中to后接动词原形。

This machine can be used to produce juice. 这台机器可以用来做果汁。

2. be / get used to (doing) sth.,习惯于做某事,句中to为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词。

I'm not used to the noisy city life here. 我不习惯这儿喧嚣的城市生活。

Are you used to singing loudly in public places? 你习惯在公共场所高声唱歌吗?


二、 what is worse

【句型介绍】 意思为更糟糕的是,常作为插入语,强调后出现的情况比先出现的情况更糟糕,含有强烈的感情色彩,常可替换成worse than all /ever, to make the matter worse。

It was very dark outside, and what was worse, it began to rain. 外面很暗,而糟糕的是,天开始下雨了。

I started very late, and worse than all, I met with a traffic jam. 我出发得很迟,更糟糕的是,又遇到了交通阻塞。

【句式比较】 1. what's more,更何况,强调后出现的情况程度远远超过先出现的情况。

I'm not afraid of it, because I work hard, and what's more, many friends will help me. 这一点我并不害怕,因为我工作很努力,更何况许多朋友会帮我。

2. besides也有更何况之意,其用法与what's more相同。

I'm sure he will be fired, because he has been late so many times, and besides he has caused so much loss to our company. 我确信他肯定会被解雇,因为他迟到了这么多次,更何况他给我们公司造成了这么多损失。

【特别提醒】 通过语境区分各句型。

三、 We're having a family meeting.

【句型介绍】该句句意为我们要开一个家庭会议, are having从结构上看是现在进行时态,但它表达的是将来时态。在口语中come, go, fly, leave, move, travel等表位置移动的动词常用现在进行时表示一般将来时态。

I'm leaving for Shanghai next Monday. 我下周一要去上海。

He's moving into a new house tomorrow. 他明天要搬进新房去。

The boy's father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by telegraph.

【句型介绍】该句中so ... that ... 表示如此......以致......,引导结果状语从句,so后面接形容词、副词原级。

She is so beautiful that many people like her. 她长得很漂亮,许多人都喜欢她。

so 有时出现在以that 引导的从句中表示非常的意思,如课本中出现的I'm so happy that you could come to England with us for the holidays.


1. such ... that ...,如此......以致......,引导结果状语从句,such后面接名词顺序为such + a / an + adj. + n., 而so 修饰时为 so + adj. + a / an + n.。

It was such a wonderful film that I saw it many times. (It was so wonderful a film that I saw it many times.) 这场电影如此精彩以致于我看了很多遍。

It was such good news that he felt very excited at it. 这个消息很好,听到之后他感到很激动。

2. so that,意为以便......时,引导目的状语从句,此时so that前面没有逗号,后面常出现may, can等情态动词;意为结果......时,引导结果状语从句,此时so that前面常有逗号。

He started very early so that he could get there in time. 他出发得很早以便能及时到达那里。

【特别提醒】 着重从结构、逻辑、标点符号、习惯搭配等角度区分这些句型。

It's made of bamboo and animal's hair.

【句型介绍】 该句中be made of 表示由......制成,从成品中看得出原材料, 后面接材料。

This cup is made of paper. 这个杯子是由纸做的。

Those chairs are made of steel. 那些椅子是钢做的。


1. be made from,由......制成,从成品中看不出原材料, 后面也接材料。

Bread is made from flour. 面包是由面粉做的。

2. be made in,由某地制造,后接产地。

This kind of car is made in Shanghai. 这种小汽车是上海造的。

Bikes can be made in our city. 我市能生产自行车。

3. be made into,......制成了......

Class is made into bottles. 玻璃可制成瓶子。

4. be made by, 由某人制造,后接生产者。

The coat is made by Miss Wang at home. 这件外衣是由王小姐在家里做的。

5. be made up of, 由......组成, 指某物或某组织由某种成分或成员组成。

This TV set is made up of hundreds of different parts. 这台电视机是由数百个不同的零件组装成的。

一、It seems that ...

[句型介绍] 意为似乎是......;看起来好像......,it为形式主语,that后引导的从句为真正主语。

It seems that they are talking about something.似乎他们在谈论什么。

[比较] seem to do sth.似乎在做......

He seems to be a clever boy.他看起来像个聪明的男孩。

二、make one's way

[句型介绍] 意为一路前进;向前。

The soldiers made their way in the thick snow.战士们在厚厚的雪地上前进。

The firemen are making their way out of the burning house. 消防队员们正从燃烧的房子里冲出来。

[比较] feel one's way 摸索着前进;lose one's way 迷路;push one's way 挤着前进;fight one's way杀出一条路。

It was very dark outside, so he had to feel his way.外面很暗,所以他不得不摸索着前进。

The child lost his way at the cinema and with the help of the policeman he found his way to go home. 这个小孩儿在电影院迷路了,在警察的帮助下他找到了回家的路。

There were so many people at the station that they had to push their way. 火车站的人真多,他们不得不挤着前进。

The soldiers fought their way out of the enemy's encirclement. 战士们从敌人的包围圈中杀出了一条路。

三、on one's way to

[句型介绍] 意为在某人去某地的途中,one's也可换成the,to后面接地点名词,若地点为副词,应省to。

On his / the way to Beijing, he found a secret. 在去北京途中他发现了一个秘密。

She met with a traffic accident on her / the way home.回家途中她遭遇了车祸。

[比较] on one's way from ... to ...在某人从......到......途中

On my / the way home, I picked up a wallet. 回家路上,我拾到了一只皮夹子。

On their / the way from Shanghai to Beijing, they discussed this matter. 在从上海到北京的途中,他们讨论了这个问题。

四、wait for one's turn to do sth.

[句型介绍] 意为等候轮到某人做某事,to do sth.为不定式作定语。

I am waiting for my turn to buy a ticket. 我在等着轮到我买票。

Are you waiting for your turn to take a bath? 你在等着洗澡吗?

[比较] It's one's turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事;take turns at doing sth. 轮流做某事。

Is it your turn to clean the blackboard? 今天轮到你擦黑板吗?

Whose turn is it to be on duty today? 今天轮到谁值日?

They took turns at watching at his bedside.他们轮流守护在他的床前。

[特别提醒] 这些句型中的turn均为名词,表依次轮流的顺序。

五、feel like doing sth.

[句型介绍] 意为想要做某事,feel like后面应接动名词作宾语。

I feel like having something to eat. 我想吃点儿东西。

Do you feel like going swimming? 你想去游泳吗?

[比较] would / should like to do sth. 愿意做某事,should 常用于第一人称,would用于各种人称。

I would like to stay at home this afternoon. 今天下午我想呆在家里。

六、stop sb. from doing sth.

[句型介绍] 意为阻止某人做某事,句中stop可换成prevent或keep,from也可以省去,但keep sb. from doing sth.中的from不可省。

What stopped you (from) coming to see me?什么事让你没来看我?

