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英语一2013text1答案 2013年英语一详细答案


64题这里find his friend a book liar,说的是他朋友没读过那本书,却装成读过:in his words, "a brilliantly written book" 用朋友的话来说“一本写得很棒的书”,在接下来的谈话中我发现他根本没读过此书,证据是:He then went on to talk about Obama in a way which suggested he had no idea of his background at all.他接下来谈论的那种方式表明他对的背景一无所知。(言外之意,书中对的背景有详尽的描述);如果读过这本书不会说出外行话。因此推断a brilliantly written book 是谎言。 a book liar=没读过却说读过某本书的人通过进一步的讨论得知,仅靠只是一个例子

英语一2013text1答案 2013年英语一详细答案英语一2013text1答案 2013年英语一详细答案

考研英语一2013年篇阅读overdressed is the fashion world's answer to ……中的answer to的意思

answer to



The cow answered to its cowboy's touch.




The child answers only to its nickname.




The directors had to answer to the stock holders for loss.




He answers to the description.




That answers precisely to our need.




The sails are not answering to our pull on the ropes.




"The Internet affords anonymity to its users — a boon to privacy and freedom of speech. But that very anonymity is also behind the explosion of cybercrime that has 1 across the Web. Can privacy be preserved 2 bringing a semblance of safety and security to a world that seems increasingly 3 ? Last month, Howard Schmidt, the nation’s cyberczar, offered the Obama government a 4 to make the Web a safer place — a “voluntary identify” system that would be the high-tech 5 of a physical key, fingerprint and a photo ID card, all rolled 6 one. The system might use a art identity card, or a digital credential 7 to a specific computer, and would authenticate users at a range of online services. The idea is to 8 a federation of private online identify systems. Users could 9 which system to join, and only registered users whose identities he been authenticated could nigate those systems. The approach contrasts with one that would require an Internet driver’s license 10 by the government. Google and Microsoft are among companies that already he sign-on” systems that make it possible for users to 11 just once but use many different services. 12 , the approach would create a “walled garden” in safe “neighborhoods” and bright “streetlights” to establish a sense of community. Mr. Schmidt described it as a “voluntary ecosystem” in which individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with 14 ,trusting the identities of the infrastructure that the transaction runs 15 .'" Still, the administration’s plan has 16 privacy rights activists. Some applaud the approach; others are concerned. It seems clear that such an initiative push toward what would 17 be a license” mentality. The plan has also been greeted with 18 by some experts, who worry that the “voluntary ecosystem” would still lee much of the Internet 19 .They argue that should be 20 to register and identify themselves, in drivers must be licensed to drive on public roads. 1.A.swept B. skipped C. walked D. ridden 2.A.for B. within C. while D. though 3.A.careless B. lawless C. pointless D. helpless 4.A.reason B. reminder C. compromise D. proposal 5.A.information B. interference C. entertainment D. equivalent 6.A.by B. into C. from D. over 7.A.linked B. directed C. chained D. compared 8.A.diiss B. discover C. create D. improve 9.A.recall B. suggest C. select D. realize 10.A.released B. issued C. distributed D. delivered 11.A.carry on B. linger on C. set in D. log in 12.A.In vain B. In effect C. In return D. In contrast 13.A.trusted B. modernized C. thriving D. competing 14.A.caution B. delight C. confidence D. patience 15.A.on B. after C. beyond D. across 16.A.divided B. disappointed C. protected D. united 17.A.frequently B. incidentally C. occasionally D. eventually 18.A.skeptici B. tolerance C. indifference D. enthusia 19.A.manageable B. defendable C. vulnerable D. invisible 20.A.invited B. appointed C. allowed D. forced 参:1-5 ACBDD 6-10 BACCA 11-15 DBACA 16-20 CDACD




partC: Languages; acquire; success; throughout; radio; concerts; success

Languages basically the undersatanding of the words and the relationship between sentence; this is impossible even we listen in our own languages;

he can find out his strenghts and weaknesses;


test2: partA: c b c d c d c a ;

pareB:a b d b d b d :

partC:value; fashionable; delicious; possessing; source;

means; Profiting the expensive of their victims; But in my opinon the truly happy are those who make money through their work and live within their income; In itself has little value if it does not give people read happiness;

partD: ccccbcdbdc






Another approach to getting more done in less time is to rethink how you reprioritize your day – in particular how we craft our to-do lists. Tim Harford, author of Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives, points to a study in the early 1980s that divided undergraduates into two groups: some were advised to set out monthly goals and study activities; others were told to plan activities and goals in much more detail, day by day.

While the researchers assumed that the well-structured daily plans would be most effective when it came to the execution of tasks, they were wrong: the detailed daily plans demotivated students. Harford argues that inevitable distractions often render the daily to-do list ineffective, while leing room for improvisation in such a list can reap the best results.

37. The study in the early 1980s cited by Harford shows that .

A. students are hardly motivated by monthly goals

B. detailed plans may not be as fruitful as expected

C. distractions may actually increase efficiency

D. daily schedules are indispensable to studying





Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles. Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable, teachers’ unions he fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.

As the cost to everyone else has become clearer, politicians he begun to clamp down. In Wisconsin the unions he rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker, the hardline Republican governor. But many within the public sector suffer under the current system, too.

39. The example of the unions in Wisconsin shows that unions

[A]often run against the current political system.

[B]can change people’s political attitudes.

[C]may be a barrier to public-sector reforms.

[D]are dominant in the government.

解析:该题由段句以及第二段句可知,正确答案为C。而错误选项中,A、B都为偷换概念。原文中二段首句中出现了politician政客,而A、B中分别出现了political system体系、political attitudes态度,三者都与有关,但是中心词却分别为人、体系、态度,截然不同。




Though several fast-fashion companies he made efforts to curb their impact on labor and the environment – including H&M, with its green Conscious Collection line –Cline believes lasting change can only be effected by the customer. She exhibits the ideali common to many advocates of sustainability, be it in food or in energy. Vanity is a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainably when they can’t afford not to.

24. Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?

[A] Vanity has more often been found in idealists.

[B] The fast-fashion industry ignores sustainability.

[C] People are more interested in unaffordable garments.

[D] Pricing is vital to environment-friendly purchasing.



Perhaps willfully, it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about the more immediate future. The potential evolution of today's technology, and its social consequences, is dazzlingly complicated, and it's perhaps best left to science fiction writers and futurologists to explore the many possibilities we can envisage. That's one reason why we he launched Arc, a new publication dedicated to the near future.

33. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 5?

[A] Arc helps limit the scope of futurological studies.

[B] Technology offers solutions to social problem.

[C] The interest in science fiction is on the rise.

[D] Our Immediate future is hard to conceive.



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