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arisefrom什么意思 arise什么意思中文


arisefrom什么意思 arise什么意思中文arisefrom什么意思 arise什么意思中文

1、Idiomatically "arise" is used with "from" or "out of" and not "by".They have a few different meanings. Literal meaninngs with sample sentences: 1. to get up from something. What time did you arise from bed? I arose out of my slumbers at dawn. 2. [for something] to drift upward from something. The *** oke arose from the burning oil wells. The *** oke arose out of the exhaust pipe. Figurative meanings with sample sentences: 3. to be due to something; to be caused by something. This whole problem arose from your stubbornness. The labour problem arose out of mi *** anagement. Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause. 4. [for someone] to e from poor or unfortunate circumstances. She arose from poverty to attain great wealth. She arose out of squalor through her own hard work.参考: idioms.thefreedictionary/ariseIdiomatically "arise" is used with "from" or "out of" and not "by" ~ 意I思A is right. “用arise这词并不是主动词而是被动词方式” ~另一回答者的 statement 似是而非易引起误解 When an opportunityproblemor new state of affairs arisesit begins to exist. This is the most mon meaning of arise. 2014-01-31 03:45:03 补充: “Arise” is an intritive verb. arise by someonearisen by someone … grammatically wrong New learners of English sometimes mit the cardinal sin of ignoring one of the basic grammar rules. ---- Intritive verb doesn’t have a passive form. 2014-01-31 03:52:44 补充: You can use a prepositional phrase after “arise”. In that caseyou have "by"'in".. after "arise" Do morphogen gradients arise by diffusion? I arise at 7.00 a.m. He studied the topology of pathological spaces that arise in dynamical systems.一个phrase配用的preposition要按那词/字的含意来配合的, 不是所有词都百撘所有preposition的. arise的词义本身是指兴起,出现,发生,生长等等,就算用中文理解这词义都是表达一样东西「由」某一个原初未冒出的状态而出现或抬起头来。

2、所以 arise from和arise out of之后连下去的(填充)词都是描述它由甚么原始状态冒起, by这preposition表达的意思有cause(因果关系的),而by之后连接的描述词是那因或由于或由甚么组成。


4、 除非用arise这词并不是主动词而是被动词方式来写某东西被使至冒起,才会有点何能用by接下去,但这个by的写法不是接连表达arise而是交代那东西被甚么因素/人而得以冒升/发生。

5、 假如硬要作一句: The civil revolt was arisen by the unwillingness of the ernment to listen to the lower class citizens. 同一情景内容一般只会客观讲述重点是交代主体(人物-事件)的关系,而未必是因由(因为通常事因都未必是单一的,但结果和主体一般都较为明确可以单一表达) The civil revolt arises from the lower class citizens after the ernment was unwilling to listen to them.。


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