[比较] protect ... from保护......不受......侵害

An umbrella can protect us from the rain. 雨伞能保护我们不被雨淋湿。

七、stand on one's head

[句型介绍] 意为倒立,为身体姿势描绘用语。

The actress can stand on her head for five minutes. 这个女演员能倒立五分钟。

Can you stand on your head? 你会倒立吗?

[比较] stand on one's feet站着;stand on one foot 单足站立

Can you stand on one foot for an hour? 你能单脚站一个小时吗?

Having stood on his feet for a long time, he felt very tired.站了很长时间了,他感到累了。

八、not ... until ...

[句型介绍] 意为直到......才......,表某一动作或状态直到until或till所表示的时间为止才开始发生。

He didn't go home until 5 p.m. 直到下午五点,他才回家。

She didn't get married until she was thirty years old. 直到三十岁她才结婚。

[比较] do ... until / till,表示某一动作或状态一直延续到until/till所表示的时间为止才结束,其谓语动词须为持续性动词。

He worked until the clock struck twelve.他一直工作到钟敲了十二点。

一、 lose oneself in


At the meeting, he lost himself in reading newspapers. 开会时,他读报入了神。

She often loses herself in deep thought when she is alone. 独自一人时,她经常沉溺于思考之中。

[比较] be lost in迷失方向;沉溺于......

Take care, and not to be lost in the woods again.当心别再在森林中迷路了。

[特别提醒] be lost in的主语为人称代词的主格或名词,而不能为反身代词。

二、 say to oneself


I woke up at six and said to myself, It's still early.我六点钟时醒了, 心想:还早呢。

When he heard what the teacher said, he said to himself, I should study hard. 当他听到老师的讲话时,心想我应当认真学习。

[比较] talk to oneself 自言自语,反身代词和主语在人称上也应保持一致。

An old man likes to talk to himself. 老人喜欢自言自语。

三、 主语(人) + spend ...(in) doing sth.


He spent quite a lot of time (in) working out this maths problem. 他花了许多时间才解出了这道数学题。

How much time did you spend(in) reading this book? 读这本书花了你多长时间?

[比较]主语(人) + spend +金钱+ on sth.,花费金钱买某物;It costs /takes+时间+to do sth. 花费时间做某事;pay ... for ...,为......付款。

He spends most of his money on food.他把大部分钱用来买食物。

Did it take you much time to prepare for it?准备这件事花了你很多时间吗?

It cost me fifty yuan to buy this dictionary. 我花了五十元买了这本字典。

He paid twenty yuan for a pair of glasses. 他花了20元买了一副眼镜。

四、 I'm sure that ...

[句型介绍] 该句表示对某事有肯定的认识或判断。

I'm sure that she is an honest girl. 我肯定她是一个诚实的女孩。

Are you sure that she has stolen your pen? 你能肯定是她偷了你的钢笔吗?

[比较] I'm not sure if ...,表示对某事没有肯定的认识或判断,是I'm sure that 的否定句。

I'm not sure if he will come on time. 我无法确定他是否会按时来。

五、 get on with ...

[句型介绍] 意为在......取得进展;与......相处融洽,如果进展顺利或相处融洽, on后面可加well,但此时该句不可用于How引导的特殊疑问句。

-How are you getting on with your speech? 你的演讲准备得怎么样了?

-I'm getting on well with it. 进展顺利。

Can Tom get on well with his classmates? 汤姆能和他的同学融洽相处吗?

[比较] get along with,含义及用法与get on with相同。

He is getting along well with his new book. 他的新书写得很顺利。

He is easy to get along well with. 他很容易相处。

六、 be fed up with ...

[句型介绍] 意为对......感到厌烦。with为介词,后面应接名词、代词、动名词。

I'm fed up with working with him.我讨厌和他共事。

Are you fed up with eating the same food every day? 你讨厌每天吃同样的食物吗?

[比较] be tired of对......感到厌烦;讨厌......

I'm tired of dealing with such kind of man. 我讨厌和这样的人打交道。






2、技能目标:熟练运用“should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许和不应该被允许做某事;

熟练运用 “be (not) allowed to do”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事;

熟练运用 “I agree / disagree.”或“ I don’t agree.”表达自己的观点。









重点词汇:smoke, pierce, license, safety, earring, cry, field, hug, lift,awful, teen, regret, poem, bedroom , community, chance, manage, society, unit,educate, professional, enter, support

talk about, keep away from,make one’s own decision, get in the way of


I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should beallowed to drive.

Iagree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young.

Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

教学难点:含情态动词 should的被动语态结构“should be allowed to”


Period One: Section A 1 (1a-2d)

Period Two: Section A 2 (3a-3c)

Period Three: Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c)

Period Four: Section B 1 (1a-2e)

Period Five: Section B 2 (3a-Self Check)

Section A 1 (1a-2d)

I. Presentation

Ask students: Do yourparents allow you to watch TV? Yes, they do.

Present the sentence: Youare allowed to watch TV.

Teach “allow sb to do sth“

“be (not) allowed to do sth”

“should(not)be allowed to do sth”

Present more sentence.

Doyour parents allow you to exercise?

Yes,they do.

Youare allowed to exercise.

Doyour parents allow you to smoke?

No,they don’t.

Youare not allowed to smoke.

Doyour parents allow you to drive?

No,they don’t.

Youare not allowed to drive.

Doyour parents allow you to choose your own clothes?

No,they don’t.

Youshould be allowed to choose your own clothes.

Doyour parents allow you to get your ear pierced?

No,they don’t.

Youshould not be allowed to get your ear pierced.

II. Warming up

Obey the school rules!

Asa teenager, you have a lot of rules at school. Can you write down some of them?

Studentsshould be allowed to speak English loudly.

Studentsshouldn’t be allowed to sleep in class.

Studentsshouldn’t be allowed to make noises.

Studentsshouldn’t be allowed to throw the rubbish in the classroom.

Studentsshouldn’t be allowed to get to class late.


allowsb to do sth


beallowed to do sth


shouldbe allowed to do sth


1a.Read the statements below. Circle A for agree or D for disagree.

1.Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke. A D

2.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. A D

3.Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. A D

4.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. A D

5.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. A D

III. Listening

1b Listen and circle T for true or Ffor false.

1.Anna can go to the shopping center by bus. T F

2.Anna wants to get her ears pierced. T F

3.Anna wants to choose her own clothes. T F

IV. Practice

1c Look at thestatements in la and make conversations.

A: Idon't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.

B: Iagree. They aren't serious enough.

V.Key phrases

1. beallowed to do 被允许去做

2. theshopping center 购物中心

3.driver’s license 驾驶执照

4.sixteen-year-olds 16岁的孩子

5. beworried about your safety 担心你们的安全

6.part-time jobs 兼职工作

7. gettheir ears pierced 穿他们的耳朵

8. theirown clothes 他们自己的衣服

9.serious enough 足够严肃

VI. Listening

2a What does Molly think of Kathy’s statements? Listenand circle A for Agree,

D for Disagree or DK for Doesn’t Know.



1. Sixteen-year-olds should not be

allowed to work at night.

2. Larry shouldn't work every night.

3. He should cut his hair.

4. He should stop wearing that silly


5. He doesn't seem to have many







2bListen again. What are Kathy’s and Molly’s reasons? Number their reasons in

the correct order.

_____ Itlooks cool.

_____Young people need to sleep.

_____ Heneeds to spend time with friends.

_____ Heneeds time to do homework.

_____ Itdoesn't look clean.

VII. Practice

1. 2c Make a list of things teenagers shouldand should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list with your partner.

A: Do you thinkteenagers should...?

B: Yes, I .../No,I...

2.2d Read the conversation and answer the questions.

1)Where do they go for school trip?

2)Does Mr. Smith allow students to take photos?

3)How to take photos?

3. Role-play theconversation.

VIII. Summary

1. Language points


1) Teenagers shouldbe allowed to choose their own clothes.

2) Teenagers shouldnot be allowed to smoke.

3) It is not allowedin the museum.

4) Do you think wemay be allowed to take photos if we don't use a flash?

以上四句都含有重要的句型be allowed to do sth.,其中第三句是此句型的一般现在时,一二四句是情态动词与此句型的混合使用。

运用:“sb.+ should / should not + be allowed to do ...”








They should allow usto have part-time jobs.


We should allowchildren to spend time with their friends.


The teacher shouldallow Anna to finish the picture.


2. Explanation

1) sixteen-year-olds十六岁的青少年

它相当于一个名词,等于sixteen – year- old kids.


a kid of sixteen

a kid of sixteen years old

a sixteen-year-old kid

2) Hedoesn’t seem to have many friends.

主+seem to do sth. 好像

e.g. His temperature seems to be all right. 他的体温好像完全正常。


(1) seem+形容词

e.g. The question seems quite easy. 那个问题好像很容易。


e.g. That seems a good idea. 那好像是个好主意。

(3) Itseems + that 从句

e.g. It seemed that nobody knew anything aboutthe matter.


IX. Homework

Talkabout what should be allowed to do or should not be allowed to do in school oryour family.



beautiful , relaxing , tiring, dangerous, educational, peaceful interesting, boring thrilling ,exciting √ √ √


Where would you like to go on vacation ?

I’d like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations . √ √ √




【教学方法】——mind map, 3Ps(presentation, practice, production)teaching, task-based learning teaching

【学习方法】——individual work, pair work, group work(discuss, make a conversation etc.)

【教学准备】——multi-media , tape recorder, students’ book


Step I Lead-in

Show the map of the world .

T: What kind of countries do you know in the map?

T: What kind do cities do you know?

T: What do you think about the countries and cities?

Step II Presentation

(1)T: Where would you like to visit? I would like to visit U.S.A Because it is beautiful.

T: Where would you like to visit?

T: Why would you like to visit U.S.A.

(2)Show some pictures and let Ss practice:

Step Ⅲ Listening

(1) Show two pictures of Florida Beach and Amazon Jungle and let Ss try their best to describe them.

(2)Where would Sam and Gina like to go on vacation?

Listen and fill in the chart.

(3) Listen and read after the tape.

(4) Let Ss retell the listening material.

StepⅣ Survey

Make a survey: let Ss work in group:

Where would you like to visit?

Why would you like to visit it?

Who would you like to go with?

How would you like to go there?

What would you like to do there ?


…would like to visit…Because it is …

StepⅤ Summary

What do we learn today? They talk about countries that they know.

S: China, the U.S.A, the U.K, Canada, Australian, France, Germany, Mexico…

They talk about cities that they know.

S: Beijing, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Paris…

They talk about some adjs.

S: thrilling, fascinating, peaceful, tiring, educational, exotic, boring fun,

S: I would like to visit….

S: Because it is …..

A: What would you like to visit?

B: I’d like to visit…

A: Why would you like to visit there?

B: Because…

Ss try their best to describe them by using some adjs that they have learnt.

Let Ss listen and fill in the chart.

After it, make Ss read after the tape.

Retell the listening material.

Make a survey and do a report about one of their partners.

Ss sum up the key words and sentences.

通过世界地图让学生复习以前曾经学过的国家和地名,并教授相关的新单词, 本环节对学生的自学作出了检测,同时也复习了旧的知识,达到温故而知新的目的。

让学生给出不同的回答,强调I would like to =I’d like to 和其他动词的搭配)


通过反复操练,巩固句型,体会I’d like to 的结构,为后面的讨论作铺垫,通过两两合作达到议学的目的,为后面的悟学做铺垫。







1. 完成作业本1

2. 预习Period2(划出词组及重要的句型)




Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

1. How do you study for a test? I study by listening to tapes.

2. How do you learn English? I learn by studying with a group.

3.Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes,I do.

4.Do you ever practice conversations with friends? Oh,yes.It improves my speaking skills.

5.Have you ever studied with a group? Yes,I have. I've learned a lot that way.

6.What about listening to tapes?

7.It's too hard to understand the voices.

8.He's been learning English for six years and really loves it.

9.I make mistakes in grammar.

10.Why don't you join an English language club to practice speaking English?

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.

1.You used to be short,didn't you? Yes,I did./No, I didn't,

2.Did you use to play the piano? Yes,I did./No, I didn't,

3.I used to be really quiet. I didn't use to like tests.

4.You used to have long hair. She used to have curly hair.

5.Don't you remember me?

6.I'm more interested in violin.

7.My life has changed a lot in the last few years.

8.Don't worry about things so much.It will make you stressed out.

9.His mother looked after him as well as she could.

10.It was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother.

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

1.I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.

I disagree.They talk instead of doing homework.

2.Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.

I agree. They aren't serious enough at that age.

3.Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes?

Yes,I do./No,I don't.

4.We have a lot of rules at my house. So do we.

5.Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.

6.Last summer I had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital,but I couldn't because I had to go back to school.

Unit 4 What would you do?

1.What would you do if you had a million dollars? I'd give it to charity.

2.If i were you, I'd wear a shirt and tie.

3.If i were you,I'd take a small present.

4.If you're still nervous ,you don't have to go.

5.I don't know what to wear.

6.What if I don't know anyone.

7.You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party.

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla,

1.Whose notebook is this? It must be Ming's.It has her name on it.

2.Whose French book is this? It could be Carol's.She studies French.

3.Whose guitar is this? It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar.

4.Whose T-shirt is this? It can't be John's. It's much too small for him.

5.I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall.

6.He might be running to catch a bus.

7.Maybe it means you're afraid of too much homework.

8.One finger cannot lift a small stone.(众人拾柴火焰高)

9.When an ant says"ocean",he's talking about a small pool.


10.It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.(诚信在先,富贵在后)

11.Be carefui of the person who does not talk and the dog that does not bark.


12.You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.(不要强人所难)

13.Tell me and I'll forget.Show me and I may noe remember.Let me try and I'll understand.


14.Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.(今日事,今日毕)

15.He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.(欲成大事者,必求于人)

Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.

1.What kind of music do you like? I like music that I can sing along with.

2.Rosa likes music that's quiet and gentle.

3.I love singers who write their own music.

4.We prefer music that has great lyrics.

5.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.

6.Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery.

7.However, these are musicians who make us happy------even on a Monday morning!

Unit 7 Where would you like to visit.

1.Where would you like to visit?

2.Where would you like to go on vacation.

3.I'd like to go somewhere relaxing.

4.I hope to go to France some day.

5.I'd love to visit Mexico.

6.Isn't it supposed to be very hot?

7.I like places where the weather is always warm.





Unit 7


1.go on vacation 去度假

2.trek through thejungle 徒步穿越丛林

3.some day 有朝一日

4.one of theliveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一

5.be supposed todo sth. 应该干。

6.pack lightclothes 穿薄衣服

7.take a trip 去旅行

8.provide sb withsth = provide sth for sb 为了某人提供某物

9.be away 离开,远离

10.the answer tothe question 问题的答案

11.according to 根据。按照。 1

2.work as tourguides 做导游的工作

13.dream of 梦想,想到

14.less realisticdreams 不现实的梦想

15.be willing todo sth. 愿意干。

16.achieve one’s dreams 实现梦想

17.sail across thepacific 横渡太平洋

18.hold on to 保持,不要放弃(卖掉)

19.take it easy 从容轻松不紧张

20.Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布

21.Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔

22.Notre DameCathedral 巴黎圣母院

23.this time ofyear 一年中的这个时候

24.in general 通常 ,大体上, 一般而言


1.where would youlike to go on vacation?

I’d like to trekthrough the jungle.

2.l like placeswhere the weather is always warm.

3.I like to gosomewhere relaxing 我喜欢去休闲的地方

4.For your nextvacation, why not consider visiting Paris?


5.Traveling aroundParis by taxi can cost a lot of money.


6.So unless youspeak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translatethings for you.


7. We’d like to be awayfor three weeks.


8.The person has alot of money to spend on the vacation.


9.I hope you canprovide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firmcan offer


10.Could youplease give me some suggestions for vacation spots?


11.You need topack some warm clothes if you go there.


12.I’d love to sailacross the Pacific.


Unit 8


1.clean up 清扫

2.give out 分发,发放

3.cheer up=make…happier 使...高兴,使...振作

4.after schoolstudy program 课外学习班 upwith=think up 提出,想出

6.put off 推迟

7.write down 写下,记下

8.put up 张贴

9.hand out 分发,发放

10.call up 打电话

11.ser up=establish建立

12.be home to sb 是某人的家园

13.volunteer one’s time to do sth 自愿花时间干...

14.put…to use…把...投入使用

15.elementaryschool 小学

16.plan to do sth 计划干...打算干

17.coach afootball team for kids 训练少年足球队

18.start a ChineseHistory club 开办一个中国史俱乐部

19.run out of 用完,耗尽

20.take after 在性格或长相方面与父母相象

21.fix up 修理

22.give away 捐赠

23.be similar to 与...相似

24.ask for 索要

25.a call-incenter for parents 家长热线

26.hang out 闲荡

27.put up signsasking for singing jobs 张贴寻求唱歌工作的广告

28.run out ofmoney for singing lessons 学唱歌的钱用完了

29.disabled people残疾人

30.for sure 确实如此,毫无疑问

31.fill…with... 用...填充... be full of 装满了...

32.help...out 帮助...做事,解决难题(摆脱困境)

33.a speciallytrained dog 一只经过特殊训练的狗

34.train sb to dosth 训练某人干...

35.fetch my book 把我的书拿来

36.part of speech 词性


1.We can’t put off making aplan. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from

now. 我们不能推迟制订计划,清洁日离现在只有两周了。

2.She puts this loveto good use by working in the after-school care centre at her local elementaryschool. 她在当地的一所小学的课后辅导中心工作,使这个爱好得到较好的利用

3.Not only do I feelgood about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love todo. 帮助别人不但自己感到快乐,而且我开始花时间做自己喜欢做的事了。

4.The three studentsplan to set up a student volunteer project at heir school. 这三个学生计划在他们校开展一个学生志愿者项目。

5.He also put up some signasking for old bikes.他还贴了一些需求旧自行车的告。

6.The strategies that he cameup with worked out fine. 几米想出的这个办法很效。

7.He did a radiointerview. 他接受了电台的采访。

8.We need to come upwith a plan. 我们需要指定一个计划。

9.You could helpclean up the city parks. 你可以帮助打扫城市公园。

10.He now has sixteenbikes to fix up and give away to children who

don’t have bikes. 他现在有16辆要修理的自行车,并准备把这些修好的自行车赠送给那些没有自行车的孩子。

Unit 9

3. invent v. 发明 inventor n. 发明家 invention n. 发明可数名词

4. be used fordoing用来做…(是被动语态) 如:

Pens are used for writing. 笔是用来写的。

Pens aren’t used for eating. 笔不是用来吃的。

5. 给某人某样东西

give sth. to sb. 如:I gave a pen to him. 我给他一支笔。

give sb. sth. I gave him a pen. 我给他一支笔。

6. all day 整天

7. salty adj. 咸的 salt n. 盐

8. by mistake 错误地如:

I took the umbrella by mistake. 我不小心拿错了雨伞。

9. make sb./sth. +形容词使…怎么样 It made me happy. 它使我高兴

make sb./sth. +名词 让…做… It made me laugh. 它让我发笑

10. by accident 意外偶然 I met her by accident at bus stop.


11. not…until… 直到…才做… 如:

I didn’t go to beduntil I finished my work. 我直到完成我的工作才去睡觉。

12. according to +名词 根据… 如: according to an legend

according to thisarticle根据这篇文章 根据一个神话

13. over an openfire 野饮

14. leaf n. 叶子 复数形式 leaves

15. nearby adj. 附近的 如: the nearby river

16. fall into 落入掉进如:The leaf fell intothe river. 叶子落入了河里。fall down 摔倒 如:She fell down from her bike.


17. quite 非常 adv. 与冠词a连用时,冠词a必须放在它的后面

如: quite a beautiful girl 一个漂亮的女孩

very 非常 adv. 与冠词a连用时,冠词a必须放在它的前面

如: a very beautiful girl 一个漂亮女孩

注:当不与冠词a 连用时,两者可以互用如:

I am very happy.=== I am quite happy. 我非常高兴。

18. in the way 这样

19. pleased adj. 表示外部因素引起人发自内心的欣慰和愉快

pleasant adj. 愉快高兴指天气、时间、旅行令人高兴愉快

please v. 使高兴使同意

20. battery—operated adj. 电池控制的是名词+动词的运动分词构成的合成形容词

21. in the sixthcentury 在第6世纪

22. travel around 周游

23. more than ===over 超过如: more than 300 == over 300 超过300

24. including prep. 介词 包括 可以与名词和动名词连用

如: Six people, including ababy, were hurt. 6个人包括一个小孩受伤了。

25. have beenplayed 被上演 是现在完成时的被动语态

现在完成时的被动语态的结构:have /has been +过去分词

26. be born 出生 He was born in Canada. 他在加拿大出生

27. safety n. 安全 safe adj. 安全的

28. knock into 撞上(某人)

29. divide sth.into … 将…划分成..


Let’s divide ourselvesinto 4groups. 让我们把我们自己划成4组。

30. since then 自从那以后 常与完成时态连用如:

Since then, I have left Beijing. 自从那以后,我已经离开了北京。

除了知识和学问之外,世上没有其他任何力量能在人们的精神和心灵中,在人的思想、想象、见解和信仰中建立起统治和权威旅游是知识之路。下面给大家分享一些关于人教版 九年级英语 unit7知识点,希望对大家有所帮助。



license [?laIsns ] n. (= licence) 证;证件

safety [?seifti] n. 安全;安全性

smoke [sm?uk] v. 冒烟;吸烟 n. 烟

part-time [?pɑ:(r)t ?ta?m] adj.兼职的

pierce [pi?s][pirs] v. 扎;刺破;穿透

earring [?i?ri?][??r??] n. 耳环;耳饰

flash [fl??] n. 闪光灯;闪光 v. 闪光,闪耀

tiny ['ta?n?] adj. 极小的,微小的

cry [kra?] v. & n. 哭;叫喊

field [fi:ld] n. 田野;场地

hug [h?g] n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱

lift [lIft] v. 举起;抬高 n. 电梯;搭便车

badly [?b?dli] adv. 严重地;差;非常

talk back 回嘴;顶嘴

awful [??:fl] adj. 很坏的;讨厌的

teen [ti:n] n.(13至19岁之间的)青少年

regret [ri?gret] v. 感到遗憾;懊悔

poem [?p?uim] n. 诗;韵文

community [k??mju:n?ti] n. 社区;社团

keep away from 避免接近;远离

chance [t?a:ns] [t??ns] n. 机会;可能性

make one’s own decision 自己做决定

educate [?ed?ukeit] v. 教育 ;教导

manage [?m?nid?] v. 完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面)

society [s??sai?ti] n. 社会

get in the way of 挡……的路;妨碍

support [s??p?:(r)t] v. & n. 支持

enter [ent?(r)] v. 进来;进去

choice [t???s] n.选择; 挑选

Picasso [pi'k?s?u] 毕加索(西班牙画家)



【重点 短语 】

1.get his driver’s license 取得驾驶执照

2.no way没门,不行

3.sixteen-year-olds 十六岁的人sixteen-year-old 十六岁的

4. be worried about=worry about 担

5. have part-time jobs 做兼职工作

6. get one’s ears pierced 打耳洞

7. get / have / make sth. done 使某物被做……

8. stop doing sth 停止做某事

9. stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

10. spend time with sb. 花时间和某人在一起

11.take photos, take a photo 照相

12.use a flash 使用闪光灯

13.all night 整夜

14.stay by my side 呆在我身边

15.make sure = be sure 确保,确定

16.keep sb. (away) from sth使某人远离某物

17. hurt oneself 伤害某人自己

18. give sb. a hug = hug sb. 拥抱某人

19.lift sb.up 举起某人

20. cough badly 剧烈地咳嗽21. talk back 回嘴

22. an adult 一个成人

23. think back to 回想起

24. regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事

25. make one’s own decision 做某人自己的觉得

26.too + adj.+ to do sth. 太…而不能做某事


8.agree with sb 同意某人的观点

29.disagree with sb. 不同意某人的观点

30.move out 搬出去


1.I don’t think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.我认为不应该允许12岁的孩子穿耳孔。

2. They talk instead of doing homework.他们聊天而不是做作业。

3. He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm.


4. We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.


5. What school rules do you think should be changed?


6. The two pairs of jeans both look good on me.


7. The classroom is a real mess.


8. Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?


9. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.

只有这样我才能实现我的梦想。10. They should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much a s they want.应该允许他们对业余 爱好 想练多长时间就练多长时间。11. We have nothing against running.我们没有理由反对他跑步。



1. choosechoose作动词,意为“选择,挑选”,后接宾语,常用搭配如下: choose sth. for sb. 为某人选择某物; choose sb. to do sth. 选择某人做某事;choose + wh从句(where,what,when等引导的特殊疑问句)例如: We has chosen a birthday present for you. 我们已经为你选择了一个礼物。 I’d like to choose Jim to go there with me. 我选择吉姆和我一起去。 Our teacher will let us choose where we should have our picnic. 我们老师要我们选择哪儿 野炊 。

2. chance(1) chance表示“机会”,是可数名词,要表示“做某事的机会”,其后可接 to do sth. 或 of doing sth.。例如: It is a good chance to study English. 这是 学习英语 的好机会。 I have a chance of going to Beijing. 我有机会去北京。(2)表示“希望”、“可能性”,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。要表示“做某事的可能性”,通常后接“of doing” 形式。例如: He has a good chance of winning. 他很有希望获胜。 There is still chance that you will pass the exam. 你考试及格还是有希望的。(3)用于 by chance, 意为“偶然地”、“无意中”。例如: He met her by chance. 他是偶然遇到她的

3. manage (1) 作动词,意为“管理;经营;处理”。例如: He manages a hotel for his father. 他替他父亲经营一家旅馆。 (2) 作动词,还意为“控制;照管;驾驭”。例如: She doesn’t know how to manage her naughty children. 她不知道怎样管好自己的顽皮孩子。(3) 作动词,还指“设法做到”。例如: How did you manage to get their approval? 你怎么得到他们的同意的?

【拓展】辨析:manage to do 与try to domanage to do… 则表示“设法做某事而且成功了”。try to do… 意为“尽力做某事”,但是不一定做成。例如: He managed to pass the examination. = He succeeded in passing the examination. 他成功地通过了考试。 He tried to get the work done with little help. 他尽量在没有什么帮助的情况下完成工作。

4. support(1)support用作动词,意为“支撑、负担重量”。例如: Is the bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries? 这个大桥是足够结实支撑这个重的货车吗?(2)support用作动词,意为“养(家);维持(生活);负担(费用)等”。例如: It’s difficult for him to support himself on such a small salary. 对于他用这么低的薪水养家很困难。 They encouraged me, and they supported me with money.

他们不仅鼓励我,而且与我以金钱上的支持。(3)support用作动词,还表示“支持,赞成”。例如: His family supported him in his decision. 他的家庭支持他的决定。(4)in support of 表示“支持,证明 (作状语)”。例如: He spoke in support of the plan. 他发言支持这项计划。

5. enter(1)enter作动词,意为“进入”。等同于go into, come into。注意enter后面不能跟into。例如: She entered the room quietly. = She went into the room quietly. 她悄悄地进入屋中。(2)enter还可意为“参加,加入;使参加;开始从事;登陆,将……输入”。例如: TheUnited Statesdid not enter the war until April 19, 1917. 美国直到一九一七年四月十九日才参战。 They entered their child at a private school. 他们让他们的孩子在一所私立学校就读。 He showed me how to enter data into the computer. 他告诉我如何将数据输入计算机。

6. hurthurt为普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。例如: You hurt her feelings when you said she was fat. 你说她胖,伤害了她的感情了。 I hope you haven’t hurt yourself. 但愿你没有受伤。

【拓展】表示人体某部位“痛”时的几种结构:(1)have a + 身体部位名词后加-ache构成。例如: have a headache 头痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a stomachache胃痛(2)have a sore + 身体部位名词。例如: have a sore throat 喉咙痛 have a sore arm 胳膊痛(3)身体部位 + hurt/ache。例如: My eyes hurts. 我眼睛痛。 My legs ache. 我腿疼。(4)have a pain in/ on + the + 身体部位。例如: I have a pain in the arm. 我胳膊痛。(5)There is something wrong with + one’s + 身体部位。例如: There is something wrong with your eyes. 你的眼睛有毛病。

7. achieve(1) achieve作及物动词,意为“完成,实现”。例如: You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way. 你若总是这样消磨时间,就永远不会有所成就。 Everybody should be given the chance to achieve their aims. 要让每个人都有机会实现自己的目标。 No one can achieve anything without effort. 谁也不可能不努力而有所作为。(2) achieve作及物动词,意为“达到,赢得”。例如: The actor achieved fame when he was only nineteen. 那位演员十九岁时就成名了。 She achieved no success. 她有没获得成功。

【拓展】achievement作名词,意为“成就,成绩”。例如: The invention of the computer is a great achievement. 发明电脑是一大成就。

8.dreamdream意为“做梦”,作不及物动词,常用于短语dream of/about doing sth.意为“梦想/梦见做某事”。例如: He often dreams at night. 他在晚上经常做梦。 She often dreams of / about her grandmother. 她经常梦到她的奶奶。 Many young people dream of/about becoming famous basketball player. 许多年轻人都梦想成为有名的 篮球 运动员。

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1. We know how much he loves running. 我们知道他有多爱好跑步

2. We have nothing against running. 我们没有一点要反对跑步的意思

3. But we do think that our son should be realistic. 但是我们认为我们的儿子需要现实一点

4. I think I should be allowed to make decisions for myself. 我认为应该允许我自己做决定

5. My parents have always taught me the importance of working hard and not just to do what I enjoy. 我的父母一直教育我努力学习的重要性,不要只做我感兴趣的事情

6. But I’m serious about running. 但是我对跑步很认真

7. Being a professional runner is the only thing I have ever wanted to do. 成为一名职业田径运动员是我一直想做的唯一的一件事

8. I know my parents care about me, but they are always talking about what will happen if I don’t succeed. 我知道父母关心我,但他们总是在谈论如果我不成功怎么办

9. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream. 只有这样我才有机会实现我的梦想

10. What would you do if you had a million dollars? 如果你有一百万美元,你打算做什么?

11. I’d give it to medical research. 我会把钱捐给医学研究。

12. He is late for the party. 他晚会迟到了。

13. He doesn’t know what to wear. 他不知道该穿什么。

14. He doesn’t know if he should bring a present. 他不知道他是否应该带礼物。

15. I don’t have a present .What if everyone else brings a present?我没有礼物。如果其他的每个人都带礼物怎么办?

16. I get nervous before big parties. 在大型晚会前,我会感到紧张。

17. If I were you , I’d take a long walk before going to bed .如果我是你,我会在睡觉前走上长长的一段路。

18. If I were you ,I’d talk to someone who looks friendly.如果我是你,我就会和看起来很友善的人交谈。

19. I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one. 我真的想要条狗,但是我的父母不会让我养的

20. What are you like? 你的性格如何?

21. What would you do if your brother borrowed your clothes without permission? 如果你的弟弟没有经过你的允许就借走了你的衣服,你会怎么办?

22. I would rather stay at home than go to the movie today.今天我宁原呆在家里也不原去看电影。

23. You always come up with good solution to people’s problems.你总能想出解决问题的好办法。

24. Just for fun.开心一刻。

25. .... have a lot of experience dealing with teenagers .解决青少年的问题很有经验。

26. come out 出版

27. What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? 如果不小心割伤了自己怎么办?

28. You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.你应该用一块干净布将伤口包起来,并用劲压它 i

29. If it is a deep cut ,you should see a doctor.

30. It must be Carla’s. 这一定是卡拉的


1. I don’t have a partner to practice English with.我没有同伴和他一起练习英语。

2. Knowledge comes from questioning.知识来源于质疑。

3. You probably understand more than you think.你可能比你想象的懂得多。

4. It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟。

5. It serves you right. 你活该。

6. Use it or lose it. 不用则废。

7. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

8. These days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy. 这些天,在我们这个地区正发生奇怪的事情,而且大家为此闷闷不乐。

9. When he was interviewed by the local newspaper, he said,Every night we hear strange noises outside the window. 当他被当地报纸采访的时候,他说:每天夜里我们听到窗外奇怪的声音

10. They can’t find anything strange .他们没有发现任何可疑的事。


1. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

2. 总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来。

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.

3. 但是,和都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,,而。然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)

But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.

4. 就我个人而言,我相信,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为

Personally, I believe that_____. Consequently, I'm confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.

5. 随着社会的发展,。因此,迫切需要。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。

With the development of society, ______.So its urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

6. 至于我(对我来说,就我而言),我认为更合理。只有这样,我们才能

For my part, I think it reasonable to_____. Only in this way can you _____.

7. 对我来说,我认为有必要。原因如下:第一,; 第二,;最后但同样重要的是

In my opinion, I think it necessary to____. The reasons are as follows. First _____.Second ______. Last but not least,______.

8. 在总体上很难说是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现。

It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view find______.

9. 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.

10. 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是

If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.



◆ unit11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

目标语言:ask for information politely




1. 宾语从句的定义:宾语从句就是在复合句中作主句的宾语。

2. 宾语从句的引导词:1)连词that引导的宾语从句,在口语和非正式文件中可以省略。2)由连接代词what, which, who, whose或连接副词when, where, why, how等词引导的宾语从句。3)由连词if或whether引导。如,I hope that you will have a good holiday. He asked who could answer this question. They don’t know if they will visit the history museum tomorrow.

3. 宾语从句的语序:宾语从句的语序应当用陈述语序。即,从句的连接词后面是主语+谓语+宾语的语序。注意连接词在句子中当主语时,后面直接跟谓语和宾语。如He asked who could answer these questions. Could you tell us what time the plane leaves?

4. Perhaps, maybe, probably: perhaps表示“可能,也许”,之意但不能肯定,它修饰整个句子。Maybe为副词,表示“或许,大概”之意,一般用于句子的开头,常用于口语。Probably有可能性较大的意味,可以位于句首,也可以位于谓语动词前,情态动词,助动词或be动词的后面。

5. both, either, neither: both表示“两者都”;either表示“两者中的任何一个”;neither表示“两者中任何一个都不”。1)作形容词时,neither,either修饰名词的单数形式,both则修饰名词的复数形式。2)作代词时,neither,either通常被视为单数,both用作复数。作代词时,both还可以作同位语,neither, either则不可以。3)neither…nor意思为“既不…也不…”;either…or意思为“或是….或是…”;both…and…意思为“双方都….;既….又…”三者均为并列连词。即连接两个相同的句子成分。当neither…nor, either…or连接句子的两个主语时,其后谓语动词通常和最邻近的主语在人称及数上保持一致。Both…and….连接句子的两个主语时,其后的谓语动词通常使用复数形式。

6. dress, have on, put on, wear: dress作及物动词用时,指“给某人穿衣服”,dress既可以表示动作,也可以表示状态。Dress表示替别人穿衣服时,接表示人的名词或代词作宾语。如,The mother dressed her son quickly and took him to the kindergarten. Dress表示自己穿衣服这个动作时,接反身代词作宾语,或者用作不及物动词。如,Lily is old enough to dress herself. Dress作不及物动词用,意思是“穿衣,穿礼服”。

◆ unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands.

目标语言:Tell what you are supposed to do

重点句型:P95-2b&2c, P97-1&2b



1. be supposed to do sth.:be supposed是suppose一词的被动语态结构。后接动词不定式时,含义相当于should后接不定式。但should后面的不定式要省略不定式符号to,且属于主动语态形式,使用起来较严肃和正式;而be supposed to do sth的使用教随便,建议性强。否定式为be not supposed to do sth.,另外ought to do sth也是其一个同义表达的形式,但要注意表示过去时,ought后接完成式的不定式,使用时需要灵活掌握和运用。如You are not supposed to shake hands.= You shouldn’t shake hands.= You ought not (oughtn’t) to shake hands.你不应与之握手。

2. Unfamiliar的用法:为形容词,意思为“不熟悉的;没有见过或听过的”,其同义为strange,其反义词为familiar.1) be unfamiliar to…表示“不深知的;生疏的”如,That face is unfamiliar to me.那副面孔我很生疏。2)be unfamiliar with…表示“没听过,没听见,不熟悉的”如,I am unfamiliar with their music.我没听过他们的音乐。

3. used to do sth, be used to do sth, be/get used to sth./ doing sth.: 1) used to do sth意思是“过去常常做某事;过去曾经做某事”,表示过去发生的动作,其中的to do sth为不定式结构。如,I used to take piano lessons.我过去上钢琴课。2)be used to do sth意思为“被用来做某事”,其中的to do sth是不定式结构。如,Paper is used to make kites.纸用来做风筝。3)be/get used to 表示“习惯于”,如果get/be used to后面接动词时,则要使用动词-ing形式。如,She is used to living in the country.她习惯居住在农村。

4. most, mostly, the most:1)most可修饰动词,意思是“最,第一”如,That problem troubles him most.那个问题最使他头痛。Most常可作very 用,修饰kind, helpful, grateful, beautiful等表示主观感觉的形容词和副词。这时不表示比较,不能和the连用。如It’s most kind of you.你真好。Most作代词用,意思为“大多数的,最多的,最大的”。其反义词为fewest,least.2)mostly为副词,表示“大体上,大部分”等意思。如She is mostly out on Sunday.星期天她多半不在家。3)the most表示“最大数量,最大限度”。如,This is the most I can do.这是我力所能及的。

5.Except, besides,but都含有“除了,除…外”的意思。1)except意思为“除…外(不再有)”,其前常接all, any, every, no及其复合词等词。如I answer all the questions except the last one.除了最后一个问题灭有答上外,其余问题我都答上了。2)besides意思为“除…外(还有)”如,I have a few friends besides you. 除了你之外,我还有几个朋友。3)but后接名词,代词和原形动词,可以和except互换,但except后接副词,介词短语时,不能用but 来代替。如,Mary did nothing except/ but clean the dishes.玛丽只洗盘子。

6.point at, point to, point out: point意思为“指着,指向”,在用事物名词作主语时,一般和point to连用,在用人物名词作主语时,常用point at.如,Our teacher is pointing at the map on the wall.我们的老师在指着墙上的地图。The land of the clock points to six.时钟的针指向六。2)point at可以分开来理解,也就是point后直接跟名词或代词作宾语,at表示方向,point to没有这种用法。3)point out是“指出“的意思,属于“动副”结构的短语,虽可跟宾语,但若是代词,须放point和out之间。如,Can you point out the church in this picture?你能指出这张图画中的教堂吗?

◆unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.

目标语言:talk about how things affect you

重点句型: P102-1b&1c, P103-2b, P105-2a



1. make的用法:1)make+名词/代词+形容词或形容词短语 如,The good news made us happy.这条好消息使我们很高兴。2)make+名词/代词+省略to的动词不定式 如,They made us laugh.他们让我们大笑起来。3)make+名词/代词+介词短语或名词短语 如,The boss made her his assistant.老板让她作自己的助理。4)make+名词或代词+过去分词短语 如,Can you make yourself understood in English?你能用英语把意思表达清楚吗?5)make it+时间 如,Let’s make it half past two.让我们把时间约定在2:30吧。

2. would rather, prefer: 1)prefer是一个行为动词,后接带to的不定式,表示一个具体的特定行为,意思为“更喜欢”。如,He preferred to have a part-time job.他宁愿找一份兼职工作。2)两者接不定式时,分别与than和rather than搭配,即prefer to do…rather than do…意思为“宁愿做…而不愿做….”,would rather do…than do…意思为“宁愿做…而不愿做…”.如,Liu Hulan preferred to die rather than surrender.= Liu Hulan would rather die than surrender.刘胡兰宁死不屈。3)prefer…to…相当于like…better than…意思为“喜欢….更胜过喜欢…..”。其后接名词,代词,动词-ing形式。如,I prefer tea to coffee.我喜欢喝茶胜过喜欢喝咖啡。4)prefer和 would rather后都可接从句,从句要用虚拟语气。Prefer后接从句时,用 should加动词原形的形式,should也可以省去,而would rather后接从句时,要用过去时态表示现在和将来,用过去完成时态表示过去。如 I would rather you came on Sunday.我倒希望你星期天来。I prefer that we(should)do it in another way.我更希望我们用另一种方式做这件事。

3. learn…from, learn of, learn…by: 1)learn…from后接表示人的名词,意思为“向…学习”;后接表示事物的名词,意思为“从…中学习”。如,We must learn from Comrade Lei Feng.我们一定要向雷锋同志学习。We have learnt a lot from your lecture.我们从你的报告中学到了很多东西。2)learn of后接表示人或事物的名词,意思为“听说,了解到”,相当于hear of。指间接地获得信息,有时可用介词about代替of,但learn about还有“学习有关方面知识”的意思。如,We were sorry to learn of his failure.听到他失败的消息我们非常遗憾。3)learn..by后接表示事物的名词或动词。接表示事物的名词时,意思为“从…学习”,可与learn from互换;接动词-ing形式时,意思为“通过…方式学习”。如You should learn a language by speaking it.你应当通过说的方式来学习一种语言。另外,learn …by heart是“熟记;背下来”的意思。如You should learn all the words by heart.你应当把所有的单词都背下来。

4. other, another, the other, others, the others: 1)other作前置定语时,修饰单数或复数名词。如I will come again some other days.我改日再来。2)another用于泛指三者以上的不定数目中的“另一个”,其所修饰的名词前不加冠词。如I don’t want this one. Please give me another.我不想要这个,请给我另一个。3)the other表示两者中的“另一个”或两部分中的“另一部分”,是特指。如There are six people in the room.Four are girls, the other two are boys.房间里有六个人,四个是女孩,其余两个是男孩。4)others用作代词,泛指“其他人”或“其他事物”。如,Some are singing and dancing, some are drawing ,others are climbing the hill.一些人在唱歌,跳舞,一些人在画画,还有一些人在爬山。5)the others指整体中除去一部分后,剩余的全部。如 There are fifty-five students in our class. Thirty of us are girls. The others are boys.我们班有五十五名学生,三十人是女生,其余的是男生。

5. compare…to…意思“把…比作….”着重注意两者间的相似点。如,Young people are often compared to the sun at eight or nine in the morning.年轻人常被比作早晨八,九点钟的太阳。2)compare…with…意思为“拿….与…相比,把…与…相比较”,侧重指两者间的区别。如,Compare your composition with hers and you will see whose is better.如果把你的作文与她的加以比较的话,便知谁的较好了。

6. carry, bring, take , get, fetch: carry的意思是“携带,搬运,负担”,即把某人带在身边后把某物带在身上,指随身携带,并将它从一处带到另一处。携带的方式可以是提,扛,背,抱,抬等。Carry不说明带的方向。2)bring的意思是把某人或某物“带来,拿来”,强调方向,即从别处拿到说话人这儿来,而不强调带的方式,其后可跟双宾语。3)take的意思是把某人或某物“带走,拿走”,即说话人这儿带到别处去。4)get和fetch的意思相近,表示到某处去把某人找到并带来,或把某物找到并取来。Get常用于口语中。

◆ Unit 14 Have you packed yet?

目标语言:talk about recent events




1. 现在完成时的构成:have/has+动词的过去分词

2. 现在完成时的肯定句:


主语(第三人称单数)+has +动词过去分词

3. 现在完成时的否定句:主语+have/has+not+过去分词

4. 现在完成时的疑问句及回答:Have/Has +主语+过去分词?

5. 现在完成时的用法:1)表示一个过去发生并结束的动作对现在产生的结果和影响,可以细分为下列两种情况:a.表示开始于过去的动作刚刚结束,常和just, now , already, yet等连用。如,I have finished my homework now.现在我已经做完作业了。b.表示过去动作的结果现在仍残留着,一般不和时间状语连用。如I have lost my pen.我把钢笔弄丢了。(说明过去某时丢的,现在还没有找到这支钢笔)。2)表继续(动作未结束)。如 I have lived here since 1989.我自从1989年就住在这。(表示现在仍住在这)【注意】表示过去已经开始,持续到现在,而且还继续下去的动作或状态。

6. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:两种时态都表示过去发生的动作,但现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的联系,对现在产生的结果,影响等,而一般过去时则只表示过去的事实,不表示和现在的关系。表示过去固定时间状语只能与一般过去时连用,而不能与现在完成时连用。表示过去时的时间状语:yesterday, last week, a week ago, on Friday, just now, in the evening, the other day。现在完成时的时间状语:since Monday, until now, for a long time, since I came here, since last week, up to now, lately, recently.

7. look for, find , find out, search: look for表示“寻找”,强调找的动作或过程。2)find表示“找到”,强调找的结果。3)find out表示“找出,查明”之意,指经过调查,观察,询问或研究等手段发现或找到。4)search是指对某一处所,人身进行搜查或指寻找想找的人或物,后面可以接介词for,但比look for语气更强些。

8. go on的其他用法:go on意思为“继续”时,有下列几种用法:1)go on doing sth.意思为“继续做某事”2)go on to do sth意思为“继续做(另一件事)3)go on with sth有时与go on doing互换使用,意思为“继续做某事”。

9. in the last/past +数字+名词表示“在过去的….时间里”,常用于现在完成时的句子中。

10. get back意思为“取回”;get back意思为“回来”,相当于return

11. yet, already:yet用于否定句和疑问句中。Already主要用于肯定句中,用于疑问句中时常表示惊讶。2) yet常放在句尾,也可以紧跟在not的后面,而already则常放在句中。

◆ Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!

目标语言:Debate an issue




1. be proud of…, be proud to do sth, be the pride of…:1)be proud of表示“以…为自豪/骄傲”2)be proud to do sth表示“骄傲/自豪去做某事”3)be the pride of表示“是...的骄傲”

2. be suitable for适合的,恰当的

3. be made from, be made of:1) be made from指制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特性,原材料发生了本质的变化,在成品中已无法辨认。2)be made of意思为“由…构成,由…制成”,但be made of是指未经变化,仍可以看出原材料是什么,保持了原材料的质或形状。

4. 长,宽,高的表达法 :数字+量词+形容词。如20 metres wide二十米宽

5. Little, small, tiny: little是一般用语,与great和big相对;small含有“比较小”的意味,与large相对;tiny常和little通用,但little侧重指形体小的,常带有爱惜,赞赏,轻蔑等情感的意味;tiny表示非常小,带有较强的感情色彩;small是就实体而言,按平均大小对比,是“比较小的”,侧重度量,面积,数字等;little也表示“小”,往往指不可数的量。

6. Feed on吃…过日子; 用…喂养

7. Foot的用法:on foot 步行 foot by foot一步一步地 at the foot of在…脚下on one’s feet站立着 set foot in踏进 stand on one’s own feet自立

